Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

lovely_locks no I'm length obsessed so I will probably only trim when I have a lot breakage at the line of demarcation. I'm 14 months post.

divachyk I don't measure. If I had to guess it would be 3 parts water and 1 part conditioner. I usually only mix a little at a time to avoid mold in the bottle so I add water and conditioner as needed.
I'm going to try banding today. Has anyone had success with this method while transitioning? I'm 2 years post but boy does my hair look short on wash days.
Eboni801 I used to do it often early on in my transition. I just attempted it again this past wash day (I'm 15 months post).
I didn't do it the proper way at all, I just slapped some scrunchies on my head and called it a day. I know when I take my hair down to M&S this weekend I will be paying for not doing a proper banding :lol:

I think when it's done with care you can get decent results.
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Eboni801 I used to do it often early on in my transition. I just attempted it again this past wash day (I'm 15 months post). I didn't do it the proper way at all, I just slapped some scrunchies on my head and called it a day. I know when I take my hair down to M&S this weekend I will be paying for not doing a proper banding :lol: I think when it's done when care you can get decent recents.

Thanks for your reply. I'm hoping it will give me a blow out kind of effect so I can bun without looking crazy.
Here you go! Transitioned for 6 months, was planning on not cutting until 24 months but I'm stressed so here it is. I'm happy despite it being done on impulse. This Is My second time going natural. I originally went natural in Feb.2010 after a 7 month transition got to MBL/WL and relaxed Dec.2013. No more relaxers for me for real this time. I enjoy being natural more so then the perks of having a relaxer.

I'm almost 18 months post which means I'm almost halfway through my transition. :look:

I been doing mini chops and started with grazing WL relaxed hair that was 22 inches in some spots. Now I'm grazing MBL on my way to WL again while transitioning. I have 4-6 inches of relaxed ends left. By next year, I should still be MBL but all natural. Crosses fingers. Here's my recent pic straightened. Too bad my roots reverted.


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3 years. My transitioning hair is behaving and I need the length to do buns and ponies. Hopefully some ladies will still be here with me next year.

I'll still be here. I'm only 8 month post and I plan to go 36 months as well. I'm happy to hear that only your roots reverted. All my natural hair is pretty much just my roots so when it reverts I can't tell if it's because my natural hair will revert easily or if just my roots will revert

I like when my roots revert, it gives my hair some body.
I'll still be here. I'm only 8 month post and I plan to go 36 months as well. I'm happy to hear that only your roots reverted. All my natural hair is pretty much just my roots so when it reverts I can't tell if it's because my natural hair will revert easily or if just my roots will revert I like when my roots revert, it gives my hair some body.

Hey there! I'm glad! My roots reverted because I workout and the sweat got to it I guess. My natural hair reverts back easily and is hard to straighten.
so now i'm over 4 mths post. not noticing much of a difference except that my hair tangles less when i shampoo but that tangling tapered off a while ago.
for a long period after a relaxer i get dreadful tangling at the roots from shampooing.
So glad that's over.

guess i'm nearing 5 months since i wrote the last post in early january.
doing well with me hair. no issues as yet.
I'll still be here if my hair let's me. I haven't had the best of luck preventing breakage at the line of demarcation.
I braided the section that I cut off early and I didn't even need a rubber band. It just curled up at the end without me doing anything and my hair wasn't even wet. I always saw others hair do that in YouTube tutorials but never imagined mine would do that!
I'm going to try banding today. Has anyone had success with this method while transitioning? I'm 2 years post but boy does my hair look short on wash days.

in used to band on natural hair with hair bands. it stretched my hair well and left it soft .
i had about 10 sections and made sure to cover the hair well and stretch it with the bands. let it dry for long( at least when the bands are dry)
3 years. My transitioning hair is behaving and I need the length to do buns and ponies. Hopefully some ladies will still be here with me next year.

i dont know when im ending my transition.
next Week in will be 15 months post. im still holding on well. i was thinking at least 24 months would be good. i also need some lenght before chopping. i need tk be able to bun , clip it up...
so, im still here i guess until decemer at least. if in december im not satisfied and feel that i can go on, i will continue transitionning.
When you figure out the secret to stop breakage. Please share.

the only one working for me is:very low manipulation ( i just clip it up all the time )

finger detangle a lot, then use a comb (but the comb was rare compared to finger detangling ).

listen carefully to your hair and its needs, not just the routine you have planified.

i dusted my hair to keep the ends nice and avoid big tangled mess and breakage.

moisture moisture and protein every now and then.

i have no severe breakage (im soon 15 months post) my démarcation line is fine, has no breakage.
i had breakage at about 10 months post (the length)? but its now back to normal

and keep your hair stretched .

oooh: that was a lot of writing , i was supposed to says 1 thing lol
coolsista-paris I'm going to try very low manipulation. It's a mental thing for me to feel like I need to be in my hair every day. Might as well master it during my transition because I'm sure I'll need it bring natural.
the only one working for me is:very low manipulation ( i just clip it up all the time ) finger detangle a lot, then use a comb (but the comb was rare compared to finger detangling ). listen carefully to your hair and its needs, not just the routine you have planified. i dusted my hair to keep the ends nice and avoid big tangled mess and breakage. moisture moisture and protein every now and then. i have no severe breakage (im soon 15 months post) my démarcation line is fine, has no breakage. i had breakage at about 10 months post (the length)? but its now back to normal and keep your hair stretched . oooh: that was a lot of writing , i was supposed to says 1 thing lol

Be been binning or pony tailing it 6 days a week. I wear it down on Fridays. I keep
My hair moisturized as well. It's not breaking a lot, but I can see it is getting worse. I'm only a little over 2 months in. I can't BC yet! I'm not looking for a long transition. Just 6 months. Enough new growth to cover my ears.
k these poofy roots are bothering me in february...
im not gonna make this transition i can tell
wait till its warm :(
ah well, guess ill relax twice a year
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Hey there! I'm glad! My roots reverted because I workout and the sweat got to it I guess. My natural hair reverts back easily and is hard to straighten.

I workout a lot too. There is no way I can keep my roots from reverting. But if my length stays straight I won't mind. If my length reverts this easily I MAY go back to texlaxing.