Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Hi ladies,

I think I have the slowest hair growth in the world. The BC is calling me, so I decided to chop the front of my hair this morning before work and it only reaches ear length stretched.:perplexed. I am 15 months post.
If it wasn't time to go to work then I think I would have just continued chopping. I'm feeling discouraged because I feel like I am 6 months behind in growth.

It seems like it will take multiple years to reach something simple like APL.
Hi ladies,

I think I have the slowest hair growth in the world. The BC is calling me, so I decided to chop the front of my hair this morning before work and it only reaches ear length stretched.:perplexed. I am 15 months post.
If it wasn't time to go to work then I think I would have just continued chopping. I'm feeling discouraged because I feel like I am 6 months behind in growth.

It seems like it will take multiple years to reach something simple like APL.

i feel you! my hair is "long" now, but it took me OVER THREE YEARS to make it from ALMOST BSL to ALMOST MBL - and thats with only ONE small trim. I've monitored my growth.. i get 1 1/2 inches every SIX MONTHS - no joke - 3 inches a year... and no growth aid helps.
even though im frustrated, the slow growth is the reason i HAVENT BCed.. cuz i couldnt handle having short hair for such an extended period of time - especially natural.

depending on how much you've cut, its not too late to change ur mind and pretend you have layers. :ohwell: Its up to you. i just wanted u to know that i do feel u.. your not the only one with slow growth, and not the only transitioner with that prob either.

growth is a much bigger issue than retention for me. u know ur growth pattern so do what you think will make you happy...

good luck :)
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My last trim was May 2009 when my stylist cut off 4 inches. I have no idea when the next trim will be. I do know that I should have mini one pretty soon.
Thanks, Foxglove!

There is no tentative date for when I will BC. I have just been dusting as I've gone along over the last two years (I was grazing APL when I started transitioning) Maybe when I reach my goal of MBL of natural hair stretched, I'll BC. I'm sure by then all of the relaxed hair would have broken off! LOL :)

LOL!!! This is exactly how I feel. I want to transition until I am MBL stretched also. I am only 38 weeks post so I have a LOOOOONGGGG way to go.

I had to throw down in clinic yesterday. Some one was talking about cutting your hair to make it grow. (she as natural and last year installed locks). I said that is not true. You don't have to cut your have for it to grow. I haven't cut more than a half an inch of hair in the last year and my hair has grown. Then she says well your natural and our (???) hair grows fast. I countered that with. I'm not natural I have several inches of relaxed ends. She imediately asked-----> "why haven't you cut off your ends!"
I or course said "I don't wanna"

Then there was a lot of of blah blah blah about your hair won't grow and you can't have two textures on your head. I started explaining the hair shaft to her and she dropped it.

I will cut my hair when I'm ready. Darnit.

LMBO!!! :lachen:
I am about 51 weeks post i think?? I've been trimming a smidge here and there. I just trimmed about an inch all around about a week ago. Transitioning has not been as challenging as i thought it would be (though there were a few doozies along the way :lol:). It could be because i was texlaxed and was left with a tone of texture. I'm glad i didn't go bone straight. That would have been brutal!

Holy smokes! it will be 52 weeks into my transition as of this Sunday. Aren't there 52 weeks in a year??
I will be 15 months post on 2/15. :yay: I can't believe I've made it this far and have no urge to go back to relaxing.

I blew out and flat ironed my hair last weekend. My hair has grown so much but I need a good trim.

My plan is to:
wash and deep condition every week
finger comb to detangle
continue finding products that my hair loves & keep my staple products
find no/low manipulation and protective styles
no/low heat
eat healthier, exercise, take supplements daily and drink more water
I am about 51 weeks post i think?? I've been trimming a smidge here and there. I just trimmed about an inch all around about a week ago. Transitioning has not been as challenging as i thought it would be (though there were a few doozies along the way :lol:). It could be because i was texlaxed and was left with a tone of texture. I'm glad i didn't go bone straight. That would have been brutal!

Holy smokes! it will be 52 weeks into my transition as of this Sunday. Aren't there 52 weeks in a year??

:yep: Happy 2-year anniversary!
I'm nearing 5 months...I keep it braided for 2 weeks at a time and just wear my wigs. Its too cold in the Midwest to wear it out!
I am revisiting braidouts. I want to give my edges a break. I like them on other people but I'm not sure I like the look on me yet.
I am currently at 55.5 weeks post my last relaxer and need to complete at least another 22.5 to 32.54 weeks. By the way, I still have not decided to transition to natural hair. I still want to texlax in about 8-11 months or so:look:.
Lately my relaxed hair had felt funny. Don't know how to explain it. I bought some pourosity control to see if this helps the proble,. Has anyone else used this?

BTW everyone hang in their. With all the of the recent BC lately I'm getting lonely.
Lately my relaxed hair had felt funny. Don't know how to explain it. I bought some pourosity control to see if this helps the proble,. Has anyone else used this?

BTW everyone hang in their. With all the of the recent BC lately I'm getting lonely.

You don't have to feel lonely BM. I am not big chopping anytime soon.
Haven't relaxed since early Sept. Planning on growing out all the relaxer and cutting an inch or two when I reach 2 inches in new growth till all the relaxer is gone.
Transitioning for me is sooo hard! I have lived most of my adult life in weaves and braids and I didnt even know what to do with my relaxed hair when I would get it done once a year in between braids...but the only way to learn to take care of your hair is to LEARN TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR by wearing it! I liked bunning since I have about 5 inches of relaxed hair left, but I read that ponytails can lead to breakage and sleeping in buns isn't good for your hair so Im scared to continue that practice...Im so tempted to continue with my sew-ins until I'm completely natural which Im hoping to be in about 6 months...Im gonna at least hold out on getting weave until March....hey this is the shortest month of the year, I know I can do that! I tried a braidout and took my time and did 50-11 braids on my hair and rolled my ends with medium clamped rollers and it looked a mess....Im gonna try to learn flat twists and use perm rods for my ends since that seems to get members better results....I tried to learn cornrowing for better braidouts and I got it but I dont have the patience to actually do them in my hair...this thing is sooo patience oriented.....patience with growth....patience with learning about the right hair products and regimens....patience with learning new styling techniques...o I told yall I was frustrated!!! Feels good to vent to people who are familiar with my struggle!
Hey everyone! I'm new to LHCF (after lurking since....May I think) and I'll be 12 weeks post this Friday. I usually stretched my relaxers 13 weeks so I'm not having any problems as of yet. We'll see in the weeks to come. I plan on transitioning for 18 months so we'll see how things go!

I'm so happy to be able to FINALLY POST lol. Everyone's hair is beautiful :-)
A little over 8 weeks and still in braids trying to stretch it to 12 weeks before taking down my Senegalese twists. I know if I take it down too soon the urge to relax will overwhelm me, so trying to do my best and be diligent
A little over 8 weeks and still in braids trying to stretch it to 12 weeks before taking down my Senegalese twists. I know if I take it down too soon the urge to relax will overwhelm me, so trying to do my best and be diligent

I'm still hanging in there also. I've had my twist in for almost 6 wks. I don't think I can make it past another 2 wks. I'm going to try though. I have another appointment set up for another install soon.

NG is out of control....:grin:
So I know the new growth needs moisture to prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. I also see I've made wonderful progress co-washing 3 times a week since last summer. This question is going to sound dumb...actually it's not even a question...but I feel like I'm over-manupulating my hair. I co-wash and then put my hair in 2 braids and leave it like that until the next wash day but I also lose ALOT of hair and I feel like it's worse whenever I wet it. I've shed alot since I was young but it seems especially prevalent whenever I wash my hair....

So I guess my question is, how do you know when you should cut down on the manipulation? I know alot of WL ladies only wash bi-weekly...or is co-washing essential when transitioning?

Thanks for your help!
So I know the new growth needs moisture to prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. I also see I've made wonderful progress co-washing 3 times a week since last summer. This question is going to sound dumb...actually it's not even a question...but I feel like I'm over-manupulating my hair. I co-wash and then put my hair in 2 braids and leave it like that until the next wash day but I also lose ALOT of hair and I feel like it's worse whenever I wet it. I've shed alot since I was young but it seems especially prevalent whenever I wash my hair....

So I guess my question is, how do you know when you should cut down on the manipulation? I know alot of WL ladies only wash bi-weekly...or is co-washing essential when transitioning?

Thanks for your help!

I am by no means an expert, but I have learned quite a few things in my few years here. Shedding is normal, some people tend to shed more than others, I know I don't shed that much, but when my hair gets wet I tend to see more hair loss. However are you seeing shedded hairs, or broken hairs? If it seems like there's more broken than shedded hair then that may indicate over-manipulation. Also what kind of condish are you using for your co-washes? You may need to add a little more protein (if it's broken hairs you are seeing) that may help strengthen the strands. My hair personally hates to be co-washed, it tangles, mats, and looks a HAM, so I probably won't be going that route. You can also try going longer between washes and see if that helps any. Good luck
I am by no means an expert, but I have learned quite a few things in my few years here. Shedding is normal, some people tend to shed more than others, I know I don't shed that much, but when my hair gets wet I tend to see more hair loss. However are you seeing shedded hairs, or broken hairs? If it seems like there's more broken than shedded hair then that may indicate over-manipulation. Also what kind of condish are you using for your co-washes? You may need to add a little more protein (if it's broken hairs you are seeing) that may help strengthen the strands. My hair personally hates to be co-washed, it tangles, mats, and looks a HAM, so I probably won't be going that route. You can also try going longer between washes and see if that helps any. Good luck

I don't get much breakage.....some but a little is inevitable on relaxed hair I thought. I co-wash with Vo5 and DC with a light protein bi-weekly and do a strong protein monthly. But most of the hair that fills my comb and clog my drains are shed hair and it's quite annoying, normal or not. I want to try washing bi-weekly but my ng dries out faster than the rest of my hair so I didn't know if I should moisturize that area more (which would result in buildup??) or continue to co-wash 3 times a week.

Has anyone tried garlic shampoos/conditioners? OR supplements?
Okay, I think I post too much, but I have some products to share.

1. Roux porosity control has excellent slip and there isa trial version that is only two dollars (no commitment) Also I think my relaxed ends really needed it. I think it will be a regular for me. Find it at Sallys

2. The Detangler (there is a paul mitchell and a GVP, It tried both now) - it is a really nice detangler and moisture conditioner. I mixed it with Aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, and honey. I got the gvp at Sallys and a liter bottle at Target.

I'm a PJ. HHG