Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Day 171(5 months, 18 days)

Thursday humour( Diary of a cat)
DAY 768 - I am finally aware of how sadistic they are. For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture. This time however it included a burning foamy chemical called "shampoo." What sick minds could invent such a liquid. My only consolation is the piece of thumb still stuck between my teeth.
Hi all,

Just checking in. Next week I will be 9 months post!!:woohoo2:

I have a hair appointment set up for the 25th and I will be getting a mini-chop of 2 inches. I have worn my side updo to death! I must find another transition style that works for me.
My braidouts are getting better and better. Between KBB and Qhemet, my moisture content is going up. My relaxed hair is breaking a little around the last 2 inches but I don't care. It's gonna be gone in a minute anyway. I'm focusing on my new growth and the demarcation line and there's been very little breakage there. I'm also contemplating a mini chop of about 2 inches.

EVCO and EVOO are my best friends right now. I find that if warm them up and oil my hair the night before wash day, detangling is much less traumatic. Hang in there ladies! Happy transitioning!
Hi Everyone! I just made the decision on Monday to transition to natural! I will be 11 weeks post relaxer on Saturday (last touch up was December 5th). I do not plan on doing a BC anytime soon. I plan to transition for 12 months (until 2/16/2011), assess where I am then and see if I have the courage to BC at that time.


I am SO proud of myself :yep: Never in my life did I think I would be able to do something as "drastic" as not getting a relaxer. But now that I am over that hump, I know I can do this. I cannot wait to have the hair that God intended me to have! Hope to see you all on the natural side guys :yep:
Checking in at 21 weeks post...almost half way there :grin:. Wearing braids that I'll redo mid march to take me to May (transitioning but still trying for APL by June, 2010).
im 14 months post relaxer and its looking like its time to cut off the last few inches so i can be fully natural. never thought i'd be a natural hair girl as much as i loved my creamy crack lol but its time. Thanks for all the info ladies happy transitioning
:hiya2: I'll be 30 weeks post this weekend :yay:

I went to the salon to get styled for a length check (pic is in my siggy) and I noticed they don't know how to be gentle with the demarcation line. So ladies I've learned the very hard way to tell the, yell to them to be gentle when detangling your hair and don't let them use a fine-tooth comb on your hair!!! :blush:
Our hair was truely made to protect us from the sun :giggle: I think i'm 27 weeks post tomorrow. And i've just washed and now i'm conditioning with a plastic bag over my head and a hand held dryer. And unlike before my scalp can't feel a thing. Before i would have to move it when it got to hot and now i don't feel any hotness. I actually thought my blowdryer was blowing warm wind at first.
Checking in at 49 weeks post! My trusty cornrows are getting me right through this change (from bone straight to texturized).
I relaxed my natural hair back in October and now the ends are splitting like crazy. I hate that my hair just doesn't agree with relaxers and BKTs aren't strong enough. I'm really trying to avoid the big chop. I've gone natural 2 times before. Both times my hair was cut down to nothing. I refuse to ever do that again, but these relaxed ends are so horrible. They seem to split if you just look at them wrong. I cant seem to enjoy any growth because Im constantly cutting off my ends. I'll probably be natural way before I get a good amount of length.

So I guess I'll be officially joining the group.
I relaxed my natural hair back in October and now the ends are splitting like crazy. I hate that my hair just doesn't agree with relaxers and BKTs aren't strong enough. I'm really trying to avoid the big chop. I've gone natural 2 times before. Both times my hair was cut down to nothing. I refuse to ever do that again, but these relaxed ends are so horrible. They seem to split if you just look at them wrong. I cant seem to enjoy any growth because Im constantly cutting off my ends. I'll probably be natural way before I get a good amount of length.

So I guess I'll be officially joining the group.

I had to trim a bit at first too. I got two fairly substantial trims within my first 3 to 4 months post relaxer. My ends were splitting. But after that, its been fine, I'm 6 months post, and I haven't really seen any more splits. I say just nip it in the bud early on and hopefully once you get a good transitioning regimen going, the ends will no longer split.
What products are ya'll using for deep conditioning? Especially those who are 4B or have dry hair that requires serious moisture.

I have such a hard time finding something thats just a really intensive moisturizing conditioner. My hair gets too dry with protein and many of the supposedly moisturizing conditioner just sit on top of my hair with all the cones.
aren't the ors pak a mild protein treatment? I think I used this years ago one time and it did not moisturize my hair at all. my hair does not like protein
Will be 12 months post on March 3

My hair looks a hot mess; although I cut off all the thin ends...( I think it's because of my anemia, I need to work on my self internally)

My daughter is 13 months post and her hair is thriving...very thick, just waiting for it to get longer...

We are both 4b...
What products are ya'll using for deep conditioning? Especially those who are 4B or have dry hair that requires serious moisture.

I have such a hard time finding something thats just a really intensive moisturizing conditioner. My hair gets too dry with protein and many of the supposedly moisturizing conditioner just sit on top of my hair with all the cones.

I mix 1 ORS Replenishing pack with some Elasta QP DPR-11, olive oil, honey and coconut oil.
Update 34 1/2 weeks post and counting........

I am still using my hair wigs and LOVE THEM!!

My routine is now:

1.) Wash hair every Sunday w/ Shescentit's Tea Tree Shampoo or Jojoba...whatever I have in stock

2.) Use Shescentit's Avocado Conditioning and put baggy on head for 45 min- 1hour; rinse

3.) Use Shescentit's Deep Conditioner in Fresh Scent and put generously on hair, put on baggy, sit under dryer for 1 hour; rinse

4.) Dry hair with towel, spray with Shescentit's moisture mist and "oil" scalp with Ovation. Seal ends with either Amla oil or Qhem's AOHC. Plait hair and let air dry.

I take my hair down every Wednesday and Saturday and "oil" scalp with Ovation

I no longer leave any hair out when I am using my half wigs, I just use my hair headband to cover up the track
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Update 34 1/2 weeks post and counting........

I am still using my hair wigs and LOVE THEM!!

My routine is now:

1.) Wash hair every Sunday w/ Shescentit's Tea Tree Shampoo or Jojoba...whatever I have in stock

2.) Use Shescentit's Avocado Conditioning and put baggy on head for 45 min- 1hour; rinse

3.) Use Shescentit's Deep Conditioner in Fresh Scent and put generously on hair, put on baggy, sit under dryer for 1 hour; rinse

4.) Dry hair with towel, spray with Shescentit's moisture mist and "oil" scalp with Ovation. Seal ends with either Amla oil or Qhem's AOHC. Plait hair and let air dry.

I take my hair down every Wednesday and Saturday and "oil" scalp with Ovation

I no longer leave any hair out when I am using my half wigs, I just use my hair headband to cover up the track

How do u like the Shescentit conditioners? i've seen them mentioned a few times and was thinking about trying it. I am in desperate need of a deep moisturizing conditioner that consistently gives results. Most just sit on top of my hair and won't sink in to really moisturize.
aren't the ors pak a mild protein treatment? I think I used this years ago one time and it did not moisturize my hair at all. my hair does not like protein

Yes it is a mild protein treatment. I always use it along with Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner.
I used ors replenishing pack yesterday to deep condition yesterday. I saw my nice puffy hair for the first in two weeks. I was sad i had to flat iron them away.
What products are ya'll using for deep conditioning? Especially those who are 4B or have dry hair that requires serious moisture.

I have such a hard time finding something thats just a really intensive moisturizing conditioner. My hair gets too dry with protein and many of the supposedly moisturizing conditioner just sit on top of my hair with all the cones.

Nothing helps my natural roots better than DCing with Silicon Mix.