Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

:hiya2: I'm 27 weeks post today.

I decided to hold onto my flat ironed hair style. I sectioned my hair into how I would roll it, conditioner-washed each section avoiding the roots, comb thru w/ wide tooth, rolled and airdried.

My airdry results were a light and fluffy rollerset-like style. :yep:
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47 Weeks post. I just rebraided my cornrows for another three week run. Keeping my hair in cornrow extensions seems to be the only thing that works for me this far along in the game.
I have not been participating in this thread like I should have. i guess that is why I am missing so much hair. I have been doing mini chops all along the way.
This week was the worst since I had scissors in my hand every single day cutting away. I did a BKT 2 weeks ago to remove the urge to chop. I figured spending so much money would make me want to keep my hair but nope.

I had resolved myself to just go ahead and BC this week and go look for some half wigs but now after reading how you ladies have stuck with it I am going to try to make it until at least June.

I need to find someone who can braid my hair in cornrows while I wear wigs and half wigs though. I think I will take myself on a little half wig spree while SO is watching the Superbowl. That might help cure my hand in hair with scissors disease.
I want to BC sooooooooo bad. These relaxed ends are "annoying"! But, I have at least 6 more months to go. My NG is not yest shoulder lenght and I need to account for shrinkage.
Hello ladies,
I don't post here often but I do check in frequently.
I will be 15 months post this weekend and I torn between BC'ing this summer or making it to my two year mark in November and reevaluating it at that point.
I'm not having any real issues with my hair, just itching to BC I guess.
I did a mini chop a few months ago from APL to SL and it made a world of difference in how my hair felt.
Now, the back is completely natural and so is my bang area. But the crown has so much more to grow in order to catch up.

Sorry for my mini rant, HHG ladies.
Hey lady :wave:
I'm in the same boat, just one month behind you at 14 months. I had originally planned to chop at 18 months, but part of me wants to wait until december when I'll be at 2 years. The major upside to chop in the summer for me, is that I'll be able to rock wash and go puffs, a super fast and cute style for those early style challenged days. Any wet style is a 100% no-go for me in the winter months (Canada) :nono: so it will be sharp learning curve if I wait until then. I'm not having any issues either, and I'm really excited to be 100% natural, but I'm also loving how my hair looks right now, the relaxed ends make it super easy for me to wear my hair straight, and the natural roots give me body. What's a girl to do? :giggle:
I can't believe I'm two days late but.... I'm 6 months POST relaxer!!!! I'm so excited that I've made it this far. I used to relax my hair every 6 weeks (you could have set your watch to my relaxer schedule :lachen:)
15 months is great, I did little chop through and finish at 15 months in Jan leaving me at SL. My hair grew like yours I was all natural in the back when I did my last chop. I wanted enough to pin up is why I just finish.
How do you style your hair?

I had been flat ironing every week but I have been trying to give my hair a break so I cornrowed my hair and wore that for a week.
Now I have a half wig. Even though I am not a wig person, I have to force myself to wear it for at least a week.

Then I will be back to wash/flat iron 1 week and then wash/blow dry/bun for the other week.

Congratulations on your BC! Your hair is so pretty.
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Hey lady :wave:
I'm in the same boat, just one month behind you at 14 months. I had originally planned to chop at 18 months, but part of me wants to wait until december when I'll be at 2 years. The major upside to chop in the summer for me, is that I'll be able to rock wash and go puffs, a super fast and cute style for those early style challenged days. Any wet style is a 100% no-go for me in the winter months (Canada) :nono: so it will be sharp learning curve if I wait until then. I'm not having any issues either, and I'm really excited to be 100% natural, but I'm also loving how my hair looks right now, the relaxed ends make it super easy for me to wear my hair straight, and the natural roots give me body. What's a girl to do? :giggle:

That's what my dilemma is also, I want to cut in the summer so I can experiment. If I wait until November, I can see myself just waiting until the next spring/summer but I don't really want a 2.5 year transition. Although, I like to see how much I can challenge myself even though I hate how menial my relaxed hair looks compared to the new growth.
DD is 3 weeks behind me in her transition and wants to BC this summer which is why I felt compelled to not let her go it alone, even though I had been secretly toying with the idea.

I am so confused, LOL.:spinning:
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I'm currently six months post. I really need to step up my weekly routine to see better results and less breakage. I've been hiding my hair with weaves and wigs, braids underneath. Wash & cond blow-dry and re-braid, tonight. I'm out of products, until Friday. I'll DC Saturday. HHG
I'm 6 months post with 3 inches of new growth. I'm texturized but I can see and feel the difference between the texturized hair and the new growth that's poofier and has a tighter curl pattern.
you guys, i am like this close () to being natural. i have like 1 1/2 inches in the front layers. i wish i could cut them but i can't bring myself to cut anymore until BSL. by June, it is GONE!
I'm six months post. Last relaxer was Aug 2009 and have 3" of newgrowth.

I really like what I've been doing to my hair lately, airdrying only:

Maintaining my style of rollerset and flat iron roots

  1. Conditioner-wash hair on ends avoiding roots
  2. Roll wet ends like rollerset
  3. End result is a fluffy rollerset
  4. Or I'll bantu knot

This way my hair stays in a straight style.
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i have senegalese twists right now using kanekalon hair
is it safe to wash? they are MBL...
i don't want my hair to mat or tangle by washing it & sitting under a dryer afterwards
help! =]
Hey ladies, I am new to this thread. I am really serious about my transition. I am only 5wks post I did a mini- chop last month. I just created a challenge for transitioners to develop a plan of transitioning and update regularly. I will be in often because I failed four times at transitioning because I was too focused on length, now I have grown my hair to MBL, I am no longer worried about length. See my thread for my plan. I am going to need support to reach my goal.
Hey ladies, I am new to this thread. I am really serious about my transition. I am only 5wks post I did a mini- chop last month. I just created a challenge for transitioners to develop a plan of transitioning and update regularly. I will be in often because I failed four times at transitioning because I was too focused on length, now I have grown my hair to MBL, I am no longer worried about length. See my thread for my plan. I am going to need support to reach my goal.

Where is it? I couldn't find it. It might be helpful to put the link in here.
I can't believe I'm two days late but.... I'm 6 months POST relaxer!!!! I'm so excited that I've made it this far. I used to relax my hair every 6 weeks (you could have set your watch to my relaxer schedule :lachen:)

I am about a week and a half away from being 6 months and when I get there I will shout from the highest rooftop!! :lachen: I was the same exact way. I am so proud of myself and all you other 6monthers

I am still continuing to wash only every 2 weeks. At first I was thinking "maybe this isn't a good idea" and then BAM!! last night as I was washing my hair I almost passed out. I have retained so much length this month it is scary!! My hair was not even stretched and it was very similar to my December flatironed length. I took pictures and they can be found n my fotki.

Keep going guys, I hope to see you on the natural side:yep:
Hey ladies, I am new to this thread. I am really serious about my transition. I am only 5wks post I did a mini- chop last month. I just created a challenge for transitioners to develop a plan of transitioning and update regularly. I will be in often because I failed four times at transitioning because I was too focused on length, now I have grown my hair to MBL, I am no longer worried about length. See my thread for my plan. I am going to need support to reach my goal.

Hi, welcome! :clap: I wanted to give you some encouragement! You will find much support here! I was in the SAME POSITION as you about 3 yrs ago. I had MBL hair, and I had tried about 3 times to transition. I sat at home one day with a head of thick, healthy, MBL relaxed hair. I just was tired of my long hair, and had been contemplating cutting it into a rockin' relaxed fauxhawk. Because I was at the end of a 3-4 month stretch, I went in the bathroom and started cutting free-handed with scissors, using a pic of a style I loved and had found online.

I finished cutting 14 inches of hair, and was left wit about 4" on the top, and 1-1.5" on the sides! Needless to say, after I did my TU for that style Sept. 10, 2007, I just let it grow out for 13 months thereafter. It was kind of an impromptu/unplanned transition. I became preggs w/my daughter in Nov. 07, and just never put another 'laxer in my head for the time being. I literally BC'd (June 2008) in my L&D bathroom before delivery. I had "new" hair (June '08) and a new baby (July 08)!

I had a TWA, and since it was a bit choppy due to the impromptu job I did with medical bandage scissors (:look:) I wrapped this head up wit fly headwraps, and when I had time between taking care of the baby, I got it braided w/extensions. In 5 mos (by Nov. 08), I had APL length hair...then I texlaxed. Now, I'm transitioning again. This will be my 5th transition attempt, and only one of those (described above) actually resulted in me BC'ing and being fully natural. I plan to forego the BC this time. Just wanted to share my experience, so don't feel bad that you've tried many times and haven't followed through!

So have I, whenever I got past 4 mos, I would break down and relax, mostly due to the fact that I thought I couldn't manage my hair, or due to family making stupid comments like, "Well what you gonna do with your hair," or, "Why don't you go and let so and so press it?" Eventually, I'd give up and I was like, to hell with this! Too much pressure to stay straight!

I am happy to say that in many areas of my life I have thrown what other ppl think out the window...I live my life and wear my hair these days without care of what other people say (whether I need to wear it relaxed, natural, straight, kinky, etc). And, through the awesomeness of LHCF, the 'net, YT, and other hair boards, I've learned that I can do many things to take care of my transitioning hair over the years...and I'm having fun in the process. KISS really helps me, as well as low-manipulation styles (my hair likes to be left ALONE)! HHG, and see you around!! :grin:

BTW: Your hair is very pretty!
Checking in :)

I am 23 months post and finally updated my fotki with more transitioning photos. I probably won't straighten for a length check until spring. Most of the texlaxed ends are completely gone at the nape. I'm guesstimating that there is about 4 or 5 inches of texlaxed hair in the front and crown areas.

Here is a then and now comparison:

Keep up the good work, ladies!
Hello all. Well my hair is a wreck right now. I went to DC for a conference last week and got stuck there until yesterday. I ran out of hair products since I was not expecting to be there long and there was no way to get more-everything shut down-a lot of stores, taxis, etc. My hair is a mess. I'm gonna have to baby these strands to get back to pre-blizzard hair!
Checking in :)

I am 23 months post and finally updated my fotki with more transitioning photos. I probably won't straighten for a length check until spring. Most of the texlaxed ends are completely gone at the nape. I'm guesstimating that there is about 4 or 5 inches of texlaxed hair in the front and crown areas.

Here is a then and now comparison:

Keep up the good work, ladies!
Oh wow I'm loving your texture. How long are you planning on transitioning?
week 22- flat iron length check(sorta/kinda, was bored ,theres a storm)

Here is my last length check in Nov, since then i trimmed 2+inches. Im very happy that i did this flat iron today. Ive been thinking my hair has not been growing. Wondering how i was going to maake it to 52 weeks with no visible progress.(pics enlarge if u click them)

I had to throw down in clinic yesterday. Some one was talking about cutting your hair to make it grow. (she as natural and last year installed locks). I said that is not true. You don't have to cut your have for it to grow. I haven't cut more than a half an inch of hair in the last year and my hair has grown. Then she says well your natural and our (???) hair grows fast. I countered that with. I'm not natural I have several inches of relaxed ends. She imediately asked-----> "why haven't you cut off your ends!"
I or course said "I don't wanna"

Then there was a lot of of blah blah blah about your hair won't grow and you can't have two textures on your head. I started explaining the hair shaft to her and she dropped it.

I will cut my hair when I'm ready. Darnit.
Okay ladies. I'm dropping out of the challenge. My chemical hair is snapping off & I've decided to retouch on Wednesday. I wish all of you ladies nothing but the best as you transition!
Oh wow I'm loving your texture. How long are you planning on transitioning?

Thanks, Foxglove!

There is no tentative date for when I will BC. I have just been dusting as I've gone along over the last two years (I was grazing APL when I started transitioning) Maybe when I reach my goal of MBL of natural hair stretched, I'll BC. I'm sure by then all of the relaxed hair would have broken off! LOL :)