Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread


wear you scarf until the moment that you get out of the car. Those edges will stay laid for sure. Trust I understand. Black southern families are pretty.....blunt (to put it nicely).
My auntie is having a cookout today and I'm staying home because my hair isn't done. I'm serious here. :sad:

Been there. Done that.

My family was not happy when I transitioned. I just had to ride it out. Three years later and they ALL marvel at how "beautiful" my hair is and how "long" my hair is. They ask for advice now.

Today is my last relaxer nappyversary! My last relaxer was July 4, 2011. I came back to celebrate with you all because this is where is started. ;)

Hang in there, Ladies. The struggle is real but so worth it!


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Yeah this scarf is on now and it's not coming off anytime soon. I probably have a permanent line across my forehead from the tension :look: My edges are my tightest curl pattern on my head. I don't approve :lol:


wear you scarf until the moment that you get out of the car. Those edges will stay laid for sure. Trust I understand. Black southern families are pretty.....blunt (to put it nicely).

I legit almost relaxed my hair this week. The only thing that stopped me is that I wasn't sure if I wanted to try a new relaxer or not. I'll continue to hold out only because it's easier to try being natural than it is to transition so why not. I can hear my grandma now :rolleyes: congrats on being relaxer free this long.

Been there. Done that.

My family was not happy when I transitioned. I just had to ride it out. Three years later and they ALL marvel at how "beautiful" my hair is and how "long" my hair is. They ask for advice now.

Today is my last relaxer nappyversary! My last relaxer was July 4, 2011. I came back to celebrate with you all because this is where is started. ;)

Hang in there, Ladies. The struggle is real but so worth it!
im also 7 months post. ;-) still kinda easy except some days where the 2 textures bother me and get tangled together. i have to detangle in sections, add pre poo ,dc in sections. i never liked taking hours on my hair. so here i go again....
Yay so we r in this thing together! I have to do everything in sections too. How long is your typical wash day? I remember an old thread where people said how long their wash days are and I don't see how it takes anyone less than 3 hours! And that's without drying time.
I'm trying to reward myself for making it another month but I'm torn between buying flexi rods or it's a 10 leave in. I will provably get the rods and try it's a 10 next month when I'm out of my aphogee curlific leave in
I wish I knew my hair texture. Im outchere watching videos like I can choose it :lachen::lachen::lachen: I have a feeling my hair texture varies greatly all over my head. My crown is nothing like my hairline which is nothing like my nape. :rolleyes:

Yep...I need to find somebody to watch with kinky hair...
I think I need a new conditioner. AO is great for moisture but it doesnt give my hair any smoothness. I have a huge bottle of Joico for curly hair in my room so I may give that a whirl.
I'm coming down to crunch time. Gonna try and stick out with these Senegalese twists for another 3 weeks and then will prob chop. While I look forward to the freeness so not looking forward to the short hair.

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Attempting photos after wash day today and I'm making a list of new products I want to try. Trying to inject some excitement back in my hair life. :)
I'm coming down to crunch time. Gonna try and stick out with these Senegalese twists for another 3 weeks and then will prob chop. While I look forward to the freeness so not looking forward to the short hair.

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I was just thinking about choping...I am gonna give my hair another 3 months cuz I have a vacation and concert to attend in Sept and an not sure my hair is long enough for stylist to grip for my sew in...
ladies hang in there! Honestly transitioning was very overwhelming, and during the bad hair days, depressing. The second I cut my first lock of hair I felt relieved. I promise you will want to slap yourself for waiting so long once the deed is done :yep: upon my first wash as a natural I noticed the following:
* No tangling while washing. I could literally run my fingers through my wet hair! Tangles melt off with conditioner. I have NEVER experienced this with my relaxed hair beyond 2wks post :shocked: I used to have to detangle on 80% dry hair, without product...not anymore! I can detangle right in the shower

* No porosity issues! My hair stays wet an entire day, whereas my highly porous relaxed hair would dry up before I even stepped out the shower! :shocked:

Above all, you will fall in love with your natural hair. I promise. I was DREADING coming face to face with it, even preparing for the worst by researching products that will help me deal. But the second I ran my fingers through my hair all those thoughts dissipated :love2:

The shrinkage is ridiculous, don't get me wrong! For the past several days I've been going through youtube videos trying to find a method that will stretch my hair enough for a bun. Well this morning I did my first bun and I almost cried with relief and excitement :look: in all it's itty bitty glory I think it's the most amazing thing I've done to my hair :lol:

Okay all this rambling to say...please stay your course. Do not give up! Do not reach for that relaxer! Throw a wig on, weave it up, braid it up, anything to keep your hands out of your hair. And one day you'll wake up and you'll just feel like this is it, it's time to chop. That's what happened to me :yep:


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I'm sleepy. I've been meaning all this time that I cut my relaxed ends on that piece of hair :lol:

I'm sure y'all think I'm nuts by now :look: I'm gonna start keeping my randomness in my head :yawn: