Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

This is random but one of the things that's keeping me from relaxing is how my hair has waves when I wear it slicked back into a bun or ponytail. I can't wait until the waves reach all the way back.

Me too...but this is also the reason I want to go ahead and chop...I want all my hair to be the's just too short for me right now
it is way easier to deal with one texture. when you big chop ladies your hair will feel softer.

ive been there already.

right now, im dealing with my 2 textures. the naturalhair feels rougher than i want.... but when i was fully natural, it was great! so..
my sleek but with a side line is not as sleek as i want it to be ( made me late this morning trying to make it sleek).... anyway i need to keep in on protected styles.

im gonna wear this bun all week
You all have talked me out of relaxing again. *sigh* I swear for The Lord if I don't like my hair in the next 3 months I'm relaxing it. I won't tell y'all first either :look:

But what do I do in the meantime? It may be braids because I'm ready to get back in the gym.
I'm gonna be singing a totally different song come tomorrow and I know it smh. I will hide my keys from myself to keep from going to Sally's.
You all have talked me out of relaxing again. *sigh* I swear for The Lord if I don't like my hair in the next 3 months I'm relaxing it. I won't tell y'all first either :look:

But what do I do in the meantime? It may be braids because I'm ready to get back in the gym.

I have a whole week off work and I need to spend that time putting my braids in...I probably won't though
I start a boot camp in 3 weeks and really need to have something done to head by then
I have a whole week off work and I need to spend that time putting my braids in...I probably won't though I start a boot camp in 3 weeks and really need to have something done to head by then

Bootcamp sounds fun. I've been kinda depressed about the weight I've gained.
Unfortunately, chopping is not an option for me. My head, forehead, backhead, etc is way too big. I'm starting to notice breakage at the line of demarcation so I'm doing my best to stop touching my hair.
this friday I am FIVE months post. Insane.

I reeeeeally can't see myself BC'ing but I also don't see myself relaxing so yay?
I'll be one year post at the end of this week. I feel bald, even the relaxed hair is shrinking. I wanted to straighten, but it's supposed to be humid this week. I need to see some length though, guess I'll lightly blow dry.

I'm resigned to going at least another year.
I just had to share this, not trying to direct anyone one way or the other. I just have to say that I BD-ed on May 10. I didn't intend to but as I was trimming my ends, I was thinking about how long it would take me to see my growth as retained length if I continued to hack away at the relaxed ends over time until they were gone. Granted, I never had as much hair as some of the ladies I see in this thread but the transition was killing me and it felt like I wasn't making any progress. I wanted to see my length change with healthy hair growth so I chopped. It hasn't been easy because I haven't figured my natural hair out yet but I'm working on it and I haven't given up. I do love my kinks and curls.
You all have talked me out of relaxing again. *sigh* I swear for The Lord if I don't like my hair in the next 3 months I'm relaxing it. I won't tell y'all first either :look: But what do I do in the meantime? It may be braids because I'm ready to get back in the gym.

braids yup.
or half wig. mine was great! i had it on for 3 weeks . braids underneath. ;-)
i really needed it because either i was gonna relax or shave! (my relaxer is just under my bed, i have it there), but i wanna hôld on and not regret.
I'm no longer transitioning, ladies. As of 6-28-14 I'm now NATURAL :band: :thumbsup:


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I dont want to go natural anymore :sad:. But the thought of the relaxer process makes me nauseous. I hate having it done.

SuchaLady I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Transitioning can be tough some times. All I can say is transitioning takes a great deal of patience. There are a number of different tricks and tips that make it easier for different people and honestly had it not been for my QOD MAX Organiq Treatments every 4-5 months I would not have made it this time. It really helped with the line of demarcation, detangling, and integrity/strength of my hair.

It just may take some time for you to find that special thing that works for you. In the mean time put your hair up and away so you don't have to think about it :)

I'll be one year post at the end of this week. I feel bald, even the relaxed hair is shrinking. I wanted to straighten, but it's supposed to be humid this week. I need to see some length though, guess I'll lightly blow dry. I'm resigned to going at least another year.

wow!!!! anothe year! you are curageoes !
I just had to share this, not trying to direct anyone one way or the other. I just have to say that I BD-ed on May 10. I didn't intend to but as I was trimming my ends, I was thinking about how long it would take me to see my growth as retained length if I continued to hack away at the relaxed ends over time until they were gone. Granted, I never had as much hair as some of the ladies I see in this thread but the transition was killing me and it felt like I wasn't making any progress. I wanted to see my length change with healthy hair growth so I chopped. It hasn't been easy because I haven't figured my natural hair out yet but I'm working on it and I haven't given up. I do love my kinks and curls.

yayyyyyy! miss big chop :-) congats
braids yup. or half wig. mine was great! i had it on for 3 weeks . braids underneath. ;-) i really needed it because either i was gonna relax or shave! (my relaxer is just under my bed, i have it there), but i wanna hôld on and not regret.

You're better than me. I'm 100% sure if I had some relaxer in the house I would've used it buy now.