Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

So I ran out of shampoo and nearly tore down every Sephora (they supposedly carry it) in these Paris streets but nope nada nothin' I used DH's poo diluted with water despite all its' questionable ingredients and my hair liked it. My hair has the worse taste sometimes. :perplexed I'll be back home in the states later this week and I'm taking an extra empty suitcase just so I stock up on!

Finally 6 months post! Today was a pretty easy wash day. I've learned that I have to work in sections every step of the way and I HAVE to have Netflix playing on my laptop in the bathroom or I get wayyyy too impatient :lol:. I'm still staying away from heat and wearing buns and updos every day and surprisingly I never get bored with my hair. The last time I tried transitioning I did it with a sew in and made it to ten months then relaxed. I had noooo clue what to do with my hair in its natural state so that's why I'm doing this without a sew in this time because it's forcing me to learn how to manage and care for my hair. I even learned how to finally cornrow!
Congrats on hitting 6 months!! Great move on working in sections and leaving your hair out so that you can learn it. I tend to think that hiding the hair...could be a privilege left for those who can actually manage it? Although I know that's unpopular opinion, lol :lol: It really isn't a crazy thought though. 2 months later when the braids are off and the sew-in is taken down, one is just left with more hair to learn. Better to get to work when it's less and shorter, instead of pushing the issue for later.
I want these. They are large enough where I don't think my hairline would be bothered.


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Going heat free for the rest of the year. Think I'm going to do braids. I'm afraid for my edges though :ohwell:

Heat free for me too. I'm getting crochet braids July 1 and will rock those at least until January. I actually feel like I'm ready to bc but hubby said he's not ready! He is loving my long hair. I flat ironed and I'm almost WL. If I bc now I'll SL. He can tolerate braids, so I may do some form of them until I'm natural APL.

I know you didn't ask me but

Try This:

Moisturize/Seal your edges at night and apply just a tad bit of a edge pomade (like Hicks Edges, Curls Control Paste, and Etc.) and tie them down with a scarf.

In the morning lightly apply a Water Based moisturizer, apply your gel (don't be scared to use the amount you need), and seal the gel with a tad bit of oil (this keeps it from becoming to crunchy if you just so happen to over apply). Reapply you scarf for 15-30 minutes to allow it to set in place.

Once you remove it your edges should be slicked to the heavens.

Its how I get my hair from this: (10 months post)
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To this: (10 months post)
View attachment 263341

^^^^^These are after a wash day.

This is after my hair has been air dried/stretched for a week (I'm 12 months post).
View attachment 263343

I find that the more moisturize the edges are the better they smooth. If your hair is a bit more coarse I suggest spritzing it with a water based mist or even water itself. then applying the moisturizer, pomade and scarf. The next day steps should be just as breezy.

Hope this helps :)

I'm going to try this technique this week -- got a volunteer construction project this weekend and a sleek bun will work great for my hard hat!
i want to try out a half wig. need to find that.... this week before my weekend to north france (normandy).

i need to find time betWeen work,kids, food shopping...

do you think i should not have a leave out? i guess i will need heat unless i find a curly wig ( that will match my hair and texture of 4b)...
cant they make up more wigs that look like real black hair. :-/

any ideas?
Going to blowdry my hair today. I'm trying to decide if I want to go back out and get that It's a 10. I forgot it yesterday. Gonna blowdry and bun. Hopefully this lasts for 10 days-2 weeks.
I am not sure if this is going to come out, but this is my shaved hair. I did it three weeks ago.

I tried to do the long term transition but it was an epic fail for me. I braided, I conditioned, but my own hair was being hampered by the old relaxed ends and scab hair.

I learned from my experience that it was not as scary as I thought it would be and I was glad I did it.

Almond Eyes

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I am REALLY starting to get that big chop itch. 16 months in. I need to get braids in quickly!

I'm feeling this way too and just about 22 months post (technically tomorrow). I've never tried protective styling/weave but this summer heat has been brutal. Cutting my transition down to 2.5 years has been feeling pretty tempting lately.
I am not sure if this is going to come out, but this is my shaved hair. I did it three weeks ago. I tried to do the long term transition but it was an epic fail for me. I braided, I conditioned, but my own hair was being hampered by the old relaxed ends and scab hair. I learned from my experience that it was not as scary as I thought it would be and I was glad I did it. Best, Almond Eyes
I wish I could see the pic. I transitioned for 11 months before I surrendered to the twa!
I purchased that ORS Smooth N Hold pudding me and my hair immediately :lachen: My hair was like child boo. I also purchased backup. Murray's beeswax :look: I'm pretty sure I just put the equivalent of motor oil in my hair :look: but if it lays my edges we may have to work something out.
Okay just in those 12 minutes this beeswax has been in my head my edges are laid in the shade. My hair would respond to something that's probably gonna take some got darn dish detergent to get out :rolleyes:
Okay just in those 12 minutes this beeswax has been in my head my edges are laid in the shade. My hair would respond to something that's probably gonna take some got darn dish detergent to get out :rolleyes:

Hmm send me a lank to Murray's beeswax :lachen:

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Okay just in those 12 minutes this beeswax has been in my head my edges are laid in the shade. My hair would respond to something that's probably gonna take some got darn dish detergent to get out :rolleyes:

Lol...I use it in my daughter's hair on her's gonna take some extra shampooing..
So it looks like my natural hair is overtaking my nape already. It feels like 30-45% of my nape is natural. I only had about 4 inches of hair back there and I now have about 2 inches of new growth. That's kind of crazy.

The rest of my head is about 15-20% natural or so it feels. I had a blowout so it's harder to tell now. But I only have about 4-5 inches of hair all over. May actually be 50/50 by the end of the summer.
I've been keeping my edges "laid" by moisturizing with KCKT, oiling with Marula or Shea oil mix, and then using Miss Jessies curly pudding (the purple one) as a "gel". It smooths down my new growth like crazy! I use my denman to smooth everything into a bun and I'm good to go. :yep:

I was looking at my hair on Monday; I wore it straight to go to a graduation. Halfway through the day I was lookin all crazy lol. I tried new products and I think they gave me a more "boofy" look which made my hair a fail. But it made me nervous because I want to wear my hair straight for an event at the end of the month. I dont know if I need to use a different product or what, but if that's how my hair is going to end up then I'll just do a braid out.
I was staring at my hair earlier and it looks like most of it is natural. I'll post a pic when I get off work.

Edit: Added pics...

My roots feel very curly/coily even though you can't really see it in the pics. Almost 10 months post


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I think I will just stick to gel. The layage I got from this beeswax is nice but not worth the extra scrubbing it's gonna take to get it out. :sad: I'm going to the BSS again I guess.
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i bought my first half wig.... hope îll make it cute!

im gonna braid underneath. I dont know if i will leave hair out or not... im excited! i need a rest from pulling my hair to make a bun!
I'm really feeling everyone who feels like chopping. I don't even wear my hair down so why am I trippin'? BUT every time I wash my hair the urge goes away. The dirty transitioning hair is a hot mess. 14.5 months post....just washed Wednesday, trying to hold out until I'm at least APL natural (August/Sept).