Well-Known Member
So I ran out of shampoo and nearly tore down every Sephora (they supposedly carry it) in these Paris streets but nope nada nothin' I used DH's poo diluted with water despite all its' questionable ingredients and my hair liked it. My hair has the worse taste sometimes.
erplexed I'll be back home in the states later this week and I'm taking an extra empty suitcase just so I stock up on!
It really isn't a crazy thought though. 2 months later when the braids are off and the sew-in is taken down, one is just left with more hair to learn. Better to get to work when it's less and shorter, instead of pushing the issue for later.

Congrats on hitting 6 months!! Great move on working in sections and leaving your hair out so that you can learn it. I tend to think that hiding the hair...could be a privilege left for those who can actually manage it? Although I know that's unpopular opinion, lolFinally 6 months post! Today was a pretty easy wash day. I've learned that I have to work in sections every step of the way and I HAVE to have Netflix playing on my laptop in the bathroom or I get wayyyy too impatient. I'm still staying away from heat and wearing buns and updos every day and surprisingly I never get bored with my hair. The last time I tried transitioning I did it with a sew in and made it to ten months then relaxed. I had noooo clue what to do with my hair in its natural state so that's why I'm doing this without a sew in this time because it's forcing me to learn how to manage and care for my hair. I even learned how to finally cornrow!