Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

My Hair Update:


Still not exactly sure what my texture is. I had my mother look and she keep saying it was "Springy". Hopefully thats a good sign. I plan to wash tonight, so I'll definitely com back with pics.

As for my consistency......


See what had happened was...

MANNNNNNNNN I've been so absent in terms of haircare. I really need to take the momentum up. So I plan to re-group with a good wash day tonight. I think I may lightly press it to dust my ends. I will try to get SO to snap a pic or two for me.

How the sitioning' life treating you guys?
Hey EnExitStageLeft looks like we're at the same stage! I'm 14 months post as of yesterday. My update

My hair is softer and looks better when I tension blow dry or air dry then flat iron. The curlformer sets are cute but for some reason my hair tangles more with them. I might try doing the set then immediately doing some large flat twists to help prevent the tangles...not sure

I'm finding my hair actually likes the LCO method better than LOC

I've got natural holding power again!! Woot! Woot! Lol! The natural portion of my hair sets very well without much product and it's nice and thick.

Curl pattern is all over the place, which is just how my hair is. I've got a range of 3c, 4a, and 4b depending on where it's growing from my head.

Regular dusting is keeping my retention on track BUT there's been a few times when I'm over the long term thing and just cut an I've been going back and forth between BSB and MBL. At this point I'm seriously considering ending the transition between December of this year and March of next. It just depends on how much natural length I have. I think I'll be almost BSB natural by March.

Washing/co-washing every two weeks and doing an oil rinse with curlformers in on the odd weeks seems to work nicely. You'd think oil rinsing like this would be a mess but it's not. I slather the hair with oil (and basically let it sit or add heat) before installing the curlformers then rinse extremely well. Comes out great.
My "3 months post" timeline blew past without me even realizing it. Not on the same level as some of you ladies in here but I definitely have some new growth action happening. I've been wearing buns during the week and braid outs on the weekend. I'm going to a graduation on Monday and I'd like to straighten but I'm not sure yet. Then there's another event at the end of the month (I'll be 4 months post then) and I definitely want to wear my hair down for that. So far the transition has been okay, just been keeping it moist and oiled up. Not much breakage as of late, likely because I've reduced my heat usage.

My braid out was a bit more shrunken yesterday because I rolled my ends more tightly than normal. I had a spaz moment of, "Oh Lawd, my hair looks so short! I'll need to transition FOREVER!!!" :lol: but it passed. I still have no idea how long I'm transitioning for. Most days I can't wait to be fully natural but the braid outs have definitely been getting me by, so maybe I'll hang in there a little longer than I anticipate.
I did something awful...I waited two months to detangle my new growth. Last night was veryyyyy difficult combing all of that out. Thankfully it was mostly shed hair and I took my time, but I will never ever do that again. When I was relaxed I probably never detangled my new growth until the day of my touch up.
Also, I'm 5 months post and I've already started receiving the "why don't u just relax your hair" comments from others. I just laugh it off and keep it moving.
Ladies who've just noticed full natural areas...maybe consider trimming the natural hair in those parts. If the relaxed hair broke there's a good chance it did so unevenly, and the hair can keep on splitting and breaking. Trimming will even up the ends even to stop the possible splitting.

And have fun playing in the natural hair! My curiosity would've ended my transition eons ago had it not been for my all natural pieces :lol:
Coming up on 40 weeks post and actually having a decent hair day today. This is officially the longest time I have been without a relaxer

Does it get easier after 1 year post? Please say yes
Ladies who've just noticed full natural areas...maybe consider trimming the natural hair in those parts. If the relaxed hair broke there's a good chance it did so unevenly, and the hair can keep on splitting and breaking. Trimming will even up the ends even to stop the possible splitting. And have fun playing in the natural hair! My curiosity would've ended my transition eons ago had it not been for my all natural pieces :lol:

Thanks for the tip. I'm not trying to have issues with my natural edges that are ahead of the game so will definitely take your advice.
Coming up on 40 weeks post and actually having a decent hair day today. This is officially the longest time I have been without a relaxer Does it get easier after 1 year post? Please say yes

IMHO YES! The hardest part for me was the first 9 months. It's way easier now.
Has anybody here reviewed it? I bought it in the hopes that the amino acids would give some weight to my hair down when I straighten.

Saludable84 and EnExitStageLeft are the two people who inspired me to buy it

Also relaxed hair health wrote about it as well I think? I like that blog...

I just procrastinated buying it- I can't wait to try it

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Coming up on 40 weeks post and actually having a decent hair day today. This is officially the longest time I have been without a relaxer Does it get easier after 1 year post? Please say yes

Yes. Month 4. Then again during 6-10 months is the hardest. Then you will get another wave of difficulty around 19-22 months, if u go that long. Depending on how long your relaxed hair is, and also how different the two textures are.

Keep that demarcation line conditioned and treat it with extreme care. ;)'s a note. I see some women give up when they experience a huge boost in shedding. This happens. What I personally discovered is that I get a boost in shedding every 4-6 months like clockwork. Between shedding and tangling during transitioning, I gave up. Once I decided to push through I realized it was "Normal." It just seems like more hair when you are natural or transitioning and getting used to texture u didn't have before....... As a relaxed head the hair just kinda rinses away after a touch up because the hair is straight and doesn't tangle.

Second thing I discovered. That boost in shedding decreases in volume the longer that I stay away from chemicals.

Just some food for thought. Hang in there Ladies.
Also relaxed hair health wrote about it as well I think? I like that blog...

I just procrastinated buying it- I can't wait to try it

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Me too. :lol:

eta: I forgot, I also bought PM Awapuhi intensive conditioner (?) on her recommendation, something about "functional keratin".
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The stuff works like magic. All I do is apply it then my serum and every step after that seems SO simple. I tried to see if Apoghee Keratin and Green Tea Restructorizer could compare and it just didn't :ohwell:. Its nice, but the plush/shine that Iphenom left me with is nothing short of Phenomenal.

My Press With Iphenom:


My Press Without Iphenom:


See the difference?
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The stuff works like magic. All I do is apply it then my serum and every step after that seems SO simple. I tried to see if Apoghee Keratin and Green Tea Restructorizer could compare and it just didn't :ohwell:. Its nice, but the plush/shine that Iphenom left me with is nothing short of Phenomenal.

My Press With Iphenom:

View attachment 262709

My Press Without Iphenom:

View attachment 262711

See the difference?

Ooooh, pretty! I plan to use it for my next wash and flat iron. I need a trim, badly. I bought some Sabino too, so I'm ready for greatness. :lol:

Hopefully by the end of the week... hopefully. :look:
I did something awful...I waited two months to detangle my new growth. Last night was veryyyyy difficult combing all of that out. Thankfully it was mostly shed hair and I took my time, but I will never ever do that again. When I was relaxed I probably never detangled my new growth until the day of my touch up. Also, I'm 5 months post and I've already started receiving the "why don't u just relax your hair" comments from others. I just laugh it off and keep it moving.

someone said this to me . " just relax it"

ummmmm nope lol but thanks for caring
@honeybee The stuff works like magic. All I do is apply it then my serum and every step after that seems SO simple. I tried to see if Apoghee Keratin and Green Tea Restructorizer could compare and it just didn't :ohwell:. Its nice, but the plush/shine that Iphenom left me with is nothing short of Phenomenal. My Press With Iphenom: My Press Without Iphenom: See the difference?

what product is everyone talking about???
is it a serum to straighten hair?
@honeybee The stuff works like magic. All I do is apply it then my serum and every step after that seems SO simple. I tried to see if Apoghee Keratin and Green Tea Restructorizer could compare and it just didn't :ohwell:. Its nice, but the plush/shine that Iphenom left me with is nothing short of Phenomenal. My Press With Iphenom: My Press Without Iphenom: See the difference?
Your hair is so flippin pretty!
Saludable84 and EnExitStageLeft are the two people who inspired me to buy it

Also relaxed hair health wrote about it as well I think? I like that blog...

I just procrastinated buying it- I can't wait to try it

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Has anybody here reviewed it? I bought it in the hopes that the amino acids would give some weight to my hair down when I straighten.

The amino acids do not weigh my hair down, but it does leave my hair with added moisture after direct or indirect heat. Id recommend it for dry hair.

Its pretty popular among the haircare lovers. Its awesome for heat styling. I actually use it today to lightly press my hair. My hair dried/straighten SO FLIPPIN' EASY! The moisture you retain from it is pretty amazing.


I just wanted to annouce that.....

I, EnExitStageLeft, am IN LOVE with my natural hair.

I cannot wait until April 26, 2015 because these relaxed ends are going Bye Bye. It was cool, but the love affair is officially over.

I'm seriously obsessed.

**STEPS ON SOAPBOX** Ahem! I just wanted to annouce that..... I, EnExitStageLeft, am IN LOVE with my natural hair. I cannot wait until April 26, 2015 because these relaxed ends are going Bye Bye. It was cool, but the love affair is officially over. I'm seriously obsessed. **STEPS OFF SOAPBOX**

That is so nice to hear
You have to post more pics...I love pics of your hair!

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**STEPS ON SOAPBOX** Ahem! I just wanted to annouce that..... I, EnExitStageLeft, am IN LOVE with my natural hair. I cannot wait until April 26, 2015 because these relaxed ends are going Bye Bye. It was cool, but the love affair is officially over. I'm seriously obsessed. **STEPS OFF SOAPBOX**

I'm sure your hair will be so lush by the time the transition is over. Cheering for you from the sidelines lol.