Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Has anyone used the uncurly keratin treatment? I have seen some really good reviews on YouTube so I am thinking of buying it to use next week.

I want to experience tangle free hair with no effort



For those of you whose edges are are you dealing with that in terms of styling?? How do you not look crazy ... Lol

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I know you didn't ask me but

Try This:

Moisturize/Seal your edges at night and apply just a tad bit of a edge pomade (like Hicks Edges, Curls Control Paste, and Etc.) and tie them down with a scarf.

In the morning lightly apply a Water Based moisturizer, apply your gel (don't be scared to use the amount you need), and seal the gel with a tad bit of oil (this keeps it from becoming to crunchy if you just so happen to over apply). Reapply you scarf for 15-30 minutes to allow it to set in place.

Once you remove it your edges should be slicked to the heavens.

Its how I get my hair from this: (10 months post)

To this: (10 months post)

^^^^^These are after a wash day.

This is after my hair has been air dried/stretched for a week (I'm 12 months post).

I find that the more moisturize the edges are the better they smooth. If your hair is a bit more coarse I suggest spritzing it with a water based mist or even water itself. then applying the moisturizer, pomade and scarf. The next day steps should be just as breezy.

Hope this helps :)
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I really want to be natural again. Transitioning sucks :( Takes forever. Two different textures always combating with each other. Blargh. About 4 months post and totally over this transition this. I have BC'ed 4 times in the past before too.

That said, I know if I BC now, I will not be happy with my length. I just miss having fun with my hair.

I am debating dying it red and just having big curls for the summer. I don't really want weave again so soon. Scared for my edges.
Misted my hair with my water, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, Giovanni nutrafix mix then added some cantu leave in. Sealed with jojoba oil and redid my two braids.
sharifeh honestly I just noticed a couple of weeks ago when I was doing a length check while my hair was wet. Since I wear my hair straight 100% of the time I hadn't realized the edges on one side were completely natural. I'm still scratching my head at just noticing this since I've got 14 months of new growth

To your question: Every week to two weeks I do one of the following after my HOT, condition wash and DC routine:
- Tension Blow Dry
- Air dry in braids then flat iron on low
- Set on curlformers

My hair is worn in some type of updo or bun 100% of the time. I workout intensely 5-6 days a week and either cover my head with a scarf if I'm at home or if I go to the gym wear a wide head band. Neither are removed until my hair has dried after the workout.

Every night I use the LCO method on them then tie down with a scarf.

Even though the texture of my sides are 4b they stay pretty straight doing the above.
sharifeh I meant to come in here earlier to talk about this but never wrote out the response. I might look for a smoothing product such as ORS pudding because I'm not with this :look: CON is expanding their line and I saw a curly pudding that looking interesting. My issue is that my holding products are defining my hair instead of slicking it :whyme:
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I am almost 6 moths post relaxer and I am about to throw in the towel!! This is too much d*** work!! I have been weaved up for the last 4 months(not consecutive) so it has been easy, but on friday when I took my weave out and washed my hair I almost cried several times. This is my first time transitioning and my two textures don't play nice together at all. I had to flat iron in order to get it to look like anything and by the next morning my roots are puffy and my hair is tangled again. My hair probably needs more moisture but I do not want to repeat last wash day!! Lord, I need some help, either I am going to relax or get braids for the summer. I am trying the let my hair rest because the weave I just took out did a number on my edges on one side.:nono:I just don't know what to do and right now I am really feeling the urge to relax!
I really want to be natural again. Transitioning sucks :( Takes forever. Two different textures always combating with each other. Blargh. About 4 months post and totally over this transition this. I have BC'ed 4 times in the past before too. That said, I know if I BC now, I will not be happy with my length. I just miss having fun with my hair. I am debating dying it red and just having big curls for the summer. I don't really want weave again so soon. Scared for my edges.

hold on ! im kinda pissed i virgin relaxed in december (after 6 years natural)... i wanted a change, i did. had fun a feW months but im back transitionning.

try a half wig maybe? im taking my bow braids doNw tomorrow, will wear bun all week. the next week : half wig.
I am almost 6 moths post relaxer and I am about to throw in the towel!! This is too much d*** work!! I have been weaved up for the last 4 months(not consecutive) so it has been easy, but on friday when I took my weave out and washed my hair I almost cried several times. This is my first time transitioning and my two textures don't play nice together at all. I had to flat iron in order to get it to look like anything and by the next morning my roots are puffy and my hair is tangled again. My hair probably needs more moisture but I do not want to repeat last wash day!! Lord, I need some help, either I am going to relax or get braids for the summer. I am trying the let my hair rest because the weave I just took out did a number on my edges on one side.:nono:I just don't know what to do and right now I am really feeling the urge to relax!
put some braids on! i had the urge to shave ( mad at my hair).... i put braids on. il taking them doNw but i will do something else to ps. need a rest from my hair
I am almost 6 moths post relaxer and I am about to throw in the towel!! This is too much d*** work!! I have been weaved up for the last 4 months(not consecutive) so it has been easy, but on friday when I took my weave out and washed my hair I almost cried several times. This is my first time transitioning and my two textures don't play nice together at all. I had to flat iron in order to get it to look like anything and by the next morning my roots are puffy and my hair is tangled again. My hair probably needs more moisture but I do not want to repeat last wash day!! Lord, I need some help, either I am going to relax or get braids for the summer. I am trying the let my hair rest because the weave I just took out did a number on my edges on one side.:nono:I just don't know what to do and right now I am really feeling the urge to relax!


Girl! You're making me NOT want to take this weave out even though I have to...

I know exactly what you're feeling though... Exactly...I've been in the shower wanting to cry when doing my hair on my own....I've had a weave for about the past two months...if if werent for that I would've thrown in the towel probably...
can you do another wash/DC and then bun with the scarf method?
Or I would use heat until you can get into another protective style. With your weave are your edges being left out?? I would definitely leave your edges need to risk the edges. Granted I've only had one weave in my life but my edges were untouched makes blending the leave out harder but worth it to save your edges...

Trust me were in the same might also help to read through thread from the beginning and take notes .. You can do it!!!

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Girl! You're making me NOT want to take this weave out even though I have to...

I know exactly what you're feeling though... Exactly...I've been in the shower wanting to cry when doing my hair on my own....I've had a weave for about the past two months...if if werent for that I would've thrown in the towel probably...
can you do another wash/DC and then bun with the scarf method?
Or I would use heat until you can get into another protective style. With your weave are your edges being left out?? I would definitely leave your edges need to risk the edges. Granted I've only had one weave in my life but my edges were untouched makes blending the leave out harder but worth it to save your edges…

Trust me were in the same might also help to read through thread from the beginning and take notes .. You can do it!!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

No, I had a full sew in with a silk closure. I didn't want to risk having to flat iron to blend. This was my first weave in 3 years so I was enticed by the thought of not leaving any out. However, when I took it down the edges on the right side had suffered some damage. I am currently taking manetabolism, so I am hoping that in a couple weeks my edges will have recovered enough for me to get braids for the summer.
8 months post and not a happy camper. I've got to get a sew in soon. Wash days have been bad from trying new products. Even though I've got that fixed I still dread washing. I'm tired of this bun. I tried a braid out today and it was a complete fail. If I weren't so lazy and scared I'd probably relax. But I've come too far for all that and I refuse to let this beat me! Lol yes this is serious business!!
Hey, I am 9 months post today! YAY! I Want to do the BC because I am so anious to see my curls without the relaxed ends hanging on to it.. :(
oh yeah, and it has been a struggle but only fault of my own (being lazy), I could do my curlformers sets, bantu knots or simple twists. But I just like my wash and go's which can lead to some thicken, wild look later on in the day. But hey, I am loving my curl patterns. IT was hard for the first 3-4 months but after the 8th or 9th I can actually see some curls and my hair natural hair is getting softer and more manageable, I wish I wasn't scared to big cut! I just got a big head and short hair is not a option, lol
Think Im going to blowdry my hair on cool this week. Im starting a Masters program this week and Im going to an HBCU. My hair has to be laid :look:

I need a durn holding product! Turns out this was a defining cream and not a pudding. :sad:

^^ I like the product but I can't see myself getting those types of results. At least not on this transitioning hair.

That's what always has me sooooo confused! How can a fully natural head get slicker results than a transitioning head. It makes absolutely no sense :confused:
You guys are amazing! Thank you! I would not still be transitioning if it weren't for you all seriously....

caliscurls honestly I just noticed a couple of weeks ago when I was doing a length check while my hair was wet. Since I wear my hair straight 100% of the time I hadn't realized the edges on one side were completely natural. I'm still scratching my head at just noticing this since I've got 14 months of new growth

To your question: Every week to two weeks I do one of the following after my HOT, condition wash and DC routine:
- Tension Blow Dry
- Air dry in braids then flat iron on low
- Set on curlformers

My hair is worn in some type of updo or bun 100% of the time. I workout intensely 5-6 days a week and either cover my head with a scarf if I'm at home or if I go to the gym wear a wide head band. Neither are removed until my hair has dried after the workout.

Every night I use the LCO method on them then tie down with a scarf.

Even though the texture of my sides are 4b they stay pretty straight doing the above.


I know you didn't ask me but

Try This:

Moisturize/Seal your edges at night and apply just a tad bit of a edge pomade (like Hicks Edges, Curls Control Paste, and Etc.) and tie them down with a scarf.

In the morning lightly apply a Water Based moisturizer, apply your gel (don't be scared to use the amount you need), and seal the gel with a tad bit of oil (this keeps it from becoming to crunchy if you just so happen to over apply). Reapply you scarf for 15-30 minutes to allow it to set in place.

Once you remove it your edges should be slicked to the heavens.

Its how I get my hair from this: (10 months post)
View attachment 263335

To this: (10 months post)
View attachment 263341

^^^^^These are after a wash day.

This is after my hair has been air dried/stretched for a week (I'm 12 months post).
View attachment 263343

I find that the more moisturize the edges are the better they smooth. If your hair is a bit more coarse I suggest spritzing it with a water based mist or even water itself. then applying the moisturizer, pomade and scarf. The next day steps should be just as breezy.

Hope this helps :)

SuchaLady I meant to come in here earlier to talk about this but never wrote out the response. I might look for a smoothing product such as ORS pudding because I'm not with this :look: CON is expanding their line and I saw a curly pudding that looking interesting. My issue is that my holding products are defining my hair instead of slicking it :whyme:
I've decided to finally buy a steamer (i feel like I've posted this a million times) but I'm serious this time :lachen: recommendations?
Finally 6 months post! Today was a pretty easy wash day. I've learned that I have to work in sections every step of the way and I HAVE to have Netflix playing on my laptop in the bathroom or I get wayyyy too impatient :lol:. I'm still staying away from heat and wearing buns and updos every day and surprisingly I never get bored with my hair. The last time I tried transitioning I did it with a sew in and made it to ten months then relaxed. I had noooo clue what to do with my hair in its natural state so that's why I'm doing this without a sew in this time because it's forcing me to learn how to manage and care for my hair. I even learned how to finally cornrow!
Finally! Length check, trim and trying of the new beautiful textures, naturally straight system. Full review will be provided soon. Here are pictures in interim, also have to update with final results. BTW 16mnth post



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That's what always has me sooooo confused! How can a fully natural head get slicker results than a transitioning head. It makes absolutely no sense :confused:

my natural 4b hair Was slick like that by just using s curl gel (white one) with some light oil and a scarf.

now im transitionning..... i struggled this morning ànd im mad! i have an event tonight with my job and my high bun is..... not how i wanted! i might re do it again before the event..

id like to know the difference between pudding and normal gel?
is pudding a mix of cream and gel?
im having doubts i can transition for long. my hair yesterday was hard to deal with. plus i took my box braids out yesterday. it was soft until i washed (clarified) with my head over the tub (upside down)..... STUPID IDEA!!!!

then this morning..... making the bun was...... trouble.

im 6 months post.