Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I just told my stylist today that I wanted to transition without the BC. She was very optimistic that she could help me and that there was no need to BC as long as I'm consistent with my DCs. My last relaxer was March 28th which makes me 6 weeks post :lol:. What the heck am I doing? I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to attempt. I hope this doesn't turn out to be one heck of a stretch :perplexed. So, 6 weeks post, where do I go from here ladies, before the tough part comes????
^^^^^*WARNING* I am by no means a pro at this!!

How long were you stretching your relaxers? I'd stretch 12 then 14 then 16 weeks. I am only 7 1/2 months post but since I was a stretcher before I didn't have any bumps until 5 almost 6 months. Then I got annoyed and worn my hair straight for a while. What has helped me a lot is this thread. I feel like I'm ready for whatever bumps I may encounter because someone here has already gone through it and came up with a solution!

As for your hair. Once the NG gets thick find your styles and staple products and stick with them. Oh and WASH IN SECTIONS! It will save you blood sweat and tears!

Good luck I'm sure some of the pros will be in here shortly :)
I have had the absolute worst hair year so far. Last night I was about to shave my head. I have never looked so consistently crazy at work in my life! I've trimmed my way to a mini big chop over the last 10 months but the shorter the relaxed hair is the crazier I look and the fewer styling options I have. Something is going to happen today! Thanks for letting me rant...
freckledface I don't stretch long at all, generally 8, 10 or 12 weeks. The longest stretch I did was 17 weeks when I was pregnant with no issues, but my texture was different. I won't be doing this alone as a 100% DIYer. My stylist is very good as she is natural herself. Most of her clients are natural and she is confident she can help me without a chop. If all else fails, I'll go ahead and BC. My husband is on board, sooooo I'm going to at least try. Thx for your feedback. Your hair is beautiful by the way
So what you thinking of doing Cattypus1?
girrrrrl...the deed is DONE! I am no longer transitioning. I started with preparations for a Chi touchup which led to a trim and then to looking at my curls at the nape where all the relaxed hair is gone and really wanting not to look crazy any more trying to deal with both of these textures...I BIG CHOPPED! I think I have about 4-5 inches all over...exactly 10 months post today. DC-ing right now under my heatcap with my Kanechom/Silicon mix and going for the wash-n-go.
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girrrrrl...the deed is DONE! I am no longer transitioning. I started with preparations for a Chi touchup which led to a trim and then to looking at my curls at the nape where all the relaxed hair is gone and really wanting not to look crazy any more trying to deal with both of these textures...I BIG CHOPPED! I think I have about 4-5 inches all over...exactly 10 months post today. DC-ing right now under my heatcap with my Kanechom/Silicon mix and going for the wash-n-go.

Congrats!!! I can't wait to see pics ;)
girrrrrl...the deed is DONE! I am no longer transitioning. I started with preparations for a Chi touchup which led to a trim and then to looking at my curls at the nape where all the relaxed hair is gone and really wanting not to look crazy any more trying to deal with both of these textures...I BIG CHOPPED! I think I have about 4-5 inches all over...exactly 10 months post today. DC-ing right now under my heatcap with my Kanechom/Silicon mix and going for the wash-n-go.

Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see!

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girrrrrl...the deed is DONE! I am no longer transitioning. I started with preparations for a Chi touchup which led to a trim and then to looking at my curls at the nape where all the relaxed hair is gone and really wanting not to look crazy any more trying to deal with both of these textures...I BIG CHOPPED! I think I have about 4-5 inches all over...exactly 10 months post today. DC-ing right now under my heatcap with my Kanechom/Silicon mix and going for the wash-n-go.

Omg congrats! That's really exciting! Cattypus1

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Checking in. I think ive decided to transition again. I havent had a relaxer in abt 13 months. Currently BSL. I wont chop ne time soon. I made that mistake last time and ended up relaxing again a few months later. My hair is doing quite well and I keep it in twists most of the time. Flat iron pic in my siggy.
girrrrrl...the deed is DONE! I am no longer transitioning. I started with preparations for a Chi touchup which led to a trim and then to looking at my curls at the nape where all the relaxed hair is gone and really wanting not to look crazy any more trying to deal with both of these textures...I BIG CHOPPED! I think I have about 4-5 inches all over...exactly 10 months post today. DC-ing right now under my heatcap with my Kanechom/Silicon mix and going for the wash-n-go.

how does it feel? :-)

im 5 months post but yesterday i cut off some ends. i reached apl again but just cut it yestereay( got mad at some split ends i saw).
HappyAtLast Thanks!! I have to say that getting to 12 weeks this time around was EASY PEASY!! I've been in a sew in for 6 weeks so I don't even notice the time going by. I plan to take it out at the earliest after my friend's wedding next week at 8 weeks because I've been advised that you should do 8 weeks and then see how your hair looks. If my hair is fine, I plan to DC and get right back in a sew in until the end of July or mid-August at my birthday.

I don't want to length check either! I hope by my bday that I'm skimming APL by an inch or so.

girl, i think hiding your hair is the easiest way to do it...i went from sew in to braids....
i am currently taking the braids down...gonna shampoo and condition and put them right back in
girl, i think hiding your hair is the easiest way to do it...i went from sew in to braids.... i am currently taking the braids down...gonna shampoo and condition and put them right back in

I think braids >>> weave. Better access to your scalp. I spent so much on this hair that I plan to get at least one more use out of it. Then I'm ditching it.
im braiding my hair right now with extensions.
i hate taking so much time on doing hair but hey, these braids will give me a rest for at least a month. i have i guess 1 more hour or 2 to go.... self braider,self everything!

im want to learn more stuff and be able to do lots on my own.
when i take these braids down i will be about 6 1/2 months post. yesssssssss im doing it!

i work so much at my new job but when i do finally get the time i will go hair shopping (amla oil, and a moisturizing spray , s curl or as i have braids it might be better for me to use sulphur 8 braid spray: does good on my braided hair)
so i'm sitting here with conditioner and a cap on my hair scared to comb it...i don't know what i can do with it...wanted to blow it out but can't find my comb attachment...slick it back into a bun...but my daughter lost my gel...sigh:perplexed
freckledface I don't stretch long at all, generally 8, 10 or 12 weeks. The longest stretch I did was 17 weeks when I was pregnant with no issues, but my texture was different. I won't be doing this alone as a 100% DIYer. My stylist is very good as she is natural herself. Most of her clients are natural and she is confident she can help me without a chop. If all else fails, I'll go ahead and BC. My husband is on board, sooooo I'm going to at least try. Thx for your feedback. Your hair is beautiful by the way

Thank you for the compliment. I read it right after I was looking in the mirror think what is going on with this head!! Much needed!! Lol your lucky you've got someone you trust to help you!! Good luck and be sure to keep up updated!!

I tried Wen sweet almond last night. All I have to say is I'm glad it was a gift. I prefer the HH cowash that's only 5$!! My hair was so tangled I ended up cutting some chunks but I don't care! Lol. Lesson learned!
im braiding my hair right now with extensions.
i hate taking so much time on doing hair but hey, these braids will give me a rest for at least a month. i have i guess 1 more hour or 2 to go.... self braider,self everything!


I'm jealous. I wish I could be a self braider.

A friend recommended a braider and the lady won't answer her phone. Hopefully she calls me back by next week, otherwise I'm gonna find someone else. Ugh.

I'm 8 months post and I'm ready for a PS because I'm getting lazy with this hair. I actually flat ironed my hair Friday night because I've been needing to check my progress but I also had a date (who stood me up 20 minutes before dinner :angry2:). Oh well, his loss, I went out with my girl friends anyways.


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I tried Wen sweet almond last night. All I have to say is I'm glad it was a gift. I prefer the HH cowash that's only 5$!! My hair was so tangled I ended up cutting some chunks but I don't care! Lol. Lesson learned!
Oh no!! I've never heard of such a bad reaction to Wen. Maybe it's the Sweet Almond. I'm on autoship for SA and Pomegranate. I only use the SA to lay down my edges between washes.
Yesterday was my wash day and I was trying to hide the limp, relaxed ends in my little, curly fro so I could see what it would look like if I was 100% natural. It was so cute! I went and put on some big earrings and was very tempted to BC so I could sport my curly fro.

Originally, my plan was to transition for 3 years, but after yesterday, I think I may change it to 2 years. Currently, I am 17 months post, so I'll see how I feel in 7 months.
im braiding my hair right now with extensions.
i hate taking so much time on doing hair but hey, these braids will give me a rest for at least a month. i have i guess 1 more hour or 2 to go.... self braider,self everything!

im want to learn more stuff and be able to do lots on my own.
when i take these braids down i will be about 6 1/2 months post. yesssssssss im doing it!

i work so much at my new job but when i do finally get the time i will go hair shopping (amla oil, and a moisturizing spray , s curl or as i have braids it might be better for me to use sulphur 8 braid spray: does good on my braided hair)

how long does it take u....i'm so lazy..usually take me a few days....i'm braiding my hair now also
Oh no!! I've never heard of such a bad reaction to Wen. Maybe it's the Sweet Almond. I'm on autoship for SA and Pomegranate. I only use the SA to lay down my edges between washes.

You know what. My edges are laid today and my hair is soft. I MAY have to try again but I am hesitant. How do you use it? As a leave in?
i have more growth than i thought...i just reached 9 months post and i just snapped this pic after my wash tonight

im braiding my hair right now with extensions.
i hate taking so much time on doing hair but hey, these braids will give me a rest for at least a month. i have i guess 1 more hour or 2 to go.... self braider,self everything!

im want to learn more stuff and be able to do lots on my own.
when i take these braids down i will be about 6 1/2 months post. yesssssssss im doing it!

i work so much at my new job but when i do finally get the time i will go hair shopping (amla oil, and a moisturizing spray , s curl or as i have braids it might be better for me to use sulphur 8 braid spray: does good on my braided hair)

coolsista-paris - another self-braider here!!! What kind of hair are you using when braiding? currently I am using the kanekelon, but thinking of switching to something else a bit more kinkier to match my 4b/c hair. also, I spray my braids daily alternating between (1) s-curl mixed with jojoba oil mist or (2) shea moisture coconut & hibiscus moisture mist.
You know what. My edges are laid today and my hair is soft. I MAY have to try again but I am hesitant. How do you use it? As a leave in?
freckledface, I use it as part of my dc mix and to lay down my edges (scarf method). For edges, I put some water on my hands and mix it with the Wen making a thick cream, apply, tie scarf. I haven't used a brush in years. For dc'ing, I use some repurposed Chinese food soup containers, you know, the plastic ones. Wen + Neutral Protein Filler + one or more of a few other things based on what my hair needs. Could be smoothing, could be ceramides, whatever.

When I'm completely natural, I may go back to using it straight. I gave my mother a bottle the other day. She's newly natural and has no idea what to do besides a fro. I told her to wash, dc with Wen, and then use it as a leave-in, layered underneath a gel she has. She loved the result. Her hair stayed moisturized for several days. :yep:
Britt beautiful growth! How are you hanging in there and maintaining? Are things getting easier for you at all?

Thank you! Im in a sew in for 8ish weeks. I took a picture of my leave out. I actually like it . I want to weave up again if my braided hair is in decent condition. I'm scared that my braided hair underneath is super dry and breaking but if that's not the case and my hair is fine I will weave up again :yep: SuchaLady I've been indoctrinated :lol:
Britt who did you go to for weave take down?

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coolsista-paris I'm jealous. I wish I could be a self braider. A friend recommended a braider and the lady won't answer her phone. Hopefully she calls me back by next week, otherwise I'm gonna find someone else. Ugh. I'm 8 months post and I'm ready for a PS because I'm getting lazy with this hair. I actually flat ironed my hair Friday night because I've been needing to check my progress but I also had a date (who stood me up 20 minutes before dinner :angry2:). Oh well, his loss, I went out with my girl friends anyways.

oh dates huh :-/ but you had fun with your girls !

maybe you can search for another braider?
ps if you're getting lazy otherwise you will lose patience. ( i cut my hair before braiding... was getting sick of it and i didnt really need a cut)

maybe the lady will call you back, hopefully.