Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

9 months post. Never thought I would be this far. I saw s natural the other day and her hair was so pretty. My hair isn't the same type as hers but it was still motivating to see

Hair full of conditioner. I have to baby my hair now that schools out

I have found my staples...I'm in it for the long haul--10 months in and good to go! Kinky-Curly is my boo! The biggest test of a product is day 2 and beyond. The Knot Today, Curling Custard and Spiral Spritz are da bom! Day 2 of my Twistout...


My hair is still soft and touchable. Last night I put my silk bonnet on and went to bed. This is what it looked like this morning after a little finger fluffing.
I am officially 14 months/ 61 weeks. I have an appointment to cut off all my relaxed ends this morning. I promised myself I would transition for 1 year then after that when ever I felt like I was fighting my hair I would do the chop. I was good until I reached year 1 then every wash day Since I've been itching to chop. So Im doing it. Just wish there was more advise about how to shape the hair.

be sure to post pics :)
sharifeh Have you tried Aubrey? It makes my hair unbelievably soft. For my leave out: Argan Oil is the way to go. Argan Oil and carrot oil are my two favorites.

Yeah I used to use Aubrey back in the day

On Wednesday I'm 9 months post! I can't believe it!!

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Yeah I used to use Aubrey back in the day On Wednesday I'm 9 months post! I can't believe it!! Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Congratssssss !!!!!!! Aren't you proud of yourself??? It seems you're getting the hang of your hair.

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Yay! Aren't you glad you didn't relax :look:

Congrats!!! I'm 2 weeks behind you. I can't believe I've made it this far. Great feeling isn't it?!

Congratssssss !!!!!!! Aren't you proud of yourself??? It seems you're getting the hang of your hair.

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Thanks ladies! I don't know, the farther along I get the more nostalgic I am of my relaxed hair..... :look: I'm just being honest! I think it's mind tricks.

I can't believe I made it this far, I'm pushing forward, I'm scared, I'm very scared and excited. Like I can't wait to see my hair but I'm scared of how I'm going to adjust.
So ladies I did it! Not once did I regret my decision to chop. I blew my hair out a week before. The hairdresser cut and shaped it blown out. Then washed it to see if she got most of the relaxed ends. I asked her the cut a little of my natural hair, cos i thought that line of demarcation must be full of tangles etc. I was so happy I was skipping down the street. I got home and deep conditioned (at the salon she only wet my hair) added leave ins and sealed with oil.

While I was transitioning I obsessed about what texture I would have? Now that its done.. I really dont care. I like it just as it is. The crown is a wavier texture than the back of my head. So I have to be more gentle when detangling the back.

My only advice so far is
1. Don't worry about your texture, there are so many styles you can do regardless of it. You will embrace it regardless. And if you REALLY hate it... You can always relax.. Or heat train. (There are always options)

2. Chop when you are mentally ready.

3. Have your hair shaped when you chop. I think this helps with styling.

4. Remember its only hair! It grows, put everything in perspective.

I am so excited to start my next journey!!
*cant figure out how to post pics, when I do I will post lol *
sharifeh my biggest fear is not getting my edges to lay down. I'm completely serious too :look:


Here is your choir that you can audition:

Ampro Gel - brown or clear
Hicks Edge Gel
Edge Control
Ecostyler - Clear, Brown, Pink
Aveda Control Paste
Chicoro's Aloe Vera Gel - aloe gel, guar gum and oil of your choice
Aloe Vera Gel

and don't forget the soprano section ----- SILK SCARF, DOO RAG, Satin Scarf

Well, ladies. I am officially 20weeks post. I know its only 5 months compared to some of you ladies, but nonetheless, its a milestone for me. Just hoping I can go the distance.:drunk::drunk:
I'm a have an honest moment right now.

So I had made 3 decent sized twists in my hair on Friday and curiously chopped off the relaxed ends. Welllllll, last night as I went to spray with water and smooth down for the night I saw those areas I cut ... LAWD :nono:. They just look dry and kinda sticking up, felt like bushy idk... Mannnn, I kissed my teeth threw on my scarf and was like "dammmm, I'm not ready, I'm not readyyyyyyyyyy". I gotta get some twists/braids this summer after I chop. I really prefer my own hair, but I'll need some a little more length first I think before I'm comfy. I see that transition was just the tip of the journey.
Well, ladies. I am officially 20weeks post. I know its only 5 months compared to some of you ladies, but nonetheless, its a milestone for me. Just hoping I can go the distance.:drunk::drunk:

Every month is a milestone! I started putting little reminders and encouraging notes in my calendar for each time I made a month during my transition.
I just counted and I'm a week away from being 11 months post. :yay:

I told SO and he was like, Wow, how much longer do you want to go? I hadn't really decided, I just know I need more hair. :lol: But his question forced me to come up with an exact time-frame, so I think I'll go 2 years+. I follow alexxhes on yt because she has a similar texture and she went 3 years, iirc. I saw her natural twist-out and it was shoulder length. :ohwell: Now, to be fair, it was still very kinky, so it was barely stretched. It's probably mbl straight, but still...

I think my hair grows slightly over average, so we'll see. @Britt, good idea about scheduling reminders. :yep:

OAN, I'm going to Marshall's today. Anything I should look for?? :look:

(eta: EnExitStageLeft, get your pj tail in here! I have questions. :lol:)
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Idk how Alexxhes did it sooooo long. Good lord, that was one longgggggggggggggg transition :spinning: .
:lol: It was, but I could see why she did it. If she's used to long hair, that's what she knows how to work with. Why should she have cut off undamaged hair for no reason? I was wondering why people kept pressing her about it in the comments. I could see if she was struggling, but she seems to have handled it easily just doing the same stuff she did before.
25 months in.


Last Saturday the hair was blow dryed, flat ironed and also styled with hot wand crap. I wasn't particularly happy through any of it but despite the heat fest not a kink/curl is out of place. Suuuch a relief.
Well, ladies. I am officially 20weeks post. I know its only 5 months compared to some of you ladies, but nonetheless, its a milestone for me. Just hoping I can go the distance.:drunk::drunk:

hey! im 5 months post too :-)i wasnt really planning a transition but i love my new growyh so here i am. round 2 on going natural. first time i had transitionned 10 months. braids all through.

i dont know how long i will go this time...
25 months in.


Last Saturday the hair was blow dryed, flat ironed and also styled with hot wand crap. I wasn't particularly happy through any of it but despite the heat fest not a kink/curl is out of place. Suuuch a relief.

how long are your plans to transition....your natural hair looks pretty long...and it's beautiful!!!!!
hey! im 5 months post too :-)i wasnt really planning a transition but i love my new growyh so here i am. round 2 on going natural. first time i had transitionned 10 months. braids all through.

i dont know how long i will go this time...

i think i'm the baby in here...3 months
25 months in.


Last Saturday the hair was blow dryed, flat ironed and also styled with hot wand crap. I wasn't particularly happy through any of it but despite the heat fest not a kink/curl is out of place. Suuuch a relief.

Your texture is gorgeous! 25 months in? You go girl!! How much longer are you planning to transition?

It's funny, when I flat iron, I now actually worry about my little coils being okay. I get so relieved when I see them after washing my hair.
Is anyone experiencing breakage? Is it normal?

I see breakage every day. Not a lot, but I'd like to have zero breakage. I don't know if that's possible though. I'm at 7.5 months post. I moisturize my ends and edges once a day., FYI.... Am I alone with that? No one really talks about mild breakage (short hairs) in the sink.
isawstars I'm 21months post and for me breakage is inevitable. It was inevitable when I was a healthy relaxed head past WL, so I never thought that transitioning would be a different story. My relaxed ends are bone straight and I'm 4B so the relaxed ends just cannot hang. I try to curb it as much as possible (protein conditioner on wash day helps significantly), but it is unavoidable for me. I think the reason I don't panic so much is that I really only see tiny relaxed pieces. I figure they have to go at some point?

...I'm gonna cry if someone comes in here saying they get none. :lol: