Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

@Britt, How long did you intend to transition? And when was the last time you did a hard protein, stronger than Emergencee? I just bought some Aphogee 2 step (haven't used anything that strong is years) trynna stop this breakage. I've been too lazy to use it, but I promised myself I'd do it tonight. Fingers crossed.

Honey Bee
I initially intended to chop sometime hopefully between June and August... but yeahhh, I don't see myself going past beginning of June, if that. I haven't done a stronger protein than Emergencee. I tried Aphogee 2 step a few years ago and I didn't like it. It took my hair a little while for it to feel normal again and I don't want to take chances now and mess with it now that I am dealing with 2 textures and 1 years worth of new growth. I find that I like proteins that are gel like reconstructors or creamy protein like Repair Me by Curl Junkie. I bought the Colorful protein filler and added to the Emergencee for extra umphhh since the Emergencee isn't strong.

I have soo many varying textures in my head it's crazy. No idea what it will all look like when I chop. I'm hoping and thinking that it will all blend together somehow. I just looked in the mirror and noticed that my right side of new growth looks substantially longer than the left side, wth? :spinning:
I'm transitioning again for like the 3rd or 4th bored with my natural hair so I relaxed it 3 times and dyed the front blond..coupled with flat hair is now thin and breaking ..I just cut it from MBL to APL..I really want to take a razor to it..but my "boo" doesn't want me I think I will cut it every couple months to keep it at APL..
Honey Bee
I find that I like proteins that are gel like reconstructors or creamy protein like Repair Me by Curl Junkie. I bought the Colorful protein filler and added to the Emergencee for extra umphhh since the Emergencee isn't strong.
What about that Komaza protein thing people always talk about?

I don't want you to leave early. In my head, we're transitioning buddies. :hug2: :lol:
What about that Komaza protein thing people always talk about? I don't want you to leave early. In my head, we're transitioning buddies. :hug2: :lol:
Awwww I have more months to go!! I feel like the summer is quite a ways away lol.

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OAN What's everyone's style plans for the summer? I'm think braid out and buns with flexi rods on the ends. Separate into a puff looking thing...
I will be roller-setting every week starting this spring... I want to start wearing my hair out and enjoying it

I'm an avid exerciser and I'm doing this transitioning thing
If I can get through this spring/summer then you can too!!

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Gave my hair the works yesterday. Clarified, deep conditioned with a protein conditioner and then followed up with Darcy's pumpkin seed. Sectioned my hair and applied my leave in followed by emu oil. Put on my turbie twist for a while and then did a twist out Camille Rose aloe butter gel. It was my first time using it. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF


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Your hair is lovely
When did you take down the weave? How long did you have it in?
Did I miss that post or did I just forget? :lol:

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Ugh I have begun obsessing over my hair! Once I decided to hide my scissors and focus on growth it was like my hair started growing super slow (it's not but I feel like it is). Looking through my fotki has me upset, I know it will grow to my goals because it has before but I'm ready for it to be there now... I'm frustrated

Slow grower here and I feel your pain.

Usually when I'm feeling this way.....I simply stop obsessing.

I recently cut off a inch and a half about 2-3 months ago back to BSL and I look up and I'm almost MBL again.

(After cut)
Blowout December23rd2013.jpg

Feb 5th, 2014 (almost MBL)
Length 2014.jpg

It's not much, but I literally though my hair had stop growing. With that being said. Just breathe and let you hair do it's thing.

You have a fantastic regi. So I'm sure retention is on point. You'll look up and you'll be BSL in no time :).
Well hair has been going through some things and I'm thinking it's time to take a break from relaxing for a while. I can't say I'm officially transitioning since the new growth gets real annoying around week 10 but I know I need an extra long relaxer break
sooo..I had a moment last night with my hair shoot trying to get ready to go out....I texted my hair stylist at 10:30 pm to get a last minute appt for today..sooooooo glad she was I'm rockin a sew in

Your hair is lovely
When did you take down the weave? How long did you have it in?
Did I miss that post or did I just forget? :lol:

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sharifeh Thank you!!!! I only kept the weave in for 4 weeks. I missed my scalp :lol:


The pictures were extremely helpful, you have no idea.

TamaraShaniece Awww thank you! I'm really glad it is. I like to see pictures and hair tutorials. They are very helpful. Yesterday I spent quite some time looking for pics of what ppl look like with 15 months of growth since I'm hoping to chop off the rest of the ends maybe end of May. One thing I do know--- I need to up my makeup skills if I'm a have short hair :lol:. That was the common denominator I found in pics of naturals with shorter hair, their makeup is flawless. So I want to learn to up my eyeshadow skills, keep practicing with eyeliner. In the meantime, if it ain't right by then, I can always wear a really simple eye, eyebrows filled in a little and a good lip color.
Hi :wavey:

Im new to this thread. I relaxed not long ago after being natural for 2 years. I got frustrated with my natural hair and slapped a relaxer in my head without thinking it through. So now I'm unhappy with my relaxed hair and ready to transition for (at least) a year. Hoping to glean some great tips from this thread. :yep: Im kinda skurred LOL.
How short do you think your hair is going to be?
Yikes you're scaring me!

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sharifeh prob somewhere around this length or around here. I think this length would be realistic when I finally cut off the rest of my relaxed ends. I noticed this go around that my twist out looks shorter than it usually looks. I think as my new growth is coming in my hair is shrinking lol.
Hi :wavey: Im new to this thread. I relaxed not long ago after being natural for 2 years. I got frustrated with my natural hair and slapped a relaxer in my head without thinking it through. So now I'm unhappy with my relaxed hair and ready to transition for (at least) a year. Hoping to glean some great tips from this thread. :yep: Im kinda skurred LOL.

Welcome! Great folks up in here! We are in this together so don't be skurred. LOL!
sharifeh prob somewhere around this length or around here. I think this length would be realistic when I finally cut off the rest of my relaxed ends. I noticed this go around that my twist out looks shorter than it usually looks. I think as my new growth is coming in my hair is shrinking lol.

Both ladies have pretty hair. I don't think the length is too bad but I understand with shrinkage it's a different story. I haven't had my hair that short since I was a child, so I know for me that would be a chock. I'm still trucking along, close to 5 months post but I've had my battles so I'm going to give it some more time to see how I feel.

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Both ladies have pretty hair. I don't think the length is too bad but I understand with shrinkage it's a different story. I haven't had my hair that short since I was a child, so I know for me that would be a chock. I'm still trucking along, close to 5 months post but I've had my battles so I'm going to give it some more time to see how I feel. Sent from my iPad using LHCF

I feel like both of us have been having a rough time. Please hang in there , I am going on 7 months post and the last two months have sucked so badly. But I keep telling myself it's worth it in the end.

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I feel like both of us have been having a rough time. Please hang in there , I am going on 7 months post and the last two months have sucked so badly. But I keep telling myself it's worth it in the end. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Yes girl the struggle has been real over here lol. The various textures throughout my head have been causing me so much problems, some parts are coiled/curled and some are not.Today I spent close to 3 hours M&S, detangling and taking out knots smh. I'm trying to hang in there though *sigh* here are some texture shots.

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Yes girl the struggle has been real over here lol. The various textures throughout my head have been causing me so much problems, some parts are coiled/curled and some are not.Today I spent close to 3 hours M&S, detangling and taking out knots smh. I'm trying to hang in there though *sigh* here are some texture shots. Sent from my iPad using LHCF

Are you combing your hair when it's dry? Do you section your hair? How are u styling it daily?

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Are you combing your hair when it's dry? Do you section your hair? How are u styling it daily? Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I've been using my fingers to detangle lately, The coarse parts of my hair tend to be drier. The times that I do comb my hair are either when it's loaded with conditioner on wash days, damp, or if I feel that I didn't get all the shed hairs out. I section my hair when I detangle and wash or else it would just be impossible. In terms of styling, I don't like to manipulate my hair too much so it's typically twisted up and pinned like a bun. I only untwist to M&S and it remains that way until wash days.

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I've been using my fingers to detangle lately, The coarse parts of my hair tend to be drier. The times that I do comb my hair are either when it's loaded with conditioner on wash days, damp, or if I feel that I didn't get all the shed hairs out. I section my hair when I detangle and wash or else it would just be impossible. In terms of styling, I don't like to manipulate my hair too much so it's typically twisted up and pinned like a bun. I only untwist to M&S and it remains that way until wash days. Sent from my iPad using LHCF

Ahhh I see. I know the frustration of dealing with coarser and dryer areas. It's a challenge. It's good that you are doing things in sections. That helps.

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