Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I feel like blow drying on cool only makes my new growth chuckle...doesn't stretch it that much. Banding didn't work either. I just blow dried on medium heat today using the tension method, but I used Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum which I love. I haven't used direct heat in my hair since April of last year. The textures are at war with each other now so I'm just going to try blow drying from now on....I don't want to give up just yet but it's been very hard.

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When did you start to see your curls forming? I know that I will not know what my hair is like until I BC…but at 19 weeks, I already see small ringlet coils all over my hair. In some places, my hair just knows to clump together into coils. They are nice 4a curls coming in everywhere, and some 3c. The shrinkage is frightening when it dries. I'll never have "Long" hair, it will take so long for it to look long. And that is with relaxed hair weighing it down, when it's dried. The coils stay defined upon drying. I thought that new growth would still show up as waves in this transitioning hair of mine. Or, it's probably a testament to how soon I used to relax (14 weeks and under :) )
Britt, that was so encouraging. Thank you for taking the time to write that message. I love you ladies, dearly. Each and every one of you!

You sound like me with the weekly calendar reminders. Ha, of course, mine are just for weeks, but yours are for months. I'm just excited to be 5, count em/ 5 months post next week.

And I hear you on the thin relaxed ends. I can see that already. What was I thinking.

I just guess I am also discouraged because I have such a nappy hairline. I need to invest in some kinds of hicks edges or something.

I was even googling, naturals who relax edges. LMBO that it brought me right to this board. Someone did it, and it worked for her...

Now, there is nothing wrong with different hair textures....but I just have such a coarse hairline, it doesn't even match with the rest of my hair so far. I have to tie my edges down nightly until I suffocate my head LOL!

You're welcome :hug2: !!!! Put your reminders for every moment you feel is a milestone, whether it's a week or every day :look: :lol:.

Trusttttttt me, I know about the different hair textures. I have some areas which at first I really didn't care for at all, now I'm learning to accept it and it doesn't bother me as much as it use to. Just being honest. If your edges are your problem area I'd try out different gels and start tying it down so that it lays more flat.

How long are you girls transitioning before chopping
I'm hoping to chop in June (16 months post) or July (17 months post).
How long are you girls transitioning before chopping

I haven't even committed to "transitioning" yet :lol: I feel that once I say the word, everything will go downhill. I haven't texlaxed in over 6 months and things are going just extreme breakage or shedding and my hair seems to be relatively healthy.

All that to say, I don't have a timeline for my hair. I'm just going to continue to let it do what it does and manage the best way I can :yep:
I'm getting on my nerves! I'm drying to know what my hair type(s) will be but yes I know it's too early! I also wanna cut a piece (or 3) to see what it does but it's too early!! I need to go have a seat somewhere!
I'm getting on my nerves! I'm drying to know what my hair type(s) will be but yes I know it's too early! I also wanna cut a piece (or 3) to see what it does but it's too early!! I need to go have a seat somewhere!

How far along are u? The hair types confuse me but I'm pretty sure I'm 4c.
I've decided to transition for 2 yrs, maybe 3. I'm so excited, I will not give up, this thread has already revved up my hope that I can become natural. To my surprise, being natural might be the only way I can get to WL

Regimen-I wash twice a week (once on Friday and again on Monday or Tuesday). I DC after every single wash. I clarify once every 6 weeks and I do a hard protein treatment once every 8 weeks. I do each step of my wash day routine in about 8 sections. I wash, tshirt dry for about 15 minutes, apply my DC thoroughly (applying it like a relaxer and using the harping method), use the DIY steaming method for over an hour and rinse. While rinsing, I use my wide tooth comb and the water pressure to detangle. I do that in small sections to get as many tangles as I can. This is why it is important that my DC have slip because I depend on it to help detangle. After I am done rinsing, I tshirt dry again for about 10 minutes, apply my leave ins and damp bun, twist, braid, or rollerset.

The key for me is keeping moisture in my hair to prevent breakage and leaving my hair alone between wash days. Also, I make sure that I remove all shed hairs thoroughly on wash days or they can and WILL cause havoc and you may end up having to chop because of matting. Since I wash twice a week (mainly cowash) and my products (DC, leave-in and hair butter) are super moisturizing, I no longer have to moisturize and seal daily. By the time my hair gets dry, it is time to wash it again anyway. My wash days aren't a nightmare, to be honest. They are just LONG.

Styles-when transitioning, always find a 'go to' style. Mine is either a twist out with flexirods at the ends or a braid out with flexirods at the ends. Because I was extremely texlaxed before I began transitioning, it is very easy for me to blend the textures. To maintain, I pineapple. I can keep the style for about 4 days without rebraiding/retwisting. I just have to make sure that I do the style on damp hair, use a good twist cream (I use Camille Rose JAI Twist Butter), and make sure it is dry completely before unbraiding.

I also rollerset. That can be tricky for transitioners since it takes a LOT of manipulation, but I have found a leave in with enough slip (Ynobe Prepoo) to make it fairly easy. Instead of a rattail comb, I use my tangle teezer (LOVE that thing) to smooth my hair onto the roller. I mainly do rollersets to stretch and smooth my hair. Afterwards, I typically do a chunky braid out or a twist out for waves. I could also flat iron at this step since I do not blow dry my hair.

During the week, I mainly bun. Boring, but helpful.

I hope this has helped ladies and if you have any other questions, please let me know!

I'm getting on my nerves! I'm drying to know what my hair type(s) will be but yes I know it's too early! I also wanna cut a piece (or 3) to see what it does but it's too early!! I need to go have a seat somewhere!
freckledface you should go for it! I cut a few pieces at first too. It definitely helped for me since the areas kept me entertained and satisfied my curiosity enough. Just don't be like me and cut around the perimeter of your hairline! I spent a good chunk of my transition waiting for that hair to grow long enough to fit into a pony. :lol:

Another idea (once your NG has some length) is to BC your shed hair.
How far along are u? The hair types confuse me but I'm pretty sure I'm 4c.
shyekiera: I'm almost 15 months post and I have 21 months to go (3 years total).

I hid my ends all last year using updos and this year, I am hiding my hair with wigs and my final year will be a combination of years 1 & 2 (1 week of updos & 2 weeks of wigs).

So far, this journey has been a breeze and I am thoroughly enjoying it.
OAN What's everyone's style plans for the summer? I'm think braid out and buns with flexi rods on the ends. Separate into a puff looking thing...
Soooo... I'm here at work playing with my hair in the mirror and looking at it (I have good lighting here :look:, better than my bathroom mirror at home) and I see some areas that seem like they are breaking offfff.

On Monday I made an attempt to comb out my braid out that I had from the weekend and for the first time ever I saw small broken pieces alllll over my bathroom sink. I have never seen my hair break like that. I've always been one to experience a lot of shedding, but this here was like 1-2 inch broken pieces. Ehhh, I can't say I was phased by it at all. My hair was kinda crunchy from the braidout and I'm a year post... I can't expect it to be at it's maximum health. I'd be more surprised if my hair were straightened and I experienced the breakage I did.

Soooo ummm, yeah.... I think I'm going to have to suck it up and chop in June. Even that seems far away. I might even do it before then, if anything I'll chop and wear braids for like 2 months to give my hair a chance to gain some length.
Soooo ummm, yeah.... I think I'm going to have to suck it up and chop in June. Even that seems far away. I might even do it before then, if anything I'll chop and wear braids for like 2 months to give my hair a chance to gain some length.
Britt, How long did you intend to transition? And when was the last time you did a hard protein, stronger than Emergencee? I just bought some Aphogee 2 step (haven't used anything that strong is years) trynna stop this breakage. I've been too lazy to use it, but I promised myself I'd do it tonight. Fingers crossed.