Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

We really are hair twins! We need to trade emails. But anywho....I can't believe this post only because I thought to myself last week I may as well go on and cut these ends. :ohwell: Its either that or keep my hair hidden. I just need to be able to bun. Y'all know I live for me a big messy bun. :sad: Right now I just need to find new products. If I get past that hurdle I should be good. I also tried some tips from beauti? I think that's her screenname. My wash day was ridiculously easy. All I did was wash my hair in halves. I also let it dry partially before detangling. Do you know I lost less than 10 strands of hair? I was just like -_-

yeah beauti knows her stuff, she seems to have her hair regimen down pat
she has great tips
i think she told me that she doesnt comb her hair under the shower head because she loses more hair that way and it took me years to realize i do too
:look: :spinning:

The blow drying part has been easy for me. I'd wash my hair in 4 quadrants, and blow dry in 4 quadrants. Apply my creamy leave in, a little serum on each section, and a generous amount of Aphogee green tea leave in. Then I'd blow dry with the big tooth come and then follow up with the paddle brush. When my entire head is dry, I'd smooth it back into a ponytail or 2 pig tails w/ rollers on the end and put my scarf on. For the rest of the week I'd wear my hair in a low ponytail. I had NO breakage and my hair felt strong and had minimal shedding when I was doing this routine. I wanted to give my hair a break from the blow drying heat and would do braid outs for one week. I've been learning as I go along. I honestly don't think this transition would have been as easy for me if I didn't use any type of heat. I don't want heat damage, so I'd take breaks in between my Dominican blow outs, going every other week or every 3 weeks and in between those times, blow drying at home or wearing twist outs/braid outs.

I appreciate your honesty. It can be taboo to discuss this on the forums/blogs and I'm not sure why. I know for certain that the softer/wavier parts of my hair are a total breeze to deal with transitioning compared to the much tighter/kinkier areas, it is what it is. When I was about 4 -6/7 months post and I was washing my hair and would let it air dry, I started to get breakage in the back of my hair b/c the hair back there was growing in very tightly coiled, dry, and it would start to become matted. That was honestly the most difficult part of my transition, that's when I was like nahhhh, *** this :lol: and I ran and got the DE treatment. After I got the DE treatment is when I would start to blow dry my hair, get rollersets and blow outs, or do braid outs.

Once I take this weave down and contend with my head, I will start to slow start trimming the relaxed ends. This should lessen the blow to my 'big chop'. I would like my hair to be 'free' this summer. So that's when I plan to be done with the relaxed ends.

Thanks, I'll try blow drying again at some point
I'm thinking of buying the andis , don't you have that one havilland ?
Britt Yessss the back of my hair has a tighter texture than the front and that's where most of my breakage is, the front is more intact
It is what it is, I don't want anyone to feel like I'm dismissing their struggle...but people sometimes take it that way and they get offended.
sharifeh :blush: girl I'm flattered. However I feel like I'm finding my way around this hair thing too. Shoot, this forum is like an encyclopedia for hair. I learn everything here :yep:
Haven't posted in this thread in a while, partly do to me being lazy about renewing my subscription. I'm currently 10 months post, 11 months in March. I've been itching to BC sooo bad lately. I think it's worse because I've been natural before & missing my hair like crazy. What do you ladies do when you get the urge to BC? I have my hair in a sew-in so it's put away but I STILL got this urge to take down my sew-in & cut my hair. I was even in Walgreens tonight just browsing all the natural hair care items.
yeah @beauti knows her stuff, she seems to have her hair regimen down pat
she has great tips
i think she told me that she doesnt comb her hair under the shower head because she loses more hair that way and it took me years to realize i do too
:look: :spinning:

Thanks, I'll try blow drying again at some point
I'm thinking of buying the andis , don't you have that one @havilland ?
@Britt Yessss the back of my hair has a tighter texture than the front and that's where most of my breakage is, the front is more intact
It is what it is, I don't want anyone to feel like I'm dismissing their struggle...but people sometimes take it that way and they get offended.

yes....i love mine.....first dryer i have had in awhile that gets my hair soft and straight and so far i have not broken the comb.....i always break the combs.:nono:
I hate to say it, but I'm kinda glad it's getting cold again. :look: That way, I can keep straightening my roots and hold off on the crochet braid install.

Natural-ish hair makes you grateful for the oddest things. :lol:
yeah @beauti knows her stuff, she seems to have her hair regimen down pat
she has great tips
i think she told me that she doesnt comb her hair under the shower head because she loses more hair that way and it took me years to realize i do too
:look: :spinning:

Thanks, I'll try blow drying again at some point
I'm thinking of buying the andis , don't you have that one @havilland ?
@Britt Yessss the back of my hair has a tighter texture than the front and that's where most of my breakage is, the front is more intact
It is what it is, I don't want anyone to feel like I'm dismissing their struggle...but people sometimes take it that way and they get offended.
Yeahhhh ... I don't see how one can even compare the transitioning struggle of a 4b to a 3c, like really?!?? When I had attempted to transition the first time, I would watch Kikicouture10 on youtube. She has an amazing head of natural hair now.
Give blow drying a try again.

I took down my weave this weekend, couldn't wait any longer. My hair is in tact and fine. Washed, dc'd and did a braid out on wet hair. I'm hoping that as I continue to braid and twist out my hair I get quicker with it.
Oh snap! I think I just figured out the cause for my breakage. I stopped adding Colorful Neutral Protein Filler to my dc's. Back to what worked...
I'm so tired of having bad hair days. I'm only 3 months post lol. I tried a braidout over the weekend. It came out bad. I washed it out and tried perm rods, took them out this morning. Another fail. Now my hair is in a bun. I went way longer times stretching and transitioning before, so idk. My hair just not acting right.
It is imperative that I wash my hair in sections in the shower. I don't think there's much way around it for me. I tried doing it over the sink and nahhhh... not with soo much new growth. Going in and out the shower can be a bit of a pain, and more importantly I feel like I'm wasting water. I can hear my grandma complaining about the water bill when I'm in there :lol:... but it makes things sooo much easier. Washing in 4 quadrants makes me feel like my scalp is cleaner overall and it cuts down on tangles.

I met up with some of my fellow LHCF'ers this wknd and someone asked me was my transition as bad as I thought it would be and honestly I said "no". It's crazy b/c I would always read that the beginning stages are the worse b/c you're trying to get use to dealing with both textures. I also thought wash day would be a 'nightmare' as most have described it as such due to detangling. Wash day takes a little longer, but I don't have issues with detangling when I use the right products, the wrong products and my hair will tangle up and not feel good.
My most difficult time was earlier on when I was trying to comb through my dry hair like it as fully relaxed dealing with the crunchy new growth coming in. Now I realize I have to do a textured style or use heat to straighten it. I wouldn't even think of putting my hair in a bun either now. If I did a wet bun, by time it fully dried and I tried to rock the same bun the next day, the roots would have already fluffed and spread and it would look like a true struggle bun. Lesson learned on that too. My dry hair has to be in a braid out/twist out.

I need a good twisting/braiding cream. Gonna try the Camille Rose aloe twist gel thingy.
I had my own frustrating transitioning experience. I will be 18 weeks post on Saturday, and am falling more and more in love with my natural hair. Was in a Beauty supply store with a friend and looking at new products, and got to listen to all of them discussing How much they disliked natural hair, and how, even though their hair curls, they would never go natural. I also got to watch the BSS worker examining my hair and giving me all kinds of hair advice, telling me what products to use. I told her I'd been transitioning for about 4 months, and didn't need the advice of someone who was only relaxing their hair. She told me I couldn't self trim. Only to trust a professional. She had stories about using a kitchen knife to cut out an install that was falling apart. And you want to give me hair advice. My friend also showed me some fake hair that they had in the BSS that I could use to give my hair more body/volume, and look fancier. I appreciate that this person wears these types of added hair, but I don't like them for myself (though I might look into getting one of those puff buns for my lazy hair days). I just don't understand why black women cannot be supported when they transition, and why they have to fit into others ideals of straight hair.

They showed me a straightening appliance with metal teeth that I can use to get bone straight hair even though I'm not relaxing. Part of the reason I am transitioning is to get rid of weak/chemically damaged ends. I'm not quite ready to use heat in my hair, and when I do, I will be using it very carefully, and definitely not an appliance that doesn't even have heat setting (?!) It just has an on button!!!

I am just ranting, but really, why do the women who like to straighten their hair feel so compelled to tell natural / transitioning folks "ways they can get their hair straight?"

And, just that morning, someone who sat behind me in church complimented my hair style (I'm wearing a french braid in a bun).

Thanks for reading my rant LOL.
If I did a wet bun, by time it fully dried and I tried to rock the same bun the next day, the roots would have already fluffed and spread and it would look like a true struggle bun. Lesson learned on that too. My dry hair has to be in a braid out/twist out.

I need a good twisting/braiding cream. Gonna try the Camille Rose aloe twist gel thingy.


How far along in your transition are you? The only way I have found to manage my hair is to pull it back into one of those buns. If my hair is soaking wet, and I tie it down very tightly, I get lots of waves and curls, no "struggle buns", love that expression, but I am only 17 weeks post.

I tie my hair down until my ears almost bleed. Are you tying your hair down tightly when you bun?

Also, if you are many, many weeks further along than I am, then I understand, and I need to learn some new styles in case my own struggle bun stops working :)

OMG, I love you for that expression :)

How far along in your transition are you? The only way I have found to manage my hair is to pull it back into one of those buns. If my hair is soaking wet, and I tie it down very tightly, I get lots of waves and curls, no "struggle buns", love that expression, but I am only 17 weeks post.

I tie my hair down until my ears almost bleed. Are you tying your hair down tightly when you bun?

Also, if you are many, many weeks further along than I am, then I understand, and I need to learn some new styles in case my own struggle bun stops working :)

OMG, I love you for that expression :)
mahogany_horizons when I was 17 weeks post, I was able to get away with small buns b/c my wet hair would smooth down into waves and then I'd wash again during the week to smooth my wet hair back. The further I got into my transition the more I realize that I wasn't able to continue to do this b/c as the roots would dry they would expand and the relaxed section would look thinner thus giving the struggle bun look or something quite homely. Also, I was starting to get breakage b/c the back of my hair would dry and get matted up. I couldn't keep doing wet buns and airdrying. When the new growth dries it would shrink and become compacted and break off. I had to completely stop doing this around month 6.. and even that was too long b/c I was starting to experience breakage and my hair was becoming a real pain. I went to two stylists and they both said that I need to stop the airdrying like that and that if I'm going to continue to transition I need to do textured styles or straighten it.

I just made 1 year post.
mahogany_horizons when I was 17 weeks post, I was able to get away with small buns b/c my wet hair would smooth down into waves and then I'd wash again during the week to smooth my wet hair back. The further I got into my transition the more I realize that I wasn't able to continue to do this b/c as the roots would dry they would expand and the relaxed section would look thinner thus giving the struggle bun look or something quite homely. Also, I was starting to get breakage b/c the back of my hair would dry and get matted up. I couldn't keep doing wet buns and airdrying. When the new growth dries it would shrink and become compacted and break off. I had to completely stop doing this around month 6.. and even that was too long b/c I was starting to experience breakage and my hair was becoming a real pain. I went to two stylists and they both said that I need to stop the airdrying like that and that if I'm going to continue to transition I need to do textured styles or straighten it.

I just made 1 year post.

Britt! OMG! Thank you for giving me a realistic picture of what to expect.
Britt! OMG! Thank you for giving me a realistic picture of what to expect.
This was my experience, lol... yours might be different. I would wear cute cloth/scarf type headbands that I got from Tarjay and just pull my hair back... One day I didn't have one on and my brother looked at me like -- wth is going on with your head. He told me I looked like aunt Jemima :rofl: It was a real poofy mess and then at the back a small low little struggle bun.
@Britt yeah my buns are all extreme struggle buns if i tried to wet bun :rofl: :rofl:
LOL @ homely

LOL! When I got my DE treatment I was able to wash and air dry and have a beautiful bun with my bun filler and waves all over. That's b/c the treatment stretched out my new growth texture some. I was able to wash and air dry in like 4 plaits and then put my hair into a bun. Def can't do that now b/c I cannot comb airdryed hair that's not stretched from root to tip.
Here is a pic of when I was able to air dry in plaits and then be able to bun. This is prob a few weeks after I used the de treatment.

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This is a much more recent air dryed low bun. My bun would not look this smooth and laid as it continues to fully dry and the new growth expands.

The train pic is the day after - as the days progress it does not lay this smooth and wavy at all bc the inside roots which r kinkier dry and swell. I'm just trying to paint a picture for you guys lol.

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Muffinhead. Feeling like buns are taking up more and more of my head space and aren't fitting right. I'm on the lookout for one of those foamy bun makers to see if it helps form a better organized/normal shape.

Anxiously waiting for my 2 year mark in April! :happydance:


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so...after living my whole life with a relaxed..and recently chopping about 3 inches of ragged ends...I have decided to go natural....this is gonna be so hair is so coarse is gonna be a struggle for me
Muffinhead. Feeling like buns are taking up more and more of my head space and aren't fitting right. I'm on the lookout for one of those foamy bun makers to see if it helps form a better organized/normal shape.

Anxiously waiting for my 2 year mark in April! :happydance:

Amarilles, your hair is so thick and pretty.

More and more it's making me not want to relax.

Some of you all, with your stories about struggle buns, are truly frightening me.

Thinking I can't wet bun anymore the way I exercise has almost frightened me back into relaxing :)
Amarilles, your hair is so thick and pretty.

More and more it's making me not want to relax.

Some of you all, with your stories about struggle buns, are truly frightening me.

Thinking I can't wet bun anymore the way I exercise has almost frightened me back into relaxing :)

Awwww, don't be discouraged. Just figure out what works for your hair and stick with it. I know how you feel, trust me I do. When I first started transitioning I would obsessively read all about natural hair and try to find transitioning blogs, and read different forums etc trying to see what would work for me. It was good to read what others do, but ultimately I had to figure out what's best for me. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. I've read plenty of the transitioning posts throughout this thread and honestly, a lot of it wouldn't be applicable to me. Some tips might be helpful, but truthfully speaking I had to go through this on my own and figure out what works for my hair. I'm still learning and I can imagine that I'll be learning much more once I'm fully natural.

Different strokes for everyone. Some people will do a braid out/twist out once for the week and it lasts them. Nahhh, not me. If I do a braid out, it will only look 'fresh' for one day. The next day I can find a way to pin it up or I can re do it.

The DE treatment was helpful when I first got it b/c it allowed me to be able to rollerset and blow my roots thus giving me straight hair for a whole week. This may not be conducive to you if you work out heavy b/c you'll likely experience reversion.

Today my hair is pulled back into a low ponytail and my roots are puffy...ehhh, I just have to deal with it today. I'm not so bothered by it today b/c I'm at work, I'd be more concerned if I were going out.

Yesterday I was on the train and I saw a girl who looked like she recently bc or maybe she big chopped months ago, she looked like she had about8 months worth of hair and it was just sticking up like a puffy afro. I honestly fear that more than transitioning. I thought to myself -- damn, I know that's the fear I have of what I'll look like if I were to cut off all my hair soon.

I say all this to say, please please don't be discouraged. When I was 4/5 months post I was planning on getting a touch up and I kept rethinking my decision. Now when I look at my roots compared to my thin relaxed ends, i have no desire to relax my hair. I feel like I've made it this far. If I want really straight hair I can always go and get my hair flat ironed.

Ohhhh much earlier on, I put reminders in my phone for when I'd make another post. So the reminder would pop up with motivating notes.. like "7 months post, wooo hoo you've made it this far" .. I stopped at 12 months b/c I wasn't sure I'd make this far :look: :lol:. But now I've extended my notes to about 16/17 months :yep:
So... yesterday, I called myself trynna do a twist and curl. I LOC'd with Taliah Wajjid bodifying whatever, the spray on my roots, and Nexxus moisturizing foam on the length, then Sally's knock off of Chi SI (still not convinced, but I like the PM Super Skinny Serum knock off :yep:), and some moisturizing creamy spray by ION. (Sally's been getting all my money! :lol: But I'm done with them for now. :look:)

Tell me why my hair wouldn't dry for SEVEN HOURS! I ended up having to take it all out and blowdry. Yes, I only used cool. Yes, I just used the tension method, but dammit! Seriously?! W.T.H.


OAN, I must be the only person in the entire world of hairboards to have never done a wet bun. My hair is so fine, I'm scared it would snap right off like :peace:. :lol:
So... yesterday, I called myself trynna do a twist and curl. I LOC'd with Taliah Wajjid bodifying whatever, the spray on my roots, and Nexxus moisturizing foam on the length, then Sally's knock off of Chi SI (still not convinced, but I like the PM Super Skinny Serum knock off :yep:), and some moisturizing creamy spray by ION. (Sally's been getting all my money! :lol: But I'm done with them for now. :look:)

Tell me why my hair wouldn't dry for SEVEN HOURS! I ended up having to take it all out and blowdry. Yes, I only used cool. Yes, I just used the tension method, but dammit! Seriously?! W.T.H.


OAN, I must be the only person in the entire world of hairboards to have never done a wet bun. My hair is so fine, I'm scared it would snap right off like :peace:. :lol:

I believe you.. you have to be careful with applying too many products b/c when you're getting ready in the morning much to your surprise your hair ain't fully dry :nono: .. another lesson learned lol.
I'm still learning and I can imagine that I'll be learning much more once I'm fully natural.

Different strokes for everyone. Some people will do a braid out/twist out once for the week and it lasts them. Nahhh, not me. If I do a braid out, it will only look 'fresh' for one day. The next day I can find a way to pin it up or I can re do it.

The DE treatment was helpful when I first got it b/c it allowed me to be able to rollerset and blow my roots thus giving me straight hair for a whole week. This may not be conducive to you if you work out heavy b/c you'll likely experience reversion.

Today my hair is pulled back into a low ponytail and my roots are puffy...ehhh, I just have to deal with it today. I'm not so bothered by it today b/c I'm at work, I'd be more concerned if I were going out.

I honestly fear that more than transitioning. I thought to myself -- damn, I know that's the fear I have of what I'll look like if I were to cut off all my hair soon.

I say all this to say, please please don't be discouraged. When I was 4/5 months post I was planning on getting a touch up and I kept rethinking my decision. Now when I look at my roots compared to my thin relaxed ends, i have no desire to relax my hair. I feel like I've made it this far. If I want really straight hair I can always go and get my hair flat ironed.

Ohhhh much earlier on, I put reminders in my phone for when I'd make another post. So the reminder would pop up with motivating notes.. like "7 months post, wooo hoo you've made it this far" .. I stopped at 12 months b/c I wasn't sure I'd make this far :look: :lol:. But now I've extended my notes to about 16/17 months :yep:

Britt, that was so encouraging. Thank you for taking the time to write that message. I love you ladies, dearly. Each and every one of you!

You sound like me with the weekly calendar reminders. Ha, of course, mine are just for weeks, but yours are for months. I'm just excited to be 5, count em/ 5 months post next week.

And I hear you on the thin relaxed ends. I can see that already. What was I thinking.

I just guess I am also discouraged because I have such a nappy hairline. I need to invest in some kinds of hicks edges or something.

I was even googling, naturals who relax edges. LMBO that it brought me right to this board. Someone did it, and it worked for her...

Now, there is nothing wrong with different hair textures....but I just have such a coarse hairline, it doesn't even match with the rest of my hair so far. I have to tie my edges down nightly until I suffocate my head LOL!

you're not the only one who hasn't wet bunned. Im far too lazy to really detangle all my hair its too thick and medium length hair cuz id rip all this relaxed hair out. There super cute though. I cant wait until im natural