We really are hair twins! We need to trade emails. But anywho....I can't believe this post only because I thought to myself last week I may as well go on and cut these ends.
Its either that or keep my hair hidden. I just need to be able to bun. Y'all know I live for me a big messy bun.
Right now I just need to find new products. If I get past that hurdle I should be good. I also tried some tips from beauti? I think that's her screenname. My wash day was ridiculously easy. All I did was wash my hair in halves. I also let it dry partially before detangling. Do you know I lost less than 10 strands of hair? I was just like -_-

I got my hair flat ironed today so I'm happy again. I'm 6.5 months post. I'm reevaluating my plans. Because my relaxed hair is so super bone straight and my texture is so kinky, I'm not planning to go past a year anymore, I guess I'll just have some short hair for awhile , hopefully it won't be too short, I will try to make it to 12 months post though. The relaxed hair and natural hair are in a battle and my natural hair is winning. The stylist made me feel much better, she determined that my breakage is because of the transition, not because I'm doing anything wrong or because I need protein. The breakage is too stressful for me to want to prolong this more than a year. So I'm not looking for length retention this year I guessI'm going to do a weave for end of march and April and see how that goes. But yeah I need to be realistic with myself and accept that I can't transition as long as those with texturized hair who don't have a drastic difference in textures or the type 3s that don't have such aggressive breakage just from transitioning. SuchaLady how's it going girl?