Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

that homemade protein treatment i did when i took my twists out has left my hair strong and super dry! Any product recs to bring moisture back ladies? I was gonna do my usual prepoo and then just dc with organix awapui but i something :look: i'm a restless pj sometimes :ohwell:
that homemade protein treatment i did when i took my twists out has left my hair strong and super dry! Any product recs to bring moisture back ladies? I was gonna do my usual prepoo and then just dc with organix awapui but i something :look: i'm a restless pj sometimes :ohwell:

If you're looking for something on the ground I say GVP conditioning balm at sallys or Aubrey Organics White Camellia or HoneySuckle Rose . If you want to order online I say any DC from Silk Dreams
If you're looking for something on the ground I say GVP conditioning balm at sallys or Aubrey Organics White Camellia or HoneySuckle Rose . If you want to order online I say any DC from Silk Dreams

thank you! I will order from silk dreams and camille rose, keep hearing good things about them. In meantime I did pre poo last night and have yet to wash it out....
Today I am officially 12 months post :woohoo: :party:
I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far lol. I am still weaved up but I'm proud of myself. The transitioning battle is more than 1/2 way done. From here on out I plan to do keep trimming/cutting until I finally get rid of the relaxed ends. It will be easier for me this way instead of continuning to hold onto my length. When I take this weave down, I plan to get a good trim and cut about 1.5/2 inches of hair.
This girls hair is soo long!!! I'm sure she's a different texture then I am but heads of hair like this are one of the reasons I am going natural, I love long straight thick dark hair but I havnt had "long" hair since I was a teenager =\ ... New inspiration image-1216483577.jpg image-3896428294.jpg
How do you ladies style your hair before going to bed? I'm asking because I've been putting my hair in four sections, twisting each up and pinning them. Now I'm not sure if the twist are effecting my ends because they are looking frayed for lack of a better term... And I trimmed TWICE last month. I'm really not feeling like trimming again either.

I just don't know how else to style my hair in order to keep it from becoming more new growth is very thick and I'm
getting ssk's . Idk if I'm going to make it now with all this aggravation.
@beauti I second the silk dreams suggestion

@Britt congrats girl
I hope I can make it

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sharifeh, you will !!!!!!! Trust me, when I was 5 and 6 months post, I didn't think I'd make a year. Biggest thing I learned was I can't comb my dry new growth. My roots will become matted and kinky. I could instead do a textured styled on wet hair, or I could blow dry my hair, and I've gotten a few Dominican blow outs in between.
thanks ladies. I have been so conflicted the past several days. I'm 17 months post relaxer and my ends are acting a fool right now! It was smooth sailing up until recently. Suddenly all my products get a :rolleyes: from my ends and my new growth just :lol: at my attempts to keep it hydrated. After my dc last night I pulled a lock of hair at the demarcation line trying to see how long my natural hair would be if I chopped. I was sooo ready last night but scissors in the bathroom. :perplexed so yeah..I'm gonna have to get new products if I'm gonna reach 24mos post, otherwise a big chop is in the very near future. Rant overrr.
Wow, I am only 17 weeks post (on Saturday), but I feel like I've learned so much about my natural hair already.

All the mysteries of why I only needed relaxer on the back parts of my hair for such a little amount of time, why my crown was so resistant, why the front portion of my head would literally feel so smooth and silky I worried about getting bald if I kept relaxing, and why my mom would do spots around my edges like every 6 weeks..

As my texture is coming out, I see so many different ones, predominately 3c, but 4a in my crown, and 4b only around my edge near the temples, and the back of my hair and towards the nape is definitely 3b, huge, bigger than chalk size spirals coming in, already. How can so many textures exist on the same head??!!

I wonder if, after it all grows out, if I'll even be able to do a wash and go, the texture differences are so stark, I wonder if they all are on the same head.

I did detangle in sections, and it took about 40 minutes now.

I experimented with putting far more products on my crown to see if it would help tame the frizz. That's the part of my hair (and my edges) that I fear will stop me from wash-n-going.

I know that is not the only style, but it seems easier with my frequent exercising.

I just fantasize about washing and going and wearing a huge afro puff, but I know I'm getting ahead of myself. It's just 17 weeks, so I wonder how I will fare when I have that much more hair on my head.

I'm still not washing in official "sections" yet, because it's difficult to handle my fine hair this way.

But, I am definitely conditioning and applying my products in sections. Maybe I'll start experimenting with sleeping in twists.

How many twists do you all do, to sleep in?
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Ive been washing and co washing with suave rosemary and mint conditioner. deep cond. with ors replenishing and moisturizing with cantu leave in and only using evoo when i blowdry. Here are some texture shots



The front of my hair has the loosest texture, its like a 4 by 4 section. Then the rest of my hair looks like the bottom picture :perplexed anyone else experience this?

sweetpea7 My hair is a lot like yours (of course I'm only 17 weeks post, so not as much new growth to tell, but OMG! I have about 4 different textures in my hair.

Predominately 3c, 4a in crown, but I have 4b around my temples, and 3b going towards my nape.

I've actually examined the strands that are dry, and looked at the natural hairs above the line of demarcation, because there is a marked difference in how all the sections of my hair respond to product.

This is why I knew there was such a "problem", with the starkness in the textures of my hair.

I'll keep you posted as I grow out, but, I definitely experience this problem as well, and I guess I better learn about twisting, as that will probably be the only way I can wear such a diverse textured hair :( :( :(
How do you ladies style your hair before going to bed? I'm asking because I've been putting my hair in four sections, twisting each up and pinning them. Now I'm not sure if the twist are effecting my ends because they are looking frayed for lack of a better term... And I trimmed TWICE last month. I'm really not feeling like trimming again either.

I just don't know how else to style my hair in order to keep it from becoming more new growth is very thick and I'm
getting ssk's . Idk if I'm going to make it now with all this aggravation.

If I'm not wearing my hair straight, I would retwist/rebraid at night and put on my scarf. The only way I was able to comb from root to tip is if my hair is blow dried/blown out/flat ironed.
beauti how do you wear your hair... Maybe you don't need all new products! I'd try tweeting my Reggie or style for a few weeks and see if that helps! I'm 18months post and hoping to make it to 24months+ also! We can be each other's motivators ... Don't Leave Me =)
beauti I had the same dang moment yesterday but couldn't find my scissors (thankfully). I'm not having any issues though, just impatient and I'm only 11 months post.! I hope I can make it that long
Mjon912 thanks girl. I will try to hang as long as possible. My hair is usually weaved up,braided, or straightened. Every now and then I keep it out for buns. Usually she plays nice and I only deal with her attitude on wash day. But this past wash day she was hella stank :angry2: I usually use suave humectant or nexxus humectress gvp. Well this time I revisited organix macadamia oil and she wasn't too happy. Moisturizer didn't take afterwards...contemplating starting all over with dc but I really don't wanna get her wet again! :spinning: pics added to give an idea what I'm dealing with


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beauti I had the same dang moment yesterday but couldn't find my scissors (thankfully). I'm not having any issues though, just impatient and I'm only 11 months post.! I hope I can make it that long

girl any other time there's like two to three scissors in that dang bathroom :rolleyes: maybe that's a sign but in the moment, I was feeling like, to hell with it, to hell with my waist length goals, I just want these dead ends gone! :nono: Think it might've been an out of body experience or somethin! Came to my senses :look:
I got my hair flat ironed today so I'm happy again. I'm 6.5 months post.
I'm reevaluating my plans. Because my relaxed hair is so super bone straight and my texture is so kinky, I'm not planning to go past a year anymore, I guess I'll just have some short hair for awhile , hopefully it won't be too short, I will try to make it to 12 months post though.
The relaxed hair and natural hair are in a battle and my natural hair is winning. The stylist made me feel much better, she determined that my breakage is because of the transition, not because I'm doing anything wrong or because I need protein.
The breakage is too stressful for me to want to prolong this more than a year. So I'm not looking for length retention this year I guess :ohwell: I'm going to do a weave for end of march and April and see how that goes.

But yeah I need to be realistic with myself and accept that I can't transition as long as those with texturized hair who don't have a drastic difference in textures or the type 3s that don't have such aggressive breakage just from transitioning.

SuchaLady how's it going girl?
sharifeh, you will !!!!!!! Trust me, when I was 5 and 6 months post, I didn't think I'd make a year. Biggest thing I learned was I can't comb my dry new growth. My roots will become matted and kinky. I could instead do a textured styled on wet hair, or I could blow dry my hair, and I've gotten a few Dominican blow outs in between.


Thanks for the encouragement
How do you blow dry your hair?
I'm soo bad with the blow dryer
You ladies amaze me. I don't know if I have the heart and strength to go a year, a year and a half or two years. You have a lot of patience, and have found the right regimen to make it last.

I do love the look of thick healthy hair.
ohmygoshyouguys!!! Sooo I said I wasn't gonna wash my hair all over again but it was bothering me so I searched around the forum and stumbled upon the salt-in-conditioner thing so I tried it! It was more a cowash than a dc. I used my two best conditioners, suave humectant and nexxus humectress gvp and about 1tbspn sea salt.

Oooheeee! Upon application my new growth was elongated so I knew something was happening. After ten minutes got in shower and yaaassssss! My hair was buttah! Tangles? No ma'am. My new growth was laid like a fresh touch up. :cool: so I sealed my hair with sweet almond and castor oil. I'm so amazed ladies. Can't wait till tomorrow to see if this out of the ordinary feather soft hair actually happened or if I just dreamed it up... This will definitely be a staple in my conditioning regimen
ohmygoshyouguys!!! Sooo I said I wasn't gonna wash my hair all over again but it was bothering me so I searched around the forum and stumbled upon the salt-in-conditioner thing so I tried it! It was more a cowash than a dc. I used my two best conditioners, suave humectant and nexxus humectress gvp and about 1tbspn sea salt. Oooheeee! Upon application my new growth was elongated so I knew something was happening. After ten minutes got in shower and yaaassssss! My hair was buttah! Tangles? No ma'am. My new growth was laid like a fresh touch up. :cool: so I sealed my hair with sweet almond and castor oil. I'm so amazed ladies. Can't wait till tomorrow to see if this out of the ordinary feather soft hair actually happened or if I just dreamed it up... This will definitely be a staple in my conditioning regimen

Sea salt huh? Thanks for sharing.