Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I'm using Chi Enviro to transition. I love it. My hair is soft and strong, I'm 31 weeks post-my longest stretch ever. I really notice the difference when my hair is wet--very little tangling, great combout. The only thing I'm struggling with is I really like twist outs and if I don't stretch my hair the shrinkage makes my Twistout look kind of crazy.

Cattypus1 I'm wondering if chi enviro is better than the de treatment
Do you still use protein conditioners?

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I'm using Chi Enviro to transition. I love it. My hair is soft and strong, I'm 31 weeks post-my longest stretch ever. I really notice the difference when my hair is wet--very little tangling, great combout. The only thing I'm struggling with is I really like twist outs and if I don't stretch my hair the shrinkage makes my Twistout look kind of crazy.
Where did you purchase it from? I'm just trying to weigh my options at this point and looking for something that won't cause damage to my hair.

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Cattypus1 I'm wondering if chi enviro is better than the de treatment Do you still use protein conditioners? Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I don't know about de treatment. I've never heard of it. I still use protein conditioners but I usually mix up something from my stash and include some protein too.
Where did you purchase it from? I'm just trying to weigh my options at this point and looking for something that won't cause damage to my hair. Sent from my iPad using LHCF...Which has a mind of its own, forgive the typos.
I bought the kit on EBay. Tried Amazon but they were out of stock. It's really easy, if you can relax your own hair, you can apply chi. It seems to fill in the gaps in the strand especially at the demarcation. I can only tell where the line is when it's wet.
Had a rough time in my twice weekly deranging session tonight. I lost quite a bit of hair. Not quite sure why. My hair itched some, so I agitated it. I wonder if that's the reason. Maybe it is time to start washing in twists.
Ladies! No one warned me about a tiny, thin ponytail when I attempt to bun! I am 11 months post with hair that is APL. I always had a nice ponytail. I havent worn one in awhile but once I gathered my tail looked like a pencil! Lol i've seen transitioners rocking full buns and ponytails so how do they do it? My hair doesnt even cover a donut bun lol smh
Im assuming once my natural hair is long enough to ponytail this is what im stuck with? Help!

So I did it, on Monday night I chopped away. I will took before and after photos and will post them soon as I upload but here is one of the hair yesterday morning.

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Ladies! No one warned me about a tiny, thin ponytail when I attempt to bun! I am 11 months post with hair that is APL. I always had a nice ponytail. I havent worn one in awhile but once I gathered my tail looked like a pencil! Lol i've seen transitioners rocking full buns and ponytails so how do they do it? My hair doesnt even cover a donut bun lol smh
Im assuming once my natural hair is long enough to ponytail this is what im stuck with? Help!

Try Air drying your hair in two braids overnight so your relaxed hair has more volume when u bun it.
took twists out last night. Thoroughly detangled, put sections in bantu knots. Was too lazy to prepoo overnight. So now I gotta dc under heat, blow dry, cornrow, and weave my hair this afternoon cause we're celebrating vday tonight!

I'm really looking forward to my Sat wash day. Protein is needed! I normally only do hard protein treatments every 6 wks and light protein weekly but I think I will drop it down to 4 wks because I'm starting to see little hairs all over the place. A lot of them are just shed hairs (I can clearly see the bulb) but I want to be extremely cautious. My hair always does well with protein so I'm not expecting any significant change--other than less broken hairs on my sink.
I'm going to use a protein conditioner when it wash , I'm getting so much breakage I have to try it , I've only been avoiding protein because of the DE treatment , it seems like that was a mistake

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sharifeh Yeah Im so unexcited :lol: idk if I want to do a protein treatment tonight. I may do it next week before my sew in. Wednesday cant come in faster. I bought some new products to try as well. Maybe Ill get lucky. :ohwell:

OT but kinda related. How have you been wearing your hair for workouts? I have to get back in the gym!

Wash day tonight too yall :sad:[/QUOTE


Were hair twins! I'm prepooing now!! Gonna wash tonight too :(

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yeah I didn't weave my hair up yesterday. Ran out of time being lazy. So I did a cute side bun using marley hair. Might do my hair today, I don't know.



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what workouts? :look:

I have been really lazy in terms of working out lmao but when I do (rare) I use a headband on my edges and put it up
my edges still revert but theres not much I can do about it :ohwell:
5 months today! Ive been keeping my hair straight this whole transition. Im thinking about putting in senegalese twists over spring break in 2 weeks to give my hair a break. This transition is breezy so far granted i dont wear textured styles.
I was 5 months post yesterday as well! So far my transition has been pretty good no real problems except for coming up with hairstyles to blend the two textures. But overall it's been a good experience.
I put my hair in high bun today and SO commented on how he hadn't seen it in a while.

He's really enjoying my transition. When I told him I was going to go natural, he automatically assume it would be straight all the time like the first time I transitioned and got 38 hot. He hates "Straight-all-the-time" hair. He actually prefers my textured buns and braidouts.

Thank God! Because I'm far to lazy to be settin' and straightening all the time. ANGTFT!
6 months post yesterday! My hair is the longest & thickest if has ever been. I may not straighten and mini chop until December.


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14 months post yesterday and my transitioning is still a breeze. I am wigging it all year:

1. washing/cowashing every 2 weeks & putting it in a beehive braid (short wigs) or plaits (long wigs);
2. moisturizing/sealing every few days; and
3. spritzing/baggying every night.

My hair is soft and cottony and in good condition, but I haven't taken pictures because I hate the way it looks with the shrinkage and straggly ends.

After reading Lucie's write-up, this month's feature, I think I will take some pictures so I can get a better idea of my growth.
sweetpea7 5 months! Wow! What products have you been using?

Ive been washing and co washing with suave rosemary and mint conditioner. deep cond. with ors replenishing and moisturizing with cantu leave in and only using evoo when i blowdry. Here are some texture shots



The front of my hair has the loosest texture, its like a 4 by 4 section. Then the rest of my hair looks like the bottom picture :perplexed anyone else experience this?
SuchaLady what workouts? :look: I have been really lazy in terms of working out lmao but when I do (rare) I use a headband on my edges and put it up my edges still revert but theres not much I can do about it :ohwell:

sharifeh Girl I have been so horrible with working out. It was easy when I was at school and had everything on campus. Now that I'm home it's so hard. I don't drive yet so that makes it even harder. Sadly enough my hair is also stopping me :look: If I didn't have a job it wouldn't matter but I can't workout before work and go in looking a like Who Did It and Why? Crazy enough I'm now considering braids (never had them) or a full wig with a thin slice of my edges out to look natural. Men have it so easy :rolleyes: