Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I wash with it loose. I thoroughly detangle before washing so I didnt think it would be a problem. But no :ohwell: if you let the hair dry before detangling wont it be hard to comb through?

SuchaLady are you washing your hair in loose sections or braided sections? In the beginning I used to dread wash days but then I started washing in four loose braids, loose enough to get to my scalp easily. Unravel each braid to slather conditioner. Air dry in those braids and take them down to strangle when 80% dry. I never strangle on wet hair like some folks, all my hair will come out :look: at this point in my transition my natural hair is so easy to manage I don't have to wash in sections. But I still do as its hard to find my scalp! :spinnng: hth
Mjon912 Well here goes nothing :look: Read at your own risk :look:

If washing my hair will be like this weekly for the rest of my life I'm not interested.

The only way Id stay natural at this point is with a BKT. If I don't BKT then I'm relaxing my hair.

A weave is coming soon. It's a must.

If for some reason number 2 doesn't happen, my hair will be straight at all times via the blowdryer. I don't care.

And last but not least this is overrated. Do you know how many times I could've washed my straight hair in the amount of time I spent with my hair tonight?[

Been there. Done that. Got the tshirt and a lovely parting gift. LMFAO

Trust me. U will either go natural or relax trying. Lol! :)

Either way. We gotcha back.

(Months 6-12 were my training hair just laughed at me and screamed "KING KONG AINT GOT NOTHIN ON ME!!! And neither does Design Essentials!!!"). I had to bring my A game at all times. And I won't lie, Sometimes my hair won.

I transitioned for 2 years and have been natural for 6 months. I STILL have a 3 year old jar of relaxer in my cabinet. I refuse to throw it away. Don't ask me why. But it's a badge of courage for me. And IF I had decided to relax again, i would have been on to the next,,,,wouldn't even have blinked. But I'm glad I stuck it out. It's WAY easier now. Transitioning is not for the shy, weak or faint of heart. THIS RIGHT HERE IS REAL. THIS IS YOUR WAR. U CAN ONLY COME OUT ALIVE, or die trying. LOL.

Good luck, Sis. ;)
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Been there. Done that. Got the tshirt and a lovely parting gift. LMFAO Trust me. U will either go natural or relax trying. Lol! :) Either way. We gotcha back. (Months 6-12 were my training hair just laughed at me a screamed "KING KONG AINT GOT NOTHIN ON ME!!! And neither does Design Essentials!!!"). I had to bring my A game at all times. And I won't lie, Sometimes my hair won. I transitioned for 2 years and have been natural for 6 months. I STILL have a 3 year old jar of relaxer in my cabinet. I refuse to throw it away. Don't ask me why. But it's a badge of courage for me. And IF I had decided to relax again, i would have been on to the next,,,,wouldn't even have blinked. But I'm glad I stuck it out. It's WAY easier now. Transitioning is not for the shy, weak or faint of heart. THIS RIGHT HERE IS REAL. THIS IS YOUR WAR. U CAN ONLY COME OUT ALIVE, or die trying. LOL. Good luck, Sis. ;)
This response is perfection. Pure perfection.

Transitioning was HELL the first time. I don't think I've cried as much over hair than I did back then. My current transition has nearly been a breeze because I'm not dealing with 2 drastically different textures: bone straight relaxed vs natural. I'm transitioning from really textured telaxed hair so my textures aren't fighting anymore. Thank goodness for the small blessings.
Hang in there sharifeh I felt the same way last summer. I was so disgusted and frustrated with my hair breaking and looking thin because of the demarcation line...oh and the tangling..SMH. I'm 10.5 months post now though and back to enjoying my hair. The biggest thing for me was finding something to help smooth that demarcation line and eliminate tangles. There were some conditioners that helped (like silk dreams avocado pudding) but my hair still felt too fragile and knowing I'm protein sensitive I couldn't strengthen it that way. So I cheated :) and went forward with the QOD Max Organic treatment and hair life is much better now. I wish i would have done it in the first place instead of loosing so much hair trying to avoid it. Not saying you should go that route but just sharing so you know you have more options to ease the journey. Hopefully others will chime in with whats been the trick for them.


Thanks for the encouragement , I am planning on doing the BKT but not till May , my stylist wants me to do it right before summer hits
The problem is, what do I do until then?

I hope it makes things easier ...

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I washed and roller set my hair the other day , I didn't flatiron the roots because I don't have a flatiron yet, what a mistake that was , my roots didn't get straight and now they're all matted I'm gonna warm up oil and see if I can get my fingers through my roots because now I can't even do that :perplexed

Update : I just started a dry de tangling session with oil and de tangling spray , it's not fun :look:
I detangled one section and I'm taking a break :look:
I need to order a professional flat iron stat
My natural roots will tangle like crazy if they're not straight ... That's a hard lesson I'm learning from this transition
I wish I was more skilled with a blow dryer - that would probably work I prevent root matting too
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Aloe Vera juice is everything!!! I did everything I know I shouldn't of done this week and my hair is tangled and matted until I spray this and it just melts them all away
Well, I took down my sew-in a few days ago and I guess you can say that I'm completely natural by default.:ohwell: In other words, the scissor-happy chick who did my sew-in a few months ago cut off almost all of my relaxed ends. The few that were left behind aren't worth saving. Now I have about 7.5 inches of 4b natural hair.:look:
I just hate dressing cute then my hair is a hot mess.Any Valentines Day hair ideas? Im short on time and washing my hair takes forever
Hang in there sharifeh I felt the same way last summer. I was so disgusted and frustrated with my hair breaking and looking thin because of the demarcation line...oh and the tangling..SMH. I'm 10.5 months post now though and back to enjoying my hair. The biggest thing for me was finding something to help smooth that demarcation line and eliminate tangles. There were some conditioners that helped (like silk dreams avocado pudding) but my hair still felt too fragile and knowing I'm protein sensitive I couldn't strengthen it that way.

So I cheated :) and went forward with the QOD Max Organic treatment and hair life is much better now. I wish i would have done it in the first place instead of loosing so much hair trying to avoid it. Not saying you should go that route but just sharing so you know you have more options to ease the journey.

Hopefully others will chime in with whats been the trick for them.

Once I can get some money I will be doing this. I hate my hair right now
Have you been doing this regularly?
I've been transitioning for almost a year now, and decided to get my hair flat ironed professionally for an event I attended. I experienced major heat damage. I feel so defeated. I wasted a year of my time.
I've been transitioning for almost a year now, and decided to get my hair flat ironed professionally for an event I attended. I experienced major heat damage. I feel so defeated. I wasted a year of my time.


Girllllll please don't feel like that.

Try and make completely sure that you have damage.

Clarify and Chelate
Do a Hard Protein Treatment and DC w/ something extremely moisturizing afterwards

If then you curls don't return, then it may be damage. Please don't let it get you down though. Your hair is still natural whether damage or not. Just take it as a challenge and move on.

:bighug: We're here for you hun!
Oh wow I'll have to give them a try then
Where do I buy curl formers from?

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sharifeh Sally's or knocks-offs on eBay, the Sally's are pretty expensive for the number you need in total but I keep hearing people say the knock-offs work just as good. Napptural85 did a video on both. I need to get some more now that my hair is longer and I'm just going to get the knock offs. I don't have the patience right now to learn how to roller set the traditional way.
Once I can get some money I will be doing this. I hate my hair right now
Have you been doing this regularly?

ScorpioLove I've been doing it since last summer. I was at the point where I just wanted to cut all my hair off, I was so frustrated. It's sooooooo much easier now. My last application was in December and I'll do another in March or April.