Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

@havilland could you tell me your aphogee 2 step process? I did one this past week and while my relaxed hair needed it my new growth matted and tangled like crazy.

this happened to me too during one session with aphogee two step during my transition and after that nightmare i realized i had to tweak my process.:ohwell:

i oil my hair the night before and detangle.

then i wash my hair in twists with clarifying shampoo. (a gentle one) (Tresemme Deep Cleansing poo works well for me)

then i apply the aphogee from an applicator bottle to the roots and put some in a bowl to dip the twists in. do not undo the twists!

i sit under the dryer with the twists clipped up and let them dry completely...takes about an hour.

then i rinse the hair without removing the twists or the clips until the bulk of product is removed and the hair is soft and moves on it's own.

once i can manipulate the hair, i remove one twist at a time, rinse it thoroughly and add my moisturizing conditioner and retwist. i repeat this process for each twist.

sit under dryer or with heat cap for another hour.

rinse and voila....soft strong hair.

the key is to realize that your hair in transition wants to tangle you have to minimize opportunities for that to happen:yep:
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havilland ok thank you. I washed in sections then took them our for the 2 step. My stomach is clenching up just thinking of trying again! I'm gonna screen shot your post to my phone and pull this out when it's time. Thanks for your help!
havilland ok thank you. I washed in sections then took them our for the 2 step. My stomach is clenching up just thinking of trying again! I'm gonna screen shot your post to my phone and pull this out when it's time. Thanks for your help!

you are welcome. i blogged the post in my profile in case you or anyone else needs it later:grin:

i used to aphogee every 6 weeks when i was transitioning so i had to find a way to make it work......i was trying to avoid chopping at all costs and honestly, the aphogee kept my ends strong enough to last 2+ years. i have fine fragile ends would not have lasted as long without me babying them and treating them like silk.
I'm not gonna put you in time out this time! But as the "big momma" up in here i Def should! LOL

However please Know that you ALWAYS have to detangle before wetting your hair. That is not a step to be skipped! EVER. You are transitioning cus u want to keep your hair. The quickest way to land in big chop land is to skip a detangle and wet some two week hair.

Rant over......

I'm glad ur hair is ok. Truly. ;)

I am attaching a chunk of hair that I lost the time I decided to do what u inspiration for u and a good luck charm. Carry it with u like a magical fairy loc. ;) lol!

havilland I'm reading thus again as I get ready to wash. I'm scared, I'm detangling first so I don't end up in chop land as you say...

I used to love wash days at home
Now I dread them.. . My nape is so dry and matted up
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We're bunners to the core. Pull out the eco styler and slick that thang to the gawds. Tie it down and sleep peacfully lol.


Just a warning....the slip will most likely have you in shock :yep:

The first time I used it I forgot to use a rinse out. Thats just how good it was. Also, I eat, sleep and breathe protein and the stuff almost gave me moisture yeah. Its darnnnnnn good.
I have some random thoughts about my wash day. I won't share them here mostly because they contradict themselves; also I don't want to be judged.

I just came to the conclusion that I'm not high density, so bunning relatively easy when its straight. My airdried hair can be a beast and it takes a while, but if I take my time I can get it in one.
SuchaLady I doubt anyone will judge you, I won't... I think we all are here to learn, help and reach our goals... And if someone does judge you *** them... It's an online hair board, I wouldn't take anyone that seriously =)
Mjon912 Well here goes nothing :look: Read at your own risk :look:

If washing my hair will be like this weekly for the rest of my life I'm not interested.

The only way Id stay natural at this point is with a BKT. If I don't BKT then I'm relaxing my hair.

A weave is coming soon. It's a must.

If for some reason number 2 doesn't happen, my hair will be straight at all times via the blowdryer. I don't care.

And last but not least this is overrated. Do you know how many times I could've washed my straight hair in the amount of time I spent with my hair tonight?[
Mjon912 Well here goes nothing :look: Read at your own risk :look:

If washing my hair will be like this weekly for the rest of my life I'm not interested.

The only way Id stay natural at this point is with a BKT. If I don't BKT then I'm relaxing my hair.

A weave is coming soon. It's a must.

If for some reason number 2 doesn't happen, my hair will be straight at all times via the blowdryer. I don't care.

And last but not least this is overrated. Do you know how many times I could've washed my straight hair in the amount of time I spent with my hair tonight?[

Girl we've all felt like that at some point.......for me it was month 6. I was on Sallys one day and held a jar of Silk Elements in mild for almost 10 minutes. My straighten hair made me realize just how easy I had it.

I love my natural hair, but we have our moments. It gets better.....I promise :bighug:
SuchaLady it will get better as you are better familiar with your hair and what works and doesn't. I took anywhere from 6-8 hours on wash day at the beginning, most of it wasted in washing and detangling. I can now wash in 45 minutes if I want. Give it time.

I finally washed my hair today, I so missed my curlies. I didn't end up with any negative effects after that stylist attacked me with her iron at max heat + 3-5 passes...I'm so giddy! Prayers do work :lol:

22 months!


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I'm considering transitioning...again. :rolleyes:

Background: I tried my hand at transitioning in 2009...FAIL. I was scared off by the breakage and relaxed after 3 months :perplexed

I started my HHJ as a relaxed head in 2009 and grew my SL hair to MBL by early 2011 :grin:

In 2011 I decided to transition. :look: I went 9 months before I cut my hair and became natural.

2013-I hated my natural hair. :nono: I never felt "put together" and my hair didn't seem to be retaining length. So then I texlaxed. Texlaxing has been great! :yep: I really like my hair. :grin: It's easy to detangle, my curls are nice, and I can also wash and go with ease. For some reason I feel that transitioning from texlaxed will be easier than transitioning from relaxed. I haven't had a relaxer in nearly 6 months and have experienced little to no breakage and my hair is about APL. Since my hair has a little length now, I'm sure that gradually cutting off the texlaxed hair will pose no shock to my soul. :lol:

Freshly washed. No product in hair:

SuchaLady are you washing your hair in loose sections or braided sections? In the beginning I used to dread wash days but then I started washing in four loose braids, loose enough to get to my scalp easily. Unravel each braid to slather conditioner. Air dry in those braids and take them down to detangle when 80% dry. I never detangle on wet hair like some folks, all my hair will come out :look: at this point in my transition my natural hair is so easy to manage I don't have to wash in sections. But I still do as its hard to find my scalp! :spinning: hth
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I'm considering transitioning...again. :rolleyes: Background: I tried my hand at transitioning in 2009...FAIL. I was scared off by the breakage and relaxed after 3 months :perplexed I started my HHJ as a relaxed head in 2009 and grew my SL hair to MBL by early 2011 :grin: In 2011 I decided to transition. :look: I went 9 months before I cut my hair and became natural. 2013-I hated my natural hair. :nono: I never felt "put together" and my hair didn't seem to be retaining length. So then I texlaxed. Texlaxing has been great! :yep: I really like my hair. :grin: It's easy to detangle, my curls are nice, and I can also wash and go with ease. For some reason I feel that transitioning from texlaxed will be easier than transitioning from relaxed. I haven't had a relaxer in nearly 6 months and have experienced little to no breakage and my hair is about APL. Since my hair has a little length now, I'm sure that gradually cutting off the texlaxed hair will pose no shock to my soul. :lol: Freshly washed. No product in hair:

Your texlaxed hair looks good!
Girl we've all felt like that at some point.......for me it was month 6. I was on Sallys one day and held a jar of Silk Elements in mild for almost 10 minutes. My straighten hair made me realize just how easy I had it.

I love my natural hair, but we have our moments. It gets better.....I promise :bighug:


Thanks for this post.
I'm 6 months post tomorrow and I'm about to throw in the towel. :(
Its so hard and the line of demarcation breakage stresses me out like crazy
I'm hating my hair at the moment
I think I may be having a pseudomanic moment..because at 9:30 pm...I BIG CHOPPED!!!!!
Pic to follow...
I may need to make a strong margarita... good grief. My hair hasnt been this short in years!!!

Thanks for this post.
I'm 6 months post tomorrow and I'm about to throw in the towel. :(
Its so hard and the line of demarcation breakage stresses me out like crazy
I'm hating my hair at the moment

Hang in there sharifeh I felt the same way last summer. I was so disgusted and frustrated with my hair breaking and looking thin because of the demarcation line...oh and the tangling..SMH. I'm 10.5 months post now though and back to enjoying my hair. The biggest thing for me was finding something to help smooth that demarcation line and eliminate tangles. There were some conditioners that helped (like silk dreams avocado pudding) but my hair still felt too fragile and knowing I'm protein sensitive I couldn't strengthen it that way.

So I cheated :) and went forward with the QOD Max Organic treatment and hair life is much better now. I wish i would have done it in the first place instead of loosing so much hair trying to avoid it. Not saying you should go that route but just sharing so you know you have more options to ease the journey.

Hopefully others will chime in with whats been the trick for them.
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