Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

EnExitStageLeft, you hair's soooo pretty!!!!! :gorgeous:

I keep thinking and rethinking about what I should do with my hair. All I know is that I can't justify relaxing to myself, for my own personal reasons. Locing is most likely the best decision for me, but when I see all these loose natural ladies, it just doesn't seem as fun :ohwell:. I do love my loose hair 70% of the time, but I am hair and style lazy and I still hate shrinkage :lol:. Sigh. So being a half heat half curly natural is also on the table.
Here in Alabama we got a whole inch of snow! So the state is taking a snow day. I'm going to use this time to try a curlformer set and do aphogee 2 step treatment.
ckisland I'm style lazy as well and I transitioned, I'm almost finished! And I wear my hair straight 100% or the time... You can do it if you want =) you don't have to go to locs
naija24 my natural hair is different lengths but for the most part I'm in between SL and APL and I'm 17 months into my transition. My sides and back are completely natural and I have about 2 inches of relaxed ends left in the top/crown area. Up until recently I had been trimming every month /6 weeks but I got frustrated that I had so much relaxed ends left and just took sections of hair and cut it off like a month ago lol

image-3529174774.jpg That's the only pic I have of my natural/relaxed hair but I have about 6-8 more months before my natural hair will be long enough for me to cut the rest of my relaxed ends off and be comfortable with the length

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am I the only one not trimming off my relaxed ends? :look: the last time I trimmed my hair was last year when I did that big cut from wl to apl
Got my hair weaved up yesterday. Might rock out with installs until my big chop.

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Britt my sister did back to back installs during her entire 2 year transition and it paid off big time! Super thick, full, healthy strong hair. She was just above APL all natural when she BC. Now, 1 year later of wearing her hair out she's at BSL.

I'm too chicken to do installs because im not confident I can care properly for my hair underneath. (My sis and I live in different states, otherwise I'd be counting on her! )

I'm still trying to find my go-to style for transitioning...
naija24 my natural hair is different lengths but for the most part I'm in between SL and APL and I'm 17 months into my transition. My sides and back are completely natural and I have about 2 inches of relaxed ends left in the top/crown area. Up until recently I had been trimming every month /6 weeks but I got frustrated that I had so much relaxed ends left and just took sections of hair and cut it off like a month ago lol That's the only pic I have of my natural/relaxed hair but I have about 6-8 more months before my natural hair will be long enough for me to cut the rest of my relaxed ends off and be comfortable with the length

My dream length *drooling*
HappyAtLast oh cool! I've heard of ppl who've done installs for their entire transition. I think it's a great option as a protective style. However, I like to have a 'feel' for my hair as it's growing in so I can have an idea of what works for it when I'm fully natural. I think I might wear installs for the remainder of my transtion. Ideally, I'd like to chop and prob will wear a kinky curly type install when I do just to give myself some length or if I'm not comfy with my big chop :look:
naija24 thanks.... You'll get there and be like 'wow this is really short' lol

beauti for me once my natural hair got some length my relaxed ends were healthy but looked so thin and pitiful compared to my natural hair. It was driving me bananas so I started with the bigger cuts
Nope. I'm not cutting my hair for awhile. Why cut of healthy hair just to say I'm natural?

Same here. Even if it makes for a long transition. I cut/trim when my ends need cutting due to thinning or splitting. Other than that, if they are healthy, I leave my ends alone.
am I the only one not trimming off my relaxed ends? :look: the last time I trimmed my hair was last year when I did that big cut from wl to apl

Nope you are not alone. I love both at the moment and I'm WL transitioning. I PS most of the time and I'm not having detangling nightmares so I will leave them alone. They are playing well together so far. I'm almost 6 months post BTW.
Can't believe I'm only 2 whole inches from my hair goals :/ I feel like I'll never get there. I'd have to wait until possibly May to get there.
I had my hair straightened. I hate it, it looks like I have wig on top of a wig on top of another wig :perplexed From the get-go the stylist was trying all kinds of tricks to make it seem like there's less volume but nope, didn't work. My mom took about a zillion pics and my fiance loves it, but I'm just counting down the days to wash it and braid-out.

On the up side, I'm about BSL. I thought I was still somewhere in APL! :blush: Still planning on cutting the ends in August...can't waiiiit!
for me once my natural hair got some length my relaxed ends were healthy but looked so thin and pitiful compared to my natural hair. It was driving me bananas so I started with the bigger cuts
I completely understand this. If my relaxer had come out the way I had actually wanted it, I don't know if I would attempt pulling off a really long transition. I would probably be more content with my relaxed hair actually :look:. But my relaxed hair is super dense and super kinky, and looks like my natural hair stretched out most of the time :spinning:.

I had my hair straightened. I hate it, it looks like I have wig on top of a wig on top of another wig :perplexed From the get-go the stylist was trying all kinds of tricks to make it seem like there's less volume but nope, didn't work. My mom took about a zillion pics and my fiance loves it, but I'm just counting down the days to wash it and braid-out.

On the up side, I'm about BSL. I thought I was still somewhere in APL! :blush: Still planning on cutting the ends in August...can't waiiiit!
Awwwww!! I'm sorry you don't like it. Why do you think your hair came out looking like 3 wigs piled on :lol:? I've had the wig look both relaxed and natural. That's just how my hair wants to be :lol:.
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I had my hair straightened. I hate it, it looks like I have wig on top of a wig on top of another wig :perplexed From the get-go the stylist was trying all kinds of tricks to make it seem like there's less volume but nope, didn't work. My mom took about a zillion pics and my fiance loves it, but I'm just counting down the days to wash it and braid-out.

On the up side, I'm about BSL. I thought I was still somewhere in APL! :blush: Still planning on cutting the ends in August...can't waiiiit!

I know you might be annoyed, but I'd take this problem over other hair problems. If your hair is that thick and full of volume when it's straight, that's beautiful ! Most people's hair looks less dense or thin when it's straight. Thick straight bouncy hair is beautiful !
Amarilles maybe the stylist's technique was bad... Post a pic... If you want =) I know I've blow-dried and flat ironed my hair and ended up looking like im wearing a Dora the explorer wig and I've done this a bunch of times =\. My technique for that sucks but once I rollerset and use a very small amount of leave in/oils it comes out looking like a have a relaxer!

Lots of people think they know and say they know how to work with natural hair but are still learning them selves, and I've got thick dense hair as well
I don't know if her technique was bad, but she used a whole lotta heat. My heart was in my mouth the entire damned time. I only stayed sitting on that chair because I had a flight to catch 4 hours later. I complained about the heat, she in turn complained about the amount of hair and how "rough" it is. I don't know if I'm upset about my experience with her moreso than the outcome, but I can't stand big straight hair. I'm not a blonde for Texas (sorry blondes from TX!) I was trying this lady out for my wedding (she's natural) but I'm really considering just wearing my kinks. My family will have to freaking deal.

She was pinning the hair down as she went, and in the end I left with two low pigtails but my hair was still massive and even the day of, it was unwearable. I pinned back the sides (like my avy) after my flight and put it in a pony the day after.

It looks the best in the pic below, taken an hour or so after leaving the salon. I promise my head is not really that big. :sad:


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Amarilles It doesn't look bad. I want you to be confident for your wedding. You should start a wedding hair thread. I'm thinking of two hair styles that Nap85 has videos for that would be nice for a bride. BRB, with links.

Bubble braid. I'm thinking add pearls to where the bubbles go in.

She has a curlformer updo that is the, but I can't find it right now. She has so many curlformer videos.

When is your wedding? I'll find it by the weekend.
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Girl I could not bring myself to post any of the really bad looking ones :blush: Thank you so much for the link! The more I think of it the more I'm feeling like just working it out with my transitioning head. I'm getting married in late July in my hometown (Miami).

I actually had a pony similar to the one in the video but with just one long bubble. It helped control the volume. I'm realizing I'm not a fan of straight hair anymore but I do love seeing the length! It's too bad I'll have to cut so much of it later this year. :lol:


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I don't know if her technique was bad, but she used a whole lotta heat. My heart was in my mouth the entire damned time. I only stayed sitting on that chair because I had a flight to catch 4 hours later. I complained about the heat, she in turn complained about the amount of hair and how "rough" it is. I don't know if I'm upset about my experience with her moreso than the outcome, but I can't stand big straight hair. I'm not a blonde for Texas (sorry blondes from TX!) I was trying this lady out for my wedding (she's natural) but I'm really considering just wearing my kinks. My family will have to freaking deal.

She was pinning the hair down as she went, and in the end I left with two low pigtails but my hair was still massive and even the day of, it was unwearable. I pinned back the sides (like my avy) after my flight and put it in a pony the day after.

It looks the best in the pic below, taken an hour or so after leaving the salon. I promise my head is not really that big. :sad:

Girl your hair is beautiful! Thick and full ..... the hair dreams are made of. Tie your scarf around it I would do bantu knots on both sides for some light tension. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! !
taking out my braids tonight. ti's about six weeks.

i was gonna keep it longer but i washed and conditioned my hair yesterday and it feels insanely dry and crispy now. plus the dirt inside the twisted part of my braids that meet with my actual hair is really tight right now. i'm just worried about the health of my hair and i don't want a setback so i'm taking my extensions out.

will post pictures.
You ladies are too too sweet...thanks for making me feel better MileHighDiva :kiss: I guess one can get self-conscious about pretty much anything...I secretly would love to have a more delicate texture to the touch or maybe even less hair but shhh..

I went ahead and bantu'ed up very early this morning, thanks SunySydeofLyfe, hoping I can take this head out tonight.
About 14 weeks post. Took out my braids last night and it as torture. Glad I took them down when I did. I can't imagine having to do that after 3 months!!!!

I hope to do a nice blowout tonight to see the length. I miss my clips