Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

After using the app, I found out that I am 71 weeks post today and not 69 as I counted on my own.
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WHAAAAT?!?!?! Y'all need to stop now. I'm getting so jealous. :congrats: to you january noir! I know you said no pics, but I sure wish I could see some.

These 4 1/2-5 1/2 weeks can't go by quick enough!

Gotta fix the pic. It's sideways. I hate that the iPhone and the LHCF app does that. :rant:


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january noir very nice!!! Looks very good on you!! Congrats on being 100% natural great way to start summer!!! I wish I could do it but I jus don't think the twa fits my face... Going to keep my transition going until at least the end if the year... I would be about 1 1/2 yr post by then....
I'm home now and here's better pics. I LOVE IT! I don't know what it's going to look like in the morning and after my Spin class! :look: :lol:


january noir That is SO PRETTY! It suits you so well too! You have hair that I look at and wonder, "Why did she ever relax in the first place?"
I love you and your compliment! :hug2:

january noir it looks great!!!
Thanks caliscurls! :grin:

OMG!! Congrats january noir !!!! I'm so excited for you!!! How do you feel?
I feel like I can take on the world with my bad self! :lol:

Congrats and good luck, january noir! I can't wait to see those pics! :)
Soooo, I broke down ezina and I do feel great and I'm sure each day will get better! :up: I can't wait to see what it looks like in 1 year, 2 years, then 5 years from now. :yep:
Thanks Ladies for the compliments for my BC! Shrinkage is a BEAST! :lol:
I am getting acquainted with my natural hair and she's pretty pleasant. She has lots of different personalities though; curly on top, super kinky just behind her sister curly and coiled at the nape.

This is going to be interesting...
Thanks Ladies for the compliments for my BC! Shrinkage is a BEAST! :lol:
I am getting acquainted with my natural hair and she's pretty pleasant. She has lots of different personalities though; curly on top, super kinky just behind her sister curly and coiled at the nape.

This is going to be interesting...

so glad you came back to post!:grin:
I have been rocking my ponytail for over a week now. I decided that even though it's not the best/healthiest option, I flat iron and wear my hair straight sometimes to give myself a break. It seems to work nicely for me to keep me sane! :)


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They other day as I braided the side, I left the middle out and bent/hid the relaxer to the side.

Ah fauxhawk....I wiiiiiish.


Also, I don't understand my busted hairline :perplexed
so glad you came back to post!:grin:

Of course havilland!

I will stop in from time to time and see how everyone is doing as well as sharing my experience for those that are on the fence about doing the "deed." :lol:

Today was the first cleanse I gave myself. Not too bad at all. I used Wen, a leave-in and threw some curling jelly on my head and air dried. I don't mind my TWA (after the shrinkage); it looks quite cool and when I do my makeup and put on my clothes and jewelry, I look very fashionable and chic. :yep:
Thanks Ladies for the compliments for my BC! Shrinkage is a BEAST! :lol:
I am getting acquainted with my natural hair and she's pretty pleasant. She has lots of different personalities though; curly on top, super kinky just behind her sister curly and coiled at the nape.

This is going to be interesting...

It's super cute!

Of course havilland!

I will stop in from time to time and see how everyone is doing as well as sharing my experience for those that are on the fence about doing the "deed." :lol:

Today was the first cleanse I gave myself. Not too bad at all. I used Wen, a leave-in and threw some curling jelly on my head and air dried. I don't mind my TWA (after the shrinkage); it looks quite cool and when I do my makeup and put on my clothes and jewelry, I look very fashionable and chic. :yep:

I KNOW YOU DO!!!! :grin:

Funny you say that about stopping in from time to time. I only started coming back over to the Hair Forum again after my decision to transition. After I cut, I won't feel like I have a home over here on the Hair side anymore. This is the only thread I come over here for. :sad: I'm going to still be posting here and y'all are going to be telling me to MOVE ON! :lol:
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I KNOW YOU DO!!!! :grin:

Funny you say that about stopping in from time to time. I only started coming back over to the Hair Forum again after my decision to transition. After I cut, I won't feel like I have a home over here on the Hair side anymore. This is the only thread I come over here for. :sad: I'm going to still be posting here and y'all are going to be telling me to MOVE ON! :lol:

don't leave us!!!!!:grin:

when i cut my hair i will still come here. i love y'all!
I KNOW YOU DO!!!! :grin:

Funny you say that about stopping in from time to time. I only started coming back over to the Hair Forum again after my decision to transition. After I cut, I won't feel like I have a home over here on the Hair side anymore. This is the only thread I come over here for. :sad: I'm going to still be posting here and y'all are going to be telling me to MOVE ON! :lol:

Awww! THANKS Dayjoy! :hug2:

No they won't. You won't be by yourself. I'll be coming by too!
I KNOW YOU DO!!!! :grin:

Funny you say that about stopping in from time to time. I only started coming back over to the Hair Forum again after my decision to transition. After I cut, I won't feel like I have a home over here on the Hair side anymore. This is the only thread I come over here for. :sad: I'm going to still be posting here and y'all are going to be telling me to MOVE ON! :lol:

I left the hair board for a few years and came back because I was transitioning and didn't know what to do with my hair. I avoid the hair threads for the most part but this has been my home for over a year.

january noir

Congrats on your big chops; you look great!

I did my multiple snips on 5/12 so I am no longer transitioning. I love my hair and really wish I had returned to natural a long time ago. I have not really tried to style my hair in any special kind of way so I don't really have any special pics to post.

I wish the rest of you a smooth transition. I'm still subscribed to this thread, so I'll poke my head in for big chop announcements. :grin:
Thanks daviine! Congrats to you too!

I've relocated to the TWA thread (I hope to move on from there quickly though), but I will always come through this neighborhood from time to time and visit! :grin:
I left the hair board for a few years and came back because I was transitioning and didn't know what to do with my hair. I avoid the hair threads for the most part but this has been my home for over a year.

january noir

Congrats on your big chops; you look great!

I did my multiple snips on 5/12 so I am no longer transitioning. I love my hair and really wish I had returned to natural a long time ago. I have not really tried to style my hair in any special kind of way so I don't really have any special pics to post.

I wish the rest of you a smooth transition. I'm still subscribed to this thread, so I'll poke my head in for big chop announcements. :grin:

Really weird, but why did this post almost make me teary? :look: :yep: Maybe because you called this your "home." I hang out mostly in the Makeup and Nail Fanatics Forums, but this is my Hair Forum "home" right here too.
daviine You Big chopped??? Congrats!!!!

MsDee14 Yes ma'am! But I just washed my hair and found some stray straight hairs but I'm still calling 5/12 the official day. Who knows how much longer I'll find strays?

When I was on the board the first go-round, I always posted pics but the Internet is forever so I'm a little paranoid about it. But it doesn't feel right to post for so long in a thread and not show something, so I'm working on it. I'll either post a link or post a pic and then delete it. I don't know. I have to get the pics off my phone first. But don't hold your breath waiting for glamour shots okay? I'll be posting my #nofilter pics. :rofl:

Really weird, but why did this post almost make me teary? :look: :yep: Maybe because you called this your "home." I hang out mostly in the Makeup and Nail Fanatics Forums, but this is my Hair Forum "home" right here too.

It really is/was my home (so confused lol)--it was the place I felt the safest because there was no drama, there is/was real support and it was a nice and cozy group. But now that I've "bc"ed, I'll have to find a new place to live. :ohwell:

I would hang with you in the Makeup and Nail Fanatics Forum Dayjoy but my make up skills are nonexistent. I used to be one of those people who proudly didn't wear makeup. Shhhhh.... I'll post in the Nail forum again if I ever get my nails to recuperate from all the acetone... :blah: But I digress.... :lachen:
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