Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Okay, I've been transitioning for nearly 14 months now and here are some pictures of my hair after I had washed it a couple weeks ago. I have approximately 6 inches of new growth. I snipped the straight ends from a strand in the back of my head because I was curious to see what the strand would look like totally natural. I have various textures on my head and my hair is very coarse in the back.


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Girl if my bun looked even half as nice as that I would rock them ALL the time... I have the thick, kinky, 4b unruly hair that needs a pound and a half of gel and not to mention cutting off the circulation in my head to keep my frizzies down!!!! :lol:

Napp thank you so much for the tip, I am going to look up that line, hopefully I can get a sample to try.... I have stopped doing roller sets because my new growth would just not cooperate and I loved my roller sets....Keep me posted on how the other products work out...

Thanks so much. :) I like my bun. I'm just sick of the end of the day I look like a three year old that's been in a sandbox! Lol
washed my hair today and decided to take some texture shots. the first two are the back of my hair and the last two are they front of my hair


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I also did something i have never done before i washed my hair in sections. When i was done washing my hair i did not dry it, i immediately put my leave in and oil in it. My hair was so much more manageable. I wish I would have tried washing in sections a long time ago. Normally when i wash my hair after i detangle it with conditioner and rinse it out, my hair tangles right back up. I just fell back in love with my hair today :love:
I had so many more posts I wanted to reply to but I'm not sure how many pages back I'd need to go. :ohwell:

Okay, I've been transitioning for nearly 14 months now and here are some pictures of my hair after I had washed it a couple weeks ago. I have approximately 6 inches of new growth. I snipped the straight ends from a strand in the back of my head because I was curious to see what the strand would look like totally natural. I have various textures on my head and my hair is very coarse in the back.

Wow. That's a lot of growth for 14 months. :grin: Or maybe my hair just grows slow. I'm not sure. I was all set to post my BC pics next week but uhhhh..... never mind. :look: :lol:

I also did something i have never done before i washed my hair in sections. When i was done washing my hair i did not dry it, i immediately put my leave in and oil in it. My hair was so much more manageable. I wish I would have tried washing in sections a long time ago. Normally when i wash my hair after i detangle it with conditioner and rinse it out, my hair tangles right back up. I just fell back in love with my hair today :love:

I washed my hair in sections last month and wondered why I was fighting the idea of washing my hair in sections for so long. :spinning:Four is the most sections I do though.

Beautiful hair Rae81.

CandiceC In case I forget, happy early birthday. I hope it's a beautiful day!!!!
Ok. I'm going to stop being hard headed. I will wash my hair in sections this weekend and from now on.

And yesterday made 74 weeks.
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Hey ladies! Happy Friday! I just wanted to come in and report a good week with me and my hair. We got along for a change! Lol! I wore two big flat twists on the sides of my head and just left them alone... I think that's all my hair wants... Is to be left alone.
i am having happy hair day complaining about my hair today. LOL

i also discovered that my shrinkage is to chin length,not ear length.

i am deep conditioning before work today. wish me luck!
Well, I'm 21 weeks post today and my hair is scaring me with how manageable it is. Either I have found the right products and regimen or there is something wrong with my hair.

Although I have a little puffiness, I don't think I'm getting the growth I hear everyone else talking about. I think this is where patience comes in because I am so ready to get enough NG, so I can see my curl pattern and have more thickness. :pray:
Took out my weave, now I remember why my mother relaxed my hair! It took me 2 days to flat iron. My arms got tired, I was sweating, it was all bad lol. It grew so much though, so I’m very happy. It’s past APL, almost BSL (but I’m 5’0, so no big deal). I need to trim it, but I lost my scissors. I’d post pictures, but I’m so ashamed haha. I want to wear it straight, but I have no Idea how that will happen, so I have it in 4 cornrows for a braidout.
i got my peruvian hair in the mail yesterday so i will be making a u-part wig with a closure. hoping to hide my hair for next couple months
I slightly went crazy at about 2 this morning. I was seriously about to just CUT it off! I calmed down, but that was only after I cut a section in the back and on the side. I was able to measure my new growth. I also realized how real my shrinkage is. Stretched Its 4-4 1/2 inches. Shrunken it is like an inch. I remember my shrinkage being crazy when I was younger. But I cut it so that I can blend it, or hide it with the rest of my hair. I'm so irked by my relaxed ends after feeling my hair natural, and it is so soft! Ugh. I don't think I'm going to last 2 years. lol. I may chop at my 1 year mark in October.
Dusted this morning. Prepooing now with wheat germ and EVCO under a plastic cap and skully. Once breakfast is done and I mud wash and tie my dd's hair down, I will cowash, DC, and cornrow my hair back up for my wig. I think I will give the AVJ/glycerin mix one more try as a leave in. I did notice while taking my cornrows out this morning the side with the Scurl was a bit softer, but not a whole lot softer. I messed up last week and did not dilute the AVJ with water and glycerin so my half and half results were skewed a bit. Any who, wish me luck today! It's gonna be a busy one! Plus, I was too tired last night to do date night, so me and hubby will have to get it in tonight and I am out of town for work all next week so he will need some "special attention" to get him prepped for this week without me. LOL!
So I haven't been in here posting in a while but I was checking in. And I decided to go out on a limb and Big Chop Yesterday!! And I didn't cry lol! I love it!!


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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE TRANSITIONING moms, godmoms, aunts, sisters, cousins, nieces, grandmas, sisters in spirit, best friends, all of us who have touched a child's life. Have a WONDERFUL DAY!

Happy Birthday @CandiceC!!!!!!

:blush: Thank you! :grin:

I took some twists out at the top and front of my head last night to redo. I washed my hair before retwisting.
After the wash/condition I did a BC of that section. (Shrinkage is crazy!) I thought about you at the time. I was like I can tell her at least I didn't chicken out on chopping a 15% section. :look: :lol:
Well, I'm 21 weeks post today and my hair is scaring me with how manageable it is. Either I have found the right products and regimen or there is something wrong with my hair.

Although I have a little puffiness, I don't think I'm getting the growth I hear everyone else talking about. I think this is where patience comes in because I am so ready to get enough NG, so I can see my curl pattern and have more thickness. :pray:
Ok, I spoke too soon. I usually cowash & wash my hair once a week each, but I didn't get a chance to do it last week. So yesterday, my hair got wet in the rain and I was finally able to wash it today.

Well, I was scared in another way this time. I encountered more NG than I thought and I was nervous about how I would be able to handle it when all of my hair is like this. It was so ugly, poofy, shrunken & tangled and for the first time, I was scared that I may not be able to handle my natural hair or being a natural.

I am having some type of weird emotional, self-esteem trip about my appearance as a natural. Has anyone else experienced this or something similar to it?

BTW: I'm a little over 21 weeks post.
trclemons I am at 25 weeks and can definitely understand where you are coming from. Yesterday was a beautiful wash day, but that was after two weeks of a dry tangled mess on wash day. I know that dusting yesterday helped tremendously with the tangles. Also, finding the right balance with moisturizing and sealing is key for me too. We are in this thing together. I know I just have to turn my brain to the right a little bit with this transition. It not the same thought process I have used for the last 30-some years.
the back of my hair is mostly natural. i am almost 14 months post! my NG looks so much shorter than other peoples NG:sad:


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Thanks Ladies!!
I'm glad that y'all like it! The shrinkage is real on my head! :) Good Luck on the rest of your transitioning!! :D
I need to make a decision ASAP...

I am 14 Weeks 4 days today... My roots are okay so far, still in process of doing a cpr treatment now, before this pre-poo'ed with a concoction of dr. Miracles applied first, and then other oils (coconut, garlic, grape-seed oil) as rec'd by bottle.... I put Honey on ends per another thread/YouTube or something. Lol...

After will wash in a few and then Aphogee 2 min.. .

Sometimes I feel like I am doing to much, or just lazy and/or need to start earlier... (started at about 8:30pm) Cooked dinner so let oil/honey sit while doing that... Need to be up by 7:30am...


Even though roots are manageable... I dont think I can do curly... It seems like I will lose so much hair as I am a comb girl...:ohwell:
I need to make a decision ASAP...

I am 14 Weeks 4 days today... My roots are okay so far, still in process of doing a cpr treatment now, before this pre-poo'ed with a concoction of dr. Miracles applied first, and then other oils (coconut, garlic, grape-seed oil) as rec'd by bottle.... I put Honey on ends per another thread/YouTube or something. Lol...

After will wash in a few and then Aphogee 2 min.. .

Sometimes I feel like I am doing to much, or just lazy and/or need to start earlier... (started at about 8:30pm) Cooked dinner so let oil/honey sit while doing that... Need to be up by 7:30am...


Even though roots are manageable... I dont think I can do curly... It seems like I will lose so much hair as I am a comb girl...:ohwell:

Isn't CPR a protien? Are you sure you need that and the Aphogee?
Last time I was in this thread I was contemplating transitioning after only a year then I went and texlaxed :look: ( don't judge me the relaxer was in the closet already, lol!)
while its helped substantially i'm still unsatisfied and honestly don't like the dependency on relaxers (again, SMH). Even though my natural hair can be a pain, I really prefer how it feels and I miss it. My relaxer curiosity has been satisfied.

So, here I am, I'm now 7 weeks post to the day and am going to attempt a long term transition. DH hates wigs and braids so it'll be interesting since they were my BFF last time and made it a breeze. I'm BSB and in the MBL challenge...I realize this decision may result in me dropping out of the challenge along with the 12 inches in 12 months but I won't give up just yet.

Here's my plan
- roller set every 1 to 2 weeks depending on my schedule or air dry and bun. * I'm hoping the roller setting really helps me out, my hair does better straight
- detangle and prepoo with my EVCO concoction
- wash/DC in braids and stop unravelling and rebranding during wash
- once I hit MBL maintain here and continue to trim my ends to thicken them up and then move to WSL and maintain

I think the last touch-up will work to my advantage since I left most of my curl patten, in all I have increasing degrees of texlaxed hair from the ends (straight) to the roots (natural). Best guess is that I will be relaxer free in 3 years. I'm going to need some mental strength for this, thank goodness I didn't buy my relaxer in advance again.
^That sounds good, I don't use wigs or weave either. I wear braidouts to accustom myself (and my BF) to curly hair. Washing in braids is such an ease...last wash day I washed in sections instead and the time I saved making the braids I scored right back when detangling, plus some more. Detangling wasn't hard per se, but the hair took more work and I also got 3 SSKs. :ohwell: No more, going right back to braided sections.

Napp Your NG looks fine to me especially if I imagine it stretched. It's a bit misleading to compare our unstretched hair since we all have different shrinkage and different perm lengths weighing it down. Lovely pattern by the way!