Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I'm home now and here's better pics. I LOVE IT! I don't know what it's going to look like in the morning and after my Spin class! :look: :lol:


Beautiful....and not just the hair. Congratulations!
i made an appointment to chop my relaxed ends in july....and then quickly cancelled.

i have about 6 inches of relaxed hair left.....ain't no way i am cutting 6 inches of hair!

i am going to go and get a trim. i wanted to weave my hair up but i can't do braids with these two textures fighting:catfight:. that will be a detangle nightmare when i take it i guess i just have to deal a little bit longer.

i am not about having short hair with this big jumbo head of mine. no mam!:lachen:
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I took my weave out today and had a complete meltdown... I absolutely HATE my relaxed ends :cry2: ... I was soooo tempted to BC at that very moment..... I did a protein treatment which my Natural hair loved but my relaxed ends hated.... detangling was extremely difficult from the line of demarcation down even though I combed from ends to roots with my wide tooth... every time I would get up to my natural and go down it would get tangled at the line like my relaxed ends just didn't want to let go of each other!!!!! I just took a quick look at my flat twists and think I over oiled my hair because it is very greasy....:sad:

I will sleep on it tonight and take them down and if they are still greasy I will co-wash, throw in the curlformers and pray for the best...... idk anymore.... getting really frustrated at my transition at this moment... Thanks for letting me vent......
Took my bun down and my two year old cousin decided to play in my hair. I knew I'm gonna regret this later when my hair is full of tangles

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I did a wash & go. It looked pretty good because I'm lightly texlaxed, but I have some scraggly relaxed ends that didn't blend well. I trimmed the really damaged straight ones out. I'm so tempted to keep trimming, lol
My hair is just rebelling lately. I have been wearing buns for a long time and now my hair want to act up. I put gel in it and my hair just laughs at it and instead of laying down like it's supposed to, it curls up. So by the middle of the day my hair is sticking up. I don't know what to do with out

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9 weeks post, ha! I have such a long way to go. At first I was going to roller set my way back to my natural mane but..,man that takes so much time! And I don't even wear down more than a day. I'm new at roller setting though so that's part of the issue. I'm trying to find reasonably quick and healthy ways to cleanse and condition my hair weekly with minimal breakage so yesterday I put in some cornrows, washed and DC'd with Silk Dreams then sat under the dryer for 30 min. Originally the plan was to take out the cornrows and put my hair in a bun...but I got lazy and instead dusted off a wig i haven't worn in ages and threw it on - oh well! I'll hopefully keep this style until Friday, then go back to the original plan...if I could get away with doing this in rotation every other week that would be great.

I'm also considering using QOD Max Organiq to get me through this transition once I hit 12 to14 weeks.

How is everyone else doing?
My hair is just rebelling lately. I have been wearing buns for a long time and now my hair want to act up. I put gel in it and my hair just laughs at it and instead of laying down like it's supposed to, it curls up. So by the middle of the day my hair is sticking up. I don't know what to do with out

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Rae81 Have you tried shea or another type of butter instead of gel? Sometimes butters work better for me. I spritz with water lightly, smooth on the butter...then smooth some more :), tie a scarf on, and let it set for 20 min.
My hair is just rebelling lately. I have been wearing buns for a long time and now my hair want to act up. I put gel in it and my hair just laughs at it and instead of laying down like it's supposed to, it curls up. So by the middle of the day my hair is sticking up. I don't know what to do with out

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This is how my hair acts when it needs a deep protein treatment. Maybe it's time for a nice long deep conditioner. (Not suggesting protein, my hair just happens to love protein).

When I need a deep conditioner my hair just acts a fool. And products don't work etc....I get mad and want to cut all my hair off. Then I do a treatment and I trip off of how nice my hair starts to act. Amazing.....

HTH :)
23 months post. I was gonna cut on my anniversary. But I'm not now. I can't do it.

I'm at a loss of what to do all summer with this hair.

I hve dreams at night about relaxing bone straight. I won't...... I promise....

Ponytail yesterday after deep conditioning treatment.


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This is how my hair acts when it needs a deep protein treatment. Maybe it's time for a nice long deep conditioner. (Not suggesting protein, my hair just happens to love protein).

When I need a deep conditioner my hair just acts a fool. And products don't work etc....I get mad and want to cut all my hair off. Then I do a treatment and I trip off of how nice my hair starts to act. Amazing.....

HTH :)

I was just thinking abut doing an overnight deep condition

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I was just thinking abut doing an overnight deep condition

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Don't do overnight. Just my opinion but that could result in a setback with two textures just waitin to get tangled up together with conditioner. I would just do a deep treatment with heat for 30 minutes and call it a day....

I think I am going to trim a couple of inches today.

Le sigh.....

Edited post to add pictures of the trim. Not too much of a difference.

Good- the pesky ends that kept tangling because they are so old and so weak are gone And not hindering my detangling.

Not so good --my Ponytail looks a little less "full".

REALLY not so good ---I looked at some pics from last summer when I had less natural hair on my head and more texlaxed hair and I loved them!....makes me want to texlax again. I won't.....but I love the looser curls and the ease that they represented.

Funny, I have to remind myself that those curls seemed difficult at the time. :) So I journey on to natural land with my Eco styler and conditioner in hand......

First pic example of a bad ponytail day so you can see those tragic texlaxed ends and what they look like two years after processing.

Second pic. A better Pony tail day before cut

Third pic. ponytail after I cut two inches. All I do is keep cutting my progress away.....


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reesycup You did a FABULOUS JOB! Beautiful!!!!! So full and natural looking! You will be able to keep these in for 3 months? That's awesome!

I am still wearing these twists (crochet puffy) 4 wks deep yesterday and will keep them for another 3 wks. I will remove them onbor after 6/21/13 (when work is over for the summer). I will do an ayurvedic treatment (cowashing before the treatment). I hv been on a no poo routine since mid-dec and my hair loves it! This is my 69th straight night of the GHE. My next set of crochet puffy twists will be EXTREMELY fluffy puffy...but it will be in the form of a short afro. Excited to do this style! I hv 3 packs of janet collection afro kinky hair ready and waiting. That was an error as I know for a fact that I could not keep these for 3 months... 7 wks is good to go thouh. I will be doing different variations of crochet styles til my one yr anni of my layered NL haircut (dec 9, 2012). last length check, I was slightly below collarbone (4-22-13). I will not length check until late Nov 2013 for comparison photos.
Time seems to be moving fast yet so slow! I'm trying to remain patient and not get bored cause I'm no where near ready to cut. Next spring will be here before I know it :yep:
I could've sworn that I posted on this thread on Thursday but I guess it didn't go through. I decided to go ahead & long term transition in April & did my own kinky twists for the second time ever. I was right at 12 weeks post at the time & have been having the twists in for 6 weeks. I just took them out tonight & DC'd for about an hour with ORS Replenishing conditioner then poo'd with a sulfate free poo. The detangling was a beast! I heard that the first few months were a breeze since there's not that much NG but I'm a little past 4 months now & while I was standing in the mirror sectioning my heard to air dry all I could think was "Ish just got real!!!"

However, once I applied my Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter to my NG the world was alright with me. I'm going to try to go at least 12 months but that depends on how much NG I have left because I may go longer. I plan on getting a few phony ponies to help get through the next few months & then attempt bunning when she's longer. I'm trying to steer clear of my wig for a while to give my edges a break from being rubbed on but I may have to wear one tomorrow until I can get to the BSS for a pony.
So I did a braid out and it looked good but by the time I got to work it poofed up and looked like a bush smh . It's a good thing I bought a hair tie and some Bobbie pins and was able to put it in a bun, even though it looks messy. If only I had a scarf to put on my edges

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I think the top of my hair in the front is damaged I don't know from what. The sides are so shiny and healthy looking. But the top part is dull and dry looking. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to reverse the damage

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I think the top of my hair in the front is damaged I don't know from what. The sides are so shiny and healthy looking. But the top part is dull and dry looking. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to reverse the damage

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did you do the deep conditioner? sounds like you need a deep conditioner and an oil rinse to replenish the top of your hair.

sorry your hair turned on you.....mine does that alot. i carry a scarf, gel and ponytail holder in my purse.....i will sit in the bathroom at work with a scarf on for ten minutes....i just don't care anymore! this ish is ny any means necassary!:lachen:
Ive only been transitioning since December 31 so I'm pretty much still wearing my hair steamed straight, with some reversion during bad weather. I also wear flat twist and protective styles here and there, but so far so good!
did you do the deep conditioner? sounds like you need a deep conditioner and an oil rinse to replenish the top of your hair.

sorry your hair turned on you.....mine does that alot. i carry a scarf, gel and ponytail holder in my purse.....i will sit in the bathroom at work with a scarf on for ten minutes....i just don't care anymore! this ish is ny any means necassary!:lachen:

I did do the deep conditioner but it's been like that for awhile. I.think it's from using the brush alot for my buns. I will up my deep conditioning and try the oil as well. I was so upset when I got to work and my hair looked like that. But I will be putting a scarf in my emergency hair kit lol

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I have been wearing this faux bun for about 3 weeks now, cowashing weekly. This makes life good for me with my trusty Elasta QP deep condish, Eco gel and oil. 6 and a half momths in! Never woulda made it without LHCF! And I love the way my hair "waves up" with the gel! Great hair days!


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Thanks Dayjoy! There are some parts that I'm still learning to work with(mainly the top half :lol: ) but I'm grateful for all the SSKs, kinks, naps, frizz, spirals, crimps, whatever.