Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I'm still in this challenge! Last texlax was July 22, 2009. I am also in the following challenges: Use 1, Buy 1, Hide Your Hair, Waist Length 2010, Get Your Hands Outta Your Hair, and am partially in the Ayurvedic Product challenge (I use them as much as possible, but I don't have many).

Issues I am facing include a dry, itchy scalp (happens every winter), lots of shedding (my time of the year), and hard-to-manage NG. I think that may be due to some old products I went back to using briefly. I think my hair no longer likes them!

I am trying to combat the dry, itchy scalp with scalp pomades and oils that have tea tree oil in them. Also, Sulfur 8 works wonders for my scalp and helps a lot with growth. I currently have my hair braided underneath a lace-front. I oil my scalp with an applicator-tipped bottle and spray the hair with a light oil spray and mist with water afterwards. That's alternated with Better Braids Braid Spray. I shampoo and DC once every 3-4 weeks, and rebraid my hair, since I have it braided in medium-sized box braids all over underneath my wig.

I haven't done a length check since the first week of September. Otherwise, my journey is coming along. I have been natural before, so I know what to expect with my hair. I am going to invest in lace-fronts and rotate my wigs until I decide I want to deal with my hair again. I usually hide my hair with either a drawstring ponytail or wig in the winter months anyway. It makes life so much easier for me!
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What challenges are everyone in this support group also a part of? What hair issues are you all currently facing?
I've never done any challenges.I just try to stay consistent with what works and go from there. No issues, except reversion right at the root because I refuse to burn my scalp with the flat iron.

Also,how many times a week are you all washing/cowashing your hair now that you are transitioning?
I wash once every 2 weeks if I flatiron my roots. Otherwise once a week. My relaxed hair doesn't care for cowashing so I'll be saving that until later or fully natural.
Going into my 24th week. It was originally my intentions to hide my hair for the next 18 months. However, I just realized we will have our annual ladies trip Labor Day weekend next year & I'm not sure if I want to wear a weave or wig while on the trip.

Then I have my 20th h.s. reunion in October. If I do wear a weave on my Labor Day trip then I will come out of hiding for the reunion. The challenge will be what I actually do with my hair for the reunion. I'm so afraid of heat damage (I had straight pieces as a natural before because I straightened while transitioning.) that there's a part of me that wants to totally transition without flat ironing my hair.

Then...there's that part of me that wants to have "swanging" hair at my reunion. BUT my classmates always knew me for being different & I'm thinking if I rock a big, bodacious twist out, I'll be going way against the norm. :drunk:

Anyhoo, I'm in it for the long haul. My first trim will either be in September or October. I'm hoping not to lose more than 2 inches. That will be my first mini chop.
I'm about 14 weeks post and have been getting salon flat irons every week for the past month. This weekend I plan on doing my own hair. I'm scared! I've never tried to do my own hair this many weeks post relaxer. I am afraid I will have a tangled mess. I will try to post some pics in my fotki of the process. They use alot of Design Essentials products on my hair at the salon, so I ordered some products and hopefully will get them by Friday.

Kinda off topic, but has anyone looked at the Mizani curl key? I think its pretty good, . I'm pretty sure most of my hair is type VIII which is why I'm afraid of knots and tangles that will lead to breakage.
I'm 21 weeks post. I added some pics of my hair in my fotki. I think you have to be signed in to see them. Its going well. Can you ladies look at the texture pics and let me know if I'm 4b..I'm 98% sure I am. My coils are very small and tight.

TIA :)

Ur hair is very pretty and thick. I'd love to have thick hair like that, it would make styling alot easier, if i did the styles in ur pics it wouldn't look cute bc my hair strands are kinda thin.

where did u get the handband from? almost every headband I buy gives me headaches.

As far as ur texture, I get confused with all the different definitions, but I would say 4a since you seem to have a curl pattern. or type VII according to this chart

how are u using the shea butter? I may try this bc my new growth still feels pretty rough even after doing steam treatments with moisturizing conditioners.
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Well I had a failed Caruso set this morning but one thing I know is I need to leave the roller on there longer. I may try again this weekend.
Those coiled pictures are not pictures of coils to me. They need some help :look:.

yeah looks like they needed some zoom or something for some of the higher numbered types. but i think i get a general idea of what they are supposed to look like
Well I had a failed Caruso set this morning but one thing I know is I need to leave the roller on there longer. I may try again this weekend.

I have used Caruso rollers for about 2 years now. They have saved me many times when I was in need of some curls but wasn't about to put a curling iron on dirty hair. Ive always used the larger sized ones to achieve a loose curly look, like a roller set on straightened hair.

You also have to control how long u let the roller sit on the steam, I usually count out loud slowy to 7.
I have used Caruso rollers for about 2 years now. They have saved me many times when I was in need of some curls but wasn't about to put a curling iron on dirty hair. Ive always used the larger sized ones to achieve a loose curly look, like a roller set on straightened hair.

You also have to control how long u let the roller sit on the steam, I usually count out loud slowy to 7.

I used the larger rollers but I left them on the steamer for about 9 seconds and I don't think that is long enough. It got my hair straight but I will looking for some curls too :lachen:.
Well I'm in. I miss my natural hair and I want it back but a BC would be too traumatic for me and probably traumatise my boo too so I've decided to transition. My last relaxer was in Sept and I'm going to be using braids to get through the next 6 months after which I will reassess. Wish me luck :) and good luck to everyone else too.
Im close to 5 months post, Im not planning on BCing until my natural 4A/4B hair rests at APL unstretched. My hair grows slow I need some growth aids to speed this process up:ohwell:. Also, what keeps breakage at a minimun for you ladies with a similar hair type(4A/4B)??
Im close to 5 months post, Im not planning on BCing until my natural 4A/4B hair rests at APL unstretched. My hair grows slow I need some growth aids to speed this process up:ohwell:. Also, what keeps breakage at a minimun for you ladies with a similar hair type(4A/4B)??

Hope someone answers. I am about 20 weeks post - i think. I am currently on the leave it alone mission for as much as humanly possible. I think I was way over-processed in July:wallbash:, and the hair is breaking off. I did 3 trims this year- and can probably use another.:rolleyes:
going 37-38 weeks post, I had to get my hair done for my turkey day vacation. I decided in half cornrows and sew in weave. I love the look just shake my hair and go!!!
Im close to 5 months post, Im not planning on BCing until my natural 4A/4B hair rests at APL unstretched. My hair grows slow I need some growth aids to speed this process up:ohwell:. Also, what keeps breakage at a minimun for you ladies with a similar hair type(4A/4B)??

Hope someone answers. I am about 20 weeks post - i think. I am currently on the leave it alone mission for as much as humanly possible. I think I was way over-processed in July:wallbash:, and the hair is breaking off. I did 3 trims this year- and can probably use another.:rolleyes:

I do a protein dc 1x/wk. I cowash with a protein conditioner or a reconstuctor at least 1x/wk. I also do a protein treatment once a month. Now for some that may be too much protein but it works for my hair. It loves protein.
Im close to 5 months post, Im not planning on BCing until my natural 4A/4B hair rests at APL unstretched. My hair grows slow I need some growth aids to speed this process up:ohwell:. Also, what keeps breakage at a minimun for you ladies with a similar hair type(4A/4B)??

where is ur hair breaking? is it breaking at the demarcation line (point where relaxed meets natural hair)? I'm 4b and although i'm only a little over 3 months post I have not had any problems with my hair breaking at the demarcation line. my breakage has been my dry relaxed hair ends, little short pieces.

I think I've had little demarcation breakage bc I do a moisturizing steam treatment with every weekly wash. I also wear my hair straight (flat ironed) 100% of the time which may be helping (not dealing with two completely different textures/tangles). I think its mostly the steam and moisturizing conditioners though.
im in. Im 6 months post this coming week, and im dealing with it fine. I do have a lil bit of shedding, but i think that is expected. I want to cut of after 2 years from my start date, as i think by then i shud have(hopefully) sum neck length or shoulder length hair!
On average how often do you all do protein DC? My hair has been REAL dry this past week and I'm wondering if I should lay off the protein for a couple weeks and do some moisture DCing only....?
I am on a super low-mani challenge. I am 4 mos post come this weekend. Last month, I braided my hair and threw on a cute lace-front I purchased (its one of the new ones where no glue or tape is required, cuz I don't fool with bonding agents on my hair...if it requires glue, count me out)!! I love the ease of getting up and slapping on my hair, and going, lol! I just hate doing my hair every morning otherwise, especially with all this NG. I had some breakage starting at the demarcation line (unusual for me) so I knew it was time to braid this hair down and leave it alone. That always helps...the 3-4 month period is always hardest for me. After about month 5, I'm sailing free.

I am transitioning w/o BC for as long as it takes to get some past shoulder length natural hair. That may be about 2 years for me. I don't mind. I went 13 mos in my last transition, and now I wish I never texlaxed. I did it for convenience, but miss my natural hair. I will shampoo, condition, and rebraid every month or so. I have about 4 wigs, so I can easily change my look without wearing my hair out. I will likely change my style of wig each month. By the time I get to the last style, I'll have new ones! I love the versatility weaves and wigs give you in changing your look without ruining your own hair (if they are done/applied right).

Good luck and God Bless everyone on their natural hair journeys!
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On average how often do you all do protein DC? My hair has been REAL dry this past week and I'm wondering if I should lay off the protein for a couple weeks and do some moisture DCing only....?

guaranteed reconstructor every six weeks.
in between as needed, I like to use light proteins (not protein treatments) a couple of times in between. Basically I let my hair tell me when to do it.
dryness can be too much or lack of protein. Maybe you can do a moisture dc only then reassess after that.
i wanna be down :) its only been a lil over a month since my last relax. ive been dying to do this forever and i am hoping this time i can stick with it. we shall see :)
On average how often do you all do protein DC? My hair has been REAL dry this past week and I'm wondering if I should lay off the protein for a couple weeks and do some moisture DCing only....?

I use the ORS Reconstructor Pak once a month - I think it has protein? I also DC once per month with Organics Olive Oil Cholesterol - it has egg protein. I still have no clue when to use protein, but I figure since I co-wash nearly every day, I need some protein once in a while.

All this porosity control, clarifying, leave-in conditioners, baggying, tea rinses, etc. - the more I read about these products and techniques, the more confused I am as to how to tell when I need to use them. :perplexed