Transitioners support thread

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LOL- do you not see that I am a sedu advocate- truly the best i've tried and i use it on low!!!! I need to work on my wash and go technique.

amr501 said:
I will be 12 weeks post on the 11th and I'm loving my newgrowth :lol:
I have really thick hair so I'm sure it will get challenging as time goes on, but I'm up for the challenge! Do you have a good flat iron? I plan on purchasing either a sedu or maxiglide soon so I can 'see' my length from time to time......I rarely use heat though- I prefer to just wash & go.
determined_to_grow said:
LOL- do you not see that I am a sedu advocate- truly the best i've tried and i use it on low!!!! I need to work on my wash and go technique.

:lachen: I didn't see it at first..... Guess I'll try out the sedu!
Yeah, I really think the wash & go and lotsa moisture will be the key to decreasing breakage during a long transition. I purchased some BBD stretch too and I really like it so far. I also have been using the Ultrasheen Duo Tex for protein treatments and it's good stuff -my hair feels sooo much stronger!

ETA: My hair is pretty much the same length as your avatar pic!
determined_to_grow said:
LOL- do you not see that I am a sedu advocate- truly the best i've tried and i use it on low!!!! I need to work on my wash and go technique.

Determined, you're gonna transition? If so, CONGRATS!!!!:D
I was doing the transition thing. I had my last perm in April 06. I then decided to do the BC in Sept. I could not take the two different textures for too much longer. I have a very short hair cut now. It is different. I miss my hair, BUT i am glad i did it. Last time I was trying to go natural I chickened out and got a perm.
Michiko said:
I was doing the transition thing. I had my last perm in April 06. I then decided to do the BC in Sept. I could not take the two different textures for too much longer. I have a very short hair cut now. It is different. I miss my hair, BUT i am glad i did it. Last time I was trying to go natural I chickened out and got a perm.

Congrats on the BC...I bet it looks good on you! :grin:

I'm too chicken to BC, so I'll just gradually trim off the relaxed ends. :lol:
amr501 said:
Congrats on the BC...I bet it looks good on you! :grin:

I'm too chicken to BC, so I'll just gradually trim off the relaxed ends. :lol:
Thanks lol. My face is soooooo fat that it looks weird. But I have to get used to it b/c my hair is not going to automatically grow back tomorrow
You have pretty hair Michiko! Have you tried the fantasia IC gel with sparklites (the blue jar for color treated hair)? It will help to enhance your curl pattern! You can get from's kinda hard to find in my experience.
Hello fellow transitioners...again!

I tried to transition last year and got as far as 10 weeks before I succumbed to the call of the "Creamy Crack"!:( I'm really disappointed because I could have been all natural or close by now. Anyway, I started again but this time with a plan. I am working with a stylist who knows all about transitioning, has great tips, knows great styles and loves natural hair herself.

Every 4-6 weeks, I am going to let her wash, condition, clip the ends and braid my hair so I don't have to do anything to it. I swear yall, after my hair dried and she went to go do something, I could not keep my fingers off of my new growth! It was so silky and wavy. I can't wait to see how it looks by the end of this year! What took me so long?! This time though, there is no turning back.

No later than December 31, 2007, I don't care how short it is, I am getting the BC. If it is short, so be it, as long as it's long enough to braid. I will just keep getting weaves with my hair braided down until it grows to a nice length I'm comfortable with. I feel like it's time to accept who I am in all of my glory. I look forward to sharing my journey to the BC with you guys as well as sharing yours with you.


**Extra: I told my SO my plans, and I was amazed how much he sounded like some of the stories I read on here! He envisions natural hair on women as this big, dry, unattractive bush! I had to reassure him that just like with relaxed hair, it depends on the person and how they take care of it. You can have relaxed hair that looks jacked up too if it's not taken care of. He agreed, but was still reluctant. It's funny though. He's always so big on "being real", but when you actually try to "be real", it's shunned. Oh well. That's why, partly as a compromise, I'm going to the beautician, to keep it "presentable", but I'm still doing my own thing along the way. I still gotta do me. Anyway. Thanks for taking the time to be supportive to others who go thru the same issues along their journey.
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Hey ladies,

I am just checking in. I am thinking about doing a trim again in a few weeks. Maybe clip 2-3 inches off it again. I just cant bring myself to BC so i am just clipping along the way. It has been over 7 months since my last trim and i must say my ends still look pretty good. I haven't used heat since i had my hair trimmed either. I have just been rotating from protein deep conditioning treatments and moistuzing treatments each time i wash my hair and i love QB's Amla and Olive heavy cream. So far my hair is doing well with that. Before i think i was focusing too much on moisture and my hair was too soft and mushy when wet. Plain old Mayo out the fridge has done the trick. I add some oils and maybe an egg and that is my protein treatment.

I love your hair. I BC'd about 5 years ago. But then i didn't have 2 young children to run after so it was easy for me to do my hair or have it done. It was so fun when it was short. Wet it, add some moisturizer and go. But right now i need my ponytail. Looking at your pics makes me want to BC so bad, but i am going to wait it out.
teressa9 said:
Hello fellow transitioners...again!

I tried to transition last year and got as far as 10 weeks before I succumbed to the call of the "Creamy Crack"!:( I'm really disappointed because I could have been all natural or close by now. Anyway, I started again but this time with a plan. I am working with a stylist who knows all about transitioning, has great tips, knows great styles and loves natural hair herself.

Every 4-6 weeks, I am going to let her wash, condition, clip the ends and braid my hair so I don't have to do anything to it. I swear yall, after my hair dried and she went to go do something, I could not keep my fingers off of my new growth! It was so silky and wavy. I can't wait to see how it looks by the end of this year! What took me so long?! This time though, there is no turning back.

No later than December 31, 2007, I don't care how short it is, I am getting the BC. If it is short, so be it, as long as it's long enough to braid. I will just keep getting weaves with my hair braided down until it grows to a nice length I'm comfortable with. I feel like it's time to accept who I am in all of my glory. I look forward to sharing my journey to the BC with you guys as well as sharing yours with you.


**Extra: I told my SO my plans, and I was amazed how much he sounded like some of the stories I read on here! He envisions natural hair on women as this big, dry, unattractive bush! I had to reassure him that just like with relaxed hair, it depends on the person and how they take care of it. You can have relaxed hair that looks jacked up too if it's not taken care of. He agreed, but was still reluctant. It's funny though. He's always so big on "being real", but when you actually try to "be real", it's shunned. Oh well. That's why, partly as a compromise, I'm going to the beautician, to keep it "presentable", but I'm still doing my own thing along the way. I still gotta do me. Anyway. Thanks for taking the time to be supportive to others who go thru the same issues along their journey.

Good Luck with your transition! ;)
Hey guys,

I am so fed up with my hair!! It seems like the only time it will "act right" is after I wash it (or cond. wash). But being like 18 months with no relaxer, I HATE washing my hair now! It takes too long, blah blah blah. I think I am going to have to break down and wash it a couple of times a week-- otherwise my hair gets gummy (is that a word)? :confused:

I'm ready for my hair to be APL when stretched (my goal)! Right now, the longest layer is SL when stretched. :look: It feels like it will take FOREVER and I'm just frustrated. I don't want a weave, I don't want braids and I feel like I won't be satisfied until I feel comfortable enough to wear my hair out (braidout, twistout, wash and go). :(
Sweetcoco82 said:
Hey ladies,

I am just checking in. I am thinking about doing a trim again in a few weeks. Maybe clip 2-3 inches off it again. I just cant bring myself to BC so i am just clipping along the way. It has been over 7 months since my last trim and i must say my ends still look pretty good. I haven't used heat since i had my hair trimmed either. I have just been rotating from protein deep conditioning treatments and moistuzing treatments each time i wash my hair and i love QB's Amla and Olive heavy cream. So far my hair is doing well with that. Before i think i was focusing too much on moisture and my hair was too soft and mushy when wet. Plain old Mayo out the fridge has done the trick. I add some oils and maybe an egg and that is my protein treatment.

I love your hair. I BC'd about 5 years ago. But then i didn't have 2 young children to run after so it was easy for me to do my hair or have it done. It was so fun when it was short. Wet it, add some moisturizer and go. But right now i need my ponytail. Looking at your pics makes me want to BC so bad, but i am going to wait it out.
Thank you! I must be doing something wrong b/c it takes me longer now to do my hair, then when I was unwrapping it and curling it every morning. I usually wet my hair and put at least 3 different types of moisturizer in it, and massage it thorugh, comb it a coupla times with a detangler and shape it. Then I am out the door.
I too am getting a bit frustrated at this point. I have 10 months of new growth, and although I did a mini chop and am now at APL....I am still not wanting to give up the relaxed ends.

I am afraid I won't like the way my natural hair looks ( I know that sounds stupid:( ). But I love the way it feels! I have a sizable fro with straight strands hanging on. It is very difficult to style this, as my natural hair wants constant moisture and my relaxed hair needs to stay dry to keep a curl set. :perplexed

I may opt for some braids or twists soon until I can make up my mind. I am chicken( bock,bock).
Hi Melodee! congrats on making it 10 months, I'm only at 3 & I have a lot of newgrowth so I can only imagine what you're dealing with. Braids are a great idea to help you get past the remainder of your transition, especially now that it's getting colder and your hair will probably need even more moisture! I am getting braids and keeping my hair moisturized with braid spray.
teressa9 said:
**Extra: I told my SO my plans, and I was amazed how much he sounded like some of the stories I read on here! He envisions natural hair on women as this big, dry, unattractive bush! I had to reassure him that just like with relaxed hair, it depends on the person and how they take care of it. You can have relaxed hair that looks jacked up too if it's not taken care of. He agreed, but was still reluctant. It's funny though. He's always so big on "being real", but when you actually try to "be real", it's shunned. Oh well. That's why, partly as a compromise, I'm going to the beautician, to keep it "presentable", but I'm still doing my own thing along the way. I still gotta do me. Anyway. Thanks for taking the time to be supportive to others who go thru the same issues along their journey.

That's really no surprise (about your SO's thoughts). He probably has never/rarely seen natural afro hair, and has heard through stories from other black women how unmanageable and dry their natural hair is--hence the relaxer.

I think that collecting a natural hairinspiration binder/folder of natural hair--from kinks to curls to afros to coils--may help both of you with the mental transition to natural from relaxed. I know a lot of people eschew the need for a mental transition, but think about it--for x number of years,you have defined a good hair day by how straight, uniform, and shiny it is. As a natural, I had to develop a different aesthetic by which to define a good hair day.

You SO will come around, as he redefines what makes his lady love beautiful to him in his own mind. My SO has know me for 11 years (we weren't dating all that time) and for 10.5 of those years, he knew me with relaxed shoulder to armpit length hair. One day, I showed up a his house with an afro--and he never batted an eyelash. :kiss:

BTW: Continued good fortune and success to all the transitioners! It wasn't long ago I was on this very forum with the same issues and concerns.

I don't regret my decision at all--I really love the texture and the freedom I get from my natural hair--even if it doesn't usually do what I politely ask iit to do! :D
I went back to a light grease this weekend. I was having a problem with dry newgrowth and dull looking hair. I know that natural hair has a sheen, but to have a shiny relaxed ponytail and a dull first 3/4 inches in front looked bad to me. The grease helped to add shine to my newgrowth and did a real good job in sealing in the conditioner I sprayed my roots with. So far I've got a little over 1.5 inches of growth. When I reach two inches of new growth, I'll chop two inches of relaxed. That should really begin my long transition.
amr501 said:
Hi Melodee! congrats on making it 10 months, I'm only at 3 & I have a lot of newgrowth so I can only imagine what you're dealing with. Braids are a great idea to help you get past the remainder of your transition, especially now that it's getting colder and your hair will probably need even more moisture! I am getting braids and keeping my hair moisturized with braid spray.

Thanks girl! Yeah, 10 months is hard. It's also hard because I'm nervous about letting people see my hair. Most black folks are thinking, "the chile needs a perm", and everybody else saying "did you cut your hair again (shrinkage)?" or just staring at it as if to say "what the heck is she letting her hair do?"
I'm about six months post and feel like you do Melodee, I can't imagine what I will feel like at 10 months. I feel like I am giving up a part of me almost. I can't believe how attached I was to relaxed hair. Every week I contemplate relaxing again. I worry what my hair is going to look like, I can't even remember. The texture is nice but I just don't know in the end. Will I look crazy? Will I be able to have bangs? Will guys like it???:look:
I have grown attached to the length too, so I don't want to BC :lol: .....I'll just trim it off as it grows. I have already told my SO that I'm transitioning and he is very supportive of it- which helps. ;)
I don't know.....I just feel like it's something I gotta do.
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JewelleNY said:
I'm about six months post and feel like you do Melodee, I can't imagine what I will feel like at 10 months. I feel like I am giving up a part of me almost. I can't believe how attached I was to relaxed hair. Every week I contemplate relaxing again. I worry what my hair is going to look like, I can't even remember. The texture is nice but I just don't know in the end. Will I look crazy? Will I be able to have bangs? Will guys like it???:look:
Hell if they only like u for your hair then u dont need them anyways... Seriously. To top it all off you can do ANYTHING wiht naturla hair that u can do with relaxed hair. Trust me Ive tried :lol:
I feel really fed up with my hair. :( I'm about 18 mos. post relaxer and my hair is probably 80% natural and 20% relaxed. I hate it. All of the excitement and newness when I first started transitioning wore off about 3 months ago. I don't want a relaxer but maybe my hair is letting me know that it's time to BC? :perplexed
Many of you can probably relate with wanting to be able to pull your hair in a ponytail (ANY ponytail!)? That's how I feel. Waiting to hit the 2 yr. transitioning mark in April seems like forever! Even though I should be able to know my hair texture by now, I don't really feel like I do. I don't know how it will actually look in a wash and go or a braidout (cant cornrow :mad: )... As time goes by, I'm just wondering what will be the use of being natural, being chemical-free and versatile if I am style challenged!? Sorry for the vent, just disappointed.
cupcake said:
I feel really fed up with my hair. :( I'm about 18 mos. post relaxer and my hair is probably 80% natural and 20% relaxed. I hate it. All of the excitement and newness when I first started transitioning wore off about 3 months ago. I don't want a relaxer but maybe my hair is letting me know that it's time to BC? :perplexed
Many of you can probably relate with wanting to be able to pull your hair in a ponytail (ANY ponytail!)? That's how I feel. Waiting to hit the 2 yr. transitioning mark in April seems like forever! Even though I should be able to know my hair texture by now, I don't really feel like I do. I don't know how it will actually look in a wash and go or a braidout (cant cornrow :mad: )... As time goes by, I'm just wondering what will be the use of being natural, being chemical-free and versatile if I am style challenged!? Sorry for the vent, just disappointed.

(((hugs))) sorry your fustrated.....Congrats on making it this far though :)
I wish I was 18 months into my transition! ;)
Have you tried experimenting with different products for wash & go's like the fantasia IC gel, or curly pudding? I can't cornrow either so don't feel bad about that. Is there a salon around that specializes in dealing with natural hair? maybe you could get pointers there. Or try PM'ing some of the naturals (with texture similar to yours) here for styling tips- I'm sure they would be more than willing to help you out! :) HTH, good luck!
beyondcute said:
Hell if they only like u for your hair then u dont need them anyways... Seriously. To top it all off you can do ANYTHING wiht naturla hair that u can do with relaxed hair. Trust me Ive tried :lol:
Thanks so much Beyondcute:) I am trying to adopt that attitude:lol: I love your hair so I will check in your album regularly for inspiration :D:lol:
So I guess I did a semi BC today! Wow today I just decided that I was just going to go for the plunge...and I ended up cutting my hair. My hair is completely tapered in the back...not even 1/2in of hair the left side is cut above my ear and the right side is under my ear...I guess I would consider this my semi BC....and Im just going to grow this bad boy out all natural. But so far im LOVING my hair so much! I LOVE it!
jaded_faerie said:
So I guess I did a semi BC today! Wow today I just decided that I was just going to go for the plunge...and I ended up cutting my hair. My hair is completely tapered in the back...not even 1/2in of hair the left side is cut above my ear and the right side is under my ear...I guess I would consider this my semi BC....and Im just going to grow this bad boy out all natural. But so far im LOVING my hair so much! I LOVE it!

Yay!:yay: congrats on taking the plunge (wish I had the nerve)! I bet it's cute, too!
I like your avatar pic, is that the cut?:)