Transitioners support thread

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caligirl said:
Isn't it funny how you start to hate your relaxed ends when you're transitioning?
I transitioned for 2 years and I'm fully natural now. My hair is really healthy and I love it! I can wear a curly puff, twists, a braidout (my favorite), spiral set, or pressed straight. Transitioning is worth it! Keep it up ladies.
Yes! When I first decided to transition, I did not want to give up any length so I though I would transition 2 years if not longer, but after 6 months I was so frustrated I was going to cut this December, but now I have a better handle on things and decided I could tough it out 10 more months. I dont know what I ever saw in my relaxed hair besides the length, it had absolutely no personality
Hi! I'm still transitioning and it's been about 1.5 years. 2 weeks ago I got fed up with my little relaxed ends to I cut some off. The back is 100% natural. I still have about 2-3 inches to cut off the front and sides so I am trying to make it to the 2 yr. mark before I BC. The back of my hair is about 5 inches, I think. I just want to transition long enough where I am comfortable with the length, able to do nice styles with it therefore less likely to EVER relax again. :D

I never thought I'd make it this far. I guess this long transition has allowed me to transition my mind. I prefer the kinks, waves and curls to the straight styles. I'm going to use the next 6 months learning which natural styles will be best for me. The albums I've been inspired by are: so1913, caligirl, peachtree, southerngirl (not natural, but beautiful), nay, poohbear, perfectdoak, an old member named simone i think, nurse98, of course Bubbln and so many more that I forget now. :)

Hang in there. I'll be back to get tips and encouragement.
cupcake said:
Hi! I'm still transitioning and it's been about 1.5 years. 2 weeks ago I got fed up with my little relaxed ends to I cut some off. The back is 100% natural. I still have about 2-3 inches to cut off the front and sides so I am trying to make it to the 2 yr. mark before I BC. The back of my hair is about 5 inches, I think. I just want to transition long enough where I am comfortable with the length, able to do nice styles with it therefore less likely to EVER relax again. :D

I never thought I'd make it this far. I guess this long transition has allowed me to transition my mind. I prefer the kinks, waves and curls to the straight styles. I'm going to use the next 6 months learning which natural styles will be best for me. The albums I've been inspired by are: so1913, caligirl, peachtree, southerngirl (not natural, but beautiful), nay, poohbear, perfectdoak, an old member named simone i think, nurse98, of course Bubbln and so many more that I forget now. :)

Hang in there. I'll be back to get tips and encouragement.

Hmm you have me thinking now. I may go for 2 years myself. I'll have to see how long my natural hair is by then. I know i am going to look odd with straight tips and the rest of my hair curly.
So im back to transitioning, but this time I would like to stick to it...I hope to BC Dec2007...that would make a year and 6months of transitioning....wull definately be in this thread frequently....Anyone transitioning for about the same amount of time as me or 3months or so into their transition? would love to have a transition buddy!
I'm starting my transition also, but I don't think I could do it for more than a year. I would like to have enough length so that I could BC by the end of this school year, May 2007. Since I'm gonna be in D.C. the summer of 2007, I wanna make a trip to Miss Jessie's salon. My last relaxer was in August, so between August 2006 and May 2007 will be the length of my transition, unless I BC sometime before May...depending on how much growth I get.
*sigh* Im starting to think Ill never BC... I cant deal with shorter hair and my ultimate goal is to have length..... Any non Bc-ers? Imtalking only trims in 1 inch increments over hte next few years... LORD what am I getting ymself into....
jaded_faerie said:
So im back to transitioning, but this time I would like to stick to it...I hope to BC Dec2007...that would make a year and 6months of transitioning....wull definately be in this thread frequently....Anyone transitioning for about the same amount of time as me or 3months or so into their transition? would love to have a transition buddy!

I'm game! I'm a little over 2 months into my transition and plan to chop at the end of next year :D
I will just do mini-trims. How will you be styling your hair? I plan to wear braids, and braid-outs.
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beyondcute said:
*sigh* Im starting to think Ill never BC... I cant deal with shorter hair and my ultimate goal is to have length..... Any non Bc-ers? Imtalking only trims in 1 inch increments over hte next few years... LORD what am I getting ymself into....

I think I am with you on this one. I don't think I could do that short hair right now. I have been trimming about 1/2 inch to an inch every 2 months since my transition started. When I take these braids out I'm due for another trim. I am going to continue doing this until about May. By that time it should be a year and a half, if I have enough natural hair to put into a nice pony than I'll chop off the relaxed ends.
NewYorkgyrl said:
I think I am with you on this one. I don't think I could do that short hair right now. I have been trimming about 1/2 inch to an inch every 2 months since my transition started. When I take these braids out I'm due for another trim. I am going to continue doing this until about May. By that time it should be a year and a half, if I have enough natural hair to put into a nice pony than I'll chop off the relaxed ends.

You and I are at about the same time. Do you need a transitioning buddy? I think Im going to need one to keep going until July 12th, 2007
I am in again! LOL! I have agreed to this transitioning thing many times. My issue is that I really don't like my relaxed hair but I'm so impatient I can never get past a certain point. When I am having a ugly day or feeling insecure I relax my hair thinking something new will boost my spirits. And then I'm back to square one. I plan to transition til New Years Eve. I may have 2 inches of hair by then ,Short hair doesn't bother me at all. I just want to look feminine ( I have swimmers shoulders lol). So I will be taking my vitamins drinking water and I have this mix of WGO & Minoval I will be utilizing. Pray for me and my impatience.
I'm finally going to finish and be happy with my transition this time. I even threw away my relaxing supplies so that I won't give into temptation. I plan to transition with braids and weaves for a year, maybe less just to defy my mother.
beyondcute said:
*sigh* Im starting to think Ill never BC... I cant deal with shorter hair and my ultimate goal is to have length..... Any non Bc-ers? Imtalking only trims in 1 inch increments over hte next few years... LORD what am I getting ymself into....

Girl i am with you on that. I am not going to bc. I'll go about 4-6 months then trim 2-3 inches off. But i am not just hacking off all my hair. I'd go into shock. I did it before, but i was single and only had me to worry about. Now i have 2 babies and a big baby (the hubby, lol) so i dont have as much time to do my hair.
I am so surprised at how easy transitioning has been for me so far. I would have succeeded at this thing a long time ago had I just been consistent, patient, and left my darn hair alone. I am not BC'ing. Just letting it grow, grow, grow.
Jewell said:
I am so surprised at how easy transitioning has been for me so far. I would have succeeded at this thing a long time ago had I just been consistent, patient, and left my darn hair alone. I am not BC'ing. Just letting it grow, grow, grow.

That's what I plan to do! :grin: I'm loving my new growth too, I wish I had done this years ago!
beyondcute said:
*sigh* Im starting to think Ill never BC... I cant deal with shorter hair and my ultimate goal is to have length..... Any non Bc-ers? Imtalking only trims in 1 inch increments over hte next few years... LORD what am I getting ymself into....

I definitely dont have any plans to BC anytime soon.
I'm just gonna continue to let my hair grow, and trim every now and then. :)
I dont want to BC, but I want a head full of curly hair and these relaxed ends are messing up my style, BUT then again I want the length to go along with it..So im in a catch 22! Plus, I have no patience, I keep cutting at my nape and edges.
Newly registered and checking in (this is only my 2nd post ;))

Nice to meet you girls!

I'm about 7 months into this and overall, it's going well.

No plans on BCing at all due to alopecia aerata and my fear of having another episode - long thick hair especially new growth covers up my 2 patches really well. hopefully i won't find anymore new ones ;)

i'm in this for the long haul - i'm right at brastrap and it'll prolly take about 2 1/2 years to grow out completely.

so far braid-outs are my friend: wash, condition, plait and that's that lol. keeping heat to the barest minimum and just working with what the good Lord gave me.

i have no idea what my hair type (not really too concerned about it too much as long as it's healthy), have about 5 to 5 1/2 inches of new growth.

my hair is texturized to about 75% so not too too many problems with blending the 2 textures - like i said, braid-outs are my friend :D

good luck everyone!!
How are most of you all wearing your hair during your transition? What products are you all using to make sure your new growth stays moisturized? And how often are you all detangling?

I ask because the style I have been wearing for the majority of my 11 month transition has been a donut bun which is getting rather tired and I am scared that this part down the middle of my head is going to be permanent! My current regimine is : Co wash everyday/everyother day, seal in the moisture with my hot six oil, and them make my bun. The problem with this is since I am not detangling often it is hard to get the oil on every strand and some hair (majority of the new growth) usually always feels extremely dry. Also I can't really smooth down the hair unless I detangle, usually all the hair under my bun is a tangled mess! Does anyone have any style suggestions that may lead to less tangles and help me make sure my full head is moisturized? Any suggestions or comments are very welcome. Thanks.
amr501 said:
I'm game! I'm a little over 2 months into my transition and plan to chop at the end of next year :D
I will just do mini-trims. How will you be styling your hair? I plan to wear braids, and braid-outs.

Thats whatsup!! I pplan on bunning and weaving till December...Im only going to do 2 trims till the BC...I still want my length to do my buns...what length is your hair currently? Keep me motivated cause im going to need it!
TSUprincess04 said:
I'm starting my transition also, but I don't think I could do it for more than a year. I would like to have enough length so that I could BC by the end of this school year, May 2007. Since I'm gonna be in D.C. the summer of 2007, I wanna make a trip to Miss Jessie's salon. My last relaxer was in August, so between August 2006 and May 2007 will be the length of my transition, unless I BC sometime before May...depending on how much growth I get.

Goodluck girl! My main focus is length, so I know I could not cut my hair with out being at shoulder length when stretched. Goodluck! I plan on visiting Miss Jessies once I BC as well
TSUprincess04 said:
I'm starting my transition also, but I don't think I could do it for more than a year. I would like to have enough length so that I could BC by the end of this school year, May 2007. Since I'm gonna be in D.C. the summer of 2007, I wanna make a trip to Miss Jessie's salon. My last relaxer was in August, so between August 2006 and May 2007 will be the length of my transition, unless I BC sometime before May...depending on how much growth I get.

Miss Jessies is in DC? For some reason I thought it was in New York. :confused: I'm starting my transition too. I'm almost 6 months post. I wish I hadn't relaxed for easter now (I wasnt going to bc i was broke but my mom gave me the $ so I did it last minute) bc I'd be coming up on the 1 year mark in November. Ahh well... I'm hoping to chop in December. That will be about 9 months. But we'll see.
jenell85 said:
How are most of you all wearing your hair during your transition? What products are you all using to make sure your new growth stays moisturized? And how often are you all detangling?
I ask because the style I have been wearing for the majority of my 11 month transition has been a donut bun which is getting rather tired and I am scared that this part down the middle of my head is going to be permanent! My current regimine is : Co wash everyday/everyother day, seal in the moisture with my hot six oil, and them make my bun. The problem with this is since I am not detangling often it is hard to get the oil on every strand and some hair (majority of the new growth) usually always feels extremely dry. Also I can't really smooth down the hair unless I detangle, usually all the hair under my bun is a tangled mess! Does anyone have any style suggestions that may lead to less tangles and help me make sure my full head is moisturized? Any suggestions or comments are very welcome. Thanks.

I wear braid outs, twist outs, buns, bantu knots/sets, rod sets, french rolls and occasionally braid extensions. I gotta keep it interesting, else I'll get bored! :lol: I CO Wash 2-3 times a week and use S-Curl no drip Spray and as of late B&B Growth Moisturizer Lotion to help keep my new growth soft and moisturized. I only detangle my hair when its wet and full of conditioner, and finger comb in between wash days.

Have you tried finger combing your hair?
It really helps to cut down on the tangles.
Try sectioning your hair in 4-6 sections when you moisturize/oil it.
By doing this your new growth will be well moisturized instead of partially.
Also when you wash your hair, wash it in 3-4 braided sections.
It will help make the detangling process a lot easier.
As for styles you could try braid outs, twists outs or roller sets.

HTH :)
Thanks SweetAmbrosia. That makes since to moisturize in sections. I am going to try that. I have tried the finger coming thing but I guess I am just so impatient and get fustrated easily. I will start being more patient and baby my hair more. Maybe it will cooperate with me if I did that more:)
I think I am 90% natural! Today when I washed and conditioned my hair, it dawned on my that I have a fro :eek: I have 1-2 inches that need to get cut off the top & front. The sides and back are fully natural because I've been gradually cutting it myself. I have been trying to wait until April 07 to BC (2 yr. mark) for the length. Hopefully I make it until then. :)

As for styles, I'm really style-challenged. I do the bun, phony pony and that's it. I will be trying a braidout this weekend. For while I'm transitioning I've found that less manipulation is best. I spritz my hair every day with water but I only wash and condition my hair once every 7-10 days. On wash day, I pre-poo with EVOO or another conditioner/hot-oil treatment. Then I shampoo with CON or Rusk. I condition with one of the following, just depends: Pantent Pro-V Intensive Hair Mask, NTM Hair Mask, or Cholesterol and a hot-oil treatment. I use the ORS Repleneshing Pak once a month and do 1 heavy protein every 3-6 months as needed. I moisturize with shea butter or cocoa butter with no petroleum. Sometimes I will use ORS Olive Oil moisturizing lotion or WGO. I don't really mix products if possible to prevent build-up. I gave up on a regimen and just started doing what my hair felt, which was basically "leave me alone." :) It loves water so sometimes I co-wash. I can't wait to be natural and find a product that lets me have a great wash-n-go!
bmoreflyygirl said:
Miss Jessies is in DC? For some reason I thought it was in New York. :confused: I'm starting my transition too. I'm almost 6 months post. I wish I hadn't relaxed for easter now (I wasnt going to bc i was broke but my mom gave me the $ so I did it last minute) bc I'd be coming up on the 1 year mark in November. Ahh well... I'm hoping to chop in December. That will be about 9 months. But we'll see.

Yes, if you look at the website under "retail locations" then you'd see it. There are several locations, and they aren't just in New York. There are some in quite a few other states too. Here's the info for the one in D.C.

Portfolio Salon (U Street Corridor)
1351 U Street, NW
Washington D.C. 20009

Sun & Mon (Closed)
Tues-Fri (9 - 6:30) Services
Tues-Fri (9 - 8:30) Retail
Sat (7- 2)
TSUprincess04 said:
Yes, if you look at the website under "retail locations" then you'd see it. There are several locations, and they aren't just in New York. There are some in quite a few other states too. Here's the info for the one in D.C.

Portfolio Salon (U Street Corridor)
1351 U Street, NW
Washington D.C. 20009

Sun & Mon (Closed)
Tues-Fri (9 - 6:30) Services
Tues-Fri (9 - 8:30) Retail
Sat (7- 2)

Oh okay. I wonder if anyone on the board has been to that salon? Hmmm... I bet you can buy the buttercreme there. I'm gonna call them...Thanks TSU.
jaded_faerie said:
So im back to transitioning, but this time I would like to stick to it...I hope to BC Dec2007...that would make a year and 6months of transitioning....wull definately be in this thread frequently....Anyone transitioning for about the same amount of time as me or 3months or so into their transition? would love to have a transition buddy!
We could be buddies...I have you and tiffcurl as transitioning buddies. I may BC in 2 years or just let it go until I can't handle the straighter ends any longer.