Transitioners support thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bublnbrnsuga
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This is a great thread. I had my last relaxer June of this year and decided on Aug 21 of this year that I am transitioning.

I have a product question for Veteran Transitioners:
What are your Product Staples and how often do you shampoo and condition, or Co-wash?
Hi ladies.

I'm new and have recently decided to transition to natural..but with no BC:eek: We will see how it goes..but I'm sure it will be just fine. Great thread!!:)

GoingNatural said:
I dont want to BC, but I want I a head full of curly hair and these relaxed ends are messing up my style, BUT then again I want the length to go along with it..So im in a catch 22! Plus, I have no patience, I keep cutting at my nape and edges.
tffy2004 said:
This is a great thread. I had my last relaxer June of this year and decided on Aug 21 of this year that I am transitioning.

I have a product question for Veteran Transitioners:
What are your Product Staples and how often do you shampoo and condition, or Co-wash?

My product staple is BBD stretch

I shampoo and condition once a week. Co-washes became too much manipulation at around 6-8 months. I have not tried it recently.
NewYorkgyrl said:
My product staple is BBD stretch

I shampoo and condition once a week. Co-washes became too much manipulation at around 6-8 months. I have not tried it recently.

I just got my shipment of BBD stretch, It smells yummy! I hope I can use it to get through this transistion with as little damage as possible. I plan to continue condition washes at least once a week, my hair sems to like it!
Here's a pic:

And the link:

It's expensive, 45$ a jar, but cheaper if ordered in bulk. I hear it's very worth it though :) . I plan to make it a staple.

"Badd Products features BBD Stretch Growth Creme, which is a water-based 24 hr. Reconstructor that penetrates the inner parts of the hair shaft where moisture is needed most adding 22 amino acids. This Natural hair growth product contains a special blend of reconstructors that sustain hair growth. Stretch Growth Creme gives the hair elasticity and the ability to stretch and contract back like a rubber band Without Breakage! BBD Stretch Growth Creme is not only for people concerned about hair loss but for those who want to help prevent hair loss and avoid breakage, build volume, thicken or thin hair, or stay natural and avoid a perm."
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OK some of you know I got braids put in to help me maintain my transition. They are the correct size according to CAG method, but it feels so heavy to me! Im not sure if its because I have alot of hair to begin with or what.
Besides taking them out, is there anything else I can do?
Mini Update:

Since I've been transitioning now for a little over 14 months, my hair is now 70% natural and 30% relaxed! :eek:
Shrinkage is something else I tell ya!
When I was CO Washing my hair yesterday, I was totally in shock at the amount of new growth I actually have. I started stretching out sections of my natural hair just to see how much I actually have, coz we all know how shrinkage can be deceiving! The last time I checked I had at least 10-11 inches of relaxed ends left, now I have only 5-6 inches left! :eek: :D :p
Now I'm kinda getting the BC "itch" like some of ya'll have been saying. :lachen:
But I'm gonna hold out unil I have 1-2 inches of relaxed ends left, I love my length. :) :lol: :)
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mppaul2 said:
Hi ladies.

I'm new and have recently decided to transition to natural..but with no BC :eek: We will see how it goes..but I'm sure it will be just fine. Great thread!!:)

Welcome to the board, and good luck! ;)
I just joined lchf yesterday. I have been natural since Dec. 99. My last relaxer was in March 99, so it only took about 10 months for me to get fed-up with the relaxed ends. :) When I got my BC, I had about 4/5 inches of all natural hair.

Although I was a bit impatient, I think I can offer lots of knowledge. I wore protective styles without any heat straightening the whole ten months. My hair was about three inches past shoulder length.

I alternated between big plaits (about 10 total) and a braid-out every week. On Sunday I'd wash, condition and braid. Monday - Wed, wear the plaits under a cute scarf or headwrap, then wear a braid-out Thurs. - Sat. I had minimal shedding and my hair looked and felt great.
geneticist said:
I just joined lchf yesterday. I have been natural since Dec. 99. My last relaxer was in March 99, so it only took about 10 months for me to get fed-up with the relaxed ends. :) When I got my BC, I had about 4/5 inches of all natural hair.

Although I was a bit impatient, I think I can offer lots of knowledge. I wore protective styles without any heat straightening the whole ten months. My hair was about three inches past shoulder length.

I alternated between big plaits (about 10 total) and a braid-out every week. On Sunday I'd wash, condition and braid. Monday - Wed, wear the plaits under a cute scarf or headwrap, then wear a braid-out Thurs. - Sat. I had minimal shedding and my hair looked and felt great.

WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!! And your help and sdvice will be appreciated by many. Your routine sounds nice and simple which is good because too much manipulation during transitioning is not good (at least for me)

Where you able to get a nice puff or pony with the 4-5 inches???
geneticist said:
I just joined lchf yesterday. I have been natural since Dec. 99. My last relaxer was in March 99, so it only took about 10 months for me to get fed-up with the relaxed ends. :) When I got my BC, I had about 4/5 inches of all natural hair.

Although I was a bit impatient, I think I can offer lots of knowledge. I wore protective styles without any heat straightening the whole ten months. My hair was about three inches past shoulder length.

I alternated between big plaits (about 10 total) and a braid-out every week. On Sunday I'd wash, condition and braid. Monday - Wed, wear the plaits under a cute scarf or headwrap, then wear a braid-out Thurs. - Sat. I had minimal shedding and my hair looked and felt great.

Welcome! :) Glad to have you onboard ;)
I like your avatar!
hey girls. i am getting the itch to BC. I think I have about 2 inches of relaxed hair left and 5-6 inches of natural hair (still not very long).

my goal was to be able to put my natural hair in a small puff. have any of you tried carol's daughter or miss jessie's products? in your opinion, are they worth the money?

i subscribe to the more is less hair theory-- i wash my hair like once a week, condition, moisturize, pull it back and go. would the products make my routine worse? thanks. :)
I don't even know what month I'm in. My last relaxer is in April. I gave transitioning a try because I wanted to see what my natural hair was like.

For the most part is it very curly. I'm really in love with it and I can't keep my fingers out of it. I saw my mother for the first time since August this weekend and even she was surprised it looks so nice!

I really want to chop the relaxed ends off so I can let the curls take definite shape, but I'm going to continue to wait. I think I'll get a trim in the next several weeks though.

I normally wear my hair half up, half down. And cantu shea butter makes my natural hair come out perfectly. I CO-Wash almost everyday and if I don't CO-Wash I always H20 rinse. I never sleep with a dry head. And recently I've been H20 rinsing twice a day. My hair loves it.

So glad to have this thread!
danimani said:
I don't even know what month I'm in. My last relaxer is in April. I gave transitioning a try because I wanted to see what my natural hair was like.

For the most part is it very curly. I'm really in love with it and I can't keep my fingers out of it. I saw my mother for the first time since August this weekend and even she was surprised it looks so nice!

I really want to chop the relaxed ends off so I can let the curls take definite shape, but I'm going to continue to wait. I think I'll get a trim in the next several weeks though.

I normally wear my hair half up, half down. And cantu shea butter makes my natural hair come out perfectly. I CO-Wash almost everyday and if I don't CO-Wash I always H20 rinse. I never sleep with a dry head. And recently I've been H20 rinsing twice a day. My hair loves it.

So glad to have this thread!

I know what you mean also. I'm in love with my newgrowth too! :grin:
I had forgotten how thick my natural hair was as a child and it is bringing back pleasant memories........I can't wait to have a full head of thick, healthy, natural hair. :)
beyondcute said:
I know what u mean.... *sigh* but Im not prepared for short hair yet. I dont want to be either :lol:

I feel the same way.....I love my NG but trying to deal with the NG and the permed hair can be difficult! I have been transitioning since July, I just have to find a product that will soften my NG so I won't be tempted to go back to the creamy crack!!:lol: Any suggestions?
Anubody just dont give a crap? FOr eal I dont care too much about my relaxed ends. They are just there for length. I dont mind heat and stuff on my ends but never on my roots :) I trim away at my ends like I could care less.... I know Im supposed ot take care of the ends but I just dont.. am I the only one?
Hey ladies!!!
I AM seriously considering transitioning to natural. I'm torn as to when I will start the transition -initally I wanted to obtain WL relaxed and then chop it all off (Waiting to Exhale) and let it grow from there but now I am thinking that I should just start now be able to get to my goal quicker-WL stretched natural! Any suggestions???
determined_to_grow said:
Hey ladies!!!
I AM seriously considering transitioning to natural. I'm torn as to when I will start the transition -initally I wanted to obtain WL relaxed and then chop it all off (Waiting to Exhale) and let it grow from there but now I am thinking that I should just start now be able to get to my goal quicker-WL stretched natural! Any suggestions???

I feel the same way about wanting to get to BSL quicker......but I have decided to just go ahead and transition and slowly trim off the relaxed ends so that I don't lose the length and can reach my goal quicker. I know I will get some breakage from the line of demarcation, but hopefully if I condition, use protein treatments & moisturize regularly it won't get too bad. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)

ETA: Just check out Bublnbrnsuga's hair for inspiration....she transitioned the long way and her hair is gorgoeus and well on it's way to MBL!
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Thanks Amr for responding
I have STALKED her ablum I think she is one of the reasons why I am transitioning. I also have been pm'ing people all day- over this issue. I really need to decide.
Amr how many weeks post are you? I'm about 9.

amr501 said:
I feel the same way about wanting to get to BSL quicker......but I have decided to just go ahead and transition and slowly trim off the relaxed ends so that I don't lose the length and can reach my goal quicker. I know I will get some breakage from the line of demarcation, but hopefully if I condition, use protein treatments & moisturize regularly it won't get too bad. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)

ETA: Just check out Bublnbrnsuga's hair for inspiration....she transitioned the long way and her hair is gorgoeus and well on it's way to MBL!
Good luck to ALL of you transitioners...i know you'll ADORE your natural hair after the transition is through.
determined_to_grow said:
Thanks Amr for responding
I have STALKED her ablum I think she is one of the reasons why I am transitioning. I also have been pm'ing people all day- over this issue. I really need to decide.
Amr how many weeks post are you? I'm about 9.

I will be 12 weeks post on the 11th and I'm loving my newgrowth :lol:
I have really thick hair so I'm sure it will get challenging as time goes on, but I'm up for the challenge! Do you have a good flat iron? I plan on purchasing either a sedu or maxiglide soon so I can 'see' my length from time to time......I rarely use heat though- I prefer to just wash & go.