Yes, that is me and Thank you! I guess I should have a fotki album, but me and the camera just aren't good together. I don't make the time for the photo shoots.
I'm sure I will regret that looking back.
I'm just nervous because i had BSL hair until I was 19 (I'm 22 now) and then I cut my hair to my shoulders because I had damaged it trying to dye my hair blond. Shoulder length was extremely short to me, and although I hate to admit it I cried. Mostly because I wasn't prepared for the cut, I told the stylist to cut 3 inches but she said it was too damaged and there went my hair.
SO basicaly, to be shorter than shoulder length is scary/exciting, but I know it won't be bad this time because my mind is prepared for it. My mom told me to get some big earrings and keep smiling and I will be fine. This coming from the woman who doubted me on my natural journey!!!