Top 10 reasons why Black men....

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Listed below are the top 10 out of 50 reasons why Black men find it hard to date Black women:

1. Black women make black men feel under appreciated, unwarranted and irresponsible and regressive.
2. Black women are too aggressive and no longer patient in waiting on the pursuit of a man.
3. Black women are strong headed, too independent which presents great challenges in relationships.
4. Black women are masculine in that they are controlling and like to run the relationship.
5. Black women expect too much. They are gold diggers who will not look twice at a blue collar black man.
6. Black women are hot headed and have bad attitudes.
7. Black women stop caring about their appearance after a certain age.
8. Black women are not as sexually open as other races, especially in regards to oral sex.
9. Black women's tolerance is far too low; they are no longer empathetic to the black man's struggle in white America.
10. Black women do not cater to their men.

Please don't shoot the messanger. I just found this while surfing the net. I will list my source in another post so you can read the entire article. This is food for thought not to anger any of you just to get you thinking. But I do find some truth to what the author is saying.

i feel as if this has been repackaged and distributed more times than i can count...
none of the above apply to me so i'm always like, "..."
This sounds like the same complaints that more and more western men are having about western women regardless of race. I think it's a matter of either finding a compatible mate or adapting to the new roles.
Quite honestly, I really think black men who do not have an ounce of intention of dating black women compile list like this just so they can have an excuse to date non-black women. What the author of such baloney lists forget is that about 90% of married black men are married to black women. So dating black women can not be so difficult. The truth be told, we could give 20 reason why it is difficult to date black men, but still the overwhelming majority of black women will not date non-black men.
Food for thought, eh? Smells like hot garbage to me.

Can we PLEASE stop lumping all black men and all black women together? That list is bogus and I can think of about 15 black women off the top of my head who do not fit any of those descriptions.

If a black man is not able to find & settle with a "good" black woman, that probably has more to do with HIM than black women as a whole.
The truth be told, we could give 20 reason why it is difficult to date black men, but still the overwhelming majority of black women will not date non-black men.

I was just thinking this. I mean, what is the point? Ok so "black men" have these opinions of "black women" then what? Is this there reason for dating women of other races? Does this excuse infidelity, reluctance to commit, their jail records, their baby mommas and everything else? It's like personal responsibility is totally if no black woman ever had the bright idea to spend some time developing herself as a woman. :rolleyes:

And for the record, this does not anger me but it also does get me gets me thinking about how much ignorance is still being spit about black women.

Any man who agrees with that list word for word probably belongs with another man. :rolleyes:
I got my own list.

1. Black women are not different from any other women.

2. People who compile lists about what's wrong with black women do not want, are not attracted to and are repulsed by black women.

3. Change yourself according to someone else list and you look like a fool because they didn't want your black self anyway.

4. White is the standard in America in terms of looks and believe or not, temperament. So, you'll always look like you have a bad attitude regardless.

5. Black women do not have time to be empathetic to the plight of black men when our own situation is dire. If your leg is broken are you worried about someone else with a sprained ankle?

6. Black women cannot take care of themselves when they're more worried about a retarded list than themselves.

7. A black woman cannot make you feel unappreciated when she cannot appreciate herself.

8. If you want less independence in black women learn how you can be dependable, otherwise shut up.

9. Black women can be sexually open but attraction has to come from both sides. If you do not want what she offers don't complain that it is inadequate.

10. A lot can be said about a society by how it treats its most vulnerable, meaning women and children. My question for black women is 'do you think you deserve this sort of character assassination?
Give me a break. Not to you OP but half of the stuff on that list is some whiny mess and sounds like the author wants his mommy.
I was just thinking this. I mean, what is the point? Ok so "black men" have these opinions of "black women" then what? Is this there reason for dating women of other races? Does this excuse infidelity, reluctance to commit, their jail records, their baby mommas and everything else? It's like personal responsibility is totally if no black woman ever had the bright idea to spend some time developing herself as a woman. :rolleyes:

And for the record, this does not anger me but it also does get me gets me thinking about how much ignorance is still being spit about black women.

Any man who agrees with that list word for word probably belongs with another man. :rolleyes:

Everything you said... AND... then I wonder why black women feel the need to "share" this "info" with other black women and spread this ignorance and ilk to wider audiences.

I would have hoped that we're better than that by now, seeing that we're approaching, what, two decades of this type of black male bashing of black women for sport. Guess not.

I'm with Khadija on this... black women STOP giving an audience to such ignorance, please!
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Everything you said... AND... then I wonder why black women feel the need to "share" this "info" with other black women and spread this ignorance and ilk to wider audiences.

I would have hoped that we're better than that by now, seeing that we're approaching, what, two decades of this type of black male bashing of black women for sport. Guess not.

I'm with Khadija on this... black women STOP giving an audience to such ignorance, please!

AMEN and AMEN..thanks is totally insufficient.

I mean, ok, I read this and what? I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and decide to be a head giving, excuse accepting, sugar sweet, caking door mat?! I mean, REALLY?

Would it not serve us all to share stories of women who are empowered? Women who have decided to make positive changes in their lives? Stories of black couples healthy, functional relationships getting married?

Maybe I'm just Polly Positive and hope for more positive reinforcement, but I don't understand what lists and essays of this sort are supposed to achieve. The full grown women who are doing their thing don't care enough to even seriously consider making a change and the women who DO fit those descriptions are probably not even reading this stuff! Heck, they don't really read at all! :whyme:


And I'd love to know what genius wrote this...hypocrisy tends to run rampant in situations like this.
I couldn't get past that these are 10 out of 50 reasons.

I've seen this list beore and it is what it is. If a dude can come up with 50 reasons not to date me before I open my mouth then it's probably better that he go chase his dream elsewhere.

I can't be in the business of trying to convert black men who have their minds made up into dating black women.

BTW - I think there are 2 types of men who subscribe to these lists. The kind that already date nonblack women exclusively and the kind who would jump at the chance if ANY woman black or otherwise paid attention to them.
ITA w/ JC.

Off topic: JC, your hair is beeeeyoootiful!!!! It's gotten super long or maybe I was just used to seeing you natural. Either way, you and your stylist are doing a good job! Go JC!
nobody in my life fits any description on that list.

i really hate the stereotyping. clearly someone wrote this because they have problems with making a successful relationship work. they should get help rather than just add to the ignorance.
I couldn't get past that these are 10 out of 50 reasons.

I've seen this list beore and it is what it is. If a dude can come up with 50 reasons not to date me before I open my mouth then it's probably better that he go chase his dream elsewhere.

I can't be in the business of trying to convert black men who have their minds made up into dating black women.

BTW - I think there are 2 types of men who subscribe to these lists. The kind that already date nonblack women exclusively and the kind who would jump at the chance if ANY woman black or otherwise paid attention to them.

Um, I know this is OT :look:, but I love your hair!!!

Oh, and this list just seems like someone placing blame for their own problems on someone else- namely, black women.
If this person (and people that agree with this list) is so excited about placing blame elsewhere instead of personal responsibility, than I doubt he'd find ANYONE willing to date him. Well, I'm sure there's someone. But I'm positive he'd be findig fault with them too when it's really him.
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The author need a good beating and when the beating is finished and then he needs to know who really cares, anyway, one man's poison is another man's passion. They will be other black men and other non black men who will date and marry black women.
This is a bunch of hogwash and none of it applies to me. Black men won't look at me twice unless I look like Kim Kardashian, I had Oprah's money, or if I was a whore. What it all comes down to is the Black man feeling insecure.
Everything you said... AND... then I wonder why black women feel the need to "share" this "info" with other black women and spread this ignorance and ilk to wider audiences.

I would have hoped that we're better than that by now, seeing that we're approaching, what, two decades of this type of black male bashing of black women for sport. Guess not.

I'm with Khadija on this... black women STOP giving an audience to such ignorance, please!

:grin: :grin:
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