Tired of being that "single friend"...


This is a spin off from the last thread I just wrote. I just feel like venting tonight I guess. I kind of want to make it work with this dude because I'm tired of being the "single friend". All my close friends are married, engaged or in a serious long term relationship. I was having fun dating around until I realized I'm about to be the last one on the single bus. It got annoying. I'm in several wedding and everybody is flashing a ring in my face all the time. I'm honestly happy for them, but it's putting the pressure on me. I'm only 24 so I didn't think my life was off track at all...I mean I have a great career, 2 degrees(Bachelors and Masters) and I'm getting ready to start a PhD program. I have a 2 year old, but I'm not a single mom. She has an amazing dad and we have a great friendship. He pays child-support faithfully and always spends time with her so I can have time to do whatever I want. I thought everything was fine in my life until I started getting slick comments from my associates like "so what man are you dating now" or "you always have a new dude" ugh it's not like I'm sleeping with them I'm just dating and meeting people. Is that really a big deal? I'm fairly attractive so dudes always approach me and since I was single I dated. Simple as that. Now I met someone who seemed to have the potential, but turned out to have some issues I'm thinking a out just making it work so I won't be judged so much. And it's not just because they're getting married that forced me to want a relationship, but I really do want something for myself. He's awesome, but the baggage is hitting me all at one time. I want someone, but I don't mind dating until I met the right one. Kind of confusing, right? Ugh I don't know what to do with myself right now. Oh and I also hear the "maybe your standards are too high" but the way I see it marriage is forever so I'm not willing to settle, I'll compromise, but boy settle. I honestly don't think my standards are high at all. This is just getting stressful.
don't stay in a relationship because you're tired of being single because ultimately it will not work. however, from the other thread unless I missed something, it sounds like she has befriended his family to get it in with him and he's still telling her no. no telling what she's told his mother but mother's reaction proves that he's rejecting homegirl. sounds like typical thirst to me.
It just occurred to me is that the recurring theme lately is "living your life for other people"; insomuch that your own happiness and peace of mind is put on the back burner.
don't stay in a relationship because you're tired of being single because ultimately it will not work. however, from the other thread unless I missed something, it sounds like she has befriended his family to get it in with him and he's still telling her no. no telling what she's told his mother but mother's reaction proves that he's rejecting homegirl. sounds like typical thirst to me.

It's more than that, that woman financially and emotionally supported him at a point in time. Her feels aren't unfounded.
OP.....you are only 24. that is still so young! i'm 25 and i can't imagine settling down right now, and i'm certainly not going to out of obligation because some of my peers happen to be in serious relationships or getting married. no thanks!

Lol this. I'm like laughing reading this. Same people will be divorced at 30 saying they married the wrong man. Da heck? Are your friends significantly older or something?

Not really...they're around 24-28. Close to my age, but here in that south it's what we do...graduate from college then get married.
Not really...they're around 24-28. Close to my age, but here in that south it's what we do...graduate from college then get married.

I've always found it interesting that life is supposedly "slower" in the south, but folks try to get married as quick as humanly possible.
Don't sweat it. Get some single friends and keep living your life as you see fit.
Others are having lives they want for themselves, you can do the same :yep:.
Your friends actually sound jealous. They want to have something to feel smug or sypeeior, so they flash their "happiness" . Something tells me they want what you have. Also, just wanted to add that single mother doesnt mean the dad isnt involved, just means that youre single. And a mother.
And from your other threads, ol dude sounds like a liar and a user. Run away if hes trying to make ol girl seem crazy. If your life makes you happy, stop trying to people please.
Not really...they're around 24-28. Close to my age, but here in that south it's what we do...graduate from college then get married.

....and get divorced. Enjoy your prime years. You are about to open up a whole new chapter of your life with your next degree. Have fun with life. :yep:
Girl you are a baby! Relax and learn to enjoy dating. Your 20's are the perfect time to figure out who you are and what you like...Enjoy these years
If you aren't having trouble getting dates, why take yourself off the market for a long distance relationship with so much drama? I say keep looking.
Chile, try being the "single friend" at 34. You have lots of time, don't sweat it.




OP, I'm not trying to minimize your feelings or anything, and I know how you feel because I've been there before, and I'm STILL visiting back every now and then....:look: But honestly girl, you are still VERY young. :yep: I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you ARE young.

You don't want to get complacent if marriage is really what you REALLY want, but at the same time you want to make sure that you're pursuing marriage because it's something that YOU want to do. From what you've wrote in your post it almost sounds as if you feel like you HAVE to settle down because all of your friends are getting married and your coworkers/associates are judging you for NOT being married...:look: Sweetie, those are not good reasons to want to be married or to "settle" with a guy who has "baggage"... :nono: IF marriage is really forever like you want it to be, make sure you're choosing the RIGHT type of guys for you. :yep:

I'm at a point in my life where I KNOW I want to be married and I am now in the spirit of being a "wife". :yep: I can't explain it, but when you get that "feeling" you know that you are now ready to be a man's wife. It's a totally different feeling from "oh I want to get married because that's what people do around here...or, I'm sick and tired of being single...". It's VERY different.

IF I were you, here is what I would do...
-Really evaluate your relationship w/your boyfriend and ask yourself HONESTLY if you can see yourself married to him. If not, then I would cut him loose. I'm serious. :look: Why waste time with men who you can't see yourself marrying if you know that marriage is what you want?

-Get CLEAR about what type of guy you want. Write down the qualities that you want in a future boyfriend and husband. Seriously just write out a list (don't worry about how long or short it is) and take at LEAST 10 minutes to write down what it is you want. Describe this man. How does he treat you? How do you feel around him? What qualities does he possess? What is his personality? What is his family like? What are his values? Don't limit it too much to race/age/looks/physical qualities too much, but more so think about PERSONALITY TRAITS and character. Those things are HUGE and matter the MOST in a marriage. :yep:

-Prepare yourself for marriage and for being a wife. What qualities do YOU possess that would be an asset for a man? What can you do to bring out the best in a man? What can a man do to bring out the best in you? Do you feel like you can be submissive? Can you see yourself respecting a man? Of course, a woman's ability to respect a man will greatly rely on what TYPE of man she chooses...so CHOOSE WISELY. :yep:

-Work on yourself. Work on any previous baggage/issues you may have had with previous relationships (romantic or not), maintain/strengthen your relationship w/God (if you are a spiritual person), keep taking care of yourself (eat right, exercise regularly, stay positive, etc.), continue being a GOOD mother to your daughter, etc. :up: When you FEEL good, you usually attract more GOOD to you. :yep:

-Get SERIOUS about the types of men that you will entertain advances from. Don't just say "yes" to a date from any Tom Dick and Harry if that man is SOOOO not what you're looking for in a husband. (Which is why writing out and getting CLEAR about what you want in a man is very pivotal). Now of course, not EVERY man you meet will immediately catch your eye, but if he's respectable, kind, on the up-and-up, then by all means, give a guy who's not your "type" a chance. :)

-Lastly..... STOP telling your co-workers who you are dating or going out on dates with. :look: I know that sounds kind of standoffish, but maybe a lot of your friends/co-workers keep thinking that you're out with a different man every week because you keep TELLING them about your dates/different guys, etc. Just keep reserved about your dating life for a little bit. :look: If they ask you "who are you dating now?" or "are you seeing anybody?", just politely tell them: "No not at the moment...I am thinking about traveling sometime in the future though " with a sweet smile. Honestly, unless it's a guy that you are REALLY serious with, I would probably hold off on telling them that you're dating someone for the first few months. Wait until it's really serious and you and your bf are definitely an item. :yep: Otherwise, they can start keeping tally marks and then the snarky comments start coming out. :nono: Keep your cards played close to your vest. :sekret: Honestly, your love life is none of their business really. Especially at work.

I hope that helps! :grin:

Honestly though, you have a lot of time. Focus on yourself, do some traveling (if you can), explore different places/areas, and honestly if you can afford it, maybe move to a new area/state/place... It can definitely open you to a different WIDER array of NEW men, but it can also give you a new outlook. In other areas maybe people aren't so focused on getting married as soon as they turn 21...:look: I'm just saying lol....

But yeah you'll be fine. :yep: You have a lot of time. You're already attractive (as you stated in your post), you have a GOOD education so you're intelligent, so I think you'll be fine honestly lol. :yep: But if you're really serious about being married, I would definitely start shaping your mind differently. Maybe even writing down a list as to WHY you want to be married will also be an eye-opener as well.
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I totally feel you on the fastness in the South. I'm only 20 and old HS classmates are married/ having children and talking about marriage. When I was younger and a little more oblivious :look: to what marriage entails, I wanted to get married young, but now it is just SO unappealing to me . I don't know if that'll ever change :look:
Like a few other people said RELAX you are sooooo young and got plenty of time to stress about getting married.

I'm in my early 30's and still single so I know how that really feels when everybody is married, kids, bla bla

It gets real when you hit my age and later then panic mode sets in.

Stop comparing your life to your friends and just chill. Sounds like you got a lot going for you so at 24 there is really NO reason for you to settle. You have time to be choosy and date around until you found someone worth settling down with.

You'll be aiight
Wow, i guess i got time on my hands.....NOT. pass 31, no child yet, not married......:pray: lord send me a sign of the one you have chosen for me Amen.
Stop filling them in on your single life. If you don't tell them info then they will have nothing to gossip about. Oh they are gossiping about you. Not necessarily a negative thing.

ETA Let them mind their own vagina.