This man is TRIPP'in

I agree. Step it up. A man is visual and pimple cream is not cute. Man or woman.

At the same time, let him put his money where his mouth is. Tell him you want to go shopping for some cute stuff but that you would like him to pay for it. If he is not willing to pay for it, then he is not truly interested in having you look sexier.

If the house is too cold, turn up the heat and make him pay the bill. After a month or two of paying outrageous heating bills, he will change his tune. Otherwise, he will shut up and accept it.

All of this should not be on you, but a few changes here and there...WILL get him to help you out more around the house.
My SO really appreciates this and actually BRAGS to his friends about it!:grin: Most men really aren’t as hard to please as you think. But I don’t compromise on the head scarf. :nono: He hasn’t complained about that, though. I guess if you keep it looking good from the neck down he shouldn’t have to complain about a scarf.

That was my first thought. OP, his friends are bragging to him about their girls and he is bringing that home. He is hearing it from somewhere ... and it is not through movies.
Give him what he wants. Since you are with him, he must be worth it. It's not an outrageous request and you can have fun with it too. I think it's cool that he's telling you what he wants. Not all men do that some just go looking elsewhere until they find it.
Give him what he wants. Since you are with him, he must be worth it. It's not an outrageous request and you can have fun with it too. I think it's cool that he's telling you what he wants. Not all men do that some just go looking elsewhere until they find it.

Very good point.
I love wearing baggy sweats and oversized t-shirts around the house- only problem is that it makes me look homeless and DH does not want to see that after a long day at work. And why should he have to when he don't walk around looking like that in front of me? So, my husband has been not-so-secretly been replacing my "at-home wardrobe" since the day we got married, and I personally don't mind because to be honest- when I look better, I feel better. Every so often he just comes home with a pair of cute cotton pj's or a comfy loungewear set and I just keep pretending like I don't know why he's doing it. It's a happy medium- I stay comfortable but cute and he stays happy. :rolleyes:
My hubby does not play rollers or anything cover my hair when he wants to see me sexy. No sweats or tees. I give it to him the way he wants it.....and I get what I want. Happy people everywhere! :laugh:
I try my best to look cute around the house, but its also because my hubby helps out around the house. Sometimes I dont feel like doing the super sexy VS Angel thing. So I acquired a collection of lounge wear.Most arent even pajamas, they're cute, cheap, stylish, feminine dresses, long shirts, tank tops, shorts, and short skirts. They are usually cotton, so they're really soft and comfortable.I find most of my stuff at target or forever 21, so its stylish and cheap. For the feet, I wear sandals, flip flops or these ugg style boots that I bought just for home wear. It's cute, so he's happy, I'm comfy, so Im happy.


i love your idea...more lounge wear, uggs and sandals. right now i;m in a slump but i try to keep it sexy in here with my SO to keep things spicy.
I don't have an SO (please don't kick me out the thread:lachen:) but when I do have male company I try to get casual sexy. I mean, it doesn't always have to be like a victorias secret runway show, right?? guys love the fitted stretchy workout/yoga looking pants that make ur @ss look great. Heck, i like it too,can't stay out the mirror (yeah, i'm vain). and plain fitted stretchy tops. anything that shows off ur figure. and its STILL comfortable. I don't even own any oversized t-shirts or baggy sweats. Even my chill gear is cute. its very possible to be both sexy and comfortable.

The last robe i owned was this black satin victoria secret robe and the dude i was talking to at the time liked it. it was still fairly warm but cute. I also had this long fuschia satin gown for bed that i loved. it looked very 40's glamour to me. since it was long my legs didn't get cold, but i was still sexy. not to mention how luxurious the material felt. I love sleeping in and wearing cute stuff around the house even its just me. :yep: