This is for the shorties 5'4 and under (other opinions welcomed also)

Is long hair overpowering on short women?

  • Yes it is.

    Votes: 20 15.9%
  • No it's not.

    Votes: 86 68.3%
  • Other/explain.

    Votes: 20 15.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Do you think that having long hair can overpower a short woman? Please be as unbiased as possible when answering the question. :grin: I'm 5'2 and want WL hair, but to be honest I do think that long hair does overpower some short women. :ohwell: But I don't care, I'm still going to grow it out long, I'm just curious to know some of your thoughts on this. :yep:
I'm 5'1" and my goal is APL...BSL at the very longest. There is no way I could do WL hair. My torso is short and it would honestly be too much on me. I also plan to keep layers in my hair. I don't think that long blunt hair would look good on me at all.
I'm just "short" of 5'2 (haha), I'm of small build and I definitely look best with longer hair. I don't have a determinate length; I'm curious to see how long it will get and I'll decide to cut it if/when I'm tired of it. Right now I'm just about BSL and I love it. I also wear my hair in curls, so it doesn't seem that long.

A friend of mine did tell me I shouldn't wear my hair long because shorter hair looks better on petite women. Whatever! I say what looks best on me is whatever makes me feel best!
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I'm 5'4 and hope to find out if long hair is over powering. I guess I'll have to get back with you in about 3 or 4 years lol. But seriously, I've seen this once IRL and the girl was full figured and very cute with that long hair. I've never seen a petite woman with naturally long hair, only a really bad weave. The weave was so bad you couldn't notice if the hair would be overwhelming or not.
I'm 5'1" and my goal is APL...BSL at the very longest. There is no way I could do WL hair. My torso is short and it would honestly be too much on me. I also plan to keep layers in my hair. I don't think that long blunt hair would look good on me at all.
Hmm :scratchch I have a short torso also, so this is definitely food for thought. My goal is WL hair, but I guess I'll start judging how it looks once I hit BSL (my hair is blunt too btw). I remember on Tyra's show she said that your should not exceed more than a third of your body, so if you're 5'0 (which is 60 inches) then your hair should not exceed 20 inches.
I'm 5'4 and hope to find out if long hair is over powering. I guess I'll have to get back with you in about 3 or 4 years lol. But seriously, I've seen this once IRL and the girl was full figured and very cute with that long hair. I've never seen a petite woman with naturally long hair, only a really bad weave. The weave was so bad you couldn't notice if the hair would be overwhelming or not.
Wow, that must have been one terrible weave! I'm glad you saw a curvy woman look good with long hair. I remember a thread floatin around here not long ago about big women not looking right with long hair, so this is reassuring.
Hmm :scratchch I have a short torso also, so this is definitely food for thought. My goal is WL hair, but I guess I'll start judging how it looks once I hit BSL (my hair is blunt too btw). I remember on Tyra's show she said that your should not exceed more than a third of your body, so if you're 5'0 (which is 60 inches) then your hair should not exceed 20 inches.

Given my proportions, 20 inches would almost be WL on me...:lachen:
I imagine it might be overwhelming. I'm 5' 2" and once had a puff that was larger than I've ever had my hair. It probably wasn't anything worth writing home about to most but I was so not used to having so much hair that I had to keep reassuring myself that a gorilla wasn't following me. Still I am in the game for long hair--as much as I can get, even if I'll turn into Cousin It. Just as well too coz the more people I scare, the more peace I'm bound to have. Muahahahah!:thumbsup:
I'm 5'1 and my goal is BSL. I'm also have a short torso as well. I think it does depend on your body structure.

It would be a shame to have all that beautiful hair and look like Cousin It from the Addams family...:lachen:
I imagine it might be overwhelming. I'm 5' 2" and once had a puff that was larger than I've ever had my hair. It probably wasn't anything worth writing home about to most but I was so not used to having so much hair that I had to keep reassuring myself that a gorilla wasn't following me. Still I am in the game for long hair--as much as I can get, even if I'll turn into Cousin It. Just as well too coz the more people I scare, the more peace I'm bound to have. Muahahahah!:thumbsup:
:lachen: :lachen: Whew girl you are silly!!!!
I don't think anything longer than BSL will suit me. I'm 5'3 and want to be APL or BSL but nothing more.
Given my proportions, 20 inches would almost be WL on me...:lachen:
1/3 of the length on me would be touching my butt (roughly 22 inches). I'm calculating the length from the nape of my neck on down though, so I guess if I started from the forehead on back then it would be in the waist area somewhere.
But you know what? HappilyMe (Dsylla) is 4'11" (i think) and her hair is WL. It looks good on her and she's not 'full figured". It depends on the person.
1/3 of the length on me would be touching my butt (roughly 22 inches). I'm calculating the length from the nape of my neck on down though, so I guess if I started from the forehead on back then it would be in the waist area somewhere.

Okay so you must be like me where Midback and WL is the same?
I don't think so. I'm 5'4 and my ultimate goal for now is BSL. Whenever I make it to that point I may decide to go WL :)
I'm 5'4, big and curvy, and I didn't even factor my height into my hair goals except that I figure that I might reach some lengths faster than taller girls. If I think that it is overpowering when long then I can always wear it in braids or some sort of style that keeps it from getting big. I plan to never cut my hair again if I can help it.

If the 1/3 rule applies to me then I guess shrinkage will be a good thing for once. I want MBL unstretched hair which would probably be WL or even TBL on me.

I have a friend who is similar in height/size and she always has a a MBL straight weave in her head and she looks fabulous.

ETA: I voted other because I think long hair can overpower anyone who doesn't work it right - doesn't necessarily have anything to do with height. This is just another things for haters to say because they don't have it.
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i'm 5'2 and a half and had a 18 inch weave for one of my fashion shows and it wasnt over powering it was WL straight but for some reason didnt look very long a matter of fact i had alot of people who thought it was my hair and were asking for my secret lol..WL was my initial goal but it has changed to BSL only because WL would be alot of work

wait i just noticed the first 2 pics are 16 inch tracks and the last pic is 18 inch



I'm 4'11" and my ultimate goal is WL. I don't think it would be overpowering at all to have hair that long.
I think it depends on your height, shape and weight...I'm 5'3" and right now I have APL/BSLish hair my length goal is full MBL, I think I would look weighed down with WL hair. Although, I want long hair, I don't want to look dated with too long hair that overpowers my "beauty"-lol
I'm a very small-framed 4'11" and my layered waist length hair looks great on me and I get alot of compliments. My ultimate goal is hip length but I'm reconsidering because I really like my hair at its current length.
i'm 5'0 and if my hair can get to waist length, then that is cool with me, even if i look like a little hair monster. LOL!
I'm 5'4" and my ultimate goal is HL (hip length). I prefer "big" hair and rarely wear my hair straight, so I figure with shrinkage, my ends will reach about MBL. I think straight HL might be a little much for me, but we'll see....
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I think it depends on the person and the cut. Some short ladies I see with long hair and it does not look too flattering. Other short women I see with long hair and it looks beautiful.