This is for the shorties 5'4 and under (other opinions welcomed also)

Is long hair overpowering on short women?

  • Yes it is.

    Votes: 20 15.9%
  • No it's not.

    Votes: 86 68.3%
  • Other/explain.

    Votes: 20 15.9%

  • Total voters
Personally, I don't think so. I'm 5'1 and I want BSL hair b/c I would be too lazy to upkeep WL. I don't think hair would overpower someone unless they were in the 4'6 range, but that just my opinion. I had a friend who had almost WL hair and she was about 4'9 and it looked fine to me.
Do you think that having long hair can overpower a short woman? Please be as unbiased as possible when answering the question. :grin: I'm 5'2 and want WL hair, but to be honest I do think that long hair does overpower some short women. :ohwell: But I don't care, I'm still going to grow it out long, I'm just curious to know some of your thoughts on this. :yep:

I like this thread :grin:

I had been wondering about this recently myself....I do think that it can potentially overpower a person, but it just has to do with the individual.

When it comes to clothes, you want to always make sure it looks like "you're wearing the clothes" and not that "the clothes are wearing you". I think the same principle applies to hair. If you have your hair styled in a way that is fitting to you, and you carry yourself well with it, then your hair should not be overpowering to you.

ETA: Now, if you're very short and your hair is hip-length or longer, I will say that the potential of your hair overpowering you (regardless of how it's style) is greatly increased....
I'm 5'0. Will grow until it becomes too much of a hassle. I don't think it will overpower me since I prefer ponytails anyway, but I've seen other shorties with very long hair and it looked great.
Well i was watching ANTM some few years back and Tyra stated something like hair should be no longer than 1/3 of a woman's height or else it starts to look over powering/to much (just a paraphrase). I beelive this is true regardless of how tall or short your are, according to that concept i should only grow my hair to about 20 inches (im 5ft 2). I beleive thats about right 20 inches comes past my waist, i'm content with 18 inches, but 20 is cool...
My aunt is about 5'2 and she used to have waistlength hair. It was not overpowering at all. It looked beautiful on her....:yep:
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I'm 4'9'' & a half:yep: and my ultimate goal is apl/bsl length. Lucky for me my when I reach apl I am at bsl anything more is too much for me.
I think it can be overpowering depending on the person. I'm 5 foot i don't think my hair LOOKS like it's overpowering but sometimes it seems like it's getting to be a bit much. I mean my arms are only so long and it's getting hard to rollerset.

No one has every said I have too much hair or suggested I cut it.
I like this thread :grin:

I had been wondering about this recently myself....I do think that it can potentially overpower a person, but it just has to do with the individual.

When it comes to clothes, you want to always make sure it looks like "you're wearing the clothes" and not that "the clothes are wearing you". I think the same principle applies to hair. If you have your hair styled in a way that is fitting to you, and you carry yourself well with it, then your hair should not be overpowering to you.

ETA: Now, if you're very short and your hair is hip-length or longer, I will say that the potential of your hair overpowering you (regardless of how it's style) is greatly increased....
ITA with this entire post:yep:! I am 5'4 and pretty thin, with not the most prominant features, and very use to seeing myself with shorter hair or hair that is on the lighter side. I asked Dh what length he would like to see me in,and he told me nothing past CBL/SL:look:(he doesn't care for very long hair on me). I personally think very long hair does not flatter me:ohwell:. And to be honest it depends on the person. My sisiter is shorter than me (5'2), but heavier(curvier) with higher cheeck bones, and prominant facial features. Longer hair fits her to a T:yep:. So it really depends.
5'4 is short? I thought that was average. Oh my! Okay, then no, it's not overpowering at all, it depends on the lady wearing the hair.
ive had a waist length weave and it wasnt over powering to me. it was too much weave for me though. but i think kinky curly hair longer than shoulder length in a shrunken state can overpower someone.
But you know what? HappilyMe (Dsylla) is 4'11" (i think) and her hair is WL. It looks good on her and she's not 'full figured". It depends on the person.

Her hair definitely suits her. In addition to the woman's proportions, I think it's about the styling of her hair too.
I just had a dream last night and my hair was down to my boo-tay :blush:
I looked cute and I'm 5'2. I think it does depend on certain factors, but not weight or height. I've seen some bigger girls carry off long hair better than I ever could!

Funny, in my dream, my hair was relaxed. Hopefully, as my hair gets longer, it won't become so difficult to deal with that I'll have to relax.

My sister is 5'0 and she's had WL hair all her life. I couldn't imagine her with short hair. It just wouldn't look right. Traycee on here is petite as well, and she definitely can pull it off!
I'm 5'2'' and my goal is WL. I actually never thought about it being overpowering, I actually thought it wouldn't be as impressively long as someone 5'10'' with WL hair, but that's the hair anorexia talking.

ETA- There was a girl at my school last year, very beautiful, dark-skinned, gorgeous skin, about 5'2-5'3'' with the most beautiful tailbone length hair. She was very slim also; It looked amazing on her.
I thought 5' 4" was average height for a woman? I'm 5' 4" and would like to achieve BSL or MBL. I don't think it would be too over-powering.
I'm 5'4 and I'm in the process of growing my hair to WL. I believe that it wouldn't be overpowering on me. I have a small waist and I think that long flowing WL hair would look sexy and accentuate my waistline. I also :heart2:BIG hair.
I think that it could be overpowering if it were hip length and beyond, but that it could also be flattering depending on how the individual styles it.

I plan on stopping at MBL or WL, which would put me at 18 to 20 inches. I'm 5.75 inches tall. :-)
Not at all. I mean if the woman was very short with classic length or something. But otherwise, no, IMO.
I think it varies per person. For the most part to me most lengths seems to suit. Now I did have a friend who was 5 feet tall and had floor length hair and it just drowned her out and her sister who was 5'1 had waistlength hair and it suited her.

For me my goal will be to get to WL and if I feel its not me I will layer cut it to MBL. My hair is APL almost BSB and to me it still seems short which is weird as everyone else says its long. LOL! Not long enough for me
WL on one of us shorties is a lot shorter than say someone 6'. So just because we're WL doesn't mean we're gonna have 30" of hair like it would take one someone with an average torso and tall.

I was WL 2 summers ago and it looked great on me. I'm not a small girl though so I guess that means something too.

I'm 5'4" and I have a super short torso (which also makes me look wider than I am :rolleyes: on top) and WL is my goal.
I voted other because I think it depends on how you wear it, as well as what shoes you have on. If you just wear it out and straight with flats on, then I think it does have the potential to be overpowering. If she has it curly and is wearing heels and/or a nice outfit to detract some of the attention away from all that hair, then it's not. With taller women, they have a lot of body to take away some of that focus. But with us shorties (I'm 5'3" btw) we have to be careful not to be consumed by our hair once it gets so long. JMO
Both grandmothers, my mom, and other relatives have had as long as midback none are 5 ft tall and look (ed) great. You've got to carry yourself like you're "all of that" and it works!!!
Yep. From the point of my bra strap to my waist is no more than four or five inches. :ohwell:

I'm 5'1 with an hourglass figure, which means my waist is only about an inch. BSL to mbl is only about 3 inches for me. Even going to brastrap length is a stretch for me because it would make my waist seem non existent. I already have to dress to give the appearence of an elongated midsection, I don't want anything else to be an added factor in making my waist disappear, which it would. Besides, that would be too much hair to deal with.

ETA: I have met females shorter than me with hip length hair and it looks great on them, but it's mainly because they have a long waist.
I find that it's more about neck length than height. IMO, A person with a longer neck looks better with long to super-long hair.

Hwvr, for the short-necked and no-necked ~ short hair or updos, buns or wearing the hair at least half up(hope that makes w/ front up, rolled, clipped, etc with back part out/hanging loose) looks much better than the full on Lady Godiva/Cousin It.
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Hmm :scratchch I have a short torso also, so this is definitely food for thought. My goal is WL hair, but I guess I'll start judging how it looks once I hit BSL (my hair is blunt too btw). I remember on Tyra's show she said that your should not exceed more than a third of your body, so if you're 5'0 (which is 60 inches) then your hair should not exceed 20 inches.

Tyra's giving hair tips??? Um, no....
I'm 5'3" and some change and I've never considered myself short. And I've never thought about my hair length in relation to my height.