Things you HATE about longer hair


New Member
Mine are:

Shed hairs left on my bare back when I've combed through my damp hair.

Shed hairs making that ball of hair look bigger due to the longer strands, and thinking I am going bald.

When the hair is in a ponytail and you can sweep your hand over the pony and all the shed hairs come out.

Guess i hate shed hairs huh
What do I hate about long hair:

---it gets caught in everything, seatbelts, bra clasp.

---when down, it's hanging on your neck.

---so much to comb. Well, I guess I avoid this by leaving my hair alone.

--hair dressers charge more to style it.

--the extra attention you get from other women, looking to see if it's real.

---And I agree Londondiva, the worst is shedding, shedding, shedding. And tangling, but cone products help with this.
That shedding on the back thing, please tell me that it doesn't only happen to me. I'm fed up getting those long hair off my back.

You can develop some nice biceps lifting but so high to roll the curler down but so low, then pinning it.

And that's just the first roller
What do I hate about long hair:

---it gets caught in everything, seatbelts, bra clasp.

---when down, it's hanging on your neck.

---so much to comb. Well, I guess I avoid this by leaving my hair alone.

--hair dressers charge more to style it.

--the extra attention you get from other women, looking to see if it's real.

---And I agree Londondiva, the worst is shedding, shedding, shedding. And tangling, but cone products help with this.

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Brownie, I'm just gonna use yours above cuz they all apply to me too....EXCEPT the stylist (I'm my own stylist) & the shedding (I practically don't even notice mine).

In addition...

- It attracts my 20 mth old... she wants to "knot it up" like her doll's hair

- It takes increasingly longer to dry

- Those precious lil ends become even more delicate the longer the hair gets, thus requiring more attn (tlc)

- Rolling the back hair for a rollerset is a mutha'

- If worn out during at night during bug season, they'll certainly get trapped in it

- A "bad hair day" takes on a whole new meaning... picture a lady with bs length hair, that looks like a big tangled, frizz ball

- Oh, that's another thing.... the longer it gets, the longer it takes to detangle

- Last but not least, it puts a dent in the wallet.... the longer it gets, the more product usage....ESPECIALLY CONDITIONER, poo, moisturizer, oils, etc

I'm sure there's more, but I'm drawing a blank. Very good thread
I must admit, sometimes I dislike it when a total stranger stares at my hair (they only do this when my hair is down). This morning, I went to the mall to buy me a couple of outfits. While the cashier was ringing up my purchase another cashier came over and just stared at my hair (or something on me). I must say, it felt kind of creepy. At that point, I was ready to take a clip and pull it up, but I just said thanks to the cashier that rang up my goodies, politely smiled and left the store.

Adrienne, remember we talked about being paranoid about someone cutting off our hair when it's down in public?
...While the cashier was ringing up my purchase another cashier came over and just stared at my hair (or something on me). I must say, it felt kind of creepy....

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... I guess staying at her own check out post was just tooooo much for her to handle... evidently she didn't trust her own eyes from a distance
. Girlfriend had to "creep up"
& get an upclose & personal view
. Ahh, that's too funny...
Like Sweetcocoa said, I should have put her eye out with it.
Too bad she wasn't standing a little closer.

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Or u coulda' been like...."Ohhh u wanna stare at sumthin'? WELL STARE AT THIS
Like Sweetcocoa said, I should have put her eye out with it.
Too bad she wasn't standing a little closer.

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Or u coulda' been like...."Ohhh u wanna stare at sumthin'? WELL STARE AT THIS

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Well after the Spritz incident I wouldn't put anything past you luv
Like Sweetcocoa said, I should have put her eye out with it.
Too bad she wasn't standing a little closer.

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Or u coulda' been like...."Ohhh u wanna stare at sumthin'? WELL STARE AT THIS

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Well after the Spritz incident I wouldn't put anything past you luv

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LDiva, I'm really a sweet lady
. But those heffas fronted me around all of those other customers... How u gonna stand in someone's face & tell them their hair is messed up without seeing it? The jokester was asking 4 it
. As u can see, I'm still carrying the scares from that incident
getting bugs caught in your hair sounds awful.

I'd also like to add--that when you have long hair, you wish you had one of those cute, short hairstyles, but you hate to cut all that hair off.

And when winter rolls around, you can't wear your hair down that much because it will rub against sweaters and scarves, and then you wish for above the shoulder hair again.
HATE??? nothing...

i do have most of the problems that have been mentioned, but i honestly wouldn't trade them for shorter hair. and i LOVE getting the stares from other people because I know it's real even if they think it's fake!

(Ok ladies bare with me, I'm kidda long winded tonight

In Cleveland, we're having a "bug infestation"... I think they're called "Canadian Flies"
. They're more annoying than anything....

My husband & I went out the other evening. It was kinda' cool out which normally keeps them away, so I went along at wearing my hair out at his request. Gurrrrl, when we stepped outside of the night spot, nothing but bugs... like a cloud of those things EVERYWHERE!!!! In my hair, up my pant legs, EVERYWHERE!!!

My grandma told me that when the wind blows to the "south", expect the bugs... I live on the outskirts of Lake Erie, which is north... so NOW of course it makes sense... the wind blows the bugs right off the lake into the city.... think I need to go take another bath... my skin is starting to "crawl" again just thinking about it
I'll let you know when I get some!

seriously, I get frustrated at the tangles and how 5 shed hairs can look like 20 because they're long so if I'm doing it now then I know it's gonna get worse when it gets longer. Don't care! sorta like "want a baby? gotta deal with the poop, puke, tantrums, etc..." I'll take it!
Need to do something to it ALL of the time or else you WILL be sorry - conditioner wash, braid each nite (or else it tangles and gets matted)

Because of the length, more product is needed, of course, that leads to more $$$$$

More time (which I don't have much of) so I just put it in a bun mostly or braid it now

It tends to go every which way but loose! I like it out of my face and eyes.
Adrienne, remember we talked about being paranoid about someone cutting off our hair when it's down in public?

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Allandra, you must have been reading my mind. I am not nearly where I want to be, but I had this same thought 2 days ago. There are definitely people out there demented enough to do something like that. This happened to one of my cousins with below waist length hair when she was in middle school. A girl who was sitting behind her cut a big plug out, and her since her hair was so long, she didn't even notice right away, she never even felt it happen! She found out when someone who saw what happened told her.

If somebody even tried to do that to me once I reach my hair goal, I think I would really try to do them bodily harm.
No Joke. And if I knew how to get a hold of them, I would then sue them for every dime I could get. It makes you wonder if you should try to keep your hair up as much as possible when you go out, just for safety reasons.

I actually think my hair gets easier to detangle the longer it gets. Perhaps one reason is I get better at doing it, and I find better tools and products for it. The curls also stretch out more the longer it gets, and this really helps.

I used to love to blow my hair out when it was a little shorter. That would get some serious stares from strangers. I am afraid to see how big it would be now

It takes longer to press and flat iron it now, so I haven't even done this in a while.

I get long strands all over the shower
Its not usually a lot of hair, but it is hard chasing after those strands.

It takes a lot more product now. I have to slap a lot more moisturizer and gel on it to get it to lay down. Doing a deep conditioner is really starting to get crazy. If my stepdaughter and I are both doing a deep condition, it takes almost a whole jar of Cholestrol just for her hair, plus a lot of olive oil and Suave coconut to thin it out, let alone mine.

With all of that said, it is still not really that big of a deal, and I am still spending much less money now than before, and my hair is on the path it should be to get it where I want it-past my butt!
The lady who said that it's not on my head! I like that one!lol!

hmmm....HATE is such a strong word so I'll just say the two things that kinda get on my nerves. It takes longer to dry and longer to roller set. That's pretty much it for me. I'm sure if mine was anywhere close to bra strap length the problems with it getting in the way would really get on my nerves! That's one reason why I don't want my hair that long. Besides the fact that I don't think it would look right on me. Sometimes I see a cute style and think about cutting it too, but I said the next time I get to that point, I'll just buy a wig because I know I'll regret cutting it like I did in the past.

Now...I need to find a post (or start one) about what I loooove about longer hair since I can think of a long list of things.
I called myself being cute last weekend. I put my hair in a french braid in the back and left some hair loose on the sides for sexy (huh?) little side curls. Well the hair kept blowing into my mouth, yuck. Have you ever eaten hair and birthday cake? It's gross.

I dislike hair in my face (or mouth).
That's it's not on my head. LOL

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

What do I hate about longer hair? Absolutely, definitely, NOTHING. I just LOVE seeing long hair on other women, and, although I can live with its current length, I'd be even happier if mine was longer.
The length of time it takes to gets there. It's going to take me another ten months before I've reached bra-strap length hair. I honestly like long hair. Tangles are a pain, but when my hair is long, I usually keep it in a messy ponytail, or in a french braid. I definately like the fact that when it's windy outside I don't have stray hairs flying everywhere because it's short and I can't get all of my hair back in a ponytail yet.

The only thing I hate about long hair is washing it, and rollersetting it. That's about it.
I wash my hair every 3 days, but I am really not fun of doing it
! I don't like when people at work joke around and say " I am gonna cut your hair" when I wear it in a ponny tail ( I don't wear my hair in a ponny tail at work anymore because of that).
I don't like doing my own relaxer, but I do it.
I don't like when my hair get caught everywere.

But I love my long hair and it's silky feeling to the touch and on my back.