Irresistible thank you for shairing this beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes. My sister is going through the same problems with her hair. After finally getting her hair healthy and growing it to her hips it fell out in clumps due to Alopecia. It grew back to shoulder length and now it's coming out again. Like her you are a beautiful person inside and out.

I have a gift for you::arrowdown:

African Daisies


aww gurl that was just really beautiful and touching , I feel for your sister, if there is anything you need as far as info on a regimen that might help just let me know-although I think she must know having u as a sister and having already grew her hair back, will say a prayer for her, I know its extremely traumatizing, my heart goes out to her!

I'm glad you wrote this because a lot of people make assumptions that different hair types have it easier and blah blah. I feel that it doesn't matter what hair type you have if you don't take care of your hair properly it WILL be damaged! People always figure that mixed people have long healthy hair and this is so untrue. Just like white people don't always have long healthy hair. Hair needs to be taken care of no matter what texture, and the sooner we understand this the better off we'll all be. There may be different ways to take care of different textures, but in the end it all boils down to the same thing. All hair needs to be nurtured!

Thank you for writing this. And I admire your hair journey.

I always knew that you were a beautiful person, through and through. I thank God that you share your knowledge and life experiences with us, all. I remember when you were sick and all that you went through. I was even around when your daughter damaged her hair. I go by a different name on your yahoo group( thotgirl1970 or my real name-Angelique). Your story brought me to tears. While, I love experimenting with my hair, there is a lot more to each and every one of us than just that.

I always knew that you were a beautiful person, through and through. I thank God that you share your knowledge and life experiences with us, all. I remember when you were sick and all that you went through. I was even around when your daughter damaged her hair. I go by a different name on your yahoo group( thotgirl1970 or my real name-Angelique). Your story brought me to tears. While, I love experimenting with my hair, there is a lot more to each and every one of us than just that.
AWW hey girl! :sneakyhug: yeah you been through this crazy ride with me huh? geesh it just aint been easy at times! I also always remember how supportive, beautiful and wonderful you have always been and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart! :bighug:


I'm glad you wrote this because a lot of people make assumptions that different hair types have it easier and blah blah. I feel that it doesn't matter what hair type you have if you don't take care of your hair properly it WILL be damaged! People always figure that mixed people have long healthy hair and this is so untrue. Just like white people don't always have long healthy hair. Hair needs to be taken care of no matter what texture, and the sooner we understand this the better off we'll all be. There may be different ways to take care of different textures, but in the end it all boils down to the same thing. All hair needs to be nurtured!

Thank you for writing this. And I admire your hair journey.
Thank you girl! and any hair type can be tore up , I'm proof of that! :lol:

The truth is a whole LOT of hard work and nuturing , NOT TO MENTION MONEY has went into both me and my daugther's hair regardless of hair type, we both have had hair heartbreak and setbacks, huge ones! On so many levels I felt this should be shared when I wrote it, that was a part of it. I'm glad that so many are touched by the many msg's in this. I still need the reminders in this myself!