Thank you for this. Sometimes it gets frustrating to wait and hope for the hair of your dreams especially when medical setbacks get in the way. It's wonderful to hear of someone on the other side of those issues and that it can be accomplished. It's also a nice dose of reality to reaffirm that it takes TIME (even when one is ever so impatient as I am) to realize these goals.
I didnt get that you were saying that you said that to your kids at all! I understood what you were saying! I'm happy to hear of the job your doing with your children to not perpetuate such hate, ignorance and hair division! :sneakyhug:

LOL...I had to go back and re-read my post, to make sure I didn't say that. I was hoping I didn't. But anywhoooo

Thanks for sharing that story, I was actually drawn in w/ the love story you told. I was waiting to hear the final/happy ending, good movie....:grin:
LOL...I had to go back and re-read my post, to make sure I didn't say that. I was hoping I didn't. But anywhoooo

Thanks for sharing that story, I was actually drawn in w/ the love story you told. I was waiting to hear the final/happy ending, good movie....:grin:
your so welcome!
awww sorry I left it hanging on that, but whew thats a whole other long story! :yep:
Thank you for this. Sometimes it gets frustrating to wait and hope for the hair of your dreams especially when medical setbacks get in the way. It's wonderful to hear of someone on the other side of those issues and that it can be accomplished. It's also a nice dose of reality to reaffirm that it takes TIME (even when one is ever so impatient as I am) to realize these goals.

yes! This too shall pass sweetheart!
No I don't use that term around my kids, as a matter of fact I don't reference hair in any manner of good or bad to them. Only natural and chemically processed.

I was saying that was my thought on it, due to what I experienced.
Great! Just making sure. I have three daughters and one did not have the curls and had to hear "good" hair about the other two throughout her childhood. It was my job to encourage her and keep her thicker hair up. It was hard to watch my own people talk too much about my other two girls curls and refer to only two of them as having "good" hair. I really do not like this term at all.

Anyway this is Iris's story and testimony and again her story is really inspirational. Love back to you and Iris.
Great! Just making sure. I have three daughters and one did not have the curls and had to hear "good" hair about the other two throughout her childhood. It was my job to encourage her and keep her thicker hair up. It was hard to watch my own people talk too much about my other two girls curls and refer to only two of them as having "good" hair. I really do not like this term at all.

Anyway this is Iris's story and testimony and again her story is really inspirational. Love back to you and Iris.

aww I dont mind ya'll talking about this really! not at all! love to you too!
Great! Just making sure. I have three daughters and one did not have the curls and had to hear "good" hair about the other two throughout her childhood. It was my job to encourage her and keep her thicker hair up. It was hard to watch my own people talk too much about my other two girls curls and refer to only two of them as having "good" hair. I really do not like this term at all.

Anyway this is Iris's story and testimony and again her story is really inspirational. Love back to you and Iris.

I wasn't trying to take anything away from Iris' story. I was just responding and sharing my thoughts and why I was in that state of mind. I'm not sure if you thought I was trying to offend her w/ my story or not.

Iris I apologize I wasn't trying to overshadow your testimony. I thought it was an open forum of discussion at least that's how I took it.

Iris, Thank you for sharing. Your testimony is an inspiration to others. GOD is still in the healing business. I have a daughter receiving treatment for Hyperthyroidism, one newly diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and I am awaiting results of my mothers biopsy. I definitely needed this!!! I am so glad you had the courage to share this with your LHCF sisters. :)

Iris, Thank you for sharing. Your testimony is an inspiration to others. GOD is still in the healing business. I have a daughter receiving treatment for Hyperthyroidism, one newly diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and I am awaiting results of my mothers biopsy. I definitely needed this!!! I am so glad you had the courage to share this with your LHCF sisters. :)

oh wow Garner! But you said it and yes he is , he still heals and has all power to do so! He even set up the timing of this posting for you too! keep your faith sweetie! its only a test! :bighug:

That was EXCELLENT. Definitely puts things in perspective. God bless...
Thank you girl! God bless u too! Sometimes thats all we need is to change our perspective and it changes our world!
Thank you Iris for sharing your phenomenal testimony of God's miraculous power. Praise God, He repaid you double (and then some) for all your hair trouble. Many blessings to you!
I wasn't trying to take anything away from Iris' story. I was just responding and sharing my thoughts and why I was in that state of mind. I'm not sure if you thought I was trying to offend her w/ my story or not.

Iris I apologize I wasn't trying to overshadow your testimony. I thought it was an open forum of discussion at least that's how I took it.

No , I didnt take it that way, I think she was just saying that you guys now discussing it was taking away, but I dont mind it at all! you spoke of your own pain that was along the same lines and you spoke of what you are doing with your children about those issues. You didnt overshadow anything, I think this can touch people in different ways and have different meanings to them , for you it struck a cord on the pain over how you were treated behind your hair and I understood that. No worries! You added to the testimony
Thank you Iris for sharing your phenomenal testimony of God's miraculous power. Praise God, He repaid you double (and then some) for all your hair trouble. Many blessings to you!

Priestess, I swear my hair grew back so fast it was amazing, and just like you said double, better than before!

I remember I was crying at how much hair I was losing knowing it wouldnt be long before I were to be bald at that rate, and my daughter came over and put her hand on my head and started praying her lil cute prayer that only a child can do, and she said something about 'he counts the hairs on your head' and right there it was over for me, my faith rose immensly after that! The coming out in clumps stopped right after that!
Your post is truly inspirational. I am subscribing, and also, I'm going to quote it and put it into a thread in the Christian Forum (hope you don't mind). Some of the ladies put a thread together to prayer about us (as women on this board) coming together to gain peace about our hair!
Your post is truly inspirational. I am subscribing, and also, I'm going to quote it and put it into a thread in the Christian Forum (hope you don't mind). Some of the ladies put a thread together to prayer about us (as women on this board) coming together to gain peace about our hair!

Ohhh no I dont mind at all! aww I think thats cool! :yep:
I had started reading and had to stop to tend to my 2 yo and to do laundry etc..., but I knew I had to come back and finish reading the rest and Im so glad I did.

I had gathered that you had a hair journey to be where you are...but you really did have a JOURNEY in every sense of the word...Look at what you have had to overcome. I remember someone asked a hypothetical question of what would we do if our hair was to fall out one day or what if we got cancer. That sounds like a bad dream to me (but I know it's real for many people IRL like my grandma)--it's something I would never want to happen or to have to deal with. One of my biggest fear is that I'll have a Huge setback and lose all the progress I have so far. But your story full of struggles and hard-earned success helps me look at myself and see that I am strong and capable: If I had to deal with something like that happening to me, then I would and I would start over/ pick up and continue where I left off, do whatever it is that I have to do.

Much Love, Iris!
I had started reading and had to stop to tend to my 2 yo and to do laundry etc..., but I knew I had to come back and finish reading the rest and Im so glad I did.

I had gathered that you had a hair journey to be where you are...but you really did have a JOURNEY in every sense of the word...Look at what you have had to overcome. I remember someone asked a hypothetical question of what would we do if our hair was to fall out one day or what if we got cancer. That sounds like a bad dream to me (but I know it's real for many people IRL like my grandma)--it's something I would never want to happen or to have to deal with. One of my biggest fear is that I'll have a Huge setback and lose all the progress I have so far. But your story full of struggles and hard-earned success helps me look at myself and see that I am strong and capable: If I had to deal with something like that happening to me, then I would and I would start over/ pick up and continue where I left off, do whatever it is that I have to do.

Much Love, Iris!

yes sweetie, we never feel like we can handle it but your right we are strong and capable more than we often give ourselves credit for. When I went through that it was heart breaking and of course at the time I didnt know how far it would go so fear was really involved! But here I am on the other side of all of that, and my hair is better then even before! But in those moments of stark fear and not knowing what I was facing and watching my hair come out in clumps and thin out more daily! it was very heart breaking! But the msg is that we can overcome even what looks impossible , or feels like a huge set back, it just adds to the beauty and appreciation of what we do have! much love to you too sweetie!
HALLELUJAH! :) (I was on vacation when this thread was posted so I've been backtracking.)

Iris---you are TRULY an inspiration! May God continue to bless you and your family!! :)

God is so good and He is definitely a healer!! :yep: :yep:
HALLELUJAH! :) (I was on vacation when this thread was posted so I've been backtracking.)

Iris---you are TRULY an inspiration! May God continue to bless you and your family!! :)

God is so good and He is definitely a healer!! :yep: :yep:

awww girl, glad you did get to read it! :hug2:
Irresistible, your story is truly a touching an inspirational one.
The Creator heals and answers prayers when it seems impossible.
Irresistible, your story is truly a touching an inspirational one.
The Creator heals and answers prayers when it seems impossible.

hey mama! thank you so much sweetie, I am just blessed it touched so many of you ladies! He really has blessed me and right now its good to be reminded of this, while trusting him through other battles in my life right now :yep:
:bighug: Sweetie, and God bless you richly and abundantly too!
hey mama! thank you so much sweetie, I am just blessed it touched so many of you ladies! He really has blessed me and right now its good to be reminded of this, while trusting him through other battles in my life right now :yep:
:bighug: Sweetie, and God bless you richly and abundantly too!


very much!

If anyone can help you to make it through difficulties, it's Him. I'll keep you in my prayers. :pray:
Irresistible thank you for shairing this beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes. My sister is going through the same problems with her hair. After finally getting her hair healthy and growing it to her hips it fell out in clumps due to Alopecia. It grew back to shoulder length and now it's coming out again. Like her you are a beautiful person inside and out.

I have a gift for you::arrowdown:

African Daisies
