"The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I toss my hair sometimes, but I do not associate that with being white. If that is the case all other natonalities are doing a white girl hair tosses too.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

When my hair was approaching bra strap length in the past...it use to get caught on things so I use to move it out of the way. But you know what? A jealous b$%ch is going to be a jealous b$%th regardless, I was in the BSS on saturday and my braid out was looking all cute....and three B$%ches completely stepped over me and basically tried to push me out of the way, looking for skin bleach of all things! When I got on line same thing..different chicks...they tried to cut in front of me in line. Same thing walking down the street....acting like they don't see you...trying to step on your feet all tha drama....Whatever.....as long as they don't play themselves too hard I won't worry about it.

Haters are gonna hate regardless. When i look broke down b#$tches don't look or act up...when I try to look cute I get nothing but attitude. Oh, well.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

jainygirl said:
i did this yesterday when i was getting out the car. we pulled into the parking lot and this girl with a beehived updo was just straight staring at hubby while we pulled in. I was in the passenger seat with shades on resting (i wasnt feeling good at all yesterday) when i opened my eyes for a sec though i caught her and one of her friends just in the "all out i dont give a care who he's with stare" --- y'all know the look....the one the triflin females give when they are mad cause he's with you
anyway when i got out the car i didnt even look their way i just gave the casual hair toss, an additional flip of my hair with my hand and casually slid my shades on top my hair ---- they looked like they were BURNING UP
but i think it had more to do with the fact that the guys they had been flirting with (i'm guessing going off their body language) were gawking at me
i was SOOOOO glad i decided to wear my hair down yesterday
-- jainygirl

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You were truly setting yourself up for a beat down
You got the hair, the looks and the husband. They couldn't nothing but hate on you.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

You ladies are too funny!

Do you! When I look at another female it's mostly because she's cute or pretty, and I'm a visual person that likes to grasp ideas from different people if I can. Whether it be a particular outfit, or shoe, or the way she did her hair that day. It's all in a good spirit though, because I always send out a smile, that may or may not be returned.

But if you see or hear women hating, just KNOW you're doing something right and you must look great.

In the meantime, I'll be practicing this swish thing. For now, I'm in a bun.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I mentioned something about the white girl hair toss a couple of months ago when someone experience haterism from some black chicks about her hair...something about being on a train, I don't know who posted it. I do it all the time just cause I can! And sometimes it just does it's own thing! I keep it real baby. You just wouldn't believe the ignorant things people say to me because of my hair and the stares I get! It's ridiculous! And my hair isn't even that LONG! It's not like Adrienne's YET! I've heard things like..."you have nice hair for a dark girl" etc and I have even had black chicks walk by and actuallly YANK my hair, yes YANK to see if it was real. Why do we do this? If you want to find out how to grow it just ask me!
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I noticed I was trying my best to make sure it was out of the way too, I simply don't care what others think! ha!

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

its someting natural, I want too toss my hair,:( but thats only going too happen if I press or something, no heat for a year
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Lucia said:
You should remeber to say this to yourself-who cares. It's your hair your body and you can toss,flip, shake, and show off whatever you've got because God didn't give it to you to hide or let other peeple shame you for enjoying and loving yourself. In other cultures nobody even pays attention to it so don't let the HATERS suck you into their pathetic pity party b/c those who can-do.
My motto: you got IT FLAUNT IT!!! <img src="/images/graemlins/bdance.gif" alt="" />

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I'm lovin the belly dancer
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

me and my b/f were going out with his brother, sister and cousin. me and him were sitting in the back seat and he had has arm around me pinning my hair down. his brother was in the driver's seat driving and he asked me a question. i couldnt hear him and said "excuse me" and tried to get from under my b/f's arm to get closer to hear him and as i'm doing this i toss my hair with my hand to get it from under him. after that i notice my b/f has a little attitude. when i ask him what's wrong he says that i was acting stuck up by doing that. wtf??? did he want me to let him rip my hair out with his arm. the whole time he was imitating me and it was funny assss heckkkk so i let it go. otherwise i would have told him off.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Why doesn't someone change the title to The Black Girl Hair Toss? (It's not my thread to change.)
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Karonica said:
I do the toss all the time. Nothing like Cher <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />, but something to push my hair away from my shoulders, so that my purse or backpack doesn't snag it. If you have hair that is shoulder length and beyond, you may find yourself doing it unconciously. I can see myself now when I reach bra-strap. <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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*doing the mouth "thing"* "If I could turn back tiimmmeee..." *LAUGHING*
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

yall sure are a trip!

I agree greAtness333, I don't think it's a "white" thing at all. Asians, Hispanics, Indians, and Blacks do it too. White girls straighten their hair anyway, and not even all have straight hair at that-- this should be called the "Asian Girl Hair Toss" if we want to be politlcally correct and all...
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

This post has had me giggling all day at work! I toss my hair too. GUILTY! I admit. Most times I'm not even aware that I am doing it. My hair gets caught in my pusre or I am pulling it from underneath my jacket or pulling it all to one side to turn my necklace around.

My co worker, who is white, keeps saying I can't wait till my hair is longer so I can throw it. She was reading some of your posts with me and we are just falling out. Her hair is curly and shoulder legnth and she says she can't toss it yet.

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I wish my hair was long enough to do the white girl hair toss...lol. I know I do it if I have some kind of weave in my hair!
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

When I was young, an elderly aunt complained to my mother about me "flinging my hair like a white girl," and my mother got on my case about it. The next time I got my hair done, she had the stylist chop off a good six inches "to teach me a lesson," much to my surprise. Can you just imagine the drama? I was so mad that I refused to get my hair done for six months, which ticked her off because I "was making her look bad." She had found another stylist by then in a JCPenney salon, so I set and paid for my own appointments.

I swear people sweat over some stupid stuff!
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

YES!!!!! I am one of these girls!!!! :lol:

My hair is long enough to do it. I didn't realize it until a co-worker (black girl) said why do you pick your hair up when you put your blazer on? why do you toss your hair? why do you massage your scalp at the desk? blah blah blah blah blah.......

My answer: b/c I take care of my hair :grin:
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

i can't wait till i can do that. a lot of people are gonna stare cause i'm gonna toss like crazy!
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

I think I did this more when my almost BSL hair was a bit shorter. Seems like now that it's longer I do less head-tossing and more discreet hand-tucking--behind the ear, in the collar, stuff like that.
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

I'm about 3/4 inches shy of bsl and I'm guilty of doing the WG toss....I LOVE it and my hubby seems to love it too.:p

Historically I've always kept my hair cut really short. I had NO idea that so many men loved long, flowing hair..... I don't think I'll ever cut it short again.
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

I can't wait to be able to do the WG TOSS, along with the quick "WG bun-with-a-pencil" thingie! :lol:
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

When I was young, an elderly aunt complained to my mother about me "flinging my hair like a white girl," and my mother got on my case about it. The next time I got my hair done, she had the stylist chop off a good six inches "to teach me a lesson," much to my surprise. Can you just imagine the drama? I was so mad that I refused to get my hair done for six months, which ticked her off because I "was making her look bad." She had found another stylist by then in a JCPenney salon, so I set and paid for my own appointments.

I swear people sweat over some stupid stuff

Wow, that was so unnecessary amd unfair
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

When I wear my hair out, I feel the littlest things... like it getting caught in a pocketbook strap, or pulling weirdly on my clothes. I am always lifting and tossing, not just out of precaution, but because it FEELS uncomfortable.
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

CurliDiva said:
I can't wait to be able to do the WG TOSS, along with the quick "WG bun-with-a-pencil" thingie! :lol:

Me too, Also the blowing in the wind, I just loved when the wind would blow my hair in my face and i have to move it to the side:)
I will be there again one day soon.
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

I love tossing my hair!:D

especially when i'm walking down the street with a pair of heels and shades. humph, ya can't tell me nothing!
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I don't see anything wrong with it. But if you are whipping your hair around like Cher, then I say, you probably look crazy

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: That visual imagery was hilarious!!!!

Yeah i toss my hair all the time too, to get it out of my face.... and i flip it back with my hand a lot too. I know folks may be looking at me thinking i am doing it deliberately, to be uppity.... but its honestly just a reflex reaction to hair in the face. I swear iam not doing it to be cute. *snickers*
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

goldensensation said:
When I wear my hair out, I feel the littlest things... like it getting caught in a pocketbook strap, or pulling weirdly on my clothes. I am always lifting and tossing, not just out of precaution, but because it FEELS uncomfortable.

Yeah, me too. I hate that. I become so paranoid of breakage, because it seems that everything i do gets my hair trapped in an article of clothing or purse strap. One time i plopped in my friend's truck, closed the door.... and a few strands of hair were in the door. Craziness! Its so annoying that i am so ready to put my hair back in a bun after an hour of this.
Re: "The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

plove said:
Me too, Also the blowing in the wind, I just loved when the wind would blow my hair in my face and i have to move it to the side.

I love this when i am makeup free! :) But when i'm wearing lipstick and the hair sticks to my lips.... forget about it! Drives me bananas! :mad: :lol: