"The White Girl Hair Toss" ?

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I definitely feel what you are saying BLK_. What's funny is I'n not normally a person who gives a rat ass about what other people think of me. Particularly, in regards to "acting White" since I have dealt with this accusation all my life. I don't know but I just started to feel weird about tossing my hair like I was doing something wrong. Thanks everybody for the reinforcement.

As far as Zora-I-Kiss-Horses-In-The-Mouth, I agree. She drove me crazy.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

You should remeber to say this to yourself-who cares. It's your hair your body and you can toss,flip, shake, and show off whatever you've got because God didn't give it to you to hide or let other peeple shame you for enjoying and loving yourself. In other cultures nobody even pays attention to it so don't let the HATERS suck you into their pathetic pity party b/c those who can-do.
My motto: you got IT FLAUNT IT!!! /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I'm going to go upstairs and practice the hair toss. I'll be off work tomorrow with whiplash after I'm done /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
LondonDiva said:
I'm going to go upstairs and practice the hair toss. I'll be off work tomorrow with whiplash after I'm done /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
LD, girl, you are too funny. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I'm going to go upstairs and practice the hair toss. I'll be off work tomorrow with whiplash after I'm done /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! Girl, you are always good for a laugh... /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
My motto: you got IT FLAUNT IT!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen to that!

I've really enjoyed reading this thread, but I have to say why don't we rename it the "SWISHHHHH"?

I have to say ever since I had a henna treatment done that I have been swisssssshing like, as Amethyst would say, "nobody's business." Spring has sprung and it is time to enjoy all this hair /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anybody who wonders what you are doing tucking your hair in your coat, moving your head to get your hair out of your face, or tucking your hair behind your ears so that you can see, etc must have a really boring life. Smile and say, "have a nice day", and motor on /images/graemlins/cool.gif

Swishing on to the next thread.........

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Girl, swish, swish on!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

When I get there, I will be doing the same!

p.s. that Henna treatment sounds niiiice. Shiney huh? hmmm........

girl, just when I thought I had this PJ thing licked... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

my hair is too thick and heavy for the "toss" but I wish I could! If I try to toss it just stays in the same position! It is long enough that I constantly have to pick my purse strap off my shoulder and pull my hair back. My purse has become a real issue cause it always catches my hair! I also have to pull it out of my coat/jacket/shirt collars. It's long enough that I can pull it out sideways and it's starting to curve over the rounded part of my shoulder so I'm hoping I'm on my way to bra strap! maybe when it gets longer the thickness and heavyness won't matter and I can toss it to!....um..to move it out of the way that is...
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

girl, just wait... your day for the swish is coming!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Jade said:
I have to say ever since I had a henna treatment done that I have been swisssssshing like, as Amethyst would say, "nobody's business." Spring has sprung and it is time to enjoy all this hair /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm glad you're loving your henna treatment. It's real nice and talk about how sleek hair is after rollersetting. Henna amplifies a person's swish-swoosh-swing and adds lovely shine to the hair to top it all off /images/graemlins/grin.gif

BTW, I'm real glad to see you posting more because you have so much to offer /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Jade! You did a henna treatment!!!???

How did it go fo' ya'??
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Jade I forgot to ask:

1. what brand of henna did you use?

2. how did you mix it? did you add any oils, etc. to your mix?

3. how long did you keep it on? did you use heat? did you rollerset or airdry your hair?

4. do you plan on continuing to use it or only occasionally?

- Thanks Chica /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?


You know I did not see this 5th page....I must need some rest /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Yes, I really enjoyed the henna treatment. My friend Lindsay did the application on my entire head. Last Thursday, we did a section test from roots to the ends. I really wanted to make sure I would not have any type of scalp reaction and then on Friday, Lindsay did my entire head...she was really patient and it turned out great. I will be enlisting her again in about three or four months. I do not foresee any problems at this point. My hair has reacted most positively!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
1. what brand of henna did you use?

[/ QUOTE ]

I used the neutral powdered henna from Mountain Rose Herbs.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
2. how did you mix it? did you add any oils, etc. to your mix?

[/ QUOTE ]

Used the same formula for the section test and my entire head. I added plenty of blackstrap molasses, olive oil, macadamia oil, and AO GPB and Honeysuckle Rose conditioners. I mixed the "batter" with a wooden spoon. For the complete application, I mixed with a wooden spoon and then used a hand mixer to make sure it was thoroughly mixed. From what I have heard, the latter is not a great idea..the metal deal /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Ooops! But, no probs.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
3. how long did you keep it on? did you use heat? did you rollerset or airdry your hair?

[/ QUOTE ]

I left it on for about 2 hours, both for the section test and the complete application. No heat. I did the airdrying mostly, but I did use my diffuser at points. **I was a bit impatient..wanted to see what my hair was going to look like when dry.** No rollers...oh somebody find me some HUGE rollers...I am so envious these days /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
4. do you plan on continuing to use it or only occasionally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am planning on doing another treatment in about 3-4 months, probably 3. I want to see how my hair reacts over the long-run. So, basically, if I notice anything weird, I will simply decrease the frequency. Otherwise, I will be putting the henna treatment into my hair care routine /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Iris, here's what my fears were. I wondered how my scalp would react and I wanted someone who was patient and who I trusted to do my ENTIRE head. I was so tempted to do it myself and maybe in the future I will try, but I know it would be a mess.

My other fear was making a lousy batch which dried out my hair to a broomstick. I thought "oh no I do not want to inject dryness back into this head after I've gotten it to be a non-issue." In my opinion, it was the blackstrap molasses which made all the difference. It made the mixture very pliable in terms of the application and the sugars really added moisture.

I wanted to ask you something about what you use at the scalp area to spread. Lindsay used an old paddle brush I had to spread in the area and it worked great. She said to me that maybe the next time we do it, we should use a paint brush which people use when they apply color. Do you think this would make the application easier?

Lindsay was very patient in going through my hair. She sectioned my hair completely and went through in minute fashion to make sure all of the hair was covered. I know I could not have done this myself.

Oh, last thing. I do love the gloss, silkiness and manageability...The sealing is simply awesome /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?JADE

I see you are still working the blackstrap molasses. It just goes with so many things. And added to the Henna, I guess you could call your hair "bling bling!" with all that hair and all that shine. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. I will continue to use oils and yogurt or what ever because it stops the dryness and brittleness from occurring when I use the henna. I have used it with additional things and without and for me more is better and does not compromise the effects I am looking for. I am also going to try the Lotus Powder that Henna Joy suggested. Probably can find it at a Chinese superstore or Spice Center. It is my understanding that Light Mountain Henna does not have the metallic salts and is an excellent source of Persian Henna top of the line. What is your opinion on the brands out there? I will do more research on the best to get. Glad to see you become a hennaphiliac Jade! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Bonjour.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I agree...if you toss it 'cause you need to or if you toss it 'cause you want go, either way you earned it, it's "your perogative!"

Oh Lawd! Let me get out of this thread before ya'll tempt me to get a relaxer ahead of schedule! (j/k)
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Girl I say it is your hair you can do what you want!

I know when mine gets long enough to toss, I will be doing just that!!! Shoot many men find the tossing of women's hair very sexy and seductive! As long as you are not tossing it in anyone's face on purpose to annoy them just ignore the comments.....SWING IT GIRL!!!!
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Well I am just happy that it is now getting in the way of my teeth brushing -- it's chin length you see. LOL
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

Just read this and,
! Too true!

When my hair first "brushed" my shoulders, I experienced this!

Yall know I thought I was 'bout cute right

Yet, I still felt odd doing things that I had always been equated with being "white" knowing that I would be talked about! But when it grew pass my shoulders, I realized that it came with the territory and I threw my head for all it was worth. Now!
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

You all need to look for the repeat ep of "Hey Monie" (it comes after Sex and the City on the Oxygen channel where I live) where she plans a single's event at a museum. She's talking to a guy and does the hair toss (her hair is short!) and he said she looked like she was having a seizure!


It's a cartoon and her head was bobbling. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was being bludgeoned to death because I was scream-laughing. That show cracks me up! Especially Chad and Granny!
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

I dont understand why everyone equates having long hair and /or getting relaxers or presses with being white. white people are not the only folks with long hair. so i guess some of us are tryin to be asian, indian, etc.
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?


<font color="red">
I mean, sometimes I tuck my hair behind my ear to get it out of my face and sometimes I do it because I do think I'm cute! And, who cares?!! Shoooo, if I don't think I'm cute then who will!! But, I truly can't be worried about folks who think that I think I'm too cute.

[/ QUOTE ]


First of all, I can relate about feeling almost guilty about it. I used to always be worried about someone else interpreting my actions w/ a "She thinks she's so cute..." Then I realized...wait...I do think that i'm so cute. So why am I tripping? I know that after a fresh blow-dry, my hair just flows w/ any ounce of subtle movement and I take advantage...it's fun!

Work it girl! (zig-zag snap)
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

i did this yesterday when i was getting out the car. we pulled into the parking lot and this girl with a beehived updo was just straight staring at hubby while we pulled in. I was in the passenger seat with shades on resting (i wasnt feeling good at all yesterday) when i opened my eyes for a sec though i caught her and one of her friends just in the "all out i dont give a care who he's with stare" --- y'all know the look....the one the triflin females give when they are mad cause he's with you
anyway when i got out the car i didnt even look their way i just gave the casual hair toss, an additional flip of my hair with my hand and casually slid my shades on top my hair ---- they looked like they were BURNING UP
but i think it had more to do with the fact that the guys they had been flirting with (i'm guessing going off their body language) were gawking at me
i was SOOOOO glad i decided to wear my hair down yesterday
-- jainygirl
Re: \"The White Girl Hair Toss\" ?

gvsugirl said:
I dont understand why everyone equates having long hair and /or getting relaxers or presses with being white. white people are not the only folks with long hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

i agree with you. i've been tossing my hair for as long as i can remember &amp; never cared what other people thought about it. also, tossing shouldn't just be associated with long hair, it should be associated with body &amp; fullness. shoulder lengths &amp; short cuts can be tossed equally as well.