The short-term (2 month) protective style challenge


Well-Known Member
Yay, my first challenge! :dance7:

Some of us are out hair addicts. Shoooo, I did an out hair challenge last month (no challenge for me, lol) under the guise of "learning how to do more styles with loose hair". Yeah, right. :rolleyes: But a solid month of out hair and excessive manipulation because I was experiment and learning all these styles was too much for my hair. Breakage!

So for those of us who can't really hang with these 1/2 year and year long challenges (I admire those who can), how about we ease ourselves into learning to live with protective styles? Join me. :grin:

The Dates:
Jun 15 - August 15, 2009

The Rules: hairstyles that count are buns, weaves, braids (w/ or w/o extensions), twists, cornrows, flat twists, etc. The hair style has to keep the individual strands from moving around and tangling too much.

You get a 1 day pass per week. 6 days in protective styles, 1 day out.

Measure your hair (with a tape measure is possible) at the start of the challenge and at the end. Report your retention with us here.

The Fun: So we can learn that life in (mostly) protective styles is not dismal (as I sometimes imagine it to be), the challenge is to also have 3 different hair styles over this 2 month period. Pin those briads up, put your twists in an updo, etc. Then take a picture (if you can) and show us!

The Participants: (Signups closed.)
Loves Harmony
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Count me in. I just put some braids in on June 6th. I will keep them in until August 15th, with the exception of redoing my edges... Wow!!! Thats a big challenge for me, Miss every two week hairstyler...
Already then, I'm a go cause I had my ends exposed for almost 2 weeks. I am all for hiding my ends for two months!!!!!!!!
You can count me in. My hair only last one day when its out anyway lol...
Yay, my first challenge! :dance7:

Some of us are out hair addicts. Shoooo, I did an out hair challenge last month (no challenge for me, lol) under the guise of "learning how to do more styles with loose hair". Yeah, right. :rolleyes: But a solid month of out hair and excessive manipulation because I was experiment and learning all these styles was too much for my hair. Breakage!

So for those of us who can't really hang with these 1/2 year and year long challenges (I admire those who can), how about we ease ourselves into learning to live with protective styles? Join me. :grin:

The Dates: Jun 15 - August 15, 2009

The Rules: hairstyles that count are buns, weaves, braids (w/ or w/o extensions), twists, cornrows, flat twists, etc. The hair style has to keep the individual strands from moving around and tangling too much.

You get a 1 day pass per week. 6 days in protective styles, 1 day out.

Measure your hair (with a tape measure is possible) at the start of the challenge and at the end. Report your retention with us here.

The Fun: So we can learn that life in (mostly) protective styles is not dismal (as I sometimes imagine it to be), the challenge is to also have 3 different hair styles over this 2 month period. Pin those briads up, put your twists in an updo, etc. Then take a picture (if you can) and show us!

The Participants: (I'll add the new sign-ups at the end of each day)
best challenge ever theses long term ones are often to much for me. ive been doing a personal 2 month challenge but i will like to join this one when i finish mine
Why don't ponytails fit your requirements? :sad::sad: If you include those, I can totally join this challenge.
Why don't ponytails fit your requirements? :sad::sad: If you include those, I can totally join this challenge.

Hey Reecie :wave: I don't think ponytails are a protective style. Usually protective styles are considered to be ones where your ends are tucked in somehow, either in a braid, twist, bun, etc. I also consider protective styles ones that keep your hair stationary so that they can't move all around tangling with each other and catching stuff. Ponytails don't really fit either of these criteria.
This sounds like a protective styling challenge I can actually do. Count me in! I really want to make APL.
I'm in.
I'm in a bun 99% of the time anyways, but this will challenge me to trying out some cuter bun and protective styles.
Please sign me up. I've been doing this on my own for the past few weeks. I'd love to be part of a challenge.
Count me in. I wear PS pretty much all the time any how and when I do wear my hair out it is only for a day.
count me in everything eles is too long dang i cant even last a good 2 weeks just thinking how long i have left in a challenge
count me in. i just had some kinky twists put in on Monday, june 8 and plan to keep them in until August 8. i didn't get a chance to measure my hair but may have some comparison shots at the end of the challenge.
ok just learned how to post pics. here are my kinky twists

Ummmm...if the style is aimed at keeping the hair from moving too much or at all, does a puff count for those of us with TWA-length hair. My TWA is getting bigger, but it's still not enough hair to twist and wear out in public.

My puff is rock solid. No movement up in there!

If that works, I'm in. The timing is perfect. We get back to the US June 13th, and August 15th is my birthday!!

Thanks...hope I can join.

Ummmm...if the style is aimed at keeping the hair from moving too much or at all, does a puff count for those of us with TWA-length hair. My TWA is getting bigger, but it's still not enough hair to twist and wear out in public.

My puff is rock solid. No movement up in there!

If that works, I'm in. The timing is perfect. We get back to the US June 13th, and August 15th is my birthday!!

Thanks...hope I can join.


Hi Melodies :wavey: I don't think a puff is a protective style. The ends of the hair are still very much exposed. And even though kinky hair doesn't look like it's moving around because it looks so tightly coiled, those strands do move.

At this point, you probably don't need a protective style. It seems like very short hair grows pretty well without them. :yep: