The Rori Raye Way

I've been more intentional about observing interactions between men and women. Cases in point. Couple #1- Came in my office and she went and got a chair for him and not the other way around. Before this, she offered him her chair and she was going to stand. #2-lady at the doctor's office. We were chatting and she told me that she met her boyfriend online 5 years ago and she's moving closer to be near him. I asked if an engagement was in the future and she said, "I think so."

Neither of these women were leaning back and neither appeared to be winning. Before RR, I would not have paid attention to any of this.
I finished listening to "Toxic Men". The Stranger exercise was really powerful for me. It makes sense that our life themes are directly linked to our Stranger. Mine was very angry at me. The theme I've been repeating in my life so far is abandonment. Well my dark side, or Stranger, scared and embarrassed me so I abandoned it and pretended it didn't exist. I basically abandoned myself (at least a big part of me). I've since embraced her and all the anger, selfishness, profanity spewing and other "bad" qualities she has. I was crying by the time it ended. This exercise alone is worth the cost of her program.

I really liked how she had several different male experts on there. The dating coach with the New York accent made me laugh. When it came to the all male panel, the man that had the 5 year relationship with his girlfriend and wasn't ready to propose to her annoyed me. He kept saying how much he loved her but he wasn't ready. In mind I was thinking he wasn't ready to marry her cuz she ain't the one but he's afraid to say it (probably cuz he knows she'll be listening to it later). He hinted that something was missing. Homegirl puts up with it so obviously it's working for them. Even though he admits that he knows she wants to marry him. I was like: girl get out! This man is obviously too comfortable and will never give you what you want most which is marriage.
I've been more intentional about observing interactions between men and women. Cases in point. Couple #1- Came in my office and she went and got a chair for him and not the other way around. Before this, she offered him her chair and she was going to stand. #2-lady at the doctor's office. We were chatting and she told me that she met her boyfriend online 5 years ago and she's moving closer to be near him. I asked if an engagement was in the future and she said, "I think so."

Neither of these women were leaning back and neither appeared to be winning. Before RR, I would not have paid attention to any of this.

The first woman is definitely overfunctioning. I think a lot of women these days feel like they have to "compete" to keep a man. :nono:
The 2nd woman is tragic: 5 years (red flag #1) and moving to be near him with NO commitment (red flag #2). Women are so afraid of being alone that we settle for the crumbs that men offer us, not realizing that we turn them off and lower our value in their eyes by accepting their crumbs :nono: It's a real catch-22.
I finished listening to "Toxic Men". The Stranger exercise was really powerful for me. It makes sense that our life themes are directly linked to our Stranger. Mine was very angry at me. The theme I've been repeating in my life so far is abandonment. Well my dark side, or Stranger, scared and embarrassed me so I abandoned it and pretended it didn't exist. I basically abandoned myself (at least a big part of me). I've since embraced her and all the anger, selfishness, profanity spewing and other "bad" qualities she has. I was crying by the time it ended. This exercise alone is worth the cost of her program.

I really liked how she had several different male experts on there. The dating coach with the New York accent made me laugh. When it came to the all male panel, the man that had the 5 year relationship with his girlfriend and wasn't ready to propose to her annoyed me. He kept saying how much he loved her but he wasn't ready. In mind I was thinking he wasn't ready to marry her cuz she ain't the one but he's afraid to say it (probably cuz he knows she'll be listening to it later). He hinted that something was missing. Homegirl puts up with it so obviously it's working for them. Even though he admits that he knows she wants to marry him. I was like: girl get out! This man is obviously too comfortable and will never give you what you want most which is marriage.

It sounds like you had an awesome healing experience. Thank you for sharing :yep: I also feel like this was such a great investment and I'm learning so much about myself...which is the point of this anyway. You can't totally give responsibility for yourself and your emotions over to someone else. You have to understand yourself first before you can share that with another.
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Something eye-opening for me from RYR:

-Anxiety and Depression are NOT real feelings. In fact, they are the lids we put over our feelings to selectively let some through(anxiety) or totally block them out (depression). So if you feel anxious or depressed, you actually need to remove the lid and see what feeling you are really avoiding.
-Pain is also NOT a feeling. Pain is a response to avoiding our real feelings. Like Iyanla says, when you argue against reality, you will suffer.

I like that RR gives you different exercises to essentially trigger your feelings (bad and good) so you can practice feeling them. Being in that dang rowboat :lol: and switching the flow really trigger my fear of intimacy. But the more I allow myself to imagine receiving exactly what I want, the less scary it is. :yep:
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I just finished the heart connection toolkit as well. The second part was very very helpful for me. Like @LBoogie85 said it's about getting in touch with your feelings. I realized a few things. I have a hard time identifying my feelings. You would think that would be simple right instead a lot of what I imagine as anger is really frustration and sometimes sadness and of course has nothing to do with anyone but me. I am very analytical and I thought I did a good job of this but me being analytical is exactly why I'm not good with feelings. Always in my head always trying to "think my way" to a new different/better feeling. It doesn't work. The only thing that works is identifying the feeling, feeling it so I can move through it. Damn I didn't think I would be able to get this deep on just the heart connection toolkit.

I also really enjoyed the visualization. I had to pause when we did the visualization on the perfect day with your man. Lol I took that bad boy all the way through to the end, eyes closed and smiling like a fool and everything. It was so cathartic because feeling so annoyed and frustrated with not being able to find someone I like makes me forget that I can control my thoughts. Instead of focusing on what you don't want focus on what you do. I went to my journal and wrote down the entire day writing in feeling messages. I wanted to start Modern Siren immediately after but I might need to digest this for a day.

^^I LOVED this!! :grin:

Sometimes I think we forget that we can control our thoughts (and hence, our emotions) as well. :yep: I LOVE that visualization exercise. It reminds me so much of the visualization exercises in CITO (which I found VERY helpful :yep: ). I may have to check out RR's techniques. :yep: @Belle Du Jour keeps swearing by maybe I should check them out... :giggle:

I think a lot of women feel this way. RR even says she knows it might not feel right at first and women have complained as said "do I really have to...?" But it definitely works and you get used to it after a while. The whole point is to be the feeling one in the relationship hence the "I feel..." More often than not it should be followed by an actual feeling (good, happy, mad, sad, etc.) because it's also a good way to keep the conversation, your thoughts and your feelings focused on YOU instead of on him. I'll check out the hero language from AA.

Good points! :yep:

I like this technique.
Ok, so this may go into the "Men don't love women like you thread" but whatever - had three random incidental interactions that showed that men do pay attention to your energy! Ran into a friend at a gas station but I was all the way perky and super duper happy to see her and this guy immediately approached me and we had a great conversation. He said, "I was just drawn to your energy and how you seemed to have a good time." He called me ethereal, lol. He said he normally didn't approach women in gas stations. We were talking about this sport he's into and he invited me to hang out with him at our mutual school's game.

Also ran into another guy who basically wanted to take me out and apparently had an $8mil property in NYC but I passed although I did love the lines he used because they were so cheesy. We were in a furniture store of all places, lol. I was super sweet and just said I'm dating someone (which I am :look: but not exclusively!)

Last guy had stared at me from afar (Ihe noticed since I was walking out super happy about a conversation I just ended), but ended up being a friend of a friend (less sketchy) so they both approached me when I was sitting by myself. It was a great conversation and while I'm not attracted to him, he's going to do great things for sure.

I'm typically a smiley, happy person but I tried to increase my energy wavelength and it worked. I also wore my lucky earrings that reminds me that if you can believe, you can achieve!
Ok, so this may go into the "Men don't love women like you thread" but whatever - had three random incidental interactions that showed that men do pay attention to your energy! Ran into a friend at a gas station but I was all the way perky and super duper happy to see her and this guy immediately approached me and we had a great conversation. He said, "I was just drawn to your energy and how you seemed to have a good time." He called me ethereal, lol. He said he normally didn't approach women in gas stations. We were talking about this sport he's into and he invited me to hang out with him at our mutual school's game.

Also ran into another guy who basically wanted to take me out and apparently had an $8mil property in NYC but I passed although I did love the lines he used because they were so cheesy. We were in a furniture store of all places, lol. I was super sweet and just said I'm dating someone (which I am :look: but not exclusively!)

Last guy had stared at me from afar (Ihe noticed since I was walking out super happy about a conversation I just ended), but ended up being a friend of a friend (less sketchy) so they both approached me when I was sitting by myself. It was a great conversation and while I'm not attracted to him, he's going to do great things for sure.

I'm typically a smiley, happy person but I tried to increase my energy wavelength and it worked. I also wore my lucky earrings that reminds me that if you can believe, you can achieve!

Ok, so this may go into the "Men don't love women like you thread" but whatever - had three random incidental interactions that showed that men do pay attention to your energy! Ran into a friend at a gas station but I was all the way perky and super duper happy to see her and this guy immediately approached me and we had a great conversation. He said, "I was just drawn to your energy and how you seemed to have a good time." He called me ethereal, lol. He said he normally didn't approach women in gas stations. We were talking about this sport he's into and he invited me to hang out with him at our mutual school's game.

Also ran into another guy who basically wanted to take me out and apparently had an $8mil property in NYC but I passed although I did love the lines he used because they were so cheesy. We were in a furniture store of all places, lol. I was super sweet and just said I'm dating someone (which I am :look: but not exclusively!)

Last guy had stared at me from afar (Ihe noticed since I was walking out super happy about a conversation I just ended), but ended up being a friend of a friend (less sketchy) so they both approached me when I was sitting by myself. It was a great conversation and while I'm not attracted to him, he's going to do great things for sure.

I'm typically a smiley, happy person but I tried to increase my energy wavelength and it worked. I also wore my lucky earrings that reminds me that if you can believe, you can achieve!

Wow! Awesome experiences!! :grin: I'm here grinning ear to ear as you're recounting your story lol.

I DO feel like men pick up on women's energies. Shoot...even I can pick up on the energy of some women... :look: Some people have a really GREAT energy that just draws you to them, and some people (unfortunately) have an energy that is very guarded, closed off and just not all that inviting. :ohwell: It's not "negative" energy per se, but it's not exactly "inviting" or "open" energy either. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

Just like women have that wonderful innate women's intuition that can help us pick up on the emotions or "vibe" of others, I definitely think that men have an "intuition" as well. I think the can pick up instantly when a woman feels good about herself, or if she feels insecure, if a woman is genuinely happy with life, or if she's not...If a woman is desperate or not...etc. I have long since suspected that men have an "intuition" as well that helps them to be able to "read" women.... It's just so interesting that this is being confirmed for me.

What (if you may share) do you think you have been doing differently @greight that has changed your vibration/energy lately? Because I notice that I get a lot more attention from men as well on certain days or when I'm feeling particularly good....but Idk what I'm doing exactly. :lol:
Wow! Awesome experiences!! :grin: I'm here grinning ear to ear as you're recounting your story lol.

I DO feel like men pick up on women's energies. Shoot...even I can pick up on the energy of some women... :look: Some people have a really GREAT energy that just draws you to them, and some people (unfortunately) have an energy that is very guarded, closed off and just not all that inviting. :ohwell: It's not "negative" energy per se, but it's not exactly "inviting" or "open" energy either. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

Just like women have that wonderful innate women's intuition that can help us pick up on the emotions or "vibe" of others, I definitely think that men have an "intuition" as well. I think the can pick up instantly when a woman feels good about herself, or if she feels insecure, if a woman is genuinely happy with life, or if she's not...If a woman is desperate or not...etc. I have long since suspected that men have an "intuition" as well that helps them to be able to "read" women.... It's just so interesting that this is being confirmed for me.

What (if you may share) do you think you have been doing differently @greight that has changed your vibration/energy lately? Because I notice that I get a lot more attention from men as well on certain days or when I'm feeling particularly good....but Idk what I'm doing exactly. :lol:

Yes energy is everything. My work out partner mention to her husband that when I was on vacation no one at the gym struck up conversation with her. She was confused, he told her well you aren't inviting and open like her. She was like geesh thanks:lachen:. She said he went on about how I just have a great energy and he can tell when she's been around me because she comes back with stories of meeting new people. I'm glad I'm helping her get out of her shell.

I used to be closed off just like her and that's why we vibe. I recognized it and approached her as we've been working out at the sane time and doing similar exercises for about 2 months prior to us becoming partners.

I know you didn't ask me but, I just smile and think positively. I speak/smile to everyone I see. I know everyone is going through life and it's challenges, my self included, why not be happy through out the process? I do things that make me a better person and this I'm happy. Simple things like keeping my space clean at all times, using my favorite shower gel, listening to great music to bigger things like working out 4x a week no matter what. I only do what truly makes me happy. The things that I must do I do them in a way that suits me and it flows. Just be yourself and take care of you in every way and others will follow suit.

Men especially love this as they love a happy woman and will do anything to keep her that way. Whenever I look down or a little off men I'm in contact are the first to notice and try their best to boost me up.
Yes energy is everything. My work out partner mention to her husband that when I was on vacation no one at the gym struck up conversation with her. She was confused, he told her well you aren't inviting and open like her. She was like geesh thanks:lachen:. She said he went on about how I just have a great energy and he can tell when she's been around me because she comes back with stories of meeting new people. I'm glad I'm helping her get out of her shell.

I used to be closed off just like her and that's why we vibe. I recognized it and approached her as we've been working out at the sane time and doing similar exercises for about 2 months prior to us becoming partners.

I know you didn't ask me but, I just smile and think positively. I speak/smile to everyone I see. I know everyone is going through life and it's challenges, my self included, why not be happy through out the process? I do things that make me a better person and this I'm happy. Simple things like keeping my space clean at all times, using my favorite shower gel, listening to great music to bigger things like working out 4x a week no matter what. I only do what truly makes me happy. The things that I must do I do them in a way that suits me and it flows. Just be yourself and take care of you in every way and others will follow suit.

Men especially love this as they love a happy woman and will do anything to keep her that way. Whenever I look down or a little off men I'm in contact are the first to notice and try their best to boost me up.

Thanks for sharing! :yep:

And I'm open to all responses btw....even if I didn't ask directly lol :giggle:

But anyway that's awesome! Yes, energy is VERY powerful. It can make a HUGE difference in how we go through life, and even what we experience in life. There are some people where it seems like they just bring negativity and negative experiences wherever they go. But then you can go to the same place, and have a totally different experience. It's the strangest thing.

I do LOVE to hear and see bw being effortlessly care-free, positive, HAPPY, and not allowing the negative affects of this world and the society we live in to affect us. I think that sometimes living in this country it can weigh us down somewhat if we're not careful (many girl friends have said that when they travel to places like Canada/Europe, etc. they feel the most feminine and care-FREE that they have ever felt in their lives.).

I'm glad you haven't let that boggle you down.

I love your routine. I need to work on that as well. :yep: I have allowed stresses from everyday life to kind of get me frazzled and therefore things that I should be taking care of have been taking a backseat...but I do think that this has a definite affect on our energy and our well-being. Starting September 1st I think I'm going to try to start doing better...doing more for ME. Taking more time out for ME. Keeping things organized. I think when you handle everything in your life well, stay organized, and take time out for yourself, you automatically emit a certain type of positive happy energy that men (and just people in general) are naturally drawn to. :grin:

Thanks for sharing your secrets! :D
Thanks for sharing! :yep:

And I'm open to all responses btw....even if I didn't ask directly lol :giggle:

But anyway that's awesome! Yes, energy is VERY powerful. It can make a HUGE difference in how we go through life, and even what we experience in life. There are some people where it seems like they just bring negativity and negative experiences wherever they go. But then you can go to the same place, and have a totally different experience. It's the strangest thing.

I do LOVE to hear and see bw being effortlessly care-free, positive, HAPPY, and not allowing the negative affects of this world and the society we live in to affect us. I think that sometimes living in this country it can weigh us down somewhat if we're not careful (many girl friends have said that when they travel to places like Canada/Europe, etc. they feel the most feminine and care-FREE that they have ever felt in their lives.).

I'm glad you haven't let that boggle you down.

I love your routine. I need to work on that as well. :yep: I have allowed stresses from everyday life to kind of get me frazzled and therefore things that I should be taking care of have been taking a backseat...but I do think that this has a definite affect on our energy and our well-being. Starting September 1st I think I'm going to try to start doing better...doing more for ME. Taking more time out for ME. Keeping things organized. I think when you handle everything in your life well, stay organized, and take time out for yourself, you automatically emit a certain type of positive happy energy that men (and just people in general) are naturally drawn to. :grin:

Thanks for sharing your secrets! :D

Why wait till September 1? I challenge you to do one thing this weekend that will put you in that space.

For me, I love wearing dresses and Especially ones that show off my figure. I like walking around looking like a snack.
Why wait till September 1? I challenge you to do one thing this weekend that will put you in that space.

For me, I love wearing dresses and Especially ones that show off my figure. I like walking around looking like a snack.
I do the same! I feel so feminine and free. I keep my hair nice, minimal make up, nails done and always wear something shiny like shoes or jewelry. I get compliments daily on my dresses and it's really a confidence booster.
I think this is a great article on being vulnerable (which is at the heart of the RR method):

The "forcefield technique" may help you open up and expose your softer, more authentic self to him.

The only way to truly get into a man’s heart is to let him into yours. A man can lust after a hot body, a sassy attitude and a li’l red lipstick, but the best way to attract him and keep his interest is to give him a reason to deeply care for you. Learning how to share your vulnerability with men will help you build a powerful love connection with that special man.

What Do I Mean By Your Vulnerability?

I don’t just mean be a sappy, willowy woman who tears up at the sight of baby deers (I do do this, but that’s beside the point). By vulnerability, I mean exposing all your feelings-- the good, bad and the ugly. That means sadness and anger… and anxiety, fear, nervousness, etc.

By sharing your vulnerability I mean sharing your feelings about any and everything. Now, I don’t mean your opinions, which are fine to share, but your opinions won’t make him feel more in love with you. They may make him respect you, admire you, think you are great, cool, fun, smart, witty, etc. But your feelings will make him feel HIS feelings for you. Shared opinions makes for great friends but shared feelings create love.

I want you to share your feelings about the little things as much as about the big things: a certain restaurant, the weather, your favorite movie. Instead of sharing your opinions about these things from a cerebral place; “That movie was excellently directed”, share your feelings from your heart; “The way that movie was directed made me feel so sympathetic for the main character. My heart bleed for her.” Allow your emotions to match your words; get into your feelings and to share them without walls or pretense. Don’t push out fake feelings, just trust in him enough to share authentic emotion.

You will immediately become a more passionate person in his eyes. You will steam with life and allure. He will think you are more sensual, sexier, more sultry… A woman who is in touch with her emotions (not drama, just passion about life) stirs up a man’s own emotions, much like a yawn makes another person yawn. Men with strong masculine energy are thinkers and doers, and feminine energy helps to balance this and keep men in the moment. When a woman has strong feminine energy, she has the power to be a man’s vacation from thought. After all, love isn’t about reason/logic/ration… it’s best served with a garnish of passion-zest!

How Do I Expose My Vulnerability?

Exposing your vulnerability is scary, especially if you are used to relating with men from a mental and/or physical place (your conversation or your sex). In Inspire His Love for You, Ms. Jeanette and I offer the forcefield technique to help women feel more comfortable getting out of their heads and into their hearts.

Imagine you have a forcefield around you every time you relate with men. Inside the forcefield walls, you are safe to feel whatever you want and speak these feelings without worrying whether you will be judged. You are emotionally FREE within your forcefield. You can relax into your feelings, take time to take inventory of your feelings and expose your feelings without worry of being attacked for having them.

To help feel safe within an imaginary forcefield, make sure you can feel the impenetrability of your forcefield’s walls. Are they made up of powerful, atom-blasting energy, like a forcefield in a SCIFI movie? Are they a ring of fire, singeing every male rejection that dares to touch its flame? Is the forcefield wall made of the wallpaper from your room as a child where you always felt safe to go. I worked with one woman who imagined she was inside her favorite teddy bear from childhood. Don’t judge your choice (or the idea of the forcefield), just allow your mind to get creative about finding a way to make you feel COMFORTABLE & SAFE within your personal space.

Most people who have a hard time expressing vulnerability have been shamed in some way in the past when they once shared their feelings. Probably as a child, someone (a parent, sibling, peer, teacher) repeatedly shamed (or ignored) them, and now they have a hard time exposing their true emotions (or even knowing what they are).

A forcefield helps you tackle this IRRATIONAL fear that many of us have– this fear that something harmful will happen to us if we share our feelings. A lot of women have a hard time sharing feelings with men, feeling that the man is going to violate their openness in some way. It’s a very scary feeling that isn’t understood as much as it is felt deep down. A forcefield allows you to trust enough to allow your deep fears to subside enough for vulnerability to surface inside you and come out.

Next time you are with a man, remind yourself that you are safe inside your forcefield walls and that you can: melt into a man’s touch, let your eyes linger on his when he speaks to you, giggle at his teasing, cry at his wounding words, etc.

Exposing, sharing your vulnerability fully with a man may even make you feel so nervous, you’ll shake. Let yourself tremble. It’s okay to expose your nerves around a man. It’s normal for a lot of women to cry at the gentle, caring touch of a man, especially if she has never allowed herself to melt into his touch. Let him see, feel, hear (experience FULLY) YOUR emotional experience. It will make him feel honored to know you so well. It will melt his heart for you.

Even your anger can melt his heart and make him love you more. Without directing your anger at him, express it fully. You can scream, yell, cry, fall to your knees. You can look at him and say “I am so angry right now.” Just don’t push him away with your anger by walling yourself off. If he comes toward you, let him comfort you in a heated moment. Don’t turn her back on him or stiffen up, let him make good on his mistake (or comfort you for pain someone else has caused you). Show him that he doesn’t have to fear your expressions of hostility– that he is safe around you even when you are upset. This will make him very attracted to you.

Knowing how to attract a man using your vulnerability makes you a master at building human connection. We can’t expect someone to love us, if we do not let them in. Sometimes it’s hard to let a man in even when we want to. Some of us are victims of a cold, harsh society and have shutdown emotionally. Do you feel NOTHING (numb, cloudy-headed) when a man tries to emotionally connect through intimate touches and words? If so, you can change this. If you continue to work on feeling safe within these intimate moments (staying present in your thoughts and even sharing with him that you have intimacy issues), you will slowly melt this coldness in your heart and will start to feel real tenderness in your soul. This tenderness is a male aphrodisiac!
I know you didn't ask me but, I just smile and think positively. I speak/smile to everyone I see. I know everyone is going through life and it's challenges, my self included, why not be happy through out the process?
I totally agree. This is what I do too. :yep: It works! My friends always tell me that men are always drawn to me no matter where I am. One time we went to the beach. They got there first and I met up with them later. As soon as I sat down a couple of men walked by, smiled and made eye contact with me. I smiled right back at them and waved hello. After they left my friends were like: "we've been sitting here for a while and no one approached us but as soon as you got here that changed". I laughed it off thinking it was no big deal. This really does happen all the time to me, no matter where I am. :look: Doesn't that happen to everyone?

A couple of months ago, I was helping a customer at work. An older Hispanic man around my dad's age. As he was about to leave he said: "I wasn't gonna say anything to you because I don't want you to get the wrong idea or anything but I have to tell you. You have a really strong positive energy." I was shocked and asked how could he tell? He said: "when you handed me my change just now your pinky finger touched my hand and I felt it. Your aura is really positive. That must be why kids and animals are just drawn to you." I wanted to ask him more but he had to leave. He's right though. Kids and animals LOVE me. Even if they don't know me they're always near me or want me to pick them up and play with them. Even if they don't let other people touch them. :lol:

Btw later that same week I had another customer (slightly older white man) also tell me he could tell how strong my positive energy is. And no he wasn't hitting on me either :lol: So all that to say, I think when those men at the beach noticed me and said hello, they were picking up on my energy. Energy is everything.
Why wait till September 1? I challenge you to do one thing this weekend that will put you in that space.

For me, I love wearing dresses and Especially ones that show off my figure. I like walking around looking like a snack.'re right! :lol:

I mentioned Sept 1st because it's the first of the month (I usually view each month as a brand new start) and it's just easier to keep track on when I started a new "challenge". It also gives me time to sort things out in preparation for my new "efforts".

So yes, tomorrow is Sept 1st, and I'm already going to start implementing these new techniques! :grinwink:

I think this is a great article on being vulnerable (which is at the heart of the RR method):

The "forcefield technique" may help you open up and expose your softer, more authentic self to him.

The only way to truly get into a man’s heart is to let him into yours. A man can lust after a hot body, a sassy attitude and a li’l red lipstick, but the best way to attract him and keep his interest is to give him a reason to deeply care for you. Learning how to share your vulnerability with men will help you build a powerful love connection with that special man.

What Do I Mean By Your Vulnerability?

I don’t just mean be a sappy, willowy woman who tears up at the sight of baby deers (I do do this, but that’s beside the point). By vulnerability, I mean exposing all your feelings-- the good, bad and the ugly. That means sadness and anger… and anxiety, fear, nervousness, etc.

By sharing your vulnerability I mean sharing your feelings about any and everything. Now, I don’t mean your opinions, which are fine to share, but your opinions won’t make him feel more in love with you. They may make him respect you, admire you, think you are great, cool, fun, smart, witty, etc. But your feelings will make him feel HIS feelings for you. Shared opinions makes for great friends but shared feelings create love.

I want you to share your feelings about the little things as much as about the big things: a certain restaurant, the weather, your favorite movie. Instead of sharing your opinions about these things from a cerebral place; “That movie was excellently directed”, share your feelings from your heart; “The way that movie was directed made me feel so sympathetic for the main character. My heart bleed for her.” Allow your emotions to match your words; get into your feelings and to share them without walls or pretense. Don’t push out fake feelings, just trust in him enough to share authentic emotion.

You will immediately become a more passionate person in his eyes. You will steam with life and allure. He will think you are more sensual, sexier, more sultry… A woman who is in touch with her emotions (not drama, just passion about life) stirs up a man’s own emotions, much like a yawn makes another person yawn. Men with strong masculine energy are thinkers and doers, and feminine energy helps to balance this and keep men in the moment. When a woman has strong feminine energy, she has the power to be a man’s vacation from thought. After all, love isn’t about reason/logic/ration… it’s best served with a garnish of passion-zest!

How Do I Expose My Vulnerability?

Exposing your vulnerability is scary, especially if you are used to relating with men from a mental and/or physical place (your conversation or your sex). In Inspire His Love for You, Ms. Jeanette and I offer the forcefield technique to help women feel more comfortable getting out of their heads and into their hearts.

Imagine you have a forcefield around you every time you relate with men. Inside the forcefield walls, you are safe to feel whatever you want and speak these feelings without worrying whether you will be judged. You are emotionally FREE within your forcefield. You can relax into your feelings, take time to take inventory of your feelings and expose your feelings without worry of being attacked for having them.

To help feel safe within an imaginary forcefield, make sure you can feel the impenetrability of your forcefield’s walls. Are they made up of powerful, atom-blasting energy, like a forcefield in a SCIFI movie? Are they a ring of fire, singeing every male rejection that dares to touch its flame? Is the forcefield wall made of the wallpaper from your room as a child where you always felt safe to go. I worked with one woman who imagined she was inside her favorite teddy bear from childhood. Don’t judge your choice (or the idea of the forcefield), just allow your mind to get creative about finding a way to make you feel COMFORTABLE & SAFE within your personal space.

Most people who have a hard time expressing vulnerability have been shamed in some way in the past when they once shared their feelings. Probably as a child, someone (a parent, sibling, peer, teacher) repeatedly shamed (or ignored) them, and now they have a hard time exposing their true emotions (or even knowing what they are).

A forcefield helps you tackle this IRRATIONAL fear that many of us have– this fear that something harmful will happen to us if we share our feelings. A lot of women have a hard time sharing feelings with men, feeling that the man is going to violate their openness in some way. It’s a very scary feeling that isn’t understood as much as it is felt deep down. A forcefield allows you to trust enough to allow your deep fears to subside enough for vulnerability to surface inside you and come out.

Next time you are with a man, remind yourself that you are safe inside your forcefield walls and that you can: melt into a man’s touch, let your eyes linger on his when he speaks to you, giggle at his teasing, cry at his wounding words, etc.

Exposing, sharing your vulnerability fully with a man may even make you feel so nervous, you’ll shake. Let yourself tremble. It’s okay to expose your nerves around a man. It’s normal for a lot of women to cry at the gentle, caring touch of a man, especially if she has never allowed herself to melt into his touch. Let him see, feel, hear (experience FULLY) YOUR emotional experience. It will make him feel honored to know you so well. It will melt his heart for you.

Even your anger can melt his heart and make him love you more. Without directing your anger at him, express it fully. You can scream, yell, cry, fall to your knees. You can look at him and say “I am so angry right now.” Just don’t push him away with your anger by walling yourself off. If he comes toward you, let him comfort you in a heated moment. Don’t turn her back on him or stiffen up, let him make good on his mistake (or comfort you for pain someone else has caused you). Show him that he doesn’t have to fear your expressions of hostility– that he is safe around you even when you are upset. This will make him very attracted to you.

Knowing how to attract a man using your vulnerability makes you a master at building human connection. We can’t expect someone to love us, if we do not let them in. Sometimes it’s hard to let a man in even when we want to. Some of us are victims of a cold, harsh society and have shutdown emotionally. Do you feel NOTHING (numb, cloudy-headed) when a man tries to emotionally connect through intimate touches and words? If so, you can change this. If you continue to work on feeling safe within these intimate moments (staying present in your thoughts and even sharing with him that you have intimacy issues), you will slowly melt this coldness in your heart and will start to feel real tenderness in your soul. This tenderness is a male aphrodisiac!

Excellent article! Thanks for sharing! :yep:

I LOVED this part (especially the areas in bold) below:
By sharing your vulnerability I mean sharing your feelings about any and everything. Now, I don’t mean your opinions, which are fine to share, but your opinions won’t make him feel more in love with you. They may make him respect you, admire you, think you are great, cool, fun, smart, witty, etc. But your feelings will make him feel HIS feelings for you. Shared opinions makes for great friends but shared feelings create love.

I want you to share your feelings about the little things as much as about the big things: a certain restaurant, the weather, your favorite movie. Instead of sharing your opinions about these things from a cerebral place; “That movie was excellently directed”, share your feelings from your heart; “The way that movie was directed made me feel so sympathetic for the main character. My heart bleed for her.” Allow your emotions to match your words; get into your feelings and to share them without walls or pretense. Don’t push out fake feelings, just trust in him enough to share authentic emotion.

This is something I definitely have to work on because I tend to be more "heady". I tend to be so cerebral and "in my head" a lot. So I have to really work at expressing myself in a more vulnerable way w/men.

I definitely agree that sharing opinions doesn't really get a man feeling romantic feelings for you. But sharing FEELINGS definitely does. I think it's one of the reasons a lot of guy friends in the past always started to fall for me. :look: We would be talking over the phone about relationships in general lol.

I totally agree. This is what I do too. :yep: It works! My friends always tell me that men are always drawn to me no matter where I am. One time we went to the beach. They got there first and I met up with them later. As soon as I sat down a couple of men walked by, smiled and made eye contact with me. I smiled right back at them and waved hello. After they left my friends were like: "we've been sitting here for a while and no one approached us but as soon as you got here that changed". I laughed it off thinking it was no big deal. This really does happen all the time to me, no matter where I am. :look: Doesn't that happen to everyone?

A couple of months ago, I was helping a customer at work. An older Hispanic man around my dad's age. As he was about to leave he said: "I wasn't gonna say anything to you because I don't want you to get the wrong idea or anything but I have to tell you. You have a really strong positive energy." I was shocked and asked how could he tell? He said: "when you handed me my change just now your pinky finger touched my hand and I felt it. Your aura is really positive. That must be why kids and animals are just drawn to you." I wanted to ask him more but he had to leave. He's right though. Kids and animals LOVE me. Even if they don't know me they're always near me or want me to pick them up and play with them. Even if they don't let other people touch them. :lol:

Btw later that same week I had another customer (slightly older white man) also tell me he could tell how strong my positive energy is. And no he wasn't hitting on me either :lol: So all that to say, I think when those men at the beach noticed me and said hello, they were picking up on my energy. Energy is everything.


That is too funny! :lol: I'm glad you have such a positive draw to you.

You know, I've been told that I have a "positive energy" too, and when people told me that, I was usually in an AWESOME mood! :grin: So yes, I definitely think there is something to it. I have to just work on making sure that positive energy is consistent. I think sometimes it's there (like I'm really dynamic and my energy is like on 100 lol :lol: ) and other times it's NOT there... :ohwell: So I just have to work on it being more consistent.

Oh and children and babies can definitely tell energy from a mile away.

Just look at these pictures lol.... :giggle:













So yeah....people can feel/sense your energy alright.....
I think Sade's music is a perfect compliment for our feminine practice and for tapping into that feminine space in the pelvic area. In Powerful & Feminine, the author talks about isolating your "womb space" with circular pelvic movements (or shifting your weight between your legs if you're in a public place and can't whine up yuh waist LOL

Sade even plays a mermaid/siren in No Ordinary love :giggle:

Cherish the Day makes me feel very tapped into my feminine too

I think these songs would be great to play while preparing for a date to tap into that energy :yep:
I finally finished Toxic Men and Targeting Mr. Right. The only program I didn't listen to is love scripts for dating. I still want to go back and review the pdf handbooks for Love Scripts for Dating and Toxic Men. But whew!

That was a lot of work. In a good way. I feel lighter and more authentically confident. I'll come back with a review of the remaining programs.
I finally finished Toxic Men and Targeting Mr. Right. The only program I didn't listen to is love scripts for dating. I still want to go back and review the pdf handbooks for Love Scripts for Dating and Toxic Men. But whew!

That was a lot of work. In a good way. I feel lighter and more authentically confident. I'll come back with a review of the remaining programs.
I finished those too and also didn't listen to love scripts. :lol:
I finally finished Toxic Men and Targeting Mr. Right. The only program I didn't listen to is love scripts for dating. I still want to go back and review the pdf handbooks for Love Scripts for Dating and Toxic Men. But whew!

That was a lot of work. In a good way. I feel lighter and more authentically confident. I'll come back with a review of the remaining programs.
I finished those too and also didn't listen to love scripts. :lol:
Y'all don't know what you're missing with love scripts. They practically cover every single scenario when a man tries his bs. It's glorious. I can't wait to use the "I'm not looking to be a girlfriend but I'm looking to be wife" script. It is so simple.
I think Sade's music is a perfect compliment for our feminine practice and for tapping into that feminine space in the pelvic area. In Powerful & Feminine, the author talks about isolating your "womb space" with circular pelvic movements (or shifting your weight between your legs if you're in a public place and can't whine up yuh waist LOL

Sade even plays a mermaid/siren in No Ordinary love :giggle:

Cherish the Day makes me feel very tapped into my feminine too

I think these songs would be great to play while preparing for a date to tap into that energy :yep:

I've been jamming to Sade since yesterday thanks to you. I've been channeling a lot of feminine energy as a result.
Y'all don't know what you're missing with love scripts. They practically cover every single scenario when a man tries his bs. It's glorious. I can't wait to use the "I'm not looking to be a girlfriend but I'm looking to be wife" script. It is so simple.

That is a good one, she covers it in love scripts for relationships. What I really wanted in a script was communicating my boundaries without getting worked up. Rori's way really works for that. So it was definitely worth the listen. Since it's a slower day at work, I've been listening to Adrienne Everheart - posted above and she does do a good job of breaking down the scripts and feeling messages even further or at a minimum from another angle than Rori.
Y'all don't know what you're missing with love scripts. They practically cover every single scenario when a man tries his bs. It's glorious. I can't wait to use the "I'm not looking to be a girlfriend but I'm looking to be wife" script. It is so simple.

Good to know! This might be next for me after I finish Modern Siren. I find the feeling messages kinda hard.
That is a good one, she covers it in love scripts for relationships. What I really wanted in a script was communicating my boundaries without getting worked up. Rori's way really works for that. So it was definitely worth the listen. Since it's a slower day at work, I've been listening to Adrienne Everheart - posted above and she does do a good job of breaking down the scripts and feeling messages even further or at a minimum from another angle than Rori.

I like her energy. I'm really not trying to buy anything else now :giggle: but if I still feel I need help after listening to love scripts, then I may get her ebook.