The Rori Raye Way

Awesome! It's such a great program although I had to go through some stuff a second time to really get it. Have fun!

Thank you! I purchased one of her programs back in 2016 and it was like she was speaking gibberish. I stopped listening to her and continued in my old ways, which obvi didnt work. Plus, I was dating mama’s boys back then. Now that I’ve done a lot of inner work and use more of my feminine energy, the masculine, protector, provider men are showing up. And now what she says makes sense (and it works).
Rori's Newsletter from today was everything:

If you've ever found yourself wishing you could "get away" from the situation you're in, but you just can't stop loving your man or even think about falling in love with someone new, you're not alone.

I remember feeling both desperately "connected" to a man at the same time that I felt desperately unhappy and wanting to run away from him.

It did me no good at all to try to think my way through it. I was just paralyzed. I'd watch him behave as if we weren't even "together" and still find some way to make an excuse for his behavior.

I just wouldn't, just COULDN'T allow myself to believe what was happening to me right in front of my face.

But I finally discovered what I'd been doing that was paralyzing me and was able to lift my self-esteem just enough to SEE that I had other options.

And the relationship I'd signed up for with this man was so full of pain and longing and difficulty - I thought that's what love WAS. I assumed that a relationship in which I WASN'T getting loved, in which I had to work hard to get loved, was all there was.

As soon as I saw that, I was able to turn things around for myself. I was able to choose men not by how I felt about THEM, but by how I felt about MYSELF in their presence.

A Different Point Of View
I was finally able to see that it had nothing at all to do with me being "unworthy" of this man or the great relationship I'd imagined with him.

It had everything to do with the fact that the "relationship" did not even EXIST! I'd made it all up.

The man I was all tied up in knots over had absolutely no INTENTION - not EVER - of being in a relationship with me. At least not the kind of relationship I wanted.

And the relationship I'd signed up for with this man was so full of pain and longing and difficulty - I thought that's what love WAS. I assumed that a relationship in which I WASN'T getting loved, in which I had to work hard to get loved, was all there was.

As soon as I saw that, I was able to turn things around for myself. I was able to choose men not by how I felt about THEM, but by how I felt about MYSELF in their presence.

If I Can Do It, I Know You Can
I'd like to help you turn your love life around, too - just like I did - by learning to treasure yourself first. Here are two letters from women in very painful situations that we can work through together:

Q."Dear Rori,
There's a guy I met several months ago. In the beginning everything was fine. He would email me with sexy messages and then we hooked up one night, and then more times in 5 months.

Now after all of that he says he is not attracted to me, that he just wants to be friends. I just want to tell him in a nice way how used I feel. He says he has moved on and feels freaked out about our hook up.

He stated that it was a big mistake. How do I tell him the way I feel, when he still wants to be my friend and hang out with me? Thank you, Gloria"

A.Dear Gloria, I know this is going to be hard to hear, but he only emailed you and asked you for sex. You said yes. And you had sex with him without any kind of discussion about relationship, or what it meant. It sounds like there was not even a dating situation - only "hookups."

So, the question is - how can a man who "likes" us enough to want to hang out with us as a "friend" not be interested in anything more?

And the answer is hard to take: If we act like a "man" - meaning we're available for sex with "no strings attached" or even a regulation "dating" relationship - then a man ASSUMES we're fine with "sex as a sport."

In other words, if we don't REQUIRE an emotional connection before we sleep with a man, he ASSUMES there is no connection. And worse - he assumes we're okay with that!

Men Only Know How Men Are
They have to be taught how to relate to a woman. Men have different codes, different signals, different attitudes toward sex and different meanings attached.

Even if they're decent guys and don't want to hurt us on purpose, they won't make us fill out a questionnaire about what we REALLY mean by having sex with them. They just assume it's meaningless.

So, next time - before you have sex, follow the Rori Raye plan and make sure YOU know how you feel about the sex you're having. If it's meaningless to you, and just for fun, then you, perhaps, are one of many women who can have sex that way.

If sex is always meaningful to you, as it is with most women, then make sure you have a relationship BEFORE you have sex.

Getting Intimate: What It Does And Doesn't Mean
Trying to move a situation with a man forward through intimacy and sex doesn't work! A man won't fall for you because you've slept with him.

He won't decide that you're a precious gift that he can't let go of if you're available to him anytime for sex with "no strings attached." He'll continue to sleep with you and enjoy his freedom and your company without giving a second thought to an actual commitment.

And sure...there are exceptions to this if there is particular attraction and chemistry and all the stars align, so to speak. But for most of us, simply having physical intimacy with a man is no guarantee of "happily ever after."

The reason why we think that being intimate with a man will bring him closer is because that's the way WE feel. Plus, we have this idea that we need to seduce and entice a man with our bodies and beauty so he'll want to stay.

But The Truth Is Totally Opposite
YOU are the prize that he should pursue. If that's the case, then a shift needs to happen. You can no longer be chasing after him...with your mind, your heart and your body...trying to "get him" to want something more special with you.

To get extra help with this, to really be able to see that YOU are the PRIZE - YOU are worth being chased and pursued - you must try my most powerful Tool: Circular Dating.

What Gloria Should Do Next
For now, please don't hang out with this man, Gloria. Please just cut him off. No contact, no emails. If you see him around town, be warm, as you'd be to anyone, but stay away. He means you NO GOOD, and I care about you - so please, take better care of yourself.

The words you'd use would be "It feels awful to be around you right now. I feel (fill in the blank here with what you really feel - embarrassed, sad, frustrated, disappointed) and I don't want to just be friends with you."

And stay with those same words over and over again. Don't get caught up in explaining things or analyzing what happened - just go out with new men, start having some real fun, get involved in things that are important to you, and stay away from him. ( Targeting Mr. Right will help you every step of the way, so please try it.)

Let me know how it goes with the next man - I know you will take better care of yourself with him, and have much more success because when you love yourself, and care for yourself, you attract the BEST men.

And Here's A Letter From Tracy
Q."Dear Rori,
I was dating a boyfriend for 7 years. We had a solid relationship and started to talk about moving in together. He seemed fine with the idea. We started to buy items for our apartment. I know that having a home is more important to him than getting married right away. I was honest about how I felt and said that I wanted to get married eventually. I was willing to compromise.

We were enjoying a weekend together. The topic of our future came up again. I said that I thought moving in together was the best thing for us right now. He was fine when he was with me. The next day he called me and told me he needed "space". We have since broken up. He says that he cares about me but is not in love with me. This is after six weeks of space.

Do you think he no longer loves me? Do you think he is just having cold feet? Is this relationship worth trying to mend? Tracy"

A.Dear Tracy, I'm so sorry for the pain you're in. This is exactly what my Modern Siren program is all about - the whole concept of what it means for a man to "fall in love," and how you can help make that happen.

I've heard and read so many stories, and worked with so many women in your situation. A client of mine, Diane, was in a relationship where her man said they had a very special and deep connection, and referred to her as his possible "soul mate."

He talked about the future. He spent time with her, and introduced her to his family, and brought her to events with his friends and family. It all seemed like a "go."

And Then Everything Changed...
He told her she had "all the qualities he wanted in a woman" and that he "loved" her, but that he wasn't "in love" with her. But, of course, he still wanted to see her, and be friends with her (because he thought of her by now as his "best friend") - and, yes, he wanted to have sex with her, too.

Diane was thrown for a loop. She wanted to do everything she could to keep the connection going until she could figure out how to get him back for good.

So, she wanted to have sex with him so they would stay close physically, and she wanted to see him. Now, all she had to do was figure out how to keep all her pain and anguish hidden from him, so she wouldn't "spoil" her chances with him.

When we started working together, he was in full "friend" mode - texting her to see how she was doing, calling, being friendly when they ran into each other around town (they had the same friends after all this time) - and starting to date other women.

What we did was the complete opposite of everything Diane instinctively wanted to do...and it worked.

The Powerful Combination That Makes Him Fall For You
What makes a man "fall in love" is a combination of two things: Thrills and Safety. Those two things seem like complete opposites, but they're not.

The Thrills come from the unknown, mysterious, unpredictable, completely-out-of-his element, keeping him constantly off-balance qualities you ALREADY possess as a woman. The Thrills come from his being in the presence of your POWER, your Boundaries, your ability to say NO to what you don't want, and your love for YOURSELF.

The Safety comes from your ability to FEEL. A man feels icky inside a lot of the time because he not only doesn't feel okay expressing his feelings - most of the time he can't even TOUCH his own feelings.

A man walks around LONELY - feeling that no woman will ever "get" him - and that if she "gets" him, she won't like what she sees. He feels that no fantastic woman, the woman who gives him thrills, will ACCEPT him. And we women have been taught to go about trying to create these two things in the completely wrong way.

We try to provide Thrills through sex, and we try to provide Safety by nurturing him and TELLING him how much we like him, and giving to him. And all that does is dampen the Thrill factor for him. Providing anything for a man completely feels like "friendship" to him.

How To Truly Captivate Him
We inspire the Thrills by just being ourselves - full out - in all parts of our lives.

And we inspire Safety by being in touch with our OWN emotions, and letting him see - by expressing our feelings in words he can HEAR - that we LOVE our feelings, ACCEPT our feelings, and so, therefore, we can handle and accept HIS feelings!

It's like a magic potion.

For Now, This Minute, Get Yourself A Life
And by a life, I mean something PASSIONATE.

Please start dating other men today: Try online dating services, go to speed dating, ask your friends to fix you up, and find things that are interesting to you - not as a way to meet men, but as a way to express your passionate feelings about SOMETHING.

Become very, very HAPPY. Let him fade out. Throw him out of your mind.

Do not initiate contact with him in any way, and if he should contact you - PLEASE - use all the Tools in Modern Siren to get your magic combination of Thrills and Safety into gear. Become the feeling, sensuous woman you are inside, instead of the "thinking" woman you are on the surface.

I believe he may show up again - and when he does, you have to be completely DIFFERENT - and you WILL BE! Use this horrible event of having your hopes dashed to do a 180 for yourself. This will work for you because love is an emotional connection, and he has to get to your heart in order to connect.

What do I mean by being completely DIFFERENT? It's taking on a completely new approach to relating to men - from that first hello, all the way to commitment and beyond. A new approach that makes a man take notice, step up, and fall more in love with you every day.

More Advice For Tracy
When you said in your letter "I said that I thought moving in together was the best thing for us right now," what I heard was the voice of a thoughtful, well-organized, reasonable and well-modulated thinking woman.

Now's your chance to develop the FEELING side of you, so that when he shows up, you can CONNECT INSTANTLY with his heart - and start the Thrills going.
I LOVED her newsletter today:

If you've ever felt furious with a man because he just doesn't "get" why he's making you unhappy, I can help.

Some men are actually, on purpose trying to hurt you - because that's the only way they know to relate to a woman. But most men are just clueless. They really want to be with you.

Most men are lonely - yes, they really are.

Most men feel awkward and less confident than you would imagine. In fact, most of the GOOD men out there lack confidence and feel awkward around women.

But they just cover it up with either an "I don't care" attitude, a determination to keep an emotional "distance" between you, or outright hostility!

The Best Kept Secret About Men

It's amazing sometimes how far a man will go to protect his own heart. And nearly the worst thing we can do is to take what he does and says and close up our own hearts in response.

The secret of all my Rori Raye tools is that they instantly help you keep your heart and your "energy field" open - no matter WHAT he's doing or saying!

If you trust YOURSELF with a man, he will trust YOU.

Now...this is very different from insisting that YOU trust HIM. And I know this is hard to get, because trust seems like it has to be a given in a good relationship - and it does. But it doesn't begin with you trusting him.

It begins with you trusting you.

It begins with a sense that no matter what he does or says, you'll be okay. It begins with him getting that you will not tolerate bad behavior, garbage, mistreatment, neglect, or any form of abuse or disconnection.

And the REASON you can trust yourself not to tolerate bad behavior is just trust yourself!

And then, it makes it possible for you to be yourself around him. You can be warm, open, loving and easy-going with him.

Why Trusting Yourself Brings Him Closer

If you so completely respect and accept yourself, you'll automatically respect and accept him - exactly the way HE is.

And he instantly "gets" that you respect and accept him.

Your intention to be exactly who you are in his presence - no matter what - not only completely turns him on, it makes him feel manly and accepted and trusted all at the same time.

And that's when he becomes trustworthy.

That's when you begin to trust him. And that's how a great, deep, and connected relationship gets created.

So much of this depends on the words you use. They have to be not only respectful and communicate simply - they have to be true!

Men are so used to hearing demands from women - from their mothers, their teachers, and even the women around them at work. They're so used to this that they almost automatically shutdown and tune out whenever the sound of your voice or the content of your words triggers them in a way that feels like a demand.
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