The REAL reason our hair is "so difficult"?!...


New Member because of ourselves!

Are you sure you WANT healthier longer hair?

It seems to me that some people on here claim that they are willing to learn and make changes toward a direction that will facilitate success, but when it comes time to make the necessary steps, they drop the ball, and then blame others for this. We are all here to help each other toward some common goals, but lately it has been really feeling like people are just not open to this, which is ironic considering we just started a New Year.

If you really are willing to open your mind and try something different, are you willing to begin right now? I think that a lot of us came here once upon a time when we realized that what we were doing with our hair wasn't working and we needed to make some changes. What happened to that? Instead I see a lot of discouraging posts, negative comments, and a general unwillingness to see the objective side of our situations. A person will ask for help, and then get upset at the response they recieve when it's not what they wanted to hear. I don't come here to be lied to, I come here for support in my hair endeavors and I wish the same for everyone here.

I really would like to be apart of a hair board where we actually learn what's best for our hair, not by pure "trial and error" as it were, but moreso through "educated guessing". Not only does this save money, but it decreases the amount of unnecessary setbacks. Simple regimens, consistency, and positive thinking are the keys for us, ladies, not all that other foolishness...If you want something you have to believe you have it already and act accordingly. And work to make it happen, there are no shortcuts with this.

I have seen posts on here where valid points have been made and the original posters just plain ignored that the idea could even be fathomable. How can this be helpful towards your endgame?...And if you really didn't want the help, then why post? For advice that I worked hard in researching to give you to fall on deaf ears...Man, it's a major insult, and makes me not want to post at all sometimes.

Honestly, ladies, what is it about someone giving advice that will just keep you from considering it as valid? What does it have to take for you to really look outside of your pride to consider trying things a different way, esp. when you know what you are doing isn't working? Are you ashamed that you don't know about your hair yet? Are you angry? If so, admit that to yourself, get over it, and get moving towards something better.

I have read threads where ladies have posted that other races have "better hair" than ours and that is why we don't have long hair, or threads where some have said that some of us will never have long hair, so why try? To give some other person's hair more credit than we give our own is a true disservice, and I personally want no part in that. My hair is good, my hair is me, my hair is beautiful. To get to that point, for some, is a struggle, but in order for things to get better, you have to WANT it. If you don't want more for yourself, why ruin it for others, or take advantage of their helping hand?

I am learning just like everyone else here. I want my hair to be the strongest, healthiest it can be. And while I don't know EVERYTHING to do that, if someone has a good idea to try, why not at least read it and research it before you make a final decision?! It plagues me sometimes how we are on a message board and people absolutely REFUSE to read the advice they ASKED for!

The worst thing you can do is to sabatoge yourself and then blame others--be it other people, or methods, or products. I would hate for someone to not realize this until it is too late, like when their hair is all gone or something? I mean really!

I am being completely honest: I am not posting this to get validation. I don't care if anyone doesn't reply. But I felt like this needed to be said. IMO the integrity of the support and love on this board is at stake and we need to remember why we are all on here.
SO TRUE!!! YOU GO GURL!! :yep::yep::yep:

I don't think my hair is difficult at all. I think i am difficult. For 19 years I've been very lazy. I often slept without satin caps went 3-4 weeks without washing period and watched my edges get thinner and thinner without doing anything about it. Until now. I dunno bout yall but i KNOW my hair is going to grow, if only I learn to treat it right!
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I too agree. But learning how to care for hair takes a lot of hard work and can be very discouraging at times. My hair has made me happy, sad, depressed, and crazed.

I think we all want healthy, long hair but constant setbacks just makes it seems as though we'll never reach our goals. & even when you have your regimen down to a "T", something can still go wrong that you never even knew to expect.

Tonight I was skooled that I need to learn more about what relaxers I am getting put in my hair. Some people would have gotten mad about this, but I have realized that everyone who commented was right. & believe it or not, 95% of the folks on here, only want to help out. At least that's the perception I get.
So So True. Great post Artemis. It can get frustrating to type up a whole post or research something and have it totally looked over. There is a wealth of information here. (and more than a handful of people have it.) Let's grow together and improve the health of our tresses. :yep:
ITA! I think that some of us come here and see the wonderful heads of hair and expect for there just to be one simple solution to our hair problems, and when it does happen we quickly except defeat. I have even been guilty of this at times. But i realized that alot of memebers have been working on their hair for years with several setbacks along the way so who am I to complain. We are all on a journey and all journeys have ups and downs. We just have to take the knowledge and advice given here and do the best we can with it. And even if some of us dont have hair as long and we want to who ever said everyone needs long hair whatever happened to just having beautiful healthy hair that is notsplitting dry and falling out? I used to complain about having such thick hair and s now it is thin and damaged and I am working on repairing it. So I guess what I am saying is we should be grateful for what we have. As long as it is healthy
ITA: i was thinking about how w/ have our own "ETHNIC" section and i don't see the 'white' sections: with grease: jam: "specific growth" products: we make it complicated than wat it needs to be
Preach on Artemis.......:amen:...Seriously though Sunday my Pastor talked about New Year Resolutions ...Not to make New Year Resolutions but to Renew your Mind ......Change your Mind........If you do the same thing you will get the same results....How our mind hinders our goals and our dreams. How we can't change because we are not willing to try something new or that is something out of the box. How we sabotage ourselves.

So lets Renew and Change our Minds ....
Preach on Artemis.......:amen:...Seriously though Sunday my Pastor talked about New Year Resolutions ...Not to make New Year Resolutions but to Renew your Mind ......Change your Mind........If you do the same thing you will get the same results....How our mind hinders our goals and our dreams. How we can't change because we are not willing to try something new or that is something out of the box. How we sabotage ourselves.

So lets Renew and Change our Minds ....


The defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

As much as I have learned here and on my own research, I have just reached the tip of the ice berg in what it out there for me to learn and I look forward to exploring more.
Well said, as always Artemis. I too have gotten frustrated at some posts about hair and quality and who can and who cant and pondering existential reasons for our appearance. Its disheartening. I feel you though- Thanks.
I agree. I took a break from posting for a while for similar reasons. I reminded myself that sometimes - when we are being negative - we ask questions that we really dont want answers to & ignore the ideas/thoughts that others somehow validates it. All that to say, I got over it and I'm back and when I do post and share, I'm giving my two cents to be helpful if I can and it's ok if no one cares....this week! :drunk:
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Well said, as always Artemis. I too have gotten frustrated at some posts about hair and quality and who can and who cant and pondering existential reasons for our appearance. Its disheartening. I feel you though- Thanks.

Great post OP. Nappity, I've seen a few posts, not many, where it's so deep that I can't help but think the implication is THE MAN upstairs made a mistake.

The defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

As much as I have learned here and on my own research, I have just reached the tip of the ice berg in what it out there for me to learn and I look forward to exploring more.
:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: love this
Beautifully said!!! I agree with you totally.

The sad part is, is that a lot of people will read this and STILL NOT GET IT :nono: I remember this one chick who sent me a message in my fotki with a million and one questions. I took the time to write out everything I did, answered all of her questions...back it up with websites and everything :yep: know this chick sent me back a one-line reply sayin, "I can't do all that, maybe I'll just get a weave." What?! I'm like wow, why even bother??

Hair care, at the end of the day, is not that hard. Finding products is the hard part. Everything else is smooth sailing (if you let it be).

Wear your hair up maybe 4 days a week...
Use heat maybe once a week AT MOST...
Deep condition once a week...
Moisturize your hair...
Cover it at night...

It's so simple. And this is coming from someone who came here with jacked up hair! I *take note* from other long-haired women on this board - they leave their hair alone.

Sometimes we're so committed to get longer hair, that we end up shooting ourselves in the foot when we do x + y + z and all this extra unnecessary stuff. The ones that get me, are the ones who trim off all their progress....:lachen:

I just don't get it :rolleyes:

Regardless of what you do, your hair is growing. All you gotta worry about is keeping it on your head. How do you do that? STOP MESSING WITH IT SO MUCH!

Ok, rant over.

Great post Artemis!!! And I agree what all that is being said. To me, it just seems that some people are disheartned when they see all of the different textures of hair and look at their own and see something totally different. (Myself included) I say this all of the time and people in my family or just random people in general think I am crazy but I believe that black people as a whole have been brainwashed to believe that black hair is "bad". Since many people are not educated on caring for black hair , they fall stray to this common misconception. I am a firm believer that ALL BLACK WOMEN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO THIS FORUM!!!
The sad part is, is that a lot of people will read this and STILL NOT GET IT :nono: I remember this one chick who sent me a message in my fotki with a million and one questions. I took the time to write out everything I did, answered all of her questions...back it up with websites and everything :yep: know this chick sent me back a one-line reply sayin, "I can't do all that, maybe I'll just get a weave." What?! I'm like wow, why even bother??

My humans, my humans!

Whether it's beauty, weight loss, whatever, people always want an easy route. It's worse in the area of Black folks' hair because somebody is always coming out with some "miracle" product, and so many of us don't understand our hair's properties.

Getting hair quick is like getting rich quick, but you can't tell people that if they aren't ready to hear it.
Preach on Artemis.......:amen:...Seriously though Sunday my Pastor talked about New Year Resolutions ...Not to make New Year Resolutions but to Renew your Mind ......Change your Mind........If you do the same thing you will get the same results....How our mind hinders our goals and our dreams. How we can't change because we are not willing to try something new or that is something out of the box. How we sabotage ourselves.

So lets Renew and Change our Minds ....

what she said:yep:

great post Artemis!
I hear ya OP, I hear ya...

I would add though that at any one point in time on here, all members have varying levels of hair knowledge and differing experience. Some have been on here soaking up knowledge for years. Others for mere minutes. The one who has been on here for years is probably more open to trying new things because they done read it all (urine therapy, mn on hair, baking soda scrubs) --things that people just don't discuss on average. Yet on here, it is average. All too average. A long timer is not wide-eyed when someone mentions using coochie cream on their scalp. No raised eyebrows when someone is like put yogurt or coconut milk with lime to soften your hair. Urine to clear up acne... Swishing with oil to whiten teeth...scrubbing my face with an electric toothbrush. At this point, some will try anything at least once because this is the environment where almost anything goes.

Yet, someone who just joined minutes ago, would be scratching her head thinking these people are nuts. But giver her time. She'll soon enough become an old timer too sitting under a pibbs, with honey in her hair, aspirin on her face, oil in her mouth, with a laptop in her lap reading the latest on LHCF....and then the process will begin all over again for someone new. People assimilate over time and I try to give people the benefit of thinking out the box on their own time.
My humans, my humans!

Whether it's beauty, weight loss, whatever, people always want an easy route. It's worse in the area of Black folks' hair because somebody is always coming out with some "miracle" product, and so many of us don't understand our hair's properties.

Getting hair quick is like getting rich quick, but you can't tell people that if they aren't ready to hear it.

I was just about to say the same thing. Don't forget all the folks out there telling us ladies our hair is bad :rolleyes: I get pissed as soon as I hear that crap. I think my DH is tired of me :deadhorse:
Not to hijack the thread but as usual your hair is lovely. I see all that growth and I am impressed.

Beautifully said!!! I agree with you totally.

The sad part is, is that a lot of people will read this and STILL NOT GET IT :nono: I remember this one chick who sent me a message in my fotki with a million and one questions. I took the time to write out everything I did, answered all of her questions...back it up with websites and everything :yep: know this chick sent me back a one-line reply sayin, "I can't do all that, maybe I'll just get a weave." What?! I'm like wow, why even bother??

Hair care, at the end of the day, is not that hard. Finding products is the hard part. Everything else is smooth sailing (if you let it be).

Wear your hair up maybe 4 days a week...
Use heat maybe once a week AT MOST...
Deep condition once a week...
Moisturize your hair...
Cover it at night...

It's so simple. And this is coming from someone who came here with jacked up hair! I *take note* from other long-haired women on this board - they leave their hair alone.

Sometimes we're so committed to get longer hair, that we end up shooting ourselves in the foot when we do x + y + z and all this extra unnecessary stuff. The ones that get me, are the ones who trim off all their progress....:lachen:

I just don't get it :rolleyes:

Regardless of what you do, your hair is growing. All you gotta worry about is keeping it on your head. How do you do that? STOP MESSING WITH IT SO MUCH!

Ok, rant over.

If you really are willing to open your mind and try something different, are you willing to begin right now? I think that a lot of us came here once upon a time when we realized that what we were doing with our hair wasn't working and we needed to make some changes. What happened to that? Instead I see a lot of discouraging posts, negative comments, and a general unwillingness to see the objective side of our situations. A person will ask for help, and then get upset at the response they recieve when it's not what they wanted to hear. I don't come here to be lied to, I come here for support in my hair endeavors and I wish the same for everyone here.

I really would like to be apart of a hair board where we actually learn what's best for our hair, not by pure "trial and error" as it were, but moreso through "educated guessing". Not only does this save money, but it decreases the amount of unnecessary setbacks. Simple regimens, consistency, and positive thinking are the keys for us, ladies, not all that other foolishness...If you want something you have to believe you have it already and act accordingly. And work to make it happen, there are no shortcuts with this.

I have seen posts on here where valid points have been made and the original posters just plain ignored that the idea could even be fathomable. How can this be helpful towards your endgame?...And if you really didn't want the help, then why post? For advice that I worked hard in researching to give you to fall on deaf ears...Man, it's a major insult, and makes me not want to post at all sometimes.

Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with learning by "trial and error". When people get here, it's new and folks are going to want to try a variety of methods and products. Everyone has their own style of learning what works for them and imo there is no "right" or "wrong" way nor is one way easier or more difficult than the other. Everyone's journey is personal and we all come from different backgrounds that vary in knowledge and experience. It is going to take time to "get it" or find 'their way'. Sure you may give your advice/opinion but just like you're free to give your advice/opinion, other people are free to accept it or not. Also, to you it may fall on "deaf ears" at the time of posting, but you never know; that poster may refer back to in the near future. That's the beauty of a message board; there are so many options available to you.
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Damn, OP, don't get me testifying! That was soooooo on point and needed. I am sick of the woe is me, my pastor said black hair is the mark of Cain BULLSH!T I've been reading, and I am sick of the lazyminded refusal to connect ineffective hair care practices to damaged hair.
I am also tired of logging on and seeing yet another thread about "I hate this product" or "our hair is bad". It makes the atmosphere very negative. One of the main things that inspired me to begin this journey is the positive vibes on the board. And to the OP I don't think that the suggestions that are given fall on deaf ears. It may not help that person but someone else reading the thread may find a solution to their problem. When someone has a issue and they call on the board for help it serves many purposes, such as helping that person and showing others how to avoid that same issue, and what to look out for. No information is disregarded here. Someone is always making "a mental note" and you never know who it can help. I often search previous threads and find information that was posted years ago and it has helped alot!