Sui Topi
New Member
I agree with the others - our hair is soooo simple and easy to care for. Provided that one doesn't try to make it into something it really isn't.
Like for instance wanting stick straight hair 365 days a year when the hair is really a 3b-4b![]()
Imagine how difficult it would be for a white woman to achieve a perfect 4b afro every morningShe would have difficult hair for sure! And destroyed by chemicals and heat appliances!!!
Great perspective!
Kinda a spinoff of what you are saying, but has anyone ever pondered this for instance: why are we born with straight or soft, loosely coiled hair? I have YET to see a black baby born with kinky, coily, unmanageable hair. Why can't we keep this type of hair? Personally, I think it's just the work of homeobox genes. We get to keep this type of hair for a short while because that's what we were first given but due to other factors that happened in our history another set of genes (like what they are saying about the African climate) switches on so our hair no longer grows in the loosely coiled texture that it first did. Because I mean, everyone came from Africa and some people migrated while others stayed and worked the harsh climate. If the climate wasn't a factor in changing our hair texture, then why doesn't everyone (even the whites who migrated) have the same texture of hair and why aren't we all born with the kinky, coily hair to begin with?
Someone needs to investigate this. If they already have, please post some scientific articles explaining this.
Not everybaby is born with soft and wavy hair. I once saw a baby with tightly coiled 4b hair, and he was a newborn. I thought it was the strangest thing ever- not because of his hair type, but because I never saw a baby with such tightly coiled hair. His hair was in tight little coils the size of ball point pen. So it is not unusual.
I find the more I try to fight my hair, the more problems I have.Also, some people or other races with 1b hair amire and envy our hair. My Chinese freinds in junior high always asked me "How could I get my hair like that?"
I thought it was so strange because all the black kids called me names and laughed at me with my scarf pushed back with a big fro.