Spinoff: Why is our hair so much weaker?

Originally posted by LocksOfLuv:
I agree. People are acting like we are sayig that our natural hair is weak and is dissing it. Not at all. It's not that deep. NO ONE IS SAYING NATURAL HAIR IS WEAK. It's just weakER than other races.

It is what it is and the truth is other races hair is stronger than ours because of their molecular makeup. Doens't mean diddly squat about who we are as a whole:lol: just means our hair is weaker. They got the stronger hair, and we got the less aging-skin. So, we are even now.:lol:

Amen! and I second this motion!!! IT IS WHAT IT IS.
I think it just is. I don't know why. Why do many White girls have flat butts? Who knows. It just is. Why does white skin age differently, why does a 180 pound black women tend to look tighter than a white woman at the same weight? Each race has it's pros and cons, I guess I don't put too much thought past that :)

For those that feel some of us are dissing our African heritage, consider this. Compare the average length of 20 random White woman in Eastern Europe or Sweden somewhere to 20 Black women in Africa and more than likely the White women will have longer hair. If relaxers and heat styling are the problem, then it should be common to see villages of black women with brastrap and elbow length hair. Let's be real.
Now, I don't necessarily think our hair is weak overall, but I do think it's drier and often weak*er* than the hair of some non black women. I have heard that oil travels down tightly coiled hair at a slower and lesser degree than straight hair, maybe our hair is just not moisturized enough? Obviously it's not absolute because I know lots of white women that can't grow their hair no matter what, I also know many that wear weaves and have breaking, thin hair.
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LocksOfLuV said:
I agree. People are acting like we are sayig that our natural hair is weak and is dissing it. Not at all. It's not that deep. NO ONE IS SAYING NATURAL HAIR IS WEAK. It's just weakER than other races.

It is what it is and the truth is other races hair is stronger than ours because of their molecular makeup. Doens't mean diddly squat about who we are as a whole:lol: just means our hair is weaker. They got the stronger hair, and we got the less aging-skin. So, we are even now.:lol:

ITA. Good points.