I like that!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who now finds that term "Strong Black Woman" as a little undesirable. I mean, society already deems us as more "masculine" than women of other races, do we
REALLY need the term "strong" black woman added in there as well??
Idk...it's just something that's been bugging me ever since I read this book. It's like I had an "aha!" moment or something.
Good for you!
Yes, it sort of creeps me out when men stare too long at me as well. It's not that I don't mind the attention, but when I'm NOT interested, I don't like long looks like that. It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.
You handled that perfectly well! There's this guy who goes to my place of worship, and I swear he must have a slight crush on me because he's
ALWAYS staring at me from afar, or in person, or making sure he's situated somewhere where he can SEE me after services are over. It used to make me feel VERY uncomfortable at first because he's quite a few years older than I am, and I am NOT attracted to him in the least lol.
I used to act funny around him or try to avoid him, or just internally roll my eyes whenever I would catch him staring. But now?? My whole approach is different.
Like you, I recognize that he must be liking what he's seeing if he's staring so much lol, and any man who appreciates my beauty is automatically a PLUS in my book!
I now see it as more "flattering" and nice to be appreciated, as opposed to "ewwwww...get away from me you dirty creep!"
I find that now I'm much more relaxed in his presence, and I can just totally be myself. I don't avoid him anymore, and I even smile and acknowledge him. We have actually had some good conversations.
I may not be attracted/interested in him, but that doesn't give me the liberty to emasculate him or treat him like dirt. After all, I wouldn't want a guy to treat me like that.