The Queen's Code By Alison Armstrong Bookclub

I just finished the book!!!!!!!

A good read though I must say some of the things are a bit corny but I learnt a lot and it allowed me to reflect on many issues.

I did question a few things in the book but I don't want to spoil to for everyone.

Almond Eyes

Did you get the book from her website with the videos? If so, did it help in clarifying your thoughts on a few things?
I just finished the book!!!!!!!

A good read though I must say some of the things are a bit corny but I learnt a lot and it allowed me to reflect on many issues.

I did question a few things in the book but I don't want to spoil to for everyone.

Almond Eyes

Like what? Just curious. You can PM me if you want.
I just finished ch2. I can seeseveral aspects of my life & relationships w the tactics taught & discussed will be useful. I find myself stuck in "Melissa" mode, especially where family is concerned.

ETA: I dont plan to join the GoodReads site, does anyone else want to continue their discussions here? There was a chapter schedule posted upthread that I'm following.
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I just finished ch2. I can seeseveral aspects of my life & relationships w the tactics taught & discussed will be useful. I find myself stuck in "Melissa" mode, especially where family is concerned.

ETA: I dont plan to join the GoodReads site, does anyone else want to continue their discussions here? There was a chapter schedule posted upthread that I'm following.
Feel free to discuss here instead. It's whatever works for you. :yep:
Ok..I buying Queen Code from Alison's website tonight and I joined Goodread as SweetG. can I please join the group? I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and hopefully getting some insight from all of you. These recommendations couldn't come at a better time. my heart is so filled with gratitude for finding this & the feminine thread when i did. hugs to you all. (i also bought Getting to I do and Keys to the kingdom so when ever that club starts up, i'm in)
@almond eyes Thanks & good point

Below is the original recommended reading schedule. From the comments just this week, it seems a great percentage of us are 2 weeks ahead. I have no real fear of spoilers because IMHO they give me insight into the perspective and reflections of my LHCF sisters [with whom I have more in common with]; afterall it was you all that led me to the book. AND I THANK YOU ALL!

Alright ladies there's 8 chapters. If we do 1 every 2 weeks we'll be done in 16 weeks which is pretty good. So here's the schedule so far:

Sep. 25 - Oct. 10: Chapter 1
Oct. 11 - Oct. 24: Chapter 2
Oct. 25 - Nov. 7: Chapter 3

Nov. 8 - Nov. 21: Chapter 4
Nov. 22 - Dec. 5: Chapter 5
Dec. 6 - Dec. 19: Chapter 6
Dec. 20 - Jan. 2: Holiday Break
Jan. 3 - Jan. 16: Chapter 7
Jan. 17 - Jan. 31: Chapter 8
Update your thoughts, insights, aha moments as you go. Also do the exercises that the characters are assigned. :yep:
Ok ladies, sorry I have been out of it in terms of updating on info for the call-in. I'll update the thread on goodreads. Since we have all pretty much read the book let's start next sunday for the calls discussing chapters 1 &2. If that's in the call-in thread on goodreads. It's been pretty unclear exactly what the consensus is due to the 2 bookclub threads (here and goodreads).

For all the new ladies, welcome. I'm glad you've found the book and the ladies on this thread.
So not as to spoil for others can we agree to start discussing from when? Or say spoiler alert don't read further.

Almond Eyes
I agree. Use spoiler alert or the spoiler button. I'm hoping we can start the live discussions this Sunday to get the ball rolling on this thing. I am in charge of the "post as you go" discussions so don't hold back if you want to.
Ok ladies, sorry I have been out of it in terms of updating on info for the call-in. I'll update the thread on goodreads. Since we have all pretty much read the book let's start next sunday for the calls discussing chapters 1 &2. If that's in the call-in thread on goodreads. It's been pretty unclear exactly what the consensus is due to the 2 bookclub threads (here and goodreads).

For all the new ladies, welcome. I'm glad you've found the book and the ladies on this thread.
I think the first 2 chapters is good for the first call in. :yep:
i think you have to read this book from the queens code site..the video's after each chapter are great--this book is best experienced straight from the site--Im glad i didn't buy the hardcopy...once you hear allisons voice you can kinda get in jest with the way the characters are presented and etc

very valuable tools..hero language and not punishing

my main issue was punishing dh if he did something i didn't like like really didn't instead of punishing him I'm doing the total opposite and checking my sensitive ass on the whatever it is that i dont like...and coming to terms with that and moving on...dh is really good to me...and i have to focus on the good because there is way more good than bad with him..the small nuances that peeve me off dont require the silent treatment which in turn prolongs our positive environment more silent treatment.....its childish and not necessary if your dealing with someone who is in fact cherishing and appreciating you...and loving turn i dont allow him to go silent either...i am super sugary and nicely ( putting my sword down) loll nudging him to open up and talk about wtf I'm doing that has caused his silence..lmaooooo

its a process but the punishing thing was a major thing for me...i didn't really see it as punishing but its a way to re-exert my power and i dont need to re-exert my power with my dh as we are on the same team and he protects me so why am i tryna get back power with a man i share the same damn last name with....i meed to reevaluate why I'm being childish and resorting to that kind of solution to address an issue we are having...

exhale....lololol :look:
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i want to be a better wife and partner to dh and i want to make sure I'm doin my part to keep the environment positive and our equilibrium in a good space...lawwwddd this is a process but i am very proud of myself :lachen::look:

we had a great wknd this wknd and had i silent treatment him it would've been a bad wknd....over some foolishness and the foolishness wouldve been me not accepting that I'm the one taking something personal that is not that damn dh protects me and cherishes me and no reason for me to be acting like that...on a team if you dont communicate to your team mate you cant accomplish the goal...doing the silent treatment is leading the team blind and the end result will not be good.

so yeah im checking myself more and doing the exact opposite of what i would do in my lil sensitive, my feelings are hurt stage..if my feelings are hurt and they are serious cool but half the stuff i silent treatment over are just me being extra...:lachen::look::badgirl:

Yasss! @lux10023 Love love your post.
@lux10023 great post & breakdown... I'm the queen of silent treatment. I agree it gets you nowhere but waste precious time you can't get back.....
@mysblossom yes. I do think that this info is only if you have a relatively healthy and good man. There are unstable men and women and people who have been so traumatized in life that I don't think this information is necessarily meant for- in terms of taking on this task to repair your relationships.

In some of her other writings/recordings she talks about not having certain people around her for various reasons. And I like that tact she is taking regarding that. Just as I stopped using the B word or calling women out their names and gossiping because I just didn't want to be a part of tearing any woman down, I won't disparage or emasculate any man from now on. I can just choose not to engage or let them near me if I find them distasteful.
@mysblossom I agree with @Kimbosheart :yep:. The results are fast and beautiful for a relationship with a good and healthy man who genuinely cares about you. The info will be helpful to the woman regardless though because it is so healing. If you are able to do everything she says and the man is still completely resistant or shut down, I think the teachings will make it easier for a woman to move on.

Also, she offers more in depth help as well, such as the upcoming course starting at the end of October, workshops, and even one on one coaching/counseling. I imagine some people may need deeper help. In one of her videos she also noted that many of the people who follow her had already been on a self-help journey and/or done some therapy etc. for some time before reading her books.

The books and her teachings help with being happier and having better relationships with everyone -- men, women, children, parents, co-workers, etc.
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I feel like I'm not exaggerating when I say that these books have helped me become a carefree black girl again. My mind seems clearer and I can have a well calibrated reaction in my day to day life rather than carrying around resentment and fear.

I'm realizing that so much of what was causing me to frog farm in my relationship was also holding me back in other areas of my life.
So glad to read all the good results here at LHCF and at GoodReads.

I'm wondering: Do you think the skills in this book only work if the man does not have serious issues? In other words, does this book assume that the man involved is responsible and healthy?

That is an interesting question.
I'm on chapter 3.2 (barely in chapter 3) and here is my take:
In regards to those of us who have had [early] trauma and/or are forever on guard to ensure that we don't get got no mo', we wind up battling with the 97% of folks [men] while trying to protect ourselves from the 3% that actually mean us harm. With that said we've effectively turned innocent people into combatants; have you ever heard the saying that if the only tool you have is a Hammer the whole world looks like a Nail?
If the man in the relationship is unhealthy, and you are reading the QC then perhaps your change in tactic will in turn lead him to change his tactics and perspective too; think of it as Taming the Shrew (ETA: except this time the HE is the Shrew).​

The bolded struck a nerve with me because that is so me; in work and in relationships. AA talks about being willing to put your sword down; the chacters must be willing to do this B4 learning the tools to avoid /rid themselves of Tools, pun intended.

As a dedicated Frog Farmer (FF), I can now see how/why there is no way a "frog" will take a chance on transforming into a Prince; given my FF'n ways. And as a dedicated FF I'm not recognizing nor attracting many Prince qualities.
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Her videos available to everyone on the website, connected to the ebook, and elsewhere are so good. She is funny! Makes you laugh at yourself, our men, and all of the foolish situations. It feels great to laugh at stuff that you've fretted or worried about in the past.

Thanks to everybody for the replies here at LHCF and at GoodReads.

All of that is very encouraging and made me smile.

I've decided to continue reading the book but cut down on my posting: I feel very welcomed to post, but I feel my issues are slightly different and I don't want to clutter up the LHCF and GoodReads boards with my "side issues." :laugh:

I'll keep reading the boards.

Many blessings, ladies!