The Queen's Code By Alison Armstrong Bookclub

I watched it and it was awesome! Thank you for sharing
Yes, I found it very enlightening and helped me to understand some revelations in regards to men and myself.

For example: I have been operating in a prove your worth to me type mode and the more you do or dont do I show my feelings not reinforcing in any way that I am truly interested. Hence not building, because I come off as not vested, or happy. Really not disclosing how and what I want of course with feminine energy not a meanie...

Also, sense never really had the best relationship with any male growing up, I seemingly have a fear of actually having a good and long lasting relationship, because the fear of failing is not tolerable.... good stuff
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For example: I have been operating in a prove your worth to me type mode and the more you do or dont do I show my feeling not reinforcing in any way that I am truly interested. Hence not building, because I come off as not vested, happy, not disclosing how and what I want... of course with feminine energy...
Omg.. I do the exact same thing!! I keep my poker face on the whole time and wonder why men don’t think I’m really interested in them. I want them to put in the time to prove their seriousness to me first before I reveal my feelings. That makes so much sense. I don’t have to completely gush over everything they do but it’s ok to let down my guard and express my emotions and tell them how I feel. It’s ok to tell them when they make me happy.
Omg.. I do the exact same thing!! I keep my poker face on the whole time and wonder why men don’t think I’m really interested in them. I want them to put in the time to prove their seriousness to me first before I reveal my feelings. That makes so much sense. I don’t have to completely gush over everything they do but it’s ok to let down my guard and express my emotions and tell them how I feel. It’s ok to tell them when they make me happy.

Vulnerability is key. If you aren't safe enough to be yourself, he won't feel safe enough to be himself with you. I've learned it's all about my relationship with myself.
I'm usually suspicious of BM giving relationship advice :look: but he was on point. :yep:


-never ignore a man's proven character
-never drive the momentum of the relationship
-never trust without verifying (through intentional questions, observation and time)
-never commit to potential alone.
-never finance a man (except if/when her king is down temporarily).
-never cater to a man who hasn't dedicated himself to her.
-never tolerate disrespect. He's simply banished from the queendom :giggle:

This wasn't new information for me but I liked his presentation and it's always good to be reminded.
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I'm usually suspicious of BM giving relationship advice :look: but he was on point. :yep:


-never ignore a man's proven character
-never drive the momentum of the relationship
-never trust without verifying (through intentional questions, observation and time)
-never commit to potential alone.
-never finance a man (except if/when her king is down temporarily).
-never cater to a man who hasn't dedicated himself to her.
-never tolerate disrespect. He's simply banished from the queendom :giggle:

This wasn't new information for me but I liked his presentation and it's always good to be reminded.
He came up on my feed a long time ago, I was like I’m not clicking on that mess! Lol I clicked several months ago and he is alright with me, and I just love how he talks about his wife! Lol she is a doll as well!
Excellent webinar on how men commit, available until 3/19:

Some nuggets of from the webinar:
-Men take commitment seriously (whether it's committing to a date, marriage, having a child, buying a house)
-Two questions men must answer before committing: Can I succeed? Is it worth it?
-Women need to be authentic and give men the info they need to answer those questions