The Queen's Code By Alison Armstrong Bookclub

Here is a something about her teachings that has me perplexed/befuddled: In consideration of the Development Stages of Men and dating.

Considering my age, that my kids are grown and that I am technically retired IT MAKES all the sense in the world to me that I should seek out only KINGS. Perhaps the man in the tunnel..... But it seems to me that were I to persue men in the other stages I would technically be hustling backwards.

Lately I've met a few men who are probably in the Tunnel phase (i.e. Midlife crises); and or regressing and that is not a Journey I want to take.​
___________________________________ AA on more than one occasion stated that we should not date or judge a man based on his what stage he's in; I believe she said it's akin to objectifying men. She says that we should use our knowledge of the stages to understand what he can/cannot provide and what behaviors he might present. WHAT SAY YOU?

I did find it very interesting that in The Amazing Development of Men she did acknowledge that Women also go through similar stages of development. As far as I know this is the only writing that she mentioned this OBVIOUS point in. It made me wonder if I myself am in the Tunnel.......
Here is a something about her teachings that has me perplexed/befuddled: In consideration of the Development Stages of Men and dating.

Considering my age, that my kids are grown and that I am technically retired IT MAKES all the sense in the world to me that I should seek out only KINGS. Perhaps the man in the tunnel..... But it seems to me that were I to persue men in the other stages I would technically be hustling backwards.

Lately I've met a few men who are probably in the Tunnel phase (i.e. Midlife crises); and or regressing and that is not a Journey I want to take.​
___________________________________ AA on more than one occasion stated that we should not date or judge a man based on his what stage he's in; I believe she said it's akin to objectifying men. She says that we should use our knowledge of the stages to understand what he can/cannot provide and what behaviors he might present. WHAT SAY YOU?

I did find it very interesting that in The Amazing Development of Men she did acknowledge that Women also go through similar stages of development. As far as I know this is the only writing that she mentioned this OBVIOUS point in. It made me wonder if I myself am in the Tunnel.......
From what I heard her say in the audio, treat each man individually and don't discriminate or have preconceived notions of them based on what stage they're in. Basically don't use this info to manipulate men. If a man is interested or if you think he's cute give him a chance even if you want someone in a different stage. He might be just who you need. Who knows? Each man is different.

Women who have careers or businesses tend to be masculinized a bit, including me. As much as I hate to admit it. We go through those phases too. The last guy I dated was a knight. It puzzles me why I attracted him (or young guys in general) then listening to the audio made me realize that I'm in the knight phase too! Right now I wanna enjoy life, have adventures and lots of fun! I'll probably start the prince(ss) :lol: phase in the next few years but for now I just wanna have fun! :lol:
I think it depends on what stage of development you are at as a woman. For example, AA recommended that divorced women date knights for a bit.

The information is a great guide to know the stage your man is in and then go from there. But it also depends on your stage of development as well as woman and whether you are a more masculine style and therefore require a man with more beta qualities.

For me right now, I am in the stage of building so I need a Prince. I need to settle so no knights for sure.

Almond Eyes
One of my male customers at work was being very friendly and talkative. I don't think he was flirting with me but he was definitely trying to show off his accomplishments, languages he spoke, travels, etc... I tried my best not to interrupt him, encouraged him to talk, joked around with him and tried to uplift him as much as I could. When he left 2 of my (older) female coworkers jumped down my throat. They were like: "He's so full of himself. I hate men like him because of I used to date one just like him. What is wrong with you? You were eating up every word he said!" They said all of that in a condescending, you're gullible and stupid let us save you from yourself, kind of tone. At first that hurt my feelings, then I realized that they are frog farmers! They're probably a little bit jealous too. That must be what Kimberlee went through in the book with her female coworkers once she changed.
Great article! I was fortunate enough to meet this man and his wife at a business conference before she passed away. Best marriage I've ever seen hands down!

Choosing who your spouse will be is the second most important personal decision you will ever make in your life. Such a choice should not be rushed or hurried in any way, shape, or form. The single most important decision of your life, of course, is accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and mind as your Lord and Savior.

Wouldn’t you agree that if you are making a choice,…a selection,… of a lifetime mate then you should give that choice some pretty significant and lengthy consideration? A life-long partnership logically should best start off on a solid committed foundation. In all too many cases today, it does not. Choices are made way too quickly without really knowing enough about your selected mate or their personal background, health, likes and dislikes, hobbies and most importantly their maturity levels, physically and emotionally and spiritually. All too many of these “too-speedy unions” of a man and a woman are made based almost totally on physical attractions.

In all human relationships, there are three major foundational elements: 1. Physical, 2. Emotional, 3. Spiritual. For the relationship to grow and prosper and “get better with time,” you will need to have all three elements in place and functioning properly. Otherwise, great danger looms on your horizon.

Studies show that at best, a very weak foundation on which to build a lasting marriage will exist less than half the time. Fewer than half of the marriages today survive. How tragic is that? Sadly the ones hurt the most from a divorce are the children who are produced from such a bad union.

Make absolute certain that your choice of your life-time mate is a good and proper one…not just a lustful physical attraction!

God’s Word tells us that real and lasting LOVE is patient, kind, and never in a hurry. True Love is slow to anger, is respectful and caring, it does not envy, is not provoked and IT NEVER DIES. In other words,…Love is Eternal.

How many of the newly weds today give those God-given parameters much consideration before reacting to the “flutters” of their physical anatomy and propose to a person they really don’t know that well?

Now listen well. The marriage of a man to a woman is the way God wants life to operate and perpetuate itself. Commitment has to be the solid foundation of a loving marriage. All these demands are a very real part of any godly marriage ceremony and vow.

Why So? The reason is the institution of marriage is the very basis of a family. And a family is the bedrock of any society. And only good societies will develop into good and great civilizations. That is Why!

All that having been said, please permit me to tell you the short version of my story as to how all of this discussion happened to me and my bride, Jany. Our vows went like this: “For richer or for poorer, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health,….till death do us part.”

The day after New Years Day in 1967, I was preparing to return to the second semester of my fourth year of college. On this day, I had a life-changing moment with my earthly father. It was the day before my Dad, (who happened to be my very best friend at that time) passed away into eternity. I was struggling with a very perplexing question. I was a young, impressionable, growing-up man in my twentieth year of life. The Viet Nam War was raging and practically all eligible young soon-to-be college graduates were getting drafted into the U. S. Armed Forces and being sent straight to the war zone in Southeast Asia. I asked my very wise father, who happened to be a former World War II U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer,…How will I know when I find Miss Right-for-me? I said Pappy (that is what I called him) “How will I know when I meet the woman who will become my soul-mate, my future wife?”

He just smiled and casually replied…”Don’t worry about it Buckshot,

(that is what he called me) you will know it,… when you meet her.”

I said, “No Dad, that is not what I mean. I am talking about how will I identify the woman who I will one day meet and marry?”

Pappy quickly and curtly replied again, “I said don’t worry about figuring it out, you will know in your heart when you meet her!”

I again replied in an almost whiney tone. “Sorry, Dad, I am not understanding what you mean.” I never was very quick about getting it when it came to girls or women. I went on to say, “Look Pappy, I date a lot of different girls, and after about two dates, they can’t stand me and I feel the exact same about them….NOW, how am I going to know when I meet the right girl for me?”

Dad’s eyes locked right onto mine and he said in a Navy Chief’s verbal command tone…. “ Look Buckshot, I am only going to say it one more time, and this time you listen! You will know it is her when you meet her!” Like I said, I was pretty slow when it came to the subject of women.

I said in a dejected tone, “I just don’t get it Dad. I need something more so as to understand what you are telling me.”

He took me by the hand as he lay in his bed extremely ill and very near death, and with a kind soft tone and a forced smile on his face, he said,

“Look son, if there is any doubt in your mind as to whether or not this is the right one for you….then THAT IS NOT HER!!!”

I immediately shouted back, “OH YEA! I get that Pappy,…I understand that completely! Thanks for the clarity.”

I shook his hand, gave him a hug and a kiss and left my home to return to college. The day after I returned to the University of Idaho, I received a telephone call from mom informing me that dad, had gone home to be with Jesus. I was crushed…to say the least. My very best friend was no longer on this earth for me to talk to, to ask questions, to get sage experienced advice and counsel. My life would be different from that day forward.

A young man needs a good experienced father, particularly in war time. Father-Power is a strong and powerful generation-crossing force.

Let me say to you young men and women, and I will define young as anyone between the ages of say 18 to 80. You are not to worry about finding the right person as a mate. God already has identified them. He has already picked them out for you. It is not for you to find them. God will guide and direct their steps and they will find you! All you have to do is live a righteous life. Love and serve your God and your fellow man and stay out of God’s way. Don’t force the issue. Don’t rush anything. Be patient. Allow God the necessary room so as to let Him work things out and bring the right person into your life. More likely than not, they will come into your life in the most unlikely and out-of-the-blue circumstances and/or conditions. God truly does have a grand sense of humor.

Just remember that God makes no mistakes and His timing is always perfect.

If you have a solid spiritual foundation, a spiritual root to your life, so much the better. If not, don’t worry, He can work with you too…. I do strongly urge you, however, to begin developing such a spiritual root to your life immediately.

Well, so it happened, in the spring time of 1968, this drop dead gorgeous college coed came bouncing into my life, quite unexpectedly and quite emphatically from completely out-of-nowhere. She was a finalist contestant for my fraternity’s Violet Queen contest.

Now here was this about-to-graduate and be commissioned into the U.S. Army, twenty-three year old 2nd. Lieutenant who got knocked head over heels, “love-at-first-sight,” off his feet, by this precious little female beauty, a Princess extraordinaire, a person he had never seen or known before. “Miss Right” had just shown up in my life…out-of-the-blue, and wham!… I knew instantaneously that she was the Right One for me. Just like Pappy had prophesied just a year and half before.

The result…..I graduated and was commissioned in January 1969. We were engaged in April of 1969 and were married on July 19, 1969. A blessed union that was to last for 42 years before the Hand of God intervened on September 11, 2011 and called “My Bride Forever” home to be with Him. Like I previously said….God never makes a mistake and His timing is always perfect.

For those of you who choose to register and become monthly members, i.e. subscribers to I am in the process of preparing a five year series of monthly marriage articles that I know will bless you and your marriage in a myriad of ways. It is my intention to post a marriage article in the Leadership Section of my website in the first week of every month. In addition to this beginning article, and the second article next month which will deal with the beginning of personal relationships between a man and a woman and how they grow into a long term lifetime commitment of marriage. I will call it – In The Beginning. There will be a total of 58 other separate messages that will be posted over the ensuing five years. I desire you to work on the information presented in each month’s article for the entire month. By the end of the first year, a strong and lasting foundation for your marriage will have been well established so as to last an entire lifetime. The remaining four years of additional messages will be spent developing and growing your marriage into what God always intended it to be. Let us all enjoy the journey together….Remember all good and glorious things in life take lots of time to properly establish.

When you know who you really are,….when you know where your are really going and with whom you are going to share your life’s journey, then you can relax, enjoy the peace and joy that comes with your assured confidence, and enjoy each and every step of your life’s journey together. Such was life for and with Dave and Jan Severn.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

Peace and love to all of you….Poppa Bear
I just started reading this and the narrative is killing me! But there are some jewels dropped, so I just skim until it looks like some good insight. Off to read the thread :auto:
@hopeful ITA
I find it hard to remember that things that would seem "basic" to us women are almost foreign to our male counterparts. Like..."babe I understand that you are not a hairy woman but can you not smell the trash?"

Also, if the saying that "we teach men HOW TO treat us" is true....using the example above HOW IN D'WORLD do you (continuously) redirect the ill-received lessons without becoming exhausted (or enraged).
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@hopeful ITA
I find it hard to remember that things that would seem "basic" to us women are almost foreign to our male counterparts. Like..."babe I understand that you are not a hairy woman but can you not smell the trash?"

Also, if the saying that "we teach men HOW TO treat us" as in the example above HOW IN D'WORLD do you (continuously) redirect the ill-received lessons without becoming exhausted (or enraged).

Yes! I'm done. If I'm sweet, sexy, take good care of myself, and I ain't emasculating you, and you love me, then take out the damned trash, comfort me when I'm upset, bring me flowers. Like really, I have to explain everything in detail? I just decided that I'm not about that life.
LMBO I just literally gave up (for now); with a serial texter. Even though I've told him 2x (over 2 weeks ago, and then again 3 days ag0) that texting is not my preferred mode of commo (to put it politely); and he agreed stating that he feels the same. He's slipped right back into serial texting; even arranged tonights date....then tried to reschedule the time ...all via text.
I'd hope to sit down in person and repeat/reiterate my disdain for this type of commo. (it seems to me that he'd like a detailed accounting of my day, and gets upset if I don't respond; I flat out sent him a text informing him that I don't carry on text-covo's with folks while they are at work; YET he still tries it).​

Any-who, he misunderstood my last text regarding tonight's date: it was originally for 8:30, he wanted to meet at 9. I told him that 9 wouldn't do because I was still under the weather and not feeling that great. He took it that I can't make it at all.

No "call", "no date"; and at this point I'm not clarifying a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. I WILL not crawl into the male-communicating-speak-hole to repeat the importance of voice and or in-person communications.
*I've only known him a few weeks, and this would have maybe been our 4/5th date.
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I just started reading this and the narrative is killing me! But there are some jewels dropped, so I just skim until it looks like some good insight. Off to read the thread :auto:
Great decision to read this book! If you can get past the narrative you'll indeed find lots of gems hidden inside. Life changing.
I just started reading this and the narrative is killing me! But there are some jewels dropped, so I just skim until it looks like some good insight. Off to read the thread :auto:
Same here. I hate the stupid story. I wish it was just pure informational with anecdotes like the Five Love Languages. smh. I have just been skimming. :rolleyes:
i agree this is not a book you skip around for tid really have to take your time read one chapter at a time maybe two, let it process and have aha moments..this is not a top then tips to dont wanna skip around in your relationship or rush why do it here...:rose:

Chapter 2 and on. The lessons build on themselves so it's not good to skip around. Hope that helps.
So this weekend I picked up the sword and chopped up my soon to be ex-husband with it. He was very flippant about our children's safety while looking out for the safety of his girlfriend and her child. Our kids are 3 and 5 years old. He was driving around with them in single cab Ford Ranger truck while his girlfriend has the car with their seats transporting her daughter. This vehicle is not meant to transport kids that small as they aren't able to be properly secured in their seats. Our 3 year old is 30lbs. I took the kids out of the truck and had to explain to my 5 year old that the truck is not safe for them and that Mommy has to ensure their safety at all times. I went off on him and told both him and her that my children's safety is not to be played with.
He of course thinks I'm making a big deal because I want him back. I haven't spoken this much patois in nearly 17 years - I was raised in Jamaica. I had to clearly tell him that I don't want him; there is nothing about him that moves me and when I look at him I see ugly from the inside out.
I had to remind him that I am not the same person he was with. Oh, he's also told her (the girlfriend) that our 3 year old is the result of a failed vasectomy. This came back to me from a friend of mine she told. I made sure to address that as well and asked her to please stop telling people this as our 2 kids were very much planned. I said this with him there as I know he's the one telling her these things.
For months I made every effort to communicate with him differently as I knew if I ever touched a button he would hit so far below the belt I wouldn't know what hit me (he forgives nothing). Right now he is upset because I told him to never come back to my home. That from now on we can meet at neutral place to pick up and drop off the kids. He cannot deal with not know what's going on in my life and me creating boundaries to protect myself is not something he is used to.
He is a classic narcissist and I am a former co-dependent. Our relationship nearly drove me insane.
@hopeful it has taken me so long to break the chain of codependency and I can't believe how freeing it is. Of course he isn't speaking to me which really is a welcomed break for me. Speaking with him can be so draining. For the first time in the almost 14 years I've known him I can clearly see him for exactly who he is. I'm just praying that we can get before the judge quickly (court system here is backed up) and put an end to this once and for all.
@Kim0105 Big Hugs from a fellow co-dependent. It does my heart well to read that you see it and him for "what it is" and have taken steps to break the cycle......hopefully this will prevent your children from repeating the cycle.
Forgive me for LOL'ing at your "I haven't spoken this much patois in nearly 17 years - I was raised in Jamaica. I had to clearly tell him that I don't want him; there is nothing about him that moves me and when I look at him I see ugly from the inside out." statement I had to read it more than once before I got it. I'm sure both he and she "get's it" now. It's unfortunate that SHE didn't exercise the maternal skills to protect the safety of your children, that was a read on the type of non-mothering role model she'd be should she stick around. Consider yourself warned.
@Kim0105 Big Hugs from a fellow co-dependent. It does my heart well to read that you see it and him for "what it is" and have taken steps to break the cycle......hopefully this will prevent your children from repeating the cycle.
Forgive me for LOL'ing at your "I haven't spoken this much patois in nearly 17 years - I was raised in Jamaica. I had to clearly tell him that I don't want him; there is nothing about him that moves me and when I look at him I see ugly from the inside out." statement I had to read it more than once before I got it. I'm sure both he and she "get's it" now. It's unfortunate that SHE didn't exercise the maternal skills to protect the safety of your children, that was a read on the type of non-mothering role model she'd be should she stick around. Consider yourself warned.

One of the things I told him when he got with her is to look at how people are with their kids as they won't treat yours any better. He's told me that she doesn't even want to spend time with her own child. She has 2 children and her son doesn't want to live with her as she has a track record of choosing men over her children. The only reason she has her daughter with her is my soon to be ex is ok with having the child around.
He isn't thinking as he's just fine with having someone because he doesn't want to be alone. He told me a few weeks ago that he knows his situation with her isn't good but it's better then being alone. That's the saddest thing I've heard in a while. He basically found the first person he could to latch onto and she was it.
I haven't spoken this much patois in nearly 17 years - I was raised in Jamaica. I had to clearly tell him that I don't want him; there is nothing about him that moves me and when I look at him I see ugly from the inside out.

You tell him bout him 'claat? :look:
Jk. But I feel you, when I am mad and want my words to 'cut', I revert to patois too. It's such an expressive dialect :look::).
We need to jump start this awesome thread again! I'm almost finished KTTK. Can we discuss more tangible ways of appreciating men? What does appreciating men look like in your life? What words do you use? What gestures?
For me it's listening to them without interruption and assuming they have a good reason for what they do. I give them the benefit of the doubt. If a man keeps messing up after I've told him how I feel when he does a certain thing then I cut him off. At that point it's clear to me that he doesn't care about me or my feelings. Most men are good. I won't punish all men just because a small percentage of their brethren are jerks.
CaribeanDiva, I have been doing really good at not interrupting and I find out that is truly builds confidence in men that you listen.

One of my best girlfriend tells me that she defies all of what AA says in the Queen's Code and her husband is a great catch that isn't going anywhere. Sometimes, that can be so frustrating that yes there are many women who still got married anyway despite their frog farming ways. My friend said she has broken every AA rule and her husband is wealthy and is a quiet and humble man. When she gets upset she will yell at him in front of me. Believe you me, I am telling you he isn't going anywhere and he adores his wife. Some men love the drama. It keeps them on their toes.

My question is this, okay you don't want to interrupt but at the same time you can't just sit there like a dodo bird letting the man just talk non stop; how does one do that. Or do you just let him talk because either he is a talker or he is an egoist so at that point if he doesn't ask you anything about yourself you know it could be a done deal.

On the flip side, I used to date a guy who didn't like to talk one on one, he liked being in crowds where his ego could be stroked. I would compensate by talking way too much when we were one on one when all along he was just happy to sit in silence and answer my questions and have me listen. It's okay not to talk to fill air and just for those first few dates listen and ask questions and compliment and smile.

Almond Eyes
CaribeanDiva, I have been doing really good at not interrupting and I find out that is truly builds confidence in men that you listen.

One of my best girlfriend tells me that she defies all of what AA says in the Queen's Code and her husband is a great catch that isn't going anywhere. Sometimes, that can be so frustrating that yes there are many women who still got married anyway despite their frog farming ways. My friend said she has broken every AA rule and her husband is wealthy and is a quiet and humble man. When she gets upset she will yell at him in front of me. Believe you me, I am telling you he isn't going anywhere and he adores his wife. Some men love the drama. It keeps them on their toes.

My question is this, okay you don't want to interrupt but at the same time you can't just sit there like a dodo bird letting the man just talk non stop; how does one do that. Or do you just let him talk because either he is a talker or he is an egoist so at that point if he doesn't ask you anything about yourself you know it could be a done deal.

On the flip side, I used to date a guy who didn't like to talk one on one, he liked being in crowds where his ego could be stroked. I would compensate by talking way too much when we were one on one when all along he was just happy to sit in silence and answer my questions and have me listen. It's okay not to talk to fill air and just for those first few dates listen and ask questions and compliment and smile.

Almond Eyes
Some women will still get men despite their frog farming ways. That ain't ever gonna change. I don't know about the quality of those relationships though. Why settle for good enough treatment when I can get treated even better? That's how I think anyway.

As for not interrupting men, I go with the flow. I've dated both introverts and extroverts. Listen without interrupting really does allow me to see what type of man he is. If he likes to talk just to hear himself talk and doesn't care to ask me anything about myself or how I'm doing, then I have my answer. I found even quiet men like to talk about what's important to them. The key is to ask them questions and then let them talk! Then ask follow up questions based on what he said. That's what works for me.