I’m not really in the dating zone (mood) right now so I’m going to try to respond diplomatically.
1. In another post you stated that your crush will be there.
a. Remember and keep in mind what AA says about how “we” act/contort our true selves when we are [fawning] over a particular guy.
2. Regarding sorting. Aside from the characteristics of your crush; I’d suggest you actually type out what characteristics you actually like in a mate, along with a few questions you could ask to determine if a the attendee has potential.
a. Of course you won’t take this list with you, but by doing this and rehearsing the questions; you’ll develop and memorize a few good talking points to help you sort.
i. In my case I’m looking for wit, intelligence, honesty, and of course a sense of humor. You could use a calculated current event question to determine his views, sentiment, and of course honesty; and rule out the “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” personalities.
Notes from In Sych and TQC:
A man’s opinions are formed from 2 sources. His values (qualities that express his identity of how he is as a person and a man); AND trusted information”. **Don’t challenge them on it but softly acknowledge that you see things a little differently, and ask if they are receptive to hearing it.
3. Regarding positioning yourself to be somehow engaged by your crush ….see #1. [Or yes, be direct approach him; tell him iyou plan to mingle for a minute or too (as is appropriate) but that you’d like to pick his brain on something….over drinks…. Not in a flirtatious manner but in a “Hey it’s good to see you (familiar face), let’s catch up” way. ….That’s all I got for now….
I typed #3 then turned on my audible book marks to the spot where she says that
“Hunters (he)don’t ask other Hunters (she0 out”. Be careful with that positioning..........