The one that (almost) got away


New Member
I went to school with this guy, xx years ago.

We were both very innocent and sheltered and when we met, I thought that was my huzzband!

An external tragic event put time and distance (real and emotional) between us. He finally married someone else in '93, and when I found out, I married someone the following year.

He has been trying to speak to me for the last 5 years, but I tend to get crazy mad and emotional, yelling at him. He tends to keep his distance when I blow up and say really crazy awful things to him. But he always checks back in with me for the holidays.

I have been still angry that he married someone else. "I don't get involved with married men. I don't even want to talk to you. I don't want to get emotionally tied to someone unavailable. There is no purpose. We cannot be friends. Don't call me!" We have seen each other over the years, for lunch, but never talked about what mattered. I was just maintaining my anger, arguing with him, he gives up and takes me yelling, we eat and leave.

I was speaking from statistical information, not speaking from my experience with him. He really is a good man. Maybe I should have known he was not lying about his marital status just to get some play.

Turns out, he was separated 5 years ago and divorced 2 years ago. I'm still glad I gave him his space. And a marriage of 15 years (with kids) needs some getting over - a lot, actually.

In the midst of my tantrums, I didn't hear him. (mind you, this is not my normal behavior. current friends are surprised that I act this way. I never lose control of my emotions)

Last night, I finally just sat down with him, listened and talked and we had 5 good hours of open conversation that I never felt confident enough for when I was a college freshman. (I never would have talked like this to a married man, either) This has been some 20 years.

Has anyone ever recycled really old draws? (j/k - we both met and parted as virgins.)

I need advice.
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Oh please keep us updated!

I am falling for someone from the past and feel so frustrated and I don't want to amke a mistake.

How was your relationship with this guy when you were together years ago?
No, I'm single. (divorced)

We were friends, but had crushes on each other. Both shy. We met through a couple and I was the girl's friend and he was the guy's friend. They were having SEX and we were just two shy dorks in their circle. We would blush when they started talking about their activities.
The couple always tried to push us together, but we were too shy.

But I used to go on road trips with him all the time. He would invite me if he had to go home (45 minutes away.) We spent a lot of quiet time together (in the car, lol). I liked it because he couldn't see me if I looked at him. We went out to Bennigans once and the waitress was like, "I have never seen a more perfect couple." (tip-whore!) When I moved out of state, (3 hours away) he came to see me a couple of times. We were usually always arguing, though. But he has definitely always been a constant, especially at the holidays.

My mother looooved him.

I always thought I would marry him, but outside events interrupted that. Then I moved to another state (24 hours drive away) and he called 3 years later to ask me to come to his wedding! I said I would, but then I just started crying. I couldn't do it. The movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" was playing and I went to it and just cried in the empty theatre.

I immediately called a stalker ex and told him we should get married!! We got married the next year.
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No, I'm single. (divorced)

We were friends, but had crushes on each other. Both shy. We met through a couple and I was the girl's friend and he was the guy's friend. They were having SEX and we were just two shy dorks in their circle. We would blush when they started talking about their activities.
The couple always tried to push us together, but we were too shy.

But I used to go on road trips with him all the time. He would invite me if he had to go home (45 minutes away.) We spent a lot of quiet time together (in the car, lol). I liked it because he couldn't see me if I looked at him. We went out to Bennigans once and the waitress was like, "I have never seen a more perfect couple." (tip-whore!) When I moved out of state, (3 hours away) he came to see me a couple of times. We were usually always arguing, though. But he has definitely always been a constant, especially at the holidays.

My mother looooved him.

I always thought I would marry him, but outside events interrupted that. Then I moved to another state (24 hours drive away) and he called 3 years later to ask me to come to his wedding! I said I would, but then I just started crying. I couldn't do it. The movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" was playing and I went to it and just cried in the empty theatre.

I immediately called a stalker ex and told him we should get married!! We got married the next year.

aaawwwww! :drunk: Go for it Choppybob! :yep: Sounds like it was meant to be and you guys were given a second chance :)
You know what they say if they come back around, it's meant to be.

Oh how I wish I could find this guy from my freshman year. He was there for me more than my many boyfriends from that year. Always sweet, always a gentleman. Too bad I couldn't appreciate that then.
This is so sweet. That is why I am going to hold on to the guy I met as a college freshman :)...we have only been together for 5 years though.
Keep us posted on the outcome ChoppyBob. I say give it a try!

JewelleNY, Im currently falling for someone in my past and i have no clue how to handle it. And like you said, it is VERY frustrating that i do not know what to do. I am just trying to play it cool and not get hurt.
Awww...I love stories like this one.
SO and I were high school sweethearts, but broke up freshman year of college because he felt like he needed to "experience more". Two years later, we met up again randomly and like you, I had A LOT of anger, frustration and curse words for him. We got back together though and will be married next year. The separation allowed both of us to grow and our relationship now is way stronger than it was before. While we weren't together, I would call my mom crying because I missed him so much and she would say "If you love something, let it go...if it comes back, it's yours". I truly believe that now and wish you much happiness in your situation.
Mrs.Watson, are going to make me cry. I am sooo thinking about my past that i have feelings for. I just do not know how to approach him yet.

I love your story!
Awww...I love stories like this one.
SO and I were high school sweethearts, but broke up freshman year of college because he felt like he needed to "experience more". Two years later, we met up again randomly and like you, I had A LOT of anger, frustration and curse words for him. We got back together though and will be married next year. The separation allowed both of us to grow and our relationship now is way stronger than it was before. While we weren't together, I would call my mom crying because I missed him so much and she would say "If you love something, let it go...if it comes back, it's yours". I truly believe that now and wish you much happiness in your situation.

The bolded sounds like us. I wanted to "experience more." But only because the friends were making fun of my being so innocent.

I love your story. It gives me hope. And he still looks at me like he always did. But I am going to go slowly and carefully.

I think he may be hiding some big scars from that marriage. She was quite abusive, from what I hear. Physically and emotionally. But I am only hearing one side, so I reserve judgement. I never lived with him, so I don't know.

When this song came out, I lost it. Talk about being haunted!!
Awww...I love stories like this one.
SO and I were high school sweethearts, but broke up freshman year of college because he felt like he needed to "experience more". Two years later, we met up again randomly and like you, I had A LOT of anger, frustration and curse words for him. We got back together though and will be married next year. The separation allowed both of us to grow and our relationship now is way stronger than it was before. While we weren't together, I would call my mom crying because I missed him so much and she would say "If you love something, let it go...if it comes back, it's yours". I truly believe that now and wish you much happiness in your situation.

Aww, your story gives me hope! Growing pains are the worst but you learn alot from it.